Death Compensation

Chapter 600 Human Poison

Chapter 600 Human Poison

"This is Venus!!!"

Among the members of the guard who rushed to support, one who was lucky enough to have a good time with him suddenly rolled in his stomach, and began to vomit non-stop with an uh sound.

It is really that the body of Venus is too permeable.

His whole body was thin and skinless, his body was uneven, and his muscles were covered with red pustules, like an old sausage.

From time to time those pustules would ooze copious amounts of sulfuric pus with a sour smell.

This thing is put in a horror movie without any soundtrack or foreshadowing, and it can scare many people there.

Especially at this moment, half of the head was broken by Xiang Fei kicking his life, and a large amount of pus was spraying out from the broken neck.

The Heavenly Demon Blue Butterfly who was not far away could only retreat quickly.

Immediately after Venus died, the sky darkened, and the clouds that came out of the wind looked like a storm was about to come.

Then, almost immediately after the clouds came, yellowish and smelly acid rain fell.

This kind of change is not just in Rencang, but everywhere.

The most uncomfortable one was Jupiter at the guard headquarters.

There is actually a hidden connection between the E-level enhancers. For example, he once attacked Saturn, and obtained part of the world death elements belonging to Saturn from him, which strengthened his own cloud belt movement.

But the movement of the cloud belt can be strengthened by other death elements, and naturally it will also be affected by other death elements.

And what can affect Jupiter is the world death element of Venus.

Sulfuric acid cloud symbolizing air pollution greenhouse effect and more.

This can further contaminate JoVE's control over cloud bands.

"Bastard!" Jupiter scolded angrily. Although Uncle Yu looked serious, he was not worried.

After glancing at Jupiter, he thought, maybe this is the best outcome.

The news came from the other side just now that Luo Sheng successfully completed the E-level enhancement and became a new E-level enhancer.

With the new card Luo Sheng, the card Venus can already be played.

While playing, it can also make Jupiter settle down.

Recently, it may be that Saturn has stood by his side again, which gave Jupiter some ideas.

He was originally such a bold and ambitious person.

Now sacrificing Venus, wiped out all Lu Bai's middle and upper-level subordinates, leaving only one demon.

At the same time, it also restricted Jupiter's more thoughts and held them firmly in his hands.

It can also kill another E-level enhancer to promote the world's illness.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

"Let Luo Sheng go to the rescue!" Uncle Yu calmly issued this order.

Everything under control!

On the other side, Lu Bai looked at all this and the acid rain that was about to spread, shook his head, and stood up: "Let's go, today's goal has been achieved."

"Go back and offer a head of lettuce, and see who will live longer than Uncle Yu and the lettuce."

Lu Bai clapped his hands, and a large number of ripples appeared in the surrounding void, and several void monsters emerged from it out of thin air. The remaining members of the Heavenly Demons immediately gathered up the corpses of their teammates, followed Lu Bai's pace, and left here.

When Luo Sheng appeared here through the third type of movement, all he saw was Lu Bai's back.

For a moment, Luo Sheng was about to catch up.

But Uncle Yu's voice came from the new headset again.

"Stop chasing!"

Uncle Yu seemed to be in a bad mood at the moment.

Lu Bai finally showed him his tricks, which made his mentality of seeing ghosts come out again.

He originally thought that he had schemed against Yue Sheng, but now it seems that Yue Sheng's affairs are full of puzzles.

Now he thinks that he plotted Lu Bai, but judging from Lu Bai's ability to summon the void monster at the end, Lu Bai still has other powers hidden.

This is wrong.

But after Uncle Yu thought about it carefully, he found no other problems.

However, it was this kind of non-problem question that made him feel as if he had been fooled.

The real point is not to fool, but to 'seem'.

This feeling of uncertainty is like others are playing you for a fool, and you don't know it.

This feeling of being excluded even though you are clearly involved is what Uncle Yu, the 'remnant', hates the most.

For example, when he was a child, his parents kept controlling his life in the name of his good.

Until the parents divorced, the reasons for the parents were all, and it was for your own good that the parents separated.

However, he is obviously a member of the family, and the parents' quarrel and reconciliation are all for the sake of the "children", but the opinions of the "children" are not important in all their arrangements, and he has never had a choice.

He is not like a member of the family, but just a remnant.

The misfortune of his native family made Uncle Yu extra sensitive, and he cared more about the feeling of being neglected.

Now it seems that others have fooled him, but he doesn't even know how he was fooled or whether he was fooled, and the feeling of the remainder becomes clearer.

Hearing Uncle Yu's words, Luo Sheng subconsciously frowned.

But finally stopped.

