Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 195: 1 Youkai Yokosuka


Bright red blood rushed out, and a terrifying crack appeared on Yu Jin's beautiful snow-white neck.

Everyone was shocked. The female disciple of Jinque Palace was a famous genius with huge growth potential.

Now her throat is broken, and a terrifying blood hole is clearly visible, which makes many geniuses feel the same, and can't help but take two steps back.

Some people even touched their necks, all because they were too engaged in watching the battle and immersed in this extremely fierce battle, they naturally couldn't bring in the second king.

No one thought that Yu Jin was suddenly severely injured, and the light drawn by the thick copper knife seemed to cut into everyone's heart.

Yu Jin kept teleporting to get rid of his opponent, but the wound on his neck was so terrifying that it was completely cut open, and there were regular fragments eroded.

She groaned, her heart was like a golden sun, shining with divine brilliance, baptizing the wound with her own source immortal blood, and then dispelling the opponent's regular rune.

Many people were astonished, the wound was so deep that it was almost cut in half, and the beautiful head was only a skin away from falling off.

After Yu Jin escaped, he covered his neck with his hands, the fairy light flashed violently, and the wound gradually healed and disappeared.

"Have you thought about it, do you want to add a strange thing?" Wang Xuan's gentle voice sounded, but what set him off was the black demonic aura. He had a heavy copper knife in one hand, a pitch-black mace in the other, and the four wild ghosts cried and wailed. , thunder and lightning, and pouring rain.

Yu Jin was very angry. She was indeed a genius in the sky. She rose from her youth to today. She has rarely been so embarrassed, and she was actually defeated by a loose cultivator and a mountain king in the Meteorite Sea.

"The two kings battle Wushuang, and the demon power shakes the sea of ​​meteorites!"

A dozen little demons were very discerning, woke up from the shock, and immediately began to wave their flags and shout. "If you don't have any strange objects, just grab those who end up, and be the lady of Yazhai for the second king!"

After Yu Jin heard it, her beautiful eyes spit fire. If there is a monster king, there must be a monster. What kind of outrageous monsters are on the Wuxing Mountain in the Meteorite Sea?

"The strange things on her body don't count, it has to be someone outside the venue who paid for her strange things." Wang Xuan opened his mouth in the surging black demon cloud, looking at Gu Cheng and the others in the starry sky.

The meaning is obvious, the Jinque Palace needs to be redeemed!

As for the strange things on Yu Jin himself, he seems to have regarded it as his own. It seems that even the white-haired girl is regarded as a dish by him.

How brave! This is the voice of many people in the starry sky, put it on the condition of the Jinque Palace, blackmail? Wolverine's scalp is numb, his brother, the second king is going to play off the line, and those people in Jinque Palace are not good people.

In fact, after Wang Xuan was forced to make a move, he had some psychological preparations, depending on whether the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain behind him could hold it.

Therefore, let's get some strange things while you can get them now, anyway, people have been offended.

Sure enough, Gu Cheng and the others all had cold eyes, standing in the starry sky and looking down, even if the demon was very strong, they didn't think he could defeat a behemoth like Jinque Palace, the two were not on the same level.

In the field, Yu Jin couldn't bear it any longer. She wouldn't accept anything to oppress Mrs. Zhai and to pay for something strange, because she hadn't lost yet.

At the very least, she is still dissatisfied, and she has not used all her means, and now she will not leave the stage at all, and will start again.


The two pitch-black sledgehammers soared, really becoming as big as the top of a mountain. Her slender body was getting taller, her body was showing, covered with starlight, covered with the sun, swallowing mountains and rivers, she was obviously a beautiful woman, but she was more brave than the overlord. .

Sledgehammer blasts the void!

One after another order, pieces of regular fragments, like a nebula exploded, covering Wang Xuan, drowning him.

People seemed to see that Wang Xuan was hit by two hammers as majestic as a mountain and as dark as an abyss. There was chaos, and the runes and the void burned together.

Outside, many people were looking forward to it, but unfortunately, the mood was like a roller coaster, and it was only in an instant. They saw that the second king was killed again, making Yu Jin bloody.

This time, he swung a mace and hit Yu Jin's waist, where a cloud of blood erupted. The so-called "wearing the sun and the moon" was defeated, and the chain of rules was also torn apart.

Yu Jin retreated very quickly, her body shrank, and she couldn't fight in close quarters. She couldn't accept it, but she endured it. The demon king on the opposite side had an amazing physique.

She even had some doubts. Could it be that the other party became a fairy in the flesh? She used the power of the ultimate immortal way, and no one knew that she had superimposed some kind of forbidden method just now, and the power of the immortal body was directly raised by a lot, but she couldn't beat the opponent.

She stepped back, silently, with a pair of black immortal hammers in front of her, her eyebrows suddenly glowed, illuminating the void, and it was gorgeous.

In an instant, with Yu Jin as the center, the starry sky is vast, and a huge golden tower emerges, like the residence of a true saint. The atmosphere is grand and majestic, as if it can suppress the world.

Wang Xuan frowned deeply, feeling the pressure in the spiritual realm.

Silently, he inexplicably stood in the vast sea of ​​stars, directly facing the huge golden tower. Is this... an evolution out of the physical plane, but his real body comes in.

Yu Jin no longer fought in close combat, but displayed the highest scripture of his own sect, the Jinque Yuanshen Visualization Sutra. This Dao is collectively called a behemoth, and its scriptures focus more on spiritual practice. Yu Jin is good at close combat, and can only be regarded as an alternative among the core disciples.

