Death Compensation

Chapter 568 Make trouble! Make trouble! Make trouble! !

Chapter 568 Make trouble! Make trouble! Make trouble! !

After he woke up, his ability had undergone a second stage of change, possessing some kind of 'repression' attribute.

But when he checked his body, he didn't find any traces of those pieces of meat.

Therefore, the suppression ability of the void device is likely to come from a living life form.

The previous void device was nothing more than a signal transmitter, allowing the life body to locate that place, then use the ability, and prompt how much power to use.

"A void monster? Or an E-level enhancer?" It's okay to say if the void device is some kind of technology, but the source of the void device is a living body.

Before Lu Bai came, there should be only these two kinds of life forms capable of displaying special abilities.

Even if there is a third type, it is probably closely related to the first two.

For example, it is similar to the Prosperity Enhancer, which is not the same as the previous two, but it is just the existence of the same thing with different paths.

But the problem is that that thing is unlikely to be an E-level enhancer. After all, E-level enhancers need world death elements, and the number of this thing is indeed limited.

Lu Bai also roughly judged that with the size of this dimension, there are at most twelve death elements in the world.

And if it's an E-level void monster, it's even more impossible. Except for the Prosperity Enhancer, no one can use it now.

Even Lu Bai was successful only after accepting the help of C30. Obviously, the guards didn't know enough about Prosperity Enhancers.

"Could it be that there is something special?"

Lu Bai is very interested in this, and the secrets of this world may be further revealed in front of him.

So Lu Bai immediately arranged manpower, ready to assault that area.

The troublesome part is that that area is right next to the headquarters building of the guards. Once a problem is found there, it is estimated that most of the D-level enhancers and those E-level enhancers will be able to dispatch.

Even if there were no tides in it, Lu Bai would not think that he could really hit seven with one.

The main body is still raising a fetus, so it is not suitable to go out. The only ones who can go out for activities are the incarnation of the demon and other incarnations that appear by borrowing objects.

Among the celestial demons, several holders of secondary authority can be dispatched, and two celestial demons can also be dispatched.

Instead, you can contact Luo Cheng appropriately, that guy is probably very interested in it.

"We must find a way to lure people away."

Lu Bai's eyes naturally turned to a cabinet next to him.

After opening the cabinet, Saturn, who was in an obsessive state, was sitting inside with his eyes blank, calling Jupiter's name in a daze.

During this period of time, the guards have been trying to find ways to get Saturn back from Lu Bai.

Including but not limited to espionage, siege, theft, negotiation and other means.

In order to prevent Saturn from being stolen back, Lu Bai simply stuffed him in his closet.

No matter how others steal, they dare not steal from Lu Bai.

It's just that Saturn's deterrence is getting smaller and smaller now.

Before, Lu Bai was able to use Saturn to deter the opponent and keep the opponent in peace.

But now the reason why he can still intimidate the other party basically depends on Lu Bai's move to disable Chao Chao.

What happens to Saturn basically doesn't matter.

Anyway, one E-level enhancer has already died, and it seems not unacceptable to die another one.

It is precisely because of this decline in deterrence that there will be wars between the guards and mutual aid associations.

So Lu Bai prepared to use the Saturn card first when it became more and more difficult to use.

"Go and pass on the news to the guards, and ask them to send a few people over to deal with the Saturn problem."

For a single Saturn, it is estimated that at most it can only attract two or three E-level enhancers.

Currently, the guards have seven E-level enhancers, among which Tidal can't do anything, and Pluto is considered a half ghost.

According to Luo Cheng, after becoming an eight-day star, Pluto is no longer trustworthy, but he can threaten one or two things with the previous things.

In other words, the guards now have five high-end combat powers, and out of these five, two or three are going to trade for Saturn, and the remaining combat power is actually not that much.

But it's not stable yet.

"It's in the previous prison. If you change people, ask the guards to hand over the most vicious D-level enhancers during this period."

"By the way, ask for a lot of supplies."

To act is to do a full set. Lu Bai’s goal is to use the void device, but now he is really thinking about the issue of using Saturn to create more value.

Because only in this way, the guards will feel Lu Bai's seriousness, and thus invest the most manpower and material resources in this matter.

Things were quickly arranged.

In the Mutual Aid Association, the Heavenly Demons also began to mobilize.

Soon the guards got the relevant information, and combined with the insider who was placed in the mutual aid association, they immediately made a judgment.

During this period of time, the guards have put too much pressure on the Mutual Aid Association.

So the Mutual Aid Association wants to use this method to suppress the guards and use Saturn to file down the morale of the guards.

