Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 181: It's a heartwarming feeling

Wang Deng's face was calm, but his heart was a little heavy. Is it the group of people who crossed the sea of ​​extraordinary light? It is possible that they encountered other outsiders before entering the transcendent central world. Moreover, two or three cosmic civilizations encountered unexpectedly. If a war broke out, it would be unimaginable. This is a battle between different civilizations, involving the continuation of races! Although the group of people in the mother universe are strong, including Fang Yuzhu, Yan Mingcheng, and Bai Jingshu, who are "supernatural", but who would be ordinary civilizations and creatures who dare to travel across the sea and traverse the universe? They are absolutely ruthless, and they can look down on their own universe!

This kind of confrontation, just thinking about it, makes people shudder. If there is no conflict, once the prelude is opened, it will be the collapse of time and space and the bloodshed of civilization.

Wang Deng couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to rush into those vague "scene" to dig, look for it, and see if there was an old friend.

Is that kind of battle over, or is it still going on? It made him feel like he was holding ten Thumbelinas in his heart, scratching his heart with a hundred claws, and he couldn't sit still.

Although many years have passed, the past is still remembered in his heart and impressed.

For example, are the underworld blood legions all right? Are they also prosperous in this world, those "own people" and the powerhouses from the mother universe, are they too embarrassed to continue "killing them" and pretending to be underworld blood?

So far, Wang Deng has been greatly influenced by some old people. For example, the habit of grabbing the enemy's neck and picking it up has been "inherited" by Master Zhang.

After the farewell, the life and death of the sword fairy Jiang Qingyao was unknown, and she was placed in the health care furnace. After many years, has she survived? Worrying.

There are also Fang Yuzhu, the demon master, and the great alchemist Xu Fu... There are too many people in front of Wang Xuan.

He hoped that everything was wrong. After all, just a few tea fruits cannot prove

What is clear, it may not have fallen from the vortex of time and space.

"Those wonders actually involve the struggle of different civilizations? Over the past 100 years, many immortal mountains, floating islands, and huge ancestral veins have fallen in the vicinity, all caused by outsiders."

People were very surprised.

"Speaking of which, many of the top-level Dao lineages in our universe, the ethnic groups standing at the top of the pyramid, are extraterrestrial civilizations." Some people sighed that it was indeed true.

This is no secret. When the superhuman reaches a certain level, he will gradually come into contact with this truth. After experiencing the initial horror, he will gradually accept and adapt. "Does our universe still belong to us? Who has the final say?" someone said.

A person next to him reminded: "Forget it, don't talk too much, there may be disciples of extraterrestrial civilization among the Taoists who come here, don't be offensive, you are a guest from afar, just accept it calmly, and those people have also integrated into our world. ."

In fact, it is not just this universe. Every time the transcendent center shifts, similar events will occur, and some civilizations will follow.

What is the transcendent central world? This is a process of mutual fulfillment.

It is precisely because of those outsiders that the splendid civilizations of different universes compete to cross and come to this world, so that the new "big stage" can be grand and prosperous.

Of course, there are some ethnic groups that live in pursuit of extraordinary aquatic plants, which cannot be handled with common sense. After passing through several generations safely, they must know that outsiders cannot understand secrets.

Ant-Man He Yi's whole body is black and bright, and his body is like a steel block. In fact, this race's strength is outrageous, and it can fight against Tianlong with its physical body.

When it comes to a person's weakness and a lowly racial status, it is often described as an ant. As a result, it is such a race that should be weak, but it is exceptionally strong after mutation.

He Yi spoke again: "In the vague time and space, it is very vast, and my grandfather suspected that there were super civilizations on the road, who took the

Sacred Mountain, Xiandao, Dongtian, etc. were brought on the road. "

To have such a big hand, it means that this civilization should be very powerful, they were very calm when they hit the road, and the parent universe was not completely exhausted at that time.

"My grandfather is going to recruit some fellows to explore together. The area is too vast, and there are indeed various dangers. I call on top extraordinary people to go in together."

He Yi explained the situation. Even the famous space traveler, the black ant from hell, the great master in the world of thieves, felt pressured after entering.

This caused agitation. This old ant, who is famous in the stars, rarely acts with people. This is because he really feels that his strength is insufficient.

Of course, this area was not only explored by the **** black ants, but in other stores, those extraordinary people who sold and exchanged strange things also entered and exited mysterious time and space scenes all year round.

In this area, there are loose cultivators, wild immortals, fugitives, and many professional expedition teams.

"This time my grandfather discovered Xintiandi. The oil and water are very rich, and the danger level is naturally high. If any master wants to go forward together, the strange things will be divided equally." But He Yi also added that once the strange bones are involved, As well as the scriptures related to Yu Daohua, his grandfather has the right to choose, but will make up for the companions with strange objects.

There are many extraordinary people on this huge meteorite that is hundreds of miles long, and there is a sudden noise. If he can act with the black ants of hell, he will definitely gain a lot. He rarely misses.

However, the great master of the thief world is extraordinary, and on this basis, he has passed the great nirvana of the primordial spirit. If he wants to take the path of imperialization, how many people can enter his dharma eyes?

In this meteorite sea area, I really can't find many people who meet the requirements. It is estimated that the people of the co-owner level will come.

"The Great Master is out!" Someone shouted.

On this large meteorite, there is a mountain body transpiring with immortal energy, opening out a cave, and there are many buildings that have become the habitat of the black ants in hell.

This old ant appeared in the real state, and did not transform in front of people. The whole body was made of abyss black gold, black and bright, with a flowing and frightening crystal luster.

"Now sell the strange things first, and come back to the like-minded Taoist friends, you can come to the cave to find me." The two-meter-long old ant said, it moved a little, and the surrounding space was distorted. Then, people were dazzled, worthy of being a legendary creature of the thief world, and brought out too many good things from those magical time and space scenes.

