Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Entering the field to find the deceased

"This is heartbeat!" Wu Xingtian emphasized while covering his heart.

Wang Xuan could see that this was not a black peacock, nor a wolverine, but a dog badger who met a big tengu.

The Meteorite Sea suddenly became lively, and the space traveler, the black ants of hell, called for the top powerhouses to expand their way together and open up the secret realm of outer space and time.

Over the years, some top masters have sneaked here many times, and the opportunities they deserved have been almost hollowed out.

Obviously, most of the main expeditions this time were still from the Meteorite Sea.

For the next two days, Wang Xuan has been haunting this area of ​​meteorites, seeing a lot of good things for sale, as well as various great immortals, demon kings, etc.

Among them, there are several powerful people, who are actually famous star-rated fugitives, occupying Xianshan here and turning into a leader.

The galaxy is splendid. This area where the three religions and nine streams converge is quite prosperous. It is more prosperous than many extraordinary planets. The exchanges are all high-level cultivation, and most of them are immortal-level creatures.

Wang Xuan has a new identity here, Kong Huang, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains.

He felt that Wu Xingtian was okay, and the demon was good. He stopped him at a critical moment and advised him not to go up to explore. It was a piece of advice from someone who had come here.

The Meteorite Sea has no shortage of immortal mountains, floating islands, pure land, etc., all of which fell from mysterious space-time scenes, which is why it attracts a large number of black households.

The Five Elements Mountain is not far from the black market where meteorites are dense. The location is good and the area is not small. It is a pure land of immortals.

Wolverine is indeed very strong, and belongs to the big demon in the late stage of True Immortal. Otherwise, it would not be able to occupy such a dojo.

Of course, this also has something to do with him pulling the banner as a tiger skin. He told people that this was a courtyard of the Black Peacock Clan, the top demon clan, and repeatedly showed people the two drum kits on his back.

Five Elements Mountain, there are only a dozen little monsters, they are all runaways with some problems, their strength is "not high", and most of them are in the main field of health preservation.

In the Meteorite Sea, where wild immortals and fugitives are everywhere, a well-established health master is really nothing, and can only be a little monster in each family.

"Second king, the king asked you to go patrol the mountain and familiarize yourself with our territory." A little demon came to report.

Wang Yan is sitting quietly in the cave built on the second peak of the Five Elements Mountain, thinking about the various problems he may encounter after entering the mysterious space-time scene.

After hearing the words, he walked out, this identity really made him feel a little strange.

Wu Xingtian waited for him in the distance, took him to patrol and familiarize himself with the territory very seriously, and then whispered: "You said, I will invite Luo Ying, the first young master of the Black Peacock Clan, to our dojo. How about living? Make this place the name of the other courtyard of the Black Peacock Dynasty."

"Don't bother?" Wang is not very willing to get too close to those top races, and now he just wants to keep a low profile, improve his Taoism, and let the skull become Taoist.

"Two days later, I will enter the secret realm of time and space. I thought about it. As a member of the top demon clan dynasty, Luo Ying and others must know more secrets than we do. If you take the initiative to approach them, you may be able to gain a lot."

"Then go try it out." Wang Xuan said.

I have to say that Wu Xingtian's mouth is quite powerful, and he really invited people, and a dozen men and women entered this dojo.

The main thing is that the immortal mountain near the black market has its owner. Luo Ying and others didn't want to go too far, and temporarily occupied a large meteorite nearby, but it was not very good.

Now, there is an invitation from a "same clan", and they agree to follow the trend.

"The peacock bloodline on your body is not pure enough. Even if you grow wings, it may be a wolf wing." Luo Ying said, wearing a long black dress that was both glamorous and bewitching.

Wu Xingtian said: "I heard that there is a magic medicine for purifying blood in the clan. I don't know... Every time someone mentions it, I say that this is a small branch of my clan's dojo."

The people of the Black Peacock Clan all showed strange expressions. The big monster in front of them should be considered a wolverine. The Peacock bloodline is thin, but they are still so pious and eager to return to the clan?

"If you don't believe me, ask around here to see if I've always been a black peacock demon."


In the end, Wu Xingtian got his wish and really got a bottle of divine liquid flowing with black light.

When Wang Xuan learned about the situation, he was very surprised. Can this work? Congratulations to him.

Wu Xingtian's face was full of smiles, and he said: "With this bottle of magic medicine refined with the original blood of the black peacock clan, I can hope to advance to the heavenly demon, and I don't need to take risks in the mysterious space-time scene."

Wang Xuan found that he is not a big Tiangu, and there are many benefits. This big demon must have seen the black peacock family come here from time to time before, so he has been paving the way to this day?

"In the past, I was just thinking about finding a big backer. Now it seems that I really worked hard and succeeded unexpectedly." Wolverine was delighted.

At the same time, he told Wang some news, which he heard from Luo Ying.

In the depths of the mysterious space-time scene, there has really been a war between different cosmic civilizations, it is true!

Moreover, it does have the smell of prohibited items in it.

There may be eight-color strange bamboos in the secret realm, because when someone collected five-color strange bamboos in their near-deaths, they found that there was a more mysterious colorful light and fog in the distance.