He looked at his hands, after all, he was still not proficient in his abilities.

When he really stabilized all of this, neither Chao Chao nor Uncle Yu could order himself anymore.

Including Lu Bai too.

He wanted to catch up with Lu Bai before, because he had the mentality of testing Lu Bai with one hand.

To put it simply, the strengthened Luo Sheng swelled up.

Half an hour ago, he was still struggling on the verge of life and death. The E-level void monster Orochi, the black poisonous gas continuously penetrated into various things like a long snake.

At that time, Luo Sheng could only use the third type of movement to escape.

Even though he knew that the death element of the world existed in the third perspective hanging in the sky, Luo Sheng couldn't take it out.

And he gradually realized one thing, that is, if he couldn't get rid of the big snake, then even if he ran away, he would have no place to run.

Because at that time, he was moving in the third category, moving a little farther.

He can be sure that he is out of the sensing range of the big snake.

But the big snake still came straight towards him.

It was at that moment that Luo Sheng understood that this big snake also had a certain unique positioning angle, which could keep locking on to him.

And that big snake is getting bigger and bigger, and the pitch-black poisonous gas snake is spreading wider and wider.

Anything that is penetrated by the poisonous gas snake will directly change its nature, and then become the tentacles of the big snake.

For example, air.

With a gust of wind, the air polluted by the poisonous gas snake spread everywhere.

Then the poisonous air is different from the world.

Differences cause further instability, and then all kinds of poisonous things, because this instability is transmitted further into things.

It was as if the entire environment began to collapse at this moment.

Facing this kind of natural disaster, Luo Sheng found that he couldn't even dodge it.

At this time, Lu Bai's voice seemed to come from Luo Sheng's ear.

"You want to carry the world's death factor, but you don't even know what your own death factor is, so how can you carry it like this?"

"You have to look through the essence of your and that void monster's ability to see what'factor' can cause the death of the world."

"When you know what that factor is, that's when you carry that thing."

Following Grandpa Lu Bai's instructions to complete his life, Luo Sheng suddenly realized.

Lu Bai on the other side also felt a little tired.

If Luo Sheng is talking about deriving original sin and karma, then he is indeed a talent.

But in other respects, it's a dead set.

If I don't give some advice, this guy may never understand how to become an E-level enhancer until he dies.

As for the rest, Lu Bai didn't plan to intervene.

In fact, there is no need to intervene.

Luo Sheng belonged to the kind of player who was chased by others to feed him. He might not be able to cook, but he would still be able to eat.

As Lu Bai pointed out the joints, Luo Sheng immediately understood.

The abilities of himself and Orochi have many similarities.

For example, they all use poison, but they themselves use poison to save people, while big snakes use poison to kill people.

For example, it can create differences. The big snake infects the surroundings with its own poison, creating differences in the environment and the world.

And I use the difference between humanities and the world.

Before the combination, I was locked by the big snake far away, so the big snake probably also had some kind of strange induction.

There may be similarities with the third type of movement brought about by my own third-party perspective.

Toxins, differences, third parties.

These factors are combined to form something that can bring 'death' to the world.

"What kind of poison can lead to the death of the world." Luo Sheng was full of distress, and even complained about Lu Bo's riddle, but he didn't explain clearly.

"Is he just disgusting me?" Luo Sheng raised his head and looked into the distance. Pluto and Neptune were standing there watching from afar, with no intention of helping at all.

Luo Sheng seemed to be able to read the jokes in their eyes.

They are both human beings, but at this moment they are hoping that Luo Sheng will be unlucky. If he can complete the enhancement, he must take revenge in the future.

But it was this thought of revenge that made Luo Sheng react suddenly.

One of his abilities is 'the difference between humanity and the world'.

This ability seems to have told him the answer long ago.


"That's right, the most poisonous thing in the world is human!"

As this joint was cleared up, the world death factors stored in the third-party perspective began to fluctuate.

There is still light flowing in the sky.

The big snake poisons the world with poison.

He saves mankind with poison.

And the poison of the two is actually one thing.

There are differences between people and the world. Up to now, this difference is further affecting the operation of the world and bringing various disasters to the world.

The zero-point energy of the void is something produced by this difference in humanities. Why does Luo Sheng's ability control the void monsters?

The superficial reason is that Luo Sheng's ability can modify the cognitive difference, so that the void monster corresponding to him can obey him because of his cognition.

The underlying reason is that these void monsters were originally created by human beings who did not abide by the agreement, and this big snake was the 'poison' created by him.

The essence of its ability is—human poison!

Following this realization, the death element of the world was completely aroused, turning into light and falling into Luo Sheng's body.

The first update is 3000 words.

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