Death Compensation

Chapter 870: Countless Casualties

Chapter 870: Countless Casualties

A very simple cover-up, but it can cause the death of a surface-level powerhouse.

Condensing the body, but not being in it, but using the method of distracting thoughts to make oneself invisible to the outside world.

Regardless of his other aspects, the leader only discusses his combat literacy, he is also the top of mankind.

A lot of purple light gathers, and a little purple flower blooms.

Countless vines sprouted from everywhere, engulfing the leader.

Purple Flower Society, a small and weak society.

He was eliminated by him early in the comprehensive competition, but even a small society has its own strong players.

It is stationed in Chifeng District, where the mountains are continuous and the atmosphere is thin. It is often exposed to direct sunlight, and people are sunburned to death every year.

Therefore, the population of that area is pitifully small compared to other areas.

Population is the foundation. The Zhongbailin Society in Zhongzheng District does not have a special force to promote its own associations. Why can it rank among the top three among all associations?

The reason is that Zhongzheng District has a large enough population and rich cultural heritage, so it can support the diversified development of travelers' ability systems.

With a small population in Chifeng District, there will be fewer travelers, and the strong will be further reduced.

Among the participants this time, only one person from the younger generation reached the line with a resonance rate close to 30%, while many of the other travelers were barely qualified.

The person who shot now is the only one.

The Purple Flower Society also belongs to the exploitation faction. It is different from other societies that exploit human beings. The key point is that the culture of the Purple Flower Society is very different from that of the earth, which is so different that many people cannot accept it.

The Zihua Society, which put Zihua culture into the earth, was naturally classified into the Exploitation faction.

The main elements of purple flower culture are nutrient theory and root system theory.

They think that there are only so many nutrients in the world, and if they want to grow up, then other things around them need to be eradicated.

And the reason why they form associations is not to cultivate talents, but to compost.

There is only one real member of the Purple Flower Club, the president of the Purple Flower Club, and everyone else is composted by him.

This is very similar to Lingluo Society, the real difference lies in the root system theory.

That is to say, all existences are the same root system. In essence, they are all individuals of the same body, but because of the extension of the root system, daughter plants appear.

Therefore, it is a very natural and normal thing for the people of the Purple Flower Club to compete for nutrients and squeeze the living space of others.

As long as you spread far enough in the field, and then break through the solid wall above your head to grow out, and will not compete with other strains for nutrients, then you can survive.

For Zihuashe, it is a good thing to have such a long enough 'far' subplant.

Therefore, the purple flower people I saw were either of the same strain, all of them were branches and leaves extended by a powerful individual, or they were daughters growing in another field.

This sub-plant is considered a semi-independent individual.

In the entire Chifeng District, there is only one Zihua Society president and half an individual as a complete individual. Including the one in front of you, there are no more than ten people in total.

Countless plants grow, absorbing nutrients from the leader, and at the source, Wu De's body keeps proliferating, as if exploring the direction of his own evolution.

In the Purple Flower Society, if you choose the wrong direction of evolution, then it is very likely that you will be swallowed up by the president in the next step because you cannot absorb any nutrients.

Wu De didn't know how many seniors were like this, always exploring something ahead, thinking that they had obtained something new before daring to break through.

However, when it broke through to that point, it found that the top of its head was full of shadows, and there was no time to change anything. It could only choose to rot itself, and was finally absorbed by the main plant and became the opponent's leaf.

Wu De knew that if he wanted to go down, he had to find another way.

However, the main plant above the head has grown into an extraordinary existence, and the other party has been involved in most of the journey.

It is too difficult to escape the interference of the other party.

The leader is his best chance now, to seize the special products of this earth and use them to grow himself, at least for a certain period of time.

The figure of the leader did not disintegrate again, and he still had the opponent's information in his hands.

The existence of the Purple Flower Society, the most basic ability, is naturally related to the theory of nutrition, that is, absorption.

And absorbing this can be used in all aspects.

For example, their modules can evolve.

Combined with Traveler's module extraction ability, the modules they build into skills will continue to absorb external elements, and the quality can be continuously improved.

For scattered things, their absorption ability also has special effects.

If the leader continues to disperse himself, maybe he will really lose part of his mind and be absorbed by the other party.

And because of the other party's culture, every member of the Purple Flower Society has a terrifying ability to adapt.

