Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 229: Busy hitting girlfriends from all walks of life

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The sea breeze is gentle, bringing the dampness with a slightly salty taste

The air also blew waves into the blue sea, causing pieces of broken starlight to follow the sea.

ups and downs.

As soon as Wang Xuan came out of the water, he saw a metal fishing hook with regular textures.

Draw an arc and come at him, precise and fast.

With a chirp, the night sky was penetrated, and the sharp fishing hook came in front of me in an instant.

Shining light, coming directly to anchor his Tianling cover.

The unexpected encounter shocked him, and as soon as he came to this side of Yihai, he was stunned.

People are eyeing, when the fish come to catch?

He fished, fished for cats, fished for bamboo shoots, and fished one after another.

Alien, this is a secret arrangement, do you want to correct him and get revenge? Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

With a flick of his right index finger, with a bang, Mars

Splashing, rhythm, ripples in the void, that shiny golden fishing hook

Shot out.

However, there are four or five hooks flying over together, this is to grab the fish, fight for

To seize the strange things in the sea, they are all using the anchor hook.

Wang Yan jumped out of the sea immediately, a flash

When you reach a few hundred meters away, avoid the five hooks and the following six hooks.

Hook, standing under the night sky.

This sea area is full of vitality, and there are not many anglers.

Fish", the strange thing ran away, and there must be some people nearby to catch up.

Under the sea, there are many species, colorful corals, **** shells that come out of the water in the night moon, fans from afar

The sea-monster singing in the fog, and some sea clan powerhouses who are anti-fishing for visitors from the starry sky, etc.

When the "lively".

"Ah, isn't this... Lu Renjia?"

People were startled and recognized him at a glance.

Two months ago, the big dark horse Lu Renjia was in Jin Shuyu

The first time on the battlefield of the book, based on the real fairy field, attack

Even Zhuo Yanran is not right for defeating masters from all walks of life


There is even a gossip that Zhuo Yanran, one of the descendants of the aliens, has been equipped with a divine ring since childhood...

I was beaten and cried twice that night!

And the legend about her spit and spit has spread very widely.

Two months have passed, and Zhuo Yanran is still in a fit of rage. She has been looking for people who vilify her.

She has beaten more than a dozen famous geniuses, including her four best girlfriends.

In the words of some people, the current Fairy Zhuo is walking in the footsteps of not recognizing six relatives.

It is very dangerous to be her best friend when she fights with her opponent!

"Extremely True Immortal - Lu Renjia, from the bottom of the sea

sleepy out! "Nearby anglers were alerted and taken aback.

With a hula, some people came to watch, there was a deep

Those who are curious, there are also elders who are meaningful. This is a different sea, mostly the sky

A master in the field, a top-level true immortal who is not afraid of "extraordinary".

Of course, the only person who saw that battle in person was that day.

Only those who are not will understand that this true immortal is extremely fierce, and

The difference is that it can definitely kill a heaven-level creature, and it may explode quickly.

There are not many supernatural beings who don't open their eyes directly to find fault, because it is fundamentally wrong to do so.

No, there is no real conflict of interest between them.

"Everyone, it's really fate, we meet again, have the opportunity to drink together, change

God, I am the host, and I have left in advance today. "Wang Deng turned into a streamer, directly pasted

Facing the sea, it disappeared in an instant.

Someone's eyes changed, staring at his back.

Wang Yan didn't want to waste time. Although there were no heaven-level experts to ask for trouble, he also

There are so many strands of maliciousness spreading, and he doesn't want to have too much entanglement with them here.


On the way, he took out the strange object on his mobile phone and contacted Lu, who respected him very much.

True fairy,

On that day, the strange object of the mobile phone floated out by itself, helping

He added new friends from all walks of life, and he took the initiative a little too far. Now, Wang Xuan wants to find

No way, go to the sea

The space cracks of Observation Yu Dao turned flesh and blood.

"Where's Brother Lu? Enjoy a drink with Yueyue and talk about it."