At this time, the galaxy is brilliant, the sun is shining, the moon is hanging in the sky, and all this is spiritual evolution, and all of these are revolving around the huge golden tower, which is the only center.

"The spiritual realm is fully realized, the world is interpreted, and you want to deal with me?" Wang Xuan faced calmly.

Sure enough, at the moment when the opponent attacked, this sea of ​​stars became magnificent, and the golden tower was supreme, so huge that it squeezed into the deep space.

It flew directly over and wanted to suppress Wang Xuan in the middle.

There are hundreds of thousands of rays of light in the golden tower, and each shot is a rule, and the rhythm is flowing.

"Today I saw the supreme scriptures of the Jinque Palace, it's terrifying!" Someone exclaimed.

"There have always been rumors that there is an alien who has traveled a long way on the road of Yudaohua living in the real Jinque Palace. I don't know if it is true or not."

In the Five Elements Mountains, Wolverine and Chen Yu both showed solemn expressions.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the reddest monster in the Meteorite Sea did not evade. Facing this kind of famous scriptures, he was directly shocked and very rigid.

Moreover, at this moment, what made everyone speechless was that his primordial spirit glowed, and he was also embodying the earlier demonic energy. In an instant, an overwhelming black cloud appeared, submerging most of the starry sky that the opponent embodied.

Then, the stars flew together, the black hole galloped, this is the evolutionary body of flying sand and stone, the whole star sea was no longer brilliant, and the billowing demon cloud accompanied his skyrocketing body, waving the mace, and smashed it towards the Jinque Palace.

In addition, around it, twelve giant black pillars supporting the sky appeared, directly piercing the sea of ​​​​stars, and all kinds of monsters and monsters roared and entered the starry sky.

Everyone was speechless, what special hobbies did these two kings have? It is obvious that he is telling others that he is a very fierce monster!

With this kind of temperament, do you still say that he is not a three-star fugitive fugitive? No matter how you look at it, it should be five stars!

The two collided violently in the realm of spiritual manifestation, and they kept fighting. Finally, Wang Xuan moved seriously and visualized the method recorded in the golden bamboo slips.

Beside him, fifty-four golden sheets of paper emerged, condensing the true meaning of the scriptures and revealing the world.

Of course, he concealed it, this time it was not in the form of bamboo slips, but page after page of scriptures, flipping around him, making a chanting sound.


When these golden chapters flew, the entire Xinghai was torn apart by him, and smashed by those papers! He swung the black mace, cracked the majestic golden tower with a single stick, collapsed, and then burst open.

"Ah..." Yu Jin screamed while holding her head, throwing away the pair of immortal hammers, her seven orifices bleed, her primordial spirit was severely injured, her white hair was stained with blood, and she stumbled backwards.

Wang Xuan's body moved, like a thunderbolt across the sky, drawing a dazzling light, the copper knife in his hand was like a rainbow shooting into the sun, dazzling and compelling, instantly piercing through Yu Jin's body and pinning her in the void. "Stop, stop!"

"We'll give you something strange!"

The people in the Jinque Palace screamed, and they were really shocked. How could they watch the talented disciple Yu Jin die in battle.

"What?" Wang Xuan said, standing in the Wuxingshan Dojo, not far from the copper knife stained with blood, running through Jin's chest and abdomen, hanging in the air.

Yu Jin had already fainted.

"The World Tree Fragments, for you!" Gu Cheng gritted his teeth. A piece of wood the size of a palm fell into the Five Elements Mountain.

This kind of strange object is naturally invaluable. Whether it is to interpret the space treasure or to refine it into a medicine cauldron, it is extremely extraordinary. It has various strange properties such as vitality and space changes, and it is an excellent material.

"It's good!" Wang Xuan highly praised that the best container for brewing medicinal wine is available, and the fermentation and storage of this thing can improve the quality of the liquor.

Then, he was about to fish to see what else Yu Jin had on him.

"Let her go." A voice came from Wang Xuan's ear. It was the elder Qingtian of the Black Peacock Clan, which made him feel relieved. This super peerless peer was nearby, and he spoke, and it seemed that he would take care of today's affairs.

At this time, outsiders did not hear.

Wang Xuan drew his saber and let go of Yu Jin directly, saying, "If you save someone's life, there is a fragrance left in your hand."

He directly sent people out of the Five Elements Great Then, Wang Xuan stared at Yuan Hong and said, "And you, you want to fight against me, right? Why did I promise you? I didn’t ask you for an appearance fee, it’s useless to kill you, and if you don’t kill you, you can’t swallow the bad anger in your heart, it’s really tasteless.”

"I...!" Yuan Hong's chest was tight, blue veins appeared on his forehead, this demon king is nothing, so don't say it if he can't speak!

Of course, he was really terrified, Yu Jin was defeated, even if he had a killing talisman in his hand, he was clueless, and he didn't want to end at all.

Wang Xuan said: "Well, what's your name? Yuan.

. rib, send me something strange, and I won't kill you. "

Yuan Hong really wanted to chop him to death with a sword. The second king of Wuxingshan was so hateful. His eyes were fierce, but in the end he silently looked at the space bracelet. Are there any suitable strange objects?

A demon swept across the sky, staring at the disciples of the various sects, making this starry sky extraordinarily quiet, and no one spoke for the time being.

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