Death Compensation

Chapter 605 This moment is the ultimate time (4)

Chapter 605 This moment is the ultimate time (4)

The Giant's Tomb was stared at too much by people before, and then it was raided by Lu Bai and others.

This place is indeed the most suitable place to make a placenta, but it is not safe.

So Uncle Yu built a so-called 'placenta' building on the ground with great fanfare to attract the attention of others. Even Luo Sheng, the new Ophiuchus, was arranged to guard the gate outside.

It seems to have given up on the giant's tomb, after all, this is also very normal.

In fact, it is still back here.

This is the black under the lamp, this wave, he is on the third floor.

After confirming that there was no problem with the Giant's Tomb, Uncle Yu started his operation.

Holding a stick made of crystal, he took off the clothes on his body, and walked into the pool of blood flowing out of the giant with fanatical gaze.

Mercury was standing on the viewing platform, alert to all movements around him.

Uncle Yu was originally a mortal body, and the blood pools below were all effluent.

Logically speaking, he should have been melted away long ago.

But at this moment, his face was only slightly red, and there was nothing unusual about him.

The crystal wand in his hand was still glowing slightly red.

Step by step, Uncle Yu came to the giant's dissected abdomen.

Looking at the wound on the abdomen, Uncle Yu smiled slightly. He had calculated this plan for more than ten years and worked so hard to create the wound on the giant's stomach. How could he just give up such a good place as the Giant's Tomb.

That's right, the story that Uncle Yu told Lu Bai before is still full of lies.

He said that the giant was killed by Yue Sheng, but it wasn't, or he didn't know if it was.

At least when he took over the giant, the giant was already half dead.

But there was no such wound on the giant's stomach at that time.

He figured out a way to get it out for his own plan.

The giant at this moment looked even more miserable.

There were many corroded marks on her skin, and thick water was constantly flowing out.

The disasters of the world will be reflected in the giants.

It was because of this that Uncle Yu successfully cut open the giant's abdomen.

The price is nothing more than a catastrophe that makes the world feel pain, release a few E-level void monsters, declare the biggest disaster in the world, and then let the tides cause pain to the earth while fighting.

He successfully disembowels the giant, and Tide gains world-saving fame.

Before entering the giant's stomach, Uncle Yu turned around and looked at Mercury standing on the stand.

"Get ready, I'm going to activate the void device!" Uncle Yu's tone was the same as before.

"I understand!" Mercury nodded, looking at Uncle Yu with anticipation.

A long time ago, when the zero-point energy of the void had not yet been developed by Yue Sheng, the relationship between Mercury and Uncle Yu was extremely harmonious.

He used to be nothing more than a bodyguard.

Jupiter's father established the Yongchuan Laboratory. Because he was worried, he sent one of his bodyguards to supervise it.

He was not liked by anyone there. Jupiter treated him like a dog, and others also treated him like a dog and thought he was in the way, saying that if he didn't understand research, he shouldn't ask so many things.

Only Uncle Yu, who was also neglected at the time, was willing to communicate with him.

And when the void zero point can produce results, it was Uncle Yu who recommended him to strengthen it.

He knows Uncle Yu's pain of being neglected, and he is willing to understand him.

He regards Uncle Yu as his best friend, and he is willing to fight for his best friend's success.

On the viewing platform, the giant's power began to operate, and a suppressive force fell on Mercury, suppressing his E-level void zero energy.

It was as if he had become an ordinary person again. At that time, they were standing on the roof of the research room. Uncle Yu looked at the scenery in the distance, said that he wanted to become a great person, and invited him to help.

"It seems that you are really going to succeed..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three shots were fired.


On the other side, Jupiter and Saturn also led the combat team, preparing to intercept Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng's side is just two E-level enhancers.

And what cards Luo Cheng has, Uncle Yu has already explained.

If Jupiter was not injured and his ability was not polluted by Venus' death, even if he was alone, he would have the confidence to destroy Luo Cheng and others outside Rencang City.

But it doesn't work now, Lu Bai's parasitic trick of the demon directly emptied most of his body. During this period of time, he couldn't even lift his head, let alone singing every night.

Not to mention the death of Venus afterwards.

Air pollution affects cloud movement.

His strength was damaged, so Uncle Yu took the opportunity to suppress him, trying to pinch him.

Jupiter originally planned to make trouble at this critical moment, but in the end he could only obey Uncle Yu's orders.

At this moment, he was depressed, and Saturn also saw it. He squeezed Jupiter's hand and told Jupiter that he still had himself.

At this time, the two of them were still on the road. Jupiter looked at Saturn next to him, and shook each other's hand in response.

Then he suddenly became vigilant.

"Why is Saturn coming with me!" Jupiter was thinking about this question.

The last time Uncle Yu's signal tower had an accident, the people sent by Uncle Yu were Saturn and Mercury.

Although there is a reason for the speed of the two of them, there is also a reason for guarding against him, Jupiter.

Uncle Yu doesn't trust him, so for some important things, Jupiter or Saturn will always follow other members of the eight-day star who are relatively loyal to Uncle Yu.

But this time, intercepting such an important matter as Luo Cheng, why did Uncle Yu rest assured that the two of them were together?

With this in mind, Jupiter began to dig into the corners.

In fact, things are not so complicated, but Uncle Yu is worried that they will stay at the headquarters when he comes, afraid that something bad will happen if Jupiter's head twitches.

Secondly, I am afraid that Jupiter and Saturn will be under the dark hands of Lu Bai and seize the weakness.

Thirdly, I also feel that Jupiter has become weaker, so it will be easier to handle.

That's why the two of them who can cooperate are put together and sent out to do things.

But Jupiter didn't think so, and the thought that had subsided before suddenly reappeared.

"Is Saturn still trustworthy?" Saturn's ability was damaged by him, which is a thorn.

Not only stabbed in Saturn's heart, but also in Jupiter's heart.

After hurting others, can you really just laugh it off?

At least here in Jupiter, neither side can do it.

From this thorn, Jupiter's thoughts began to split, and a terrible plan emerged in his heart.

Although this plan has just emerged, it is very perfect, as if it has been deduced countless times in sleep.

Saturn felt Jupiter's fiery gaze, and he raised his head with love in his eyes.

However, at this moment, he realized that what was in Jupiter's fiery eyes was not love.

But killing intent!

The second update, the state is really not very good recently, and my back is also inexplicably painful. Unfortunately, there is no leave note this month, so I can only reduce the number of words to update. I really need to take a leave of absence next month to recuperate.

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