"There is actually a celestial medicine!"

"Wait a minute, what is that? A pot of astral sand can make a large cave, is he going to explore? This is clearly purchasing!"

Many extraordinary people were shocked. Although they knew that the space traveler **** black ants had a great reputation in this field, they were still stunned when they saw various strange objects. Good things came out one after another, and all parties bid for it. Soon people found out that some of them were official arrivals, such as the great teachers of the adjacent star fields, and the co-owner's mansion.

"This bottle of medicinal liquid is very special and extremely precious. It can help heaven-level extraordinary people have the opportunity to break through into the 'super-peerless' field."

When a thumb-length miniature crystal bottle was taken out and personally introduced by the black ants of hell, all parties went crazy, maybe it could create a top master!

Who doesn't care?

Whether it is the wild immortals who are unwilling to enter the real fairy world, some fugitives, or the various Dao lines, no one is not jealous. Because some co-owners' realms are also in the realm of transcendence.

There are only a few drops of liquid in the thumb-sized bottle, which is golden in color and swaying with a dreamlike brilliance. It is reported that there may be a little real medicine or Taoist medicine in its ingredients.

For a time, some extraordinary dynasties, top-level teachers, and some communist mansions in some star fields began to bid wildly. Who doesn't want to add a big master?

"If someone can come up with a strange bone of the Imperial Way, I will give it to him immediately." said the **** black ant.

There were more and more people on this large meteorite. Even the noble daughter Xia Qing of the Longevity Dynasty, Luo Ying of the Black Peacock Clan, and Mo Qing of the Jinque Palace also followed.

In the end, someone really took out half a strange bone, and provided some fetishes, etc., and exchanged the crystal bottle from the **** black ants. An old demon king reminded: "Giving a position, those who have unreasonable thoughts, those with ulterior motives, and those who want to kill them halfway, I advise you to give up your thoughts as soon as possible. The behemoth behind the Taoist friend who participated in the bidding is definitely not. You can provoke them. Of course, if you are an alien and have prohibited items in your hands, don't tell me."

"The next strange item is a Chaos Stone, which can be used as the main material of the treasure." The old ant introduced another heavyweight item.

However, this is somewhat cold, how many people can refine prohibited items? It needs the right time and place, and it needs the fire of a civilization to ignite, and it is necessary to extract a piece of the supreme rune of the fairyland at every turn.

This kind of thing is too far away for a lot of people. Even those Taoists who can look down on the Xinghai rarely try and cannot afford the price of failure.

Wang Xuan is extremely serious and pays close attention to it. As far as he knows, the treasure of the mother universe, the Shenming Palace, is made of Chaos Stone. Does it have anything to do with it?

"Can you take a look at it?" Some extraordinary people said, no matter whether they can afford it or not, taking the opportunity to see the main materials of prohibited items is also a gain.

"Okay." Hell Black Ant didn't care too much. If he could make a treasure at will, he wouldn't take it out at all. Although this thing is good, it can only be stored in his hand.

Some people stepped forward one after another, and Wang Xuan also took the opportunity to lean over. After getting started, he carefully observed and studied it. Generally speaking, it is three feet long, two feet wide, and one foot thick. Its shape is not very regular. Sturdy and immortal, it looks like a shard.

Wang Deng touched the lamp for a long time, and everyone at the back urged him to put it down.

It is not certain that this is the fragment of the Supreme Treasure Shrine. "Sign up, Grandmaster, can you bring us in next time? Our strength may not meet your requirements, but you don't need to go far, just go in."

Someone shouted, completely tempted, and wanted to explore the mysterious space and time.

The old ant said: "Yes, but I have to explain in advance that it is very dangerous inside, there are ghosts, there are monsters, how far can you go out, and whether it is safe, I can't take care of it, you have to rely on yourself."

"No problem, I want to sign up, even if I just look at the entrance, I have to walk around!"

"Come along!"

For a while, there was a lot of people here.

"Hey, brother, why are you in a daze?" Wu Xingtian stuck out the wolverine's head and looked at Wang Xuan.

"I want to go in, I want to sign up!" Wang Xuan said solemnly.

Wu Xingtian immediately persuaded: "I said brother, don't look up, some good things will be unearthed in this space-time ruins from time to time. However, how many people can get it? Over the years, what I have seen and heard, various There are too many tragedies. The people who are new to the Meteorite Sea are the most excited. They think they are the sons of destiny. If they go in, they may get a great opportunity. But every time the most people die are new people like us. It's peaceful, just look at it."

Wang Deng stroked his chest and said, "You don't understand, this is the feeling of heartbeat. My heart is pounding, and I feel that there is a great good fortune that can make me enlightened."

In fact, he wanted to come in to find his old friends, what if they got lost in it?

The old ant said that in the depths of the fuzzy space-time scene, the area is extremely vast, and there is no end in sight for the time being.

Wang Xuan has various Maybe the battle between different races and different cosmic civilizations is not over yet!

Soon, other news came, which added fire to this incident.

The elders of his top sects have arrived, and they have to enter. In addition, there was news that someone vaguely saw a Kunpeng nest in the secret realm of time and space, with several glowing eggs.

Some people even leaked the secret. In the distance of the vague scene, there were suspected prohibited items that appeared and disappeared in a flash. "I'm going too!" Wu Xingtian said.

Wang Yan was stunned, why did he change his mind?

"There are treasures, and there are treasures of good fortune. This time there are too many strange things. It's different from the past. I want to go to the entrance to have a look. This is the feeling of heartbeat." Wu Xingtian also put his hand on his chest, but , but his eyes were looking in the direction of Luo Ying of the Black Peacock Clan.

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