Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 194: The reddest monster in the meteorite sea

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Not to mention the genius disciples of the top sects such as the Golden Palace, the Paper Temple, and the Hedao Sect, and even the extraordinary people who came to hear the news showed strange expressions.

Especially outsiders, they all feel that the Meteorite Sea is a bit evil, and the demon king here is too different, Jie

It's okay to be unruly, not to mention it's very cruel, and you have to pay for appearances in a life-and-death battle? It's really far away


"It's the first time I've heard of such a rule. It's worthy of being a place where you don't care, and it has become a paradise for all kinds of interstellar fugitives." Some people from other star fields sighed.

Wolverine would like to say, I haven't heard of it before, Meteorite Sea doesn't have this rule, it's a temporary addition by the second king, but he still doesn't think he can explain it.

"I have never seen such a brazen monster!" In the starry sky, on a large meteorite, a limit-breaking genius said.

"Can't you afford to lose?" Luo Ying danced in her black dress. Now, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain has been branded as the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, and she must stand up.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "You guys are thinking about the strange things in the God's Nest that I got from the Five Elements Mountains, and you don't pay anything. If you come to grab it, I think it's even more shameless."

The Shennest has fallen into the Five Elements Mountains, and was captured by two mountain kings and top disciples. The onlookers pondered for a while, and felt that this was the truth.

Yuan Hong, Gu Cheng, Yu Jin, Hong Dao and others didn't think so, and felt that those strange things had not yet been determined, and they were qualified to compete.

Several people believed that the demon king was trying to change the position and confuse the meaning of the duel.

"Don't you have any strange objects of the corresponding level, and the disciples of the famous sects are not good enough? In fact, you can put yourself on the line. I, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, Kong Xuan, has been practicing hard for 800 years, and I have kept myself clean. I still have no Taoist companion. ."

Wolverine also gave up, standing firmly on the side of Black Peacock Sacred Mountain and Kong Xuan, helping to speak, five

The second king of the mountain is still short of a lady who suppresses the village!

After speaking, he was also a little guilty, his eyes dodged, and he glanced at the various geniuses in the starry sky.

Yu Jin of the Golden Palace, Mo Han of the Paper Temple, and Xia Qing of the Longevity Dynasty all felt that the Wolverine was watching them, and several of them took their seats.

In an instant, the hatred of the Black Peacock King of the Five Elements Mountain soared!

"Okay, this is the first time I have met a demon who would benefit from someone fighting with me. Today, let me see how red and strong the 'red demon' in the Meteorite Sea is!" Yu Jin gritted his teeth.

She restrained, swallowed her anger and prepared to pay the game fee, no matter what, she had to fight this second king, and she couldn't swallow this bad breath without beheading him.

Gu Cheng's broken right foot hasn't grown back yet, but he has stood up, and everyone else has a solemn expression, waiting for the battle to start.

The atmosphere here suddenly became chilling and subtle. Yu Jin was very famous. He had defeated many brothers and sisters in the Jinque Palace, and he had a tendency to catch up. "Here you are!" She did so simply, shaking her hand and throwing out a golden shell, which landed on the five-colored light curtain of the great formation.

Run crystal clear, flowing golden light.

It's not like it's made of metal, it's like a natural golden seashell, but the color is strange.

What kind of strange thing is this? Wang Xuan didn't know it at all, and after looking left and right, Chen Yu didn't understand either, and Wolverine was at a loss.

However, Wolverine still controlled the Five Elements Great Array immediately and took Jinbei in, because he saw the expressions of some people, and he was about to make a move and wanted to grab it.

The golden shell fell, but it was only three inches long. Wang Xuan felt heavy when he started it. There were complex and fine textures on it. He listened to it as if there was a rhythm in it.

Outside, a group of people were frying the pot, and the people who wanted to grab it just now showed fiery eyes.

"The golden shell of Origin Sea, hold it in hand, you can enter \'Origin Dojo' once in the future, and this token will be given

go out?"

Some people's hearts are trembling slightly, Jinbei is priceless, and the number is extremely rare, even the core disciples of the top great teachers have to compete.