As soon as Wang Yan left, the sea was surging with waves

Chung, a basalt beast as huge as an island came, the whole body was white, surrounded by evil spirits.

Qi, it was Xuan Tian who was going to "fake fight" with Wang Yan that day.

It's a pity that he came late and didn't see the master, and when he dialed the communicator, he found

The other party has also been busy.

In the sky, a golden thunder cloud came, the mighty wind, the huge Peng

The bird appeared, and Jin Yu landed here. He also missed it. He didn't see Wang Yan.


Zhuo Yanran had already left, busy with her girlfriends! And Ye Lin and Hei He also both

Each has something to do, leave early.

Under the sea, Lu couldn't open his eyes suddenly, the transcendent communicator was humming, and soon he

It was connected, revealing the color of surprise and surprise.

On the way, Wang Xuan also saw people in the different seas.

Some fights, such as a dazzling mussel,

As bait, lure the moonlight, lure anglers, and finally successfully counter hunting, drag it

into the deep sea.

During the period, there were also superhumans in the starry sky fighting infighting, and anglers clashed very well.

Often, but the words of the two made Wang Xuan look different.

"Haha, the big lion of Shishenling, you are not my opponent.

In the Immortal Realm, I am stronger than you. It is estimated that I should be equal to 1.2 blue crows, and you

It's only 1.1 blue crows, which is slightly worse than me, and now it's still not mine.

opponent. "

A **** cat panting heavily, taunting the blood-covered silver in the air

The big white lion and the **** cat are the winners of this duel.

With a roar of lions, the whole sea burst open, and there are terrifying sound waves under the night sky.

The ripples expanded, causing many large cracks to appear in the sky.

The two fought again, and the blood of the sky dyed this piece of red

sea ​​area.

Wang Xuan didn't disturb them, he quickly left, he was

I really didn't expect that after the battle that day, the blue

The crow has also become a celebrity, and the status has been "gong"

Solid”. Looking at this posture, as a measure of genius, there is a tendency to spread


The blue crow is actually a famous genius, otherwise, the real immortal realm will also be

I dare not come to this strange sea, but now I have become a reference for the stronger.

There is news that Qingya swears that he will retreat among the Hui people and try to break the limit.

Become a real immortal, and let the creatures who use him as the object of comparison become less than 0.8

The blue crow of , can't make up the whole number, when the time comes, who will dare to use him as a reference.

"Master Lu!"

On the sea, under the silver-white starlight, the road can't go out

Now, come to pick up Wang Xuan. With respect and more formality than last time, he greeted Wang Xing


"We don't have to be so rigid and

gas. "Wang Xuan came in a wave.

"I don't feel cramped, I would like to see you like this

present. "Lu couldn't say it, it could be seen that he was a serious and serious person.

After being a half teacher, he was so persistent in his words and deeds. )

Wang Xuan had no intention of changing him.

This is a pure practitioner, in

There are few opponents among the true immortals, and it is time to enter the heaven-level realm, just to explore stronger

The road is still stuck.

The two quickly dived and entered the depths of the different sea all the way.

The different sea is very special. Occasionally, some space cracks will appear, and some people will say no when they fall.

What is the relic of the Qing Dynasty, which is one of the reasons for attracting anglers from all walks of life.

"36 years ago, I stumbled across the fissure

Seam, that piece of flesh is terrifying, and I've never been able to get close to it. "exist

On the way, Lu could not introduce the situation there.

Over the years, he has only observed from the outside,

Not deep in that crack.

Wang Xuan asked him, "Now you are in the realm of real immortals.

Daoized, you should be able to enter the realm of heaven, but you are still hesitating, what do you have?

Concerned? "

"I'm afraid that the foundation I have laid is not strong enough,

The future dies halfway. It's really hard to be an alien, I want to make every step

It's all going smoothly,

Reality. In addition, there is the illusory true sage that only appears in legends.

If possible, I would love to know. Only at that level can we keep up with the super

Where the footsteps of the center shift, but if you want to stand at that height, it is more difficult and impossible.

and. For the extraordinary, it is just a dream, which can be pursued but can never be reached.

arrive. I just want to look far away, get a little closer, and look at the scenery there

How exactly. "Lu couldn't sigh.