Because of the existence that cannot adapt to the fixed and barren environment, all have been thrown into the compost.

Once Wu De absorbs part of his ideas, maybe the other party can really evolve some weird abilities.

To stop this from happening...

"Then I have to kill you!" The spiritual veins on the leader's body squirmed, and a large number of sword lights shot out.

The vines surrounding him were all cut into pieces and shot towards Wu Defei.

And those plant fragments have absorbed nutrients from the air before they landed, and regrow new plants.

Many of them took the shape of a human, and then killed the leader again.

Wu De's mutation direction is the immortality of flesh and blood.

Those plants look like plants, but they are actually animals with some plant characteristics.

However, more sword lights bloomed from the leader, and everything that came close would be cut into pieces.

Suddenly, a large amount of flesh and blood fell to the ground.

The reason why it is the ground instead of the water surface is because the water has also become the nutrient for these plants.

Even though the sky is raining heavily at this moment, the rainwater is absorbed by the plant fragments before it hits the ground.

This kind of immortality made Lu Bai pay more attention.

There are many merits in it.

For a moment, the leader seemed to be really held back by Wu De.

The attacks of the others caught up again in an instant.

The leader who is under siege is most afraid of being entangled by a certain ability.

His ability cannot really confront everyone head-on.

He must have room to dodge and move, to ensure that the enemy's attack does not fall on him, and even use the enemy's attack to fight against other enemies.

Now, things seem to be slipping toward the worst.

The leader looked at the growing plant flesh and blood around him, but a smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, countless spiritual channels protruded from all parts of the body, piercing into this mass of flesh and blood.

Lingluo is the signature ability of Lingluo Society, and it is not afraid of people learning it. Therefore, anyone with knowledge can learn the above skills after obtaining Lingluo.

That's why the leader chose to hunt down the black skin of the Lingluo Society instead of attacking people from the Poison Spirit Society or other societies at the opportunity just now.

Leaders are not short of tricks now, what they lack is the understanding of external dimensions.

Lingluo is the easiest external dimension power system to recognize.

Even as long as you are willing and have enough materials, you can completely rely on the spiritual network to go up all the way, and you can go up to the day level without any problem.

Of course, the leader will not choose a path to the dark, but Lingluo's technology is really easy to use.

The flesh and blood of Wu De was rapidly transformed at this moment, and then formed the leader's own things.

In the field, the number of leaders also quickly broke through from one to two, and then rapidly developed into countless.

"Using flesh and blood as a support, let my huge mind fully bloom!!!"

In an instant, hundreds of times more swords of thought emerged than before.

The leader's power comes from human will, but because of the weakened commonality, he cannot use all his power.

So relying on personal ability, you can only exert the power of the moon level.

For a truly smart person, the first thing to do is to untie this layer of restriction.

The long-term solution is what he has been doing, purifying individuality and turning it into a divinity that overrides commonality.

And the short-term solution is what he is doing now.

Transform yourself from one to ten thousand.

From an individual, into a not-so-individual existence.

The ability of the Purple Flower Club, root system theory, allows their flesh and blood to continue to branch, but the daughter plants that cannot be expanded are all just the nutrients of the main plant.

It is precisely this characteristic that leaders want to borrow.

So kill Lingluo first, obtain Lingluo's technology of transforming flesh and soul, and then plot the flesh and blood split by Zihua Wu De to help form a group effect.

The flesh and blood of the group is like a base station, forming a resonance matrix, allowing his huge thoughts to be divided and stored in it, and then used at the same time.

The output port has changed from one for the leader itself to countless. Although the intensity of the output power has not increased, the amount of output has been greatly expanded.

Countless sharp sword lights flew, and the defenses propped up by several people couldn't resist at all, so they were shot and killed by chaotic swords.

The leader once again completed the reversal of his own situation.

The leader who formed the group seemed to have the ability to suppress all dissatisfaction as the previous leader's will.

Under the huge rain of swords, everything can only be defended and hidden, let alone continue to attack and kill the leader.

All of a sudden, there were countless casualties.

Although compared with the 10 to 20 million people who died before, this number of casualties is not even a fraction.

However, the death and injury this time made many people really feel terrified, and the impact was far more serious than before.

Because most of the people who died this time were surface-level powerhouses.

It is the top layer standing at the top in the environment of the earth.

The character Wu De comes from Book Friends-White Turbidity

The first update, 3000 words.

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