In the eyes of many people, getting the origin of Haijinbei means a chance to change the fate.

Strange things don't change.

Even a top-level teacher like Jinque Palace would only get one or two gold shells each time.

Wang Xuan was surprised when he listened to their discussion. He had heard the name of the origin of the sea when he was in the trial of Mu Yu.

Fanru, the seventh-ranked super-banned item, the mothership of the very beginning, once lost its way there. There is a dojo in the sea, and there is a chance to change the fate? This makes his heart move slightly.

"Junior sister!" Gu Cheng said, how could such a sacred thing be handed over casually?

Yu Jin was very calm and said, "This is not given by the teacher, but I got it by accident in the starry sky. What if it was given to him, does he dare to go?"

Everyone has a strange look and wants to enter the "Origin Dojo". Some paths must be taken.

It's useless, there are top Taoists who will be very strong on the road to "buy at a high price".

The most outrageous one was when a loose cultivator stepped into the "Origin Dojo" with half of his feet, but he was dragged out. After "friendly negotiation", Jinbei was "purchased at a high price".

As for the red monster of the Meteorite Sea, if he really dared to go, who would buy it at a high price? Guaranteed to be swarmed

Going to contain him is a "big chance" in the eyes of people, just kill him directly.

Besides, even if he really entered the "Origin Dojo", it is estimated that many people who are the descendants of the top Taoism will hunt him.

Wang Xuan heard those whispers and those hot eyes, and suddenly felt that this Jinbei was a little hot, and this white-haired girl wanted to harm him.

Not to mention going to the Sea of ​​Origin, if you hold this thing in your hand, you will be stared at in the Sea of ​​Meteorite. There are all black households here, and there is absolutely no shortage of desperate fugitives.

Besides, now that there are so many great teachers and masters coming, there must be many people sharpening their knives.

"I... auction gold shells!" Wang Xuan shouted immediately.

"What are you afraid of?" Luo Ying's voice transmission, as the most beautiful and true immortal of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, she still has some confidence, so that the Second King of the Five Elements Mountain does not have to rush.

"It's not necessary." Yu Jin also said, her white hair fluttering and her complexion like suet jade. Although her years of cultivation are short, she is extremely powerful and has entered the late stage of the true immortal.

"After the fight, I will take it back," she said calmly.

The surrounding Wang Xuan began to fly sand and rocks, and the great demon king became more imposing. It was obvious that he was being attacked by Jin Que.

The female disciple of the palace underestimated, and was completely ignored by others.

The white-haired Yu Jin is extremely confident, that's why she threw down the golden shell, and prepared to cut off the Meteorite Sea Red Monster before taking it back.

"You might capsize." Wang Xuan said, holding a heavy copper knife, motioning for Wolverine to let her in alone.

The five colors of light and mist surged and flashed, and Yu Jin fell from the starry sky to the Five Elements Mountain.

"If something goes wrong, I'm not your opponent, so what's the use of keeping Jinbei?" Yu Jin said.

Wang Xuan was speechless, this is the truth, it is estimated that the group of people in Jinque Palace are not happy.

He looked at Shiye and said, "Is there anyone who wants to fight with me? I've paid the fee in advance."

In the starry sky, on the meteorites one after another, none of the great disciples paid any attention to him.

Let's talk about it again, many people think that he will be beheaded soon!

Wang Xuan looked at Yu Jin and said, "Actually, if you pay more for something strange, I will leave your head under the knife at the critical moment."

Although the white-haired Yu Jin had jade-like complexion and clear eyes, he had a great temper. After hearing these words, he exploded into the void with his fleshly body, and with a bang, his immortal body teleported and directly killed him.

Although she was a woman, she was extremely wild when she shot, what surprised Wang Xuan was that she actually

Carrying a pair of extremely terrifying sledgehammers, it forms a strong contrast with her graceful and graceful figure.

A pile of pitch-black sledgehammers, each blasting the void, with fragments of rules, making people mistaken for a head

A sturdy prehistoric beast was born.

