Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 230: Suspected death

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"Zhuo Yanran, don't go too far, it's in vain that I once talked with you in the candle night, and I fell asleep on my feet,

Now you turn your face and don't recognize anyone! "1

In a certain sea of ​​stars, on a famous super planet, in a modern city, a woman in formal attire, who was originally shrewd, capable, and glamorous, but now has a bruised nose and a swollen face.


"I also heard others say you, that's why I misunderstood..." Before she could finish speaking, she slammed and was hit on the forehead by a pure white fist again.

His eyes darkened, and he fell softly to the ground.

Zhuo Yanran held the communicator in her left hand to contact her friend in the different sea, and her right hand punched the best friend, knocked it down, and then turned to leave.

"Okay, the surnamed An is indeed very powerful, and I'm not sure, so I'll temporarily put aside the fight with her in the afternoon, and I'll go to Yihai." She put away the communicator and stepped on silver high heels.

Go away; board a space battleship that shimmers with icy metallic luster, and soon rushes to outer space.

She's been very busy lately, traveling around in battleships.

Under the dark deep sea, there must be space cracks one after another. If the movement is too large, it may cause the place to collapse.

collapse and become a dangerous place.

Wang Xuan was very cautious and approached the target cautiously. His hands glowed, and he forcefully opened the cracks in the space. A mass of flesh and blood suddenly appeared, flowing with mysterious textures, causing huge pressure on him.

The **** flesh seemed to still have vigorous vitality, as if it was still alive, exuding an extremely terrifying pressure, making Wang Xuan's body tense and creaking.

In the rear, Lu couldn't watch silently and was frightened. He also went to open up the road, but he couldn't move forward at all, the flesh and blood was really terrifying.

Wang Xuan's heart was shocked, it was more than a foot long with the flesh of the belt, and it was bloody, it would actually cause such a lot of pressure on him!

He felt incredible, unless the alien was not dead and the texture of the royal road was recovering, otherwise it would be a bit unreasonable. Besides, is it related to holy creatures?

Wang Xuan's whole body glowed, and he carried it hard, feeling like he was carrying an asteroid forward, his body was about to be split open, and his binocular runes circulated, carefully observing this piece of flesh and blood.

Its inherent imperial Taoist texture is very dense and unpredictable, which opened his eyes and recorded it silently.

This should be a person whose back was torn, and a piece of **** flesh was forcibly pulled off and abandoned here.

Wang Xuan observed it carefully, and then proceeded cautiously to clear this hidden space crack passage. He yearned for the mysterious place ahead.

Based on his feeling, he thinks that not only this piece of flesh and blood, there may be even more amazing things ahead.

Shouldn't they find the blood and bones of the creatures close to the true saint level? In fact, it is very likely that it is the place where the true saint fell.

This crack is blessed by the texture reflected in the flesh and blood, and it is very strong. Even the top true immortals are difficult to open again. Wang Xuan was under great pressure, watching the texture of flesh and blood there, avoiding

Opening the coverage of its light, he actually tore off a corner with his bare hands.

By the end, tough as his body was bleeding, his skin cracked and his bones creaking, mostly because he had been here too long.

But he never used the killing formation map. He was a little clueless here, and temporarily regarded himself as the ultimate immortal of exploration. He didn't want to behave too abnormally and slowly clear this dusty space crack.

With a puff, he spit out a mouthful