In the mysterious space-time scene, there are extraordinary ghosts!

A temple on the wasteland, you can't look at it, you can't become the figure on the mottled wall

The Black Peacock Clan is worthy of being a top demon clan. They have obtained a lot of valuable news through relationships in two days here, and they know more than the local snake Wu Xingtian.

"There are so many oddities in it." Wang followed the benefits and had to be more serious and serious.

For the past two days, the sea of ​​meteorites has been extremely lively, all kinds of restlessness, people from outside the region have come, and there are also local expedition teams forming alliances.

The **** black ants have a helper, and a mysterious old man wants to walk with him.

In addition, there were other top masters who showed up. For example, an extremely powerful person came from the Qingyang Palace and was respected as the Qingyang Sword Immortal.

This Monster Race Sword Immortal is a peerless person who does not fear some co-owners.

When Wang Xuan was here, he had seen him on the road, with wavy white hair, driving a flying sword with horns, his aura was terrifying, and he drove a huge demon cloud to rush past.

"Qingyang Sword Immortal invited his friend, who is also a peerless Black Bull Sword Immortal. This old demon uses a horn-sharp knife to cut through the starry sky. It is terrifying, and he is also a peerless person."

In addition, the most powerful old fugitive in the Meteorite Sea is also gathering people to enter the secret realm of time and space.

People are talking about it, and many people have to follow.

Wu Xingtian told Wang Xuan that the five-colored bamboo fell into the hands of Hongdao, a young man in the tattoo palace, which made Luo Ying very unhappy.

For the time being, Hongdao of the Tattoo Palace did not have any amazing fetishes to exchange for the five-colored bamboo, but he used the reputation of the Tattoo Palace to guarantee that he had the unique seal of the core disciple with tattoos, which was pledged there. Biju Building

In addition, Mo Han, the woman from the Paper Temple, also spoke for him, indirectly guaranteeing.

This is a bit surprising. Are the two behemoths, the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, going to join forces? The two disciples actually walked so close.

Luo Ying could only be secretive, unable to bid for the five-colored bamboo, so there was nothing she could do. "Are the disciples of the Tattoo Palace going to enter the secret realm of time and space?" Wang Xuan asked. Wu Xingtian nodded and said: "There is a high probability of going in. Even, there is a gossip, and there may be some powerful people coming from the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple."

"As long as the paper saint is not revived, and the originator of the tattoo palace reappears in the world, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?" Wang Xuan asked.

"These two are hard to say and unfathomable."

However, Wang Xuan didn't care, if he really wanted to enter the mysterious space-time scene, as long as he had the chance, he had to kill the people in the tattoo palace.

His sister, whom he had never met, died at the hands of the tattooist.

"Nvliang, why did the news leak? Kunpeng's Nest, there are several **** eggs that can make up for the source of my waiting and help break the limit. How come many people know about it."

Yuan Hong and others came. After Feishengxing was lifted by Wang Yan, an elder of Hedao Sect went to the academy to ask for someone, but was rejected.

Now, the group came to the Meteor Sea.

Time passed, and everyone was ready to enter that hazy and mysterious space-time scene.

The space traveler Hell Black Ant and an old human race were the first to enter the venue. They stepped into the densely populated area of ​​meteorites and opened up a hazy void, which disappeared in a flash.

"Let's not crowd with the old ants, let's go this way." Qingyang Jianxian said, driving the flying sword with horns, his long wavy hair without wind, and the demonic energy turned into a majestic dark cloud, he ascended to the sky.

Next to him is a black-haired old man, urging the horns and sharp knife, the bright knife light makes the Xinghai pale, and splits the blurred area ahead.

Qingyang Sword Immortal and Black Bull Sword Immortal also entered the venue.

Then, another powerful person appeared, choosing different directions to enter the secret realm of time and space.

Those entrances were no longer closed, and were opened by the force of the first few people who entered.

"Let's go!" Seeing this, the others followed on the road.

Standing on a meteorite, Wang Yan quietly saw Yuan Hong and his party enter, and also saw the young man Hongdao from the Tattoo Palace and a woman from the Paper Temple entering.

Then Mo Qing from Jinque Palace, Luo Ying from Black Peacock Clan, Xia Qing from Longevity Star Region, etc. all brought people in one after another.

"You're not following?" Wang looked at Wu Xingtian.

"There is hope for the celestial monster, so I will not take the risk. Let's look back at the scenery near the entrance." Wolverine said, quite restrained.

With a swoosh, Wang Xuan entered, unable to calm down in his heart. He wondered if a group of old friends had ever fought in it. The **** confrontation between different cosmic civilizations is terrifying just thinking about it.

In such a fight, a battle of life and death, how many people will be left alive in the end?

The fighters must have used the treasure!

Moreover, it is believed that there are three alien civilization encounters here, and the melee may be more intense.

Wang Xuan hoped that Fang Yuzhu, Yan Mingcheng, Demon Lord, Ming Xue and others were not lost here.

But he is ready. If he really wants to find his old friend and encounter enemies from other universes, he will make a desperate move and bring along the Imperial Road Banner and the first killing formation map.


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