Death Compensation

Chapter 604 This moment is the ultimate time (3)

Chapter 604 This moment is the ultimate time (3)

Lu Bai walked on the ruins.

Although the acid rain in the sky is not as good as the sulfuric acid cloud made by Venus, it lasts for a long time.

It's been going on for two or three days.

Most things, there is no way to escape this washing, and soon everything will return to barrenness.

It is also unclear whether acid rain is itself filth or is washing away filth.

But even if the acid rain is more severe, the world will not have a chance to be cleansed.

Lu Bai can already feel at this moment that this dimension is 'wailing'.

All kinds of problems are filled with dimensions.

"This is also a good opportunity." Lu Bai sighed.

When the world is about to be destroyed, all kinds of original 'shackles' and 'restrictions' are gradually becoming invalid.

In this case, it is easier for people to observe the essence of the world.

It's like a machine that is still running, but has collapsed, revealing its internal structure.

At this time, Lu Bai felt that the resonance rate of various modules in his skill column was constantly increasing.

Although it was weak, it was indeed much more active than before.

"It seems that the welcome ceremony is coming." Lu Bai stood, looking into the distance. After hearing Lu Bai's words, C30 chose to retreat and slowly escaped into the void.

Four D-level combat teams have arrived.

The four teams use D-level fortifiers as the main combatants, equipped with a large number of modern weapons and various auxiliary combatants.

Once a war starts, a modern army can be wiped out in a short period of time.

After all, superpowers just don't make sense.

Of course, this kind of combat team is not aimed at troops, but superhumans.

In the past, the ostensible statement was aimed at the void monster, but now it is aimed at Lu Bai, a strong man who is hostile to the guards.

Their abilities come in sets.

A series of tactics from detection, control, killing, and preventing fraudulent corpses.

Like this moment.

These teams had just appeared in front of them, and they had at least six abilities to sweep through here.

Sound waves, light, dust, and a series of abilities that can detect Lu Bai's specific location, after accurately detecting Lu Bai's existence.

Immediately more abilities will come.

More than a dozen kinds of control ability fell directly on Lu Bai, and many of them have the strong control ability of showing evil.

After the control is completed, the killing blow will follow.

Countless waves of attacks mixed with modern weapons, such as torrents of metal bullets, incendiary bombs, white phosphorus bombs, gas bombs, etc., all fell on the area where Lu Bai was located.

If it weren't for the current bad air environment, missiles would be easily exploded by corrosive acid water in mid-air, it is estimated that missiles would come one after another.

This kind of hybrid attack can attack the target from all directions. As long as the target has a shortcoming in one place, it will quickly die under the chain reaction.

Taking advantage of the bombing, this group of control ability users began to rest in stages to maintain the strength of their abilities.

The scanning of various capabilities is also carried out again in conjunction with modern reconnaissance weapons.

Then, before the results came out, a gust of cross wind blew past, blowing away the smoke from the previous attack.

Lu Bai's clothes were slightly damaged due to the bombing, his black hair flicked, and he stepped out of the smoke.

"How is this possible!" The group of enhancers who launched the attack only felt that their outlook on life had been challenged. Even if Chao Chao was attacked to this extent, it would not be so easy.

What's more, Lu Bai ate these attacks without dodging or dodging!

Although they knew that this battle would be very difficult, this situation still made them feel an unprecedented panic.

"It's really..." Lu Bai looked around all living beings, obviously on the same plane, but brought a feeling of looking down: "It's disappointing!"

"This is a trial." Lu Bai grabbed his tattered jacket and took it off while talking.

"A trial from the past!"

"My new life has been conceived, but your attacks can't even hurt my old body."

"Is that all you have?"

When the snake is shedding its skin, it will look for rough stones and use methods such as rubbing to shed its old skin.

Grinding also requires conditions. If the stone is not hard enough, it will only be crushed under the twisting of the snake!

The pressure in the eyes reached the extreme at this moment.

One of the mind enhancers who was already occupied by fear, felt his heart skip a beat before he could lower his head when Lu Bai glanced over. His face flushed instantly, and a lot of blood overflowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Clutching his chest, he fell down.

"It seems that I think highly of you." Just when these people's faces changed suddenly, and they made a cover to avoid Lu Bai's sight, Lu Bai seemed to have no more eyes on them, and continued to walk forward.

It's an insult.

However, at this moment, many people are willing to bear this kind of insult.

With just one look, they completely wiped out the energy they had accumulated before.

Looking at Lu Bai who was approaching step by step.

Many people's legs were weak and they wanted to escape.

They no longer want to think about the punishment after the escort mission fails.

Even if the punishment is to kill them directly, they don't want to stop in front of Lu Bai again.

At this moment, the fear that Lu Bai brought to them has surpassed their will to survive.

"Calm down!" came a voice.

Neptune in pajamas rides from afar.

There was an ocean-like tranquility in her voice, which made everyone who was so frightened that they lost their will to survive gradually regain some sense.

Only then did they realize that this time there were four E-rank enhancers acting together with them.

Even Lu Bai, in the face of four E-level enhancers, probably can't resist... right?

They were indeed terrified of Lu Bai. Even if they regained their composure at this moment, as soon as they thought of Lu Bai's figure, they unconsciously lowered their chances of winning by 20%.

Neptune is followed by Pluto and Uranus.

Mars is hiding in the dark. Lu Bai still doesn't know that he is surrendering to the enemy, so he may be able to use this method to shady Lu Bai.

"It's a little more interesting now."

Lu Bai raised his hand and turned his wrist slightly, his eyes full of anticipation.

His old body has followed him for decades, and since he wants to retire, he has to retire with honor.

"Then let's fight!" Without saying too much, Lu Bai chose to take the initiative to attack.

Obviously there is only one person, but I made the aura that I surrounded you.

On the other side, after confirming the whereabouts of Lu Bai.

Uncle Yu in that special room also started his own plan.

Press the switch of the room, and the whole room begins to fall.

After a while, they came to the underground giant's tomb.

The reason why the construction of the placenta is well known, he even took Mercury into the placenta construction in the eyes of everyone, in order to confuse others.

The actual placenta is not in that building, that building is just a one-time elevator.

The imaginary is real, and the real is imaginary.

The first update, 2000 words, will be updated later.

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