Are their guards the kind who would hand over their own people in exchange for benefits?

There is only one answer to this: yes!

So ten D-class members, including the long-haired man and the short-haired man, together with a series of supplies, were tied up after the guard meeting was over.

Because during this period of time, they hunted and killed the members of the mutual aid society, attracting too much hatred.

Especially the long-haired man, like a psychopath, likes to control the other person's body and create all kinds of human tragedies.

His companion, the inch-headed man, was definitely implicated.

Of course, binding is not purely binding, there must be some kind of order to play by ear.

The restraints on their bodies all have a one-button unlock switch.

At that time, as long as something is wrong, just press the switch, and ten more combat power will be immediately available.

It's normal to make small moves in this kind of thing, and it's a problem if you don't make small moves.

The day of the deal is fast approaching.

Under the surveillance of the satellite, Lu Bai also appeared at the trading place, and at the same time the trading item Saturn also appeared on a flat cart.

After confirming that Saturn is true and correct, the transaction is officially started.

The materials were transferred step by step to the people of the Heavenly Demons. Ten people, together with Neptune who was apparently escorted, came in front of Lu Bai.

At this moment, Lu Bai set up a chessboard on the spot.

He pretended to be a master without saying a word, waved his hand a little forcefully, and made a gesture of invitation, wanting to play a game of chess with Neptune.

Lu Bai is also very interested in Neptune.

Mercury is Uncle Yu's loyal dog and also the person he trusts most.

Jin Xing is a bitch who can be fucked by anyone, and her appearance corrupted by desire probably doesn't have too many secrets.

Uranus is actually the kindest of all, because he most rejects the void zero-point energy and the death elements of the world in his body, so he is the weakest.

The love-hate relationship between Saturn and Jupiter does not require too much thought, and the two are not the material for playing tricks.

With this kind of insects who only know love and hatred, how can they do a good job of conspiracy?

So as long as you hold on to Saturn's life gate, Jupiter's danger is not too great. Lu Bai is sure that this guy is nearby now.

Mars Mars is now his own.

Although the earth-moon system tide is strong, it is currently in a state of being titled by Lu Bai.

Pluto is a younger brother, in every sense of the word.

So except for those people, there is only Neptune, some of which Lu Bai can't see through.

This girl in pajamas was sitting opposite Lu Bai at the moment, and she wasn't in a hurry to make a deal, but she didn't play chess either.

She looked at Lu Bai sleepily, as if she was blaming Lu Bai for making a deal and wasting her rest time.

The bad news is that besides Jupiter secretly following, the other person who came over was Pluto Yue Ming.

That is to say, there are still three top combat forces left in the guard headquarters, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus.

Counting the possible manpower dispatched by Mars and Luo Cheng, Lu Bai is still three top combat forces.

But it is also unstable.

After all, who knows what that void device is, if it is also a combat power.

The good news is that Uranus is also in the queue to stay behind.

It is really happy to have a parallel importer.

So Lu Bai thought about it and activated the backup plan.

In the dimly lit house, a girl in a rubber suit and a black mask stood pretty not far from Lu Bai.

As Lu Bai's secret hole card, C30 is really going to be deployed this time.

Of course, there is still a problem here.

That is Mars, this guy can be regarded as the mother-killing enemy of C30.

At the beginning, C30's mother was pregnant. She didn't know whether it was for the child or for some reason. She chose to accept the D-level enhancement in a favorable situation.

Then this strengthening was extended to C30's body, and even the gel coat formed by her mother's corresponding void monster covered her body.

The Mars people also imprisoned C30 for more than ten years.

This can be said to be a life and death enmity.

And on the other hand, it is estimated that Mars is obsessed with C30. If the two are allowed to be together, problems will easily arise.

"So after that, you hide on the side. I told you to take action again. If you have a chance, you will sneak attack on Mars for revenge!"

Regarding Lu Bai's words, C30 nodded fiercely, expressing that he knew.

Then he waved and summoned a void monster.

This void monster is humanoid, with a tall body, and a huge crack opened in its chest. When the crack opened, there was nothing inside except the darkness.

C30 skillfully hid in, and then sewed up the crack on his chest. The Void Monster put on a military overcoat and a white mask, and followed behind Lu Bai.

This is how the C30 camouflages itself.

The ability of this humanoid void monster is also very interesting. Before the crack in its chest is opened, unless there is an extremely in-depth study of the void monster, it is difficult to find that the other party is a void monster.

The aura that belongs to the monster itself is well hidden.

The first update, and the second update later.

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