Death Compensation

Chapter 903 Abstraction

After returning to the room, the conversation began.

The topic of course is today's various discoveries.

And discuss how they should respond to the current situation.

Of course, this kind of discussion is basically false.

Not much of substance, 'it' loves to listen, after all.

No one knows whether the other party has the ability to think, and if they listen to something, whether they will use it to target them.

Time passed quickly, and the lights flickered again. In Lu Bai's perception, the aura was further strengthened, pressing heavily on people's hearts.

Lu Bai did not further let go of his own perception, nor did he leave any means of observation such as ice fog to observe the outside world.

But others are different.

On the first night, everyone was more cautious because they didn't know the situation.

On the second night, under the continuous oppression of the soul, some people did all kinds of irrational behaviors.

They are very insecure, eager to find out the source of danger, so as to avoid the existence of danger.

So, the conversation had just ended, and Lu Bai and the others' lights had just turned off, when they heard screams.

The screams only resounded for a moment, and then everything returned to deathly silence.

It was as if the scream just now was just an illusion.

Footsteps sounded suddenly, and there was the sound of something being dragged.

Suddenly, there was another scream, and after that, the dragged heavy object seemed to become a little heavier.

When the dragging sound ended, footsteps lingered at the door again, and knocked on the door from time to time.

When door No. 5 was knocked, Deng Fa's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but listen carefully to the sounds outside.

Judge whether that existence has any plans to open the door.

It was at this time that Deng Fa heard a snoring sound.

The snoring sound was very ear-piercing, and the source was clear. It was Lu Bai in the same room.

I saw that Lu Bai's nose was only a snot soaked.

Interrupted by the snoring, Deng Fa realized that the knocking on the door had stopped at some point.

The sound of wandering footsteps sounded again.

Deng Fa, who had a vague feeling in his heart, no longer paid attention to the sound of footsteps, but slept peacefully.

The night passed quickly.

When it was dawn, the number of people coming out of the room was much less than expected.

The number of survivors from the second night was 42, but after one night, there were only 29 survivors left.

And in the passageway at the door, traces of dragging could even be seen.

On the special metal floor, there are scratches from hard objects.

When I saw the scratches, there was an image in my mind, that is, those people who disappeared were being dragged by something terrifying. They fell to the ground, clutching the ground tightly, and opened their mouths wide. Shout, but can't say a word.

After a general inspection, all the people in Room 8 died.

In addition to the seven people in Room 8, a total of six people died in other rooms.

It was confirmed that these six people were basically the ones who had a change last night.

They used their own probing methods.

One person didn't investigate, but after hearing the screams and dragging sounds, he suddenly stood up and assumed a fighting posture.

Then the man opened the door and rushed out, followed by screams.

There were people left in the room, and they didn't intend to stand still. After all, the door was opened, and who could say whether the weirdness would come in.

However, one of the slugmen, because his eyes were on the tentacles, saw the situation in the room first.

They clearly heard or even saw the man making a fighting stance, then opened the door and rushed out.

But the slugman found through the transparent door of the dormant cabin that the door was closed.

The slug man who moved in his heart chose to trust his intuition, and through some kind of secret technique, he sent a signal to his teammates: "Don't move!"

Slugman's teammates also believed him more, so they followed his signal.

He chose not to pay attention to the outside world, but survived.

After synthesizing the information, many people have discovered the problem.

"The more we observe that existence, the more we pay attention to the other party's footsteps, knocking on the door, and the more disturbed we are in the silence of the night, the more dangerous we are."

"The other party has a high probability of hurting people through perception!"

"The people in Room 8, most likely because of preconceived factors, they seem to pay extra attention to the movement of the outside world, so they are directly recruited."

The woolen thread made a conclusion, and then suddenly shot, the thin thread was cut, and the traces on the ground were cleaned off.

This kind of trace is too expressive, obviously abnormal.

Keeping this thing will only become more dangerous, so it's better to clean it up.

"When everyone rests at night, you don't need to make noise in the unexpected world, just take a good rest by yourself."

"Let's fix the spaceship as soon as possible and get out of here!"

While Mao Xian was talking, he came to the control room and added his own speculation to the regulations.

Perhaps these regulations were also explored by the previous explorers through their lives.

With the foreshadowing in front, they were able to discover the problem so quickly.

