Death Compensation

Chapter 871 Floating Jade·Luo Tianhui!

Chapter 871 Floating Jade·Luo Tianhui!

For most travelers, no matter how many ordinary people die, it will not hurt them.

They are far from being in the same order as normal people.

Those ordinary people who died were nothing more than a number to them.

However, those who died now are different, all of them are well-known locally and even globally.

Of course, this kind of thing is not surprising, even in a place without an extraordinary world.

Thousands of people die every year, every day, every hour.

But unless the dead person was an acquaintance of their own, other people would not feel any problem.

Only the death of those who are well-known in a large area can cause relatively large movements.

Of course, unlike the fame of ordinary people, the death of a top traveler, in addition to the impact on people's hearts, also has a huge phenomenal response.

A large number of element concepts are separated from their bodies.

This kind of precipitation even directly leads to the discoloration of the world, and various supernatural phenomena occur frequently.

For this reason, the VIP room standing in the sky had to strengthen the entire space once again.

Otherwise, Earth could trigger more than one massive catastrophe.

Surface level, each symbolizes the existence that can directly cause destructive damage to the surface of a planet.

Their death, even unprepared, can trigger a violent reaction.

But the focus of the matter now is not on the reaction caused by the death of those people.

But the leader now seems to have no one to rule.

Although the previous leader had monthly power, he only had one person after all, and the output power was limited.

Whether it is attack or defense, there is no way to form a crushing situation for everyone.

Therefore, relying on the large number of surface levels, they can also besiege and kill the leaders.

Now, however, the leader multiplies itself, from one to many.

And because of his special nature, his strength has not been reduced after multiplication, and he is still at the moon level.

This completely wiped out the numerical advantage of others.

"It seems to be a failure." A chief shook his head when he saw this scene.

The battle of wills among races is cruel, and it will determine the direction of the entire race in the future.

It is estimated that human beings will enter an era governed by racial gods in the future.

"Not necessarily." However, the chief also said with a smile. He watched all this with great interest. Even if the seed player of his club was killed by the leader just now, he still maintained his elegance.

For all this, he holds a completely different view.

"It's still just clearing the field. The difference is that this time the clearing is done by the leader."

"These people have their own ideas, and they probably still have a lot of holes in their cards."

"Then why doesn't the leader have a trump card?" The chief who spoke first said, "After all, the other party has the knowledge base of the entire human race from ancient times to the present."

"According to this knowledge, his growth rate is amazing."

"If he hadn't been restricted to the path of mythology, and the path of mythology requires the continuous accumulation of resources, I'm afraid he would have broken through the limitation of the moon level."

"Have you forgotten the other person?" The other chief replied, his eyes fell to the person in black with gorgeous hair and different eyes.

The focus of attention is especially on the different pupils.

"Humanity's knowledge base may be huge, but relatively speaking, it is too low-end."

"Someone's evolution rate may be faster than this leader."

The first chief was taken aback for a moment, and as his eyes fell, an unspeakable expression appeared on his face.

He actually fell into Lu Bai's way.

Before, his attention was attracted by the leader, and then gradually, he forgot about Lu Bai's existence.

That is to say, Lu Bai's current characteristics are useful even for breakers like them.

After all, they only put their influence in the past, and did not confine the past like Lu Bai.

Although their memory of Lu Bai was preserved because of their great strength, it was only preserved.

They need to use their own strength to guard their past all the time, so as to ensure that their memory will not go wrong.

This also shows that Lu Bai's move——Ten Karma·Dragon Sleep Technique has become more powerful.

"What a scary little guy." After being taken aback for a moment, the chief made a comment with a smile, then changed the way his own memory exists, stored the memory of Lu Bai in a different way, and cut it off Lost contact with Lu Bai.

There is still a gap. Those breakers like him have far surpassed Lu Bai in their methods.

The point is that Lu Bai's future can already be predicted to be extraordinary.

"As long as he doesn't die halfway, he is at least Japanese-level." The president of the Glory Society commented, giving Lu Bai a very high evaluation.

As for the breakers, this is still very different from the Japanese class.

Even if people like them were to shave off all their strength and realm and do it again with their memories, they would be ninety-nine percent sure to return to the day level, but not very sure to return to the breaker level.

And reaching the sun level is basically the ultimate end of all life in the multiverse. In many dimensions, the sun level is even called the creator.

For the above discussion, the people below do not know, and most people are now in a bitter struggle.

As the number of leaders increases, so do their means of attack.

From the rain of swords all over the sky at the beginning, it has become completely different now.

Flying swords, martial arts, witchcraft, spells, technology, and various combat skills are displayed in the hands of each leader.

And the strength of each leader is basically at the monthly level.

It can be done completely, and it will hit you in the field you are good at.

In this regard, everyone did not choose to give up, but changed from the previous state of fighting on their own, that is, neither interfering nor helping each other.

One by one, whether it is human beings or exploitation factions, all unite together to attack the leader.

At this time, Lu Bai's eyes flickered and swept over everyone. At this time, the clearing of the scene was almost completed.

If the number of people has dropped to a certain level, then there will not be too many variables, and the environment for implementing his plan is enough.

Just as Calabash Taoist has a plan to become the main god of the earth, Louis has a plan to establish a human soul farm.

Lu Bai also has his own plan.

Then the first thing to do is to force the leader who seems to occupy an absolutely dominant position into a desperate situation!

A touch of jade white emerged.

Floating Jade Luo Tianhui!

Luo Tianhui's move was derived from the filthiness of ten karma.

It can make many individuals united together foul each other, thereby destroying the connection between things.

It's just that although the current leaders have split into countless individuals, they have always maintained a whole state because of their particularity.

That's why Fushengyu is needed.

Floating Jade, has the life of others like floating dust.

With the use of this trick, those different leaders began to accept the lives of different people one by one, and at the same time activated their own lives.

The leader itself is formed by the will radiation of the human group, possessing most of the memory and knowledge.

All of a sudden, every individual changed, and their perspectives and leaders became no longer consistent.

"Lu Bai?!" The leader was taken aback for a moment, and after seeing Lu Bai, he remembered the existence of this person.

That is to say, at this moment, the split individuals have differentiated into different states.

One of the individuals held a long sword and looked up at the sky, as if to see if the sky was still so lonely.

Civil war broke out at this moment.

All individuals who further developed independent consciousness basically pointed their weapons at the leader of the 'subject'.

For this reason, the leaders had to withdraw their ideas and reduce the power of these existences.

However, it is only weakened.

Although human sovereignty is not in those individuals, they are also separated from him, and they have ideas that belong to human will.

The same as those who had human favor before, he lost the commonality of manipulating them.

As a result, the leader not only lost the force to suppress everything, but instead gained a group of enemies with at least the surface level.

Following Lu Bai's move against Luo Tianhui, the situation turned again.

The second change, 2500 words, sorry, good night everyone.

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