Death Compensation

Chapter 904 Where are you going?

Yu Hui could clearly feel that his brain was being eaten away, his own thoughts and cognitions were turning into some kind of abstract existence, becoming food for the monster in front of him.

It is precisely because of this kind of encroachment that Yu Hui's thinking became more active than ever before.

"That fierce voice is still a trap. Once I let go of my perception, the ability to cause death will come to me again."

"This seems to be very similar to the 'critical' pollution, the distortion of inspiration, so are we facing a strange demon this time?"

People on earth know relatively more strange demons, only wild spirits, and the rarer ones are colorful spirits. After all, the anti-external dimension colonial organization used the pollution of colorful spirits to make bombs.

As for more strange demons, they are not very clear.

"It's just, who is that strange roommate?" Yu Hui's active thinking froze for a moment, and then he became more concerned about this point.

He and that strange roommate have been confrontational for so long, and nothing happened.

In other words, it was this kind of confrontation that allowed him to escape half of his body from this dark ability trap.

It's a pity that he didn't think about it, so he was attracted by the movement outside, and saw the black shadow outside the window.

The next moment, Yu Hui seemed to recall something, and a little memory bloomed from his mind.

"Lu Bai!!"

The memory about Lu Bai flashed back instantly, and during the flashback process, this memory was also absorbed by the darkness along with abstraction.

And those memories also quickly turned into bronze and green rust in the process of abstraction.

The deafening bell rang in the next moment.

The darkness that devoured the abstraction was shaken by this sound, and the black body scattered.

All the darkness, at this moment, followed a certain hole and penetrated into another dimension.

At the same time, at the door of Room 7 next to it, a black figure was also quickly running towards the barrier of the space station on the side.

As he ran, his figure was also abstracted, as if he was going to turn into the dark mess before.

However, just around the corner, Lu Bai, with a strange smile on his face, stabbed into his body with a jade-like white bone in his hand.

Thorn in the Flesh Floating Jade!

The black shadow trembled all over, and its body was forcibly scattered, turning into darkness and quickly passing out of the space station.

Lu Bai looked at the remaining flesh and blood on the Fushengyu, and the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Bai Gu devoured the flesh and blood, and a burst of aura erupted from him.

In the critical space layer formed by the power of the critical dimension, a black shadow is constantly collecting the surrounding darkness, using the darkness to make up for the lack of flesh and blood in his heart.

Then, it suddenly felt an aura covering its heart, and the fear in its heart rose in vain at this moment.

Death seems to have changed from an abstract noun to a concrete individual.

It is the shape of Lu Bai.

He was walking towards it step by step, every step made Soi Ying's heart tremble.

Despair and fear, the emotions it absorbs the most, actually spread crazily in its heart.

The next moment, it heard the bell ringing.

The bell with a unique melody is very ear-catching, as long as you hear it once, you can firmly remember the bell.

And the bell sounded very close, as if it was ringing right next to his ear.

The action of absorbing the darkness froze, and the black shadow quickly passed through the critical interlayer and ran towards the other side.

In its mind, it desperately wanted to get rid of Lu Bai's image, but that image became clearer and clearer.

It was like a mass of dim light that was deeper than the darkness, firmly grasping its heart.

After passing through the critical interlayer and arriving at the space station, the originally fast speed stopped instantly.

I saw that not far away, Lu Bai was holding the Floating Jade, waiting for it.

Trap, all are traps! !

Its body turned into darkness again, wanting to return to the critical interlayer.

However, he only felt a pain in his back.

A sharp object pressed against its back, and then a hand quietly grabbed the joint of the body.

A force came from it, preventing it from further dispersing the body.

"Where do you want to escape?"

It struggled vigorously, its body wriggled and twisted incessantly forward, but what it was waiting for was the bone spurs behind it piercing bit by bit.

The darkness kept flaring and twisting, but there was no way to escape.

It turned around and attacked Lu Bai.

However, if one removes the special abstraction ability and only talks about attack power, it is at best slightly stronger than the surface level.

Then the floating jade pierced into its body one by one, and these floating jades formed a shelf, fixing the opponent into a living specimen.

At this time, Yu Hui rushed out with a few people.

Yarn, denfa, nav, fat and slug.

As for the others, even if Yu Hui kept telling them that Lu Bai had already captured that weird entity and had a chance to take him down, they still didn't dare to come out.