"Of course, everyone, don't let your guard down. No one can say for sure whether that monster has only this kind of ability."

The wool is still very cautious.

The time of day passed quickly.

Night fell again.

This is the third night.

Everything seems to be the same as before, except that after people know the problem, they don't pay special attention to the footsteps.

So when the day came, everyone found that no one died at night, and 29 people were still healthy.

It seems that they have probably cracked the survival rules of this scene.

The same is true for the fourth night, fifth night, and even sixth night after that.

Just abide by the rules, keep quiet, don't expand your own perception, and observe the traces of that weird existence.

They seem to be able to guarantee their own safety.

In this case, the cultivation progress of the escape spaceship is very gratifying.

They just need to stay here one more night, waiting for some final repairs, and then escape during the day tomorrow.

Everyone is in a happy mood, but they are not relaxed.

After all, this scene is too weird, and they know too little information when they restrain their own perception.

Even if there were no dead people for a few nights, many people were still full of uneasiness.

Being able to leave here is naturally the best.

But tonight, as night fell, things were different.

First of all, it's not that the same lights flicker, but that all the lights are completely extinguished.

Secondly, it was no longer the sound of footsteps, but a very hasty knock on the door.

Before knocking on the door, most of them were relatively regular taps, but now it makes people feel that there is some crazy monster knocking on the door outside.

Most of the people immediately maintained their previous coping strategies, not caring about the outside world and not exploring it.

It was only as if the weird thing was in a hurry, that's why this different signal appeared.

However, this time it was completely different. After the hasty knock on the door, there was actually the sound of the door being smashed and the related sounds of fighting.

At the same time, there were cries for help from others.

Everyone couldn't help but have a thought in their hearts. Seeing that they were about to leave, this weirdness had another way to kill people?

Yu Hui's heart trembled, and he instinctively wanted to release his senses to investigate the situation outside, but he immediately suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and turned his eyes to Lu Bai who was on the side.

He believed in Lu Bai, as long as Lu Bai didn't move, then he just had to follow him.

However, what he didn't expect was that this time, Lu Bai actually stood up.

And during the whole process, Lu Bai didn't make any sound, if Yu Hui hadn't instinctively sought help and looked at the dormant cabin where Lu Bai was, he wouldn't have noticed this.

Yu Hui wanted to ask something, but what he got was Lu Bai's movement of putting a finger in front of his mouth.

Before Yu Hui could confirm anything further, Lu Bai disappeared.

Yu Hui froze for a moment, he felt a little weird, why did he look around when his life was at stake?

The key question now is what kind of strategy should be maintained.

Should he maintain the previous principle of not observing, or should he believe in these movements and confirm that the weirdness has adopted a different method of killing?

Should I just rush out now and fight that weirdness?

All kinds of doubts weighed on Yu Hui's heart, and the sounds of fighting outside seemed to have reached another stage.

I could only roughly hear a lot of screams, and at the same time, the rapid knock on the door sounded from the door on the other side.

This time, Yu Hui heard more clearly.

There was a knock on the door, right next door to them.

Unlike the previous voice that was difficult to locate, this time he was able to locate it.

I suddenly made up my mind and stopped hesitating.

Yu Hui suddenly opened the door of the dormant cabin, and the majestic internal force on his body began to operate.

Perception begins to diverge.

Then he saw people who seemed to be asleep in the other warehouses.

Logging, navigating, engineers... and one more...


Yu Hui was startled suddenly, he seemed to have no memory of the person lying there.

Immediately, all of Yu Hui's attention was attracted by the people inside.

He stood still, not daring to move, wary of the strange presence in the dormant cabin.

It wasn't until he felt something rubbing past him that Yu Hui's attention was distracted and he looked to the side.

Over there is the observation window.

Through this observation window, they can see the starry sky of the universe outside.

Although most of the time there is only a little bit of starlight.

However, at this moment, there was only a mass of darkness there, and then the mass of darkness opened its mouth, revealing a ferocious big mouth.

At this moment, Yu Hui only felt that his whole body was changing rapidly, and all the quality of his body seemed to be disappearing because of this.

If you have to describe it, there is probably only one word - abstraction.

The strong barriers of the space station have become empty, and with the continuous abstraction, the darkness is getting closer and closer to him.

"I've been tricked!" With this thought, Yu Hui's eyes darkened.

The second update, 3000 words, good night everyone.

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