Countless ethnic groups, how many creatures can reach that step? Immortal, heavenly

Spirit, in front of that kind of creature, seems incomparably small and insignificant.

In fact, the transcendent has an

I don't understand it at all, I can't even look at it.

Wang Xuan comforted: "Don't think so much, right now

Just take one step and practice hard. Once you have reached the point of Taoism and strength, you will naturally be able to

reach that height. "

"Difficult." Lu couldn't shake his head.

Wang Xuan learned some things through him.

Wanting to become an alien is extremely difficult, and it will stop one

large crowd.

True saints live only in legends.

In various classics, there is no clear description of them, as if avoiding


According to legend, only at this level can the extraordinary truth be seen.

See infinite scenery. !

"Some people say that the true sage can't guarantee to survive every era." Lu couldn't say

Dao, a little disappointed and emotional, even the true saint that he longed for and couldn't see in his heart, it seemed

Almost in contention.

He is a devout seeker, wanting to go further, truly detached, hoping to stand

Foot higher, take a look at the transcendent nature, why the central world of myth is always there


One after another the old central world was abandoned, a

Ji Ji Ji passes away, what are the rules?

"Here." He stopped.

Thousands of meters under the sea, the light is very dim,

But it's fine for them.

The neighborhood is quiet as some are clearly visible

The resulting void is dense with cracks and is very unstable.

It will explode and collapse. Once this happens, it will be a real fairy, a god

Class creatures, etc. may be severely injured, or even die.

Wang Yan was surprised that the crack that Lu could not find was very special, very secret, and had no special features.

Special spiritual eyes, or other abnormal eyes, probably won't be found.

The space crack is surrounded by mist, and there are material flows with space attributes, and there are

Mysterious rules cover this place.

Lu Wu's eyes have suffered lesions, and he can see many things that extraordinary people can't see.


Wang Yan's eyes were bright, staring there, seeing the crack

A mass of flesh and blood deep in the seam, full of vitality, intertwined with unpredictable textures

and rhyme.

He looked solemn and said, "This place is not simple.

Shan, there is the flesh and blood of Yu Daohua in the gap, maybe there is something strange inside the space.

Bones, even wrecks, and grand remains. Also, it doesn't look like an alien

The blood and bones may belong to the true saint! "

Lu couldn't tell, just that lump of flesh and blood was made for him

It became endless pressure, and if he got close enough, his body was cracked and bloodstained.

Spot, can't get past it.

This is astonishing, a mass of flesh and blood blocks the road, leaving the supreme true immortal helpless.

"Wait for me to prepare first, and try it later to see if I can open this mysterious space.

between. "Wang Pao is looking forward to it.

All along, he has been observing the remnant bones, this place seems to be very remarkable,

Is it the place where the aliens fell, or is it related to the true saint? He wanted to find out.

In the sea, Xuan Tian and Jin Yu used the extraordinary communicator to contact Zhuo Yanran and asked her what she was up to.

So, do you want to come to Yihai to meet with "old friends"?

"I don't have time, I'm busy calling girlfriends from all walks of life!" Zhuo

Yan Ran said simply, this kind of response made Xuan Tian and Jin Yu feel quite at ease.


"Didn't you almost hit all the suspects

over? " Xuan Tian asked.

Zhuo Yanran said: "Where, there are several more

Woolen cloth! Encountered a very powerful, some can not move,

I met her again today to learn from each other. "

Jin Yu whispered, "Are those really your best friends?"

Words have been redefined by you.

"It's I won't say it anymore, I have to think about how to call the surname An!" Zhuo Yanran said

To end the call.

"Lu Renjia escaped from the seabed, I was thinking about drinking


"Lu Renjia? Actually, compared to hitting my best friend, I

I want to hit him more! "Zhuo Yanran touched her forehead, nose bridge, lower abdomen, back,

The waist was either cracked or punched through.

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