Even Yu Hui himself, after rushing out and seeing the black shadow, turned his head away instinctively, shielding his perception, not daring to carefully observe the monster that almost killed him.

The night passed quickly, and when it was dawn, the others finally dared to come out.

Then at this time, Lu Bai and the others, mainly Lu Bai, had already studied this monster for a round.

Lu Bai found the other party's intelligence information through the eyes of the vast.

This thing is indeed from a critical strange demon, called a foolish spirit.

Yu Ling has two most obvious characteristics.

First, foolish spirits generally occupy a relatively closed place, and then formulate some of their own living habits into rules, clearly informing the life forms entering this place.

In other words, most of the regulations in the control room were compiled by Yu Ling.

It is in line with the habit of foolish spirits who hide at night and come out at night.

The second one, the reminder about the escape spaceship, is actually a 'trap'.

This aspect can increase credibility and give people a way to escape, but it is actually a cover for the third article.

If it is during the day, people leave the space station directly on a large scale, and there is a high probability that they can escape here.

Although they are basically surface-level, each of them has more or less abilities or equipment to support them across the starry sky.

Anyway, the exit portal is not far from here.

"Only when people have hope, people are willing to stay where they are." Lu Bai talked about the subtlety of this trap.

Yu Ling is very keen in grasping people's hearts.

It is very clear that in this large-scale team of dozens of people, especially if this team is formed temporarily, they are basically strangers to each other.

It is even more difficult for them to collectively determine to violate the rules that seem to be correct in the first place.

Gradually, people will think that the rules are correct, and even actively add rules that can restrict themselves, for example, don't observe too much.

Second, Yuling itself also has good abilities.

It can split its own existence to a certain extent, so that part of itself exists in the form of entity, and the other part exists in the darkness of the soul.

The dark part can subtly influence people to obey the rules from the very beginning.

With a few thorns, it is not difficult for it to deal with.

Similar to ordinary strange monsters, the inspiration for strange monsters will become its sharp blade to stab you.

When people observe the stupid spirit, their own senses will be alienated, and a special 'inspiration' will be derived, thereby abstracting it.

People themselves should be complicated, but in the process of abstraction, those complicated factors will all be summed up into a few specific labels.

To label and conceptualize a concrete thing is the so-called abstraction.

This technique is also used in writing. For example, there are too many characters on the stage, and they are all alien races, and they are all different.

If you don't want to describe the appearance of these alien races in detail, just extract a few characteristics.

Good guys, bad guys, fat guys, skinny guys, slug guys, and more.

The dark side of Yu Ling can attack objects at an abstract level, and cannibalize them into darkness, which is a relatively high-dimensional attack method.

In this way, people are abstracted, and the strength of a person can only be limited to those few characteristics at most, and a huge incompatibility can make people lose their strength directly.

Then, in the face of such a relatively high-dimensional conceptual attack, they have no defense ability and can only let it be slaughtered.

And its materialized side has normal power performance. For example, the current one has surface-level power itself.

But in the face of those who are disciplined by the rules it makes, it can absorb a steady stream of power from the opponent.

Supplement yourself with that darkness, strengthen yourself, heal yourself.

The more ignorant one is, the harder it is to break free from this darkness.

That's why this kind of strange demon is called a foolish spirit.

Those who are not in the rules are usually thorns and a small number, and it is difficult for this small number to fight back when faced with the attack of abstraction ability.

But in the rules, it will be restrained slowly.

Regardless of the fact that there are still more than a dozen people alive here, but getting rid of Lu Bai and letting these people confront Yuling head-on, there are still more losses than wins.

The odds of winning are still provided by Dengfa's extremely advanced combat armor.

"Abstraction is really a useful ability." Lu Bai carefully studied the structure of the stupid spirit in front of him again.

He attaches great importance to the ability of abstraction. If he can explore the structure of this stupid spirit's ability to operate, he may be able to imitate one or two.

The point is not the lethality of this ability, but that Lu Bai may be able to iterate his own life form again.

Next, everyone didn't waste time, and after repairing the escape spaceship, they quickly headed for the distant door.

Everyone on the spaceship gradually breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the space station get farther and farther away.

But in the space station, there is a little darkness in that dark space.

On the monitor in the control room, the rules deleted by everyone also appeared again.

The first update, 3000 words, good night everyone

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