Wang Xuan swung the copper knife, and the sharp knife cut through the void, directly attacking the pair that looked as heavy as a mountain.

Giant sledgehammer. In an instant, there was a blazing light between the two, a terrifying explosion, and a chain of order was formed.

Hundreds of thousands spread out, crushing the void.

Clusters of light appeared in this area, and it was the two people who were moving, turning into lightning and entangled together, mainly because the movement was too fast.


With a light shock, one of the five mountains in the Five Elements Mountains was missing, the huge mountain that towered into the starry sky.

The body was majestic and huge, but after being hit by the black sledgehammer in Yu Jin's right hand, the mountain body was destroyed, first shattered, and then melted!

Wolverine grinned and was terrified. Will it be called Sixiang Mountain in the future?

This hammer even caused the Five Elements Great Array to be severely impacted, and the array flag on the mountain was exposed. Fortunately, it was not destroyed and was still suspended in the void.

Yu Jin looked slender and filled with immortal energy, but when he really moved his hands, the contrast was too strong. Every time the pair of sledgehammers fell, it was like falling from a black sky, and the force was fierce and evil.

Wang Xuan didn't get used to her, holding a copper knife in his left hand and a mace in his right hand, he fought against her, with ferocity against ferocity, with domineering against domineering, and purely pressing her down.

Everyone was moved. Between these two people, regular beams of light were constantly rushing up, and the power of order was entangled in the sky. The two seemed to be intertwined with two thunderbolts.

The sound, but the rhythm of the Tao is shaking the soup, not only to tear the eardrums of the extraordinary, but also to penetrate the primordial spirit of the true immortal.

"It's true." Wang Xuan said, there are not many true immortals who can deserve his evaluation. After all, he is a superhero.

Regular breakers.

However, this kind of comment is in Jin's ears, it is ridicule, it is a serious provocation.

Jinque Palace's most talented little junior sister, she has always crushed true immortal opponents in the shortest time.

For example, the dead Mo Qing, although she was her senior brother, was a younger brother in terms of strength.

She didn't win the opponent at the first time, and for her, it seemed to be out of order. The more she fought

The more fierce it is, the more eager it is to kill this "red demon" with a single hammer.

The people in the Jinque Palace were shocked. In the close combat, could someone stop Yu Jin?

Several senior brothers, who would dare to challenge her?

Especially in the outside world, no one has ever been able to stop her ten hammers in the past, but now

How many hammers? At this moment, dozens or hundreds of hammers are blasted out every time I blink, the white-haired Yu Jin goes mad, and the sky is full of

It was a fierce and domineering black hammer shadow, and the sky was smashed.

This is not a pure brute force collision, Taoism and rules are contained in the Immortal Hammer, every blow can kill a very powerful True Immortal, but today Yu Jin can't take down his opponent.

Later, people saw that Yu Jin's hands were red, ticking, and blood was falling from the void where they were gone. Those with discerning eyes can see through the shattered void that between Jin's ten fingers, those soft flesh bleeds like a stream, torn apart by a terrifying force.

A battle between dragons and tigers, in the eyes of the outside world, this is an extremely rare breaking battle in the realm of immortals. These two people are all fierce, and a hammer or a mace is enough to kill a heaven-level master!

Many people's faces changed, and some celestial demons and other shivers had chills on their backs.

The two are with all kinds of visions, such as lightning, fire, etc., of course, the most amazing thing is the black demonic energy of the second king, covering the sky and making some demons speechless. Intentional, but does it help to kill the enemy?

"Add money?" Wang Xuan asked.

"What did you say?!" The white-haired Yu Jin was covered in blood, and the whole body was entwined with fragments of rules.

They are all crazy, and the beautiful face is full of Dao rhyme texture and evil spirit.

"I mean, are you still adding strange things?" Wang Xuan asked, and then decisively swung the copper knife, drawing a glamorous and terrifying sword light, which fell towards her snow-white neck.

People were horrified when they saw Yu Jin's beautiful swan-like neck with blood oozing out.

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