Death Compensation

Chapter 599 Everyone Has Everyone's Death

Chapter 599 Everyone Has Everyone's Death

People are in the tower, and the tower is the mother!

This is really Uncle Yu's current mentality.

There are five signal tower-like devices, two of which are genuine, and the other three are empty cities because of insufficient materials.

Although one of these two signal towers remains, it can still achieve Uncle Yu's goal.

But this error tolerance rate is plummeting.

As for Lu Bo's proposed demon, Uncle Yu can understand it with his own duodenum.

Once he becomes a demon, his life must be in Lu Bai's hands.

Not to mention whether he can really obtain eternal life, at least he will be a slave to Lu Bai for sure.

Because that's what Uncle Yu does. If you want to become a strengthener, you have to be under my control.

Over the years, I don't know how many enhancers who refused to accept the control were killed by Uncle Yu.

People like Ding Yan, who knew the truth about the zero-point energy of the void and wanted to turn against others, died batch after batch.

The Guard is an extremely eye-catching organization, and the previous publicity work has been done well. Many people think that the Guard is a superhero organization that maintains world peace.

I don't know how many capable and thoughtful young people want to join the guard.

However, after these people entered the escort team, they would find that the escort team was completely different from what they thought.

It's full of problems.

Unspoken rules, intra-team bullying, etc. are even more common.

As a result, some of these outstanding young people were corrupted and became corrupt members of the guard system.

And some disappeared silently during resistance or escape.

The inch-cut man hanging on the wall dying at this moment is the first of them.

Originally, he was very similar to Ding Yan, a young man with ideals and ambitions.

Even after joining the Guard, he suffered all kinds of bullying, but he still wanted to change the corrupt situation within the Guard.

Then he knelt down, kneeling at the level of D-level enhancement. He didn't have the courage to accept death like Ding Yan, so he chose to resist death and accepted the zero-point energy of the void.

In this way, he became the maintainer of this system.

The long-haired man was the one who bullied him before, and after the short-haired man became a D-level enhancer, he became his senior and teammate.

For the perverse and cruel behavior of the long-haired man, he was not used to it at the beginning, but now he is gradually numb.

Then he was dragged down by the long-haired man, traded to Lu Bai, and then became a monster.

The previous him seemed to have another him in his mind, and he would only obey the orders of others to charge.

However, as his body gradually developed problems, the other personality seemed to gradually collapse, which allowed him to recover a little thinking ability.

He hung on the wall, because he was trapped in a mechanism, he was lucky to escape the sulfuric acid rain.

It's just that he would rather not have this luck.

He is neither human nor ghost, it seems that he can only wait here for his body to collapse, and then die in this situation.

This reminded the short-haired man of the near-death experience he had experienced during his C-level enhancement, as if his body collapsed and died.

It's just that one is because of problems with the enhancement of Void Zero Point, and the other is because of problems with Lu Bai's demon-like transformation.

After going around in a circle, he seems to have returned to this way of death.

This made the inch-headed man feel that there really seemed to be a destiny in the dark.

At this moment, as his body gradually collapsed, he gradually sensed something.

A person who is called evil, died because of the 'good deed' of helping his teammates.

The man named Jiang Ming died after his throat was crushed.

This is fate.

"Huh?" Lu Bai raised his eyebrows in the distance, and his eyes fell on the inch-cut man.

"I didn't expect that there are still people who can sense cause and effect." Lu Bo suddenly became interested in the other party.

Under cause and effect, the promotion of karma is fate.

There is nothing unusual about the inch-headed man, otherwise he would not have been made into a monster by Lu Bai at will.

But life is like this, even death cannot hinder the brilliance of a person's soul.

Before you are completely engulfed by the nether world, the light is still dazzling in everyone's soul.

Just like when Lu Bo died, his soul was dark and dazzling.

The same is true for the inch-headed man. Before he died, he had his own enlightenment and sensed the causal information in the dark.

And this touch caught Lu Bai's attention.

So the cause and effect changed again.

I saw that the black lines on his body that were gradually disappearing suddenly began to deepen, and then became more refined and mysterious.

The expression of the inch-headed man who had been quietly waiting for death changed, and he found that his body had suddenly stabilized.

With a feeling in his heart, he raised his head and looked into the distance. Over there, there was a smile on Lu Bai's face.

It was Lu Bo who saved him.

"Sure enough, fate is too wonderful." The inch-cut man felt bitter in his heart.

Because you are going to die, you understand your destiny.

But it was precisely because of this that it fell into Lu Bai's eyes.

Lu Bai is by no means a benevolent gentleman, falling into his hands may be more uncomfortable than death.

Misfortunes and blessings are really hard to guess.

The cropped man's thoughts did not affect the battle on the roof, nor did it affect Venus on the other side.

At this time, Uncle Yu can be said to have given the order to die.

Venus also didn't care about Ye Ge and her own image.

With golden radiance shining on his body, Venus had to spit out the gold flakes.

While yelling at everyone in his heart, letting himself show this unladylike form, he manipulated the sulfuric acid cloud to wrap himself and lift himself into the air.

Venus' ability is reflected in the corrosive effect of the sulfuric acid cloud, so although it can use the sulfuric acid cloud to make itself fly.

However, the flying speed is not fast, and at the same time, you need to pay attention to the direction of flying.

If one accidentally bumped into Uncle Yu's signal tower, I am afraid that the enemy would not need to destroy it, and most of the signal tower would be corroded and melted away.

With Uncle Yu's petty vengeance, he will definitely pay a heavy price for himself.

And the main ability of the sulfuric acid cloud is reflected in the aspect of corrosion. It needs a large amount of sulfuric acid cloud to fly with itself.

So even the cloud of sulfuric acid surrounding Ye Ge was taken away by Venus.

At this time, her heart of molesting the little brother also faded.

But at this moment, the target she gave up took the initiative to find him.

At the moment Venus was about to take off, Venus sensed a person breaking into the cloud of sulfuric acid.

The skin all over his body was corroded, and Ye Ge, like a piece of dried beef, rushed into it with a broken blade in his hand.

The eyes with yellow pus seemed to still have some vision left.

The cloud of sulfuric acid that could have completely melted him was slightly blocked by Duan Ren's power at this moment, and did not fully exert its 'aggressiveness'.

Ye Ge must die under the broken blade, this is the last stubbornness of this weapon.

Using this power, Ye Ge saved his life.

Although his appearance was extremely miserable, he still rushed towards Venus.

"Ah!!!" However, the moment she saw Ye Ge, Venus screamed, as if she saw something extremely frightening.

Venus has killed many people since her debut, and many people were melted by sulfuric acid clouds in front of her, and she will not overreact.

On the contrary, it was Ye Ge's melting skin that made Venus completely lose his mind due to fear.

She screamed and controlled the cloud of sulfuric acid to climb quickly, but Ye Ge rushed over and grabbed her ankle.

The layer of protection wrapped around Venus made Ye Ge's hands sizzling with corrosion.

A large amount of thick smoke emerged from the palm and merged into this cloud of sulfuric acid.

Venus looked at Ye Ge in horror, struggling continuously, the ankle protection peeled off a lot at this moment, revealing a state similar to Ye Ge's at the moment.

Seeing this scene, Venus became more and more terrified, and the sulfuric acid cloud he manipulated kept changing.

It is constantly moving gracefully under the building.

At this time, Venus had already forgotten Uncle Yu's order, and now she only had one thought, which was to throw Ye Ge away.

To be precise, I no longer see Ye Ge like this.

Because that's what she looks like now.

Venus, known as the most beautiful woman in the world, after accepting the death element of the world, her body was affected by the death element.

This is a very normal thing.

After all, it is the death element of the world, and it is impossible to pay for it after accepting it.

For example, the body temperature of Uranus is much lower than that of ordinary people.

Mercury was originally very tall, but now it has become short.

Jupiter's original temperament was not so changeable. After becoming Jupiter, his temperament gradually became so volatile and divided.

It's all a price.

It's just that the price of Venus is more serious.

Her body was flooded with sulfuric acid, and her own skin was corroded.

In reality, she is like an old beef, dry and astringent, with a lot of yellow liquid flowing all over her body, she is much uglier than the current Ye Ge.

It is also because of this that she uses the refraction ability of the sulfuric acid cloud almost all the time to interfere with the light, so that her image on the outside has always been that carefully carved appearance.

This appearance of Ye Ge made Venus panic when looking in the mirror, because she saw her own reality.

At this moment, Ye Ge felt like he was in a rough sea, he was like a small boat, constantly rippling with the sulfuric acid cloud.

He could only hold on to Venus' feet tightly, and hug them up bit by bit.

This rude behavior further broke Venus' protective camouflage, and under the protection of Duan Ren, Ye Ge might be corroded for a while.

This is simply the biggest nightmare for Venus.

Seeing her disguise being broken bit by bit, Venus gradually calmed down.

If her real body was revealed, it would be even more terrifying, so she reacted.

A large amount of sulfuric acid cloud began to condense, converging towards Venus, the corrosive power hit Ye Ge's hand, the arm that was still able to hold on melted instantly, and Ye Ge's body fell downward.

The broken blade had already fallen off due to the melting of the arm, and fell to the ground first. The hilt happened to be stuck in a hole corroded by the sulfuric acid cloud, with the broken blade facing upwards.

Ye Ge fell on it and was pierced by the broken blade.

But at this moment, Venus seemed to hear someone shouting.

It seems to be calling--

"Master Venus, be careful!"

The air blade with blue light cuts and opens up a passage.

Xiang Fei, who fell from the sky, fell down the passage, feeling the wind with his hands spread out, like a pair of wings.

Then twisted the body in a high-speed rotation, all the vitality was burned on the legs, and kicked Venus on the head.

With a "click", Venus' neck was stretched a lot, and his eyes were dangling, and instantly became cloudy.

A large amount of pus-yellow sulfuric acid clouds burst out, and Xiang Fei, who flew down, was the first to be among them. He was instantly corroded and died in the air.

Venus fell to the ground, the protection on his body was completely dissipated, and his ugly posture was clearly evident.

The second change, 3300 words, good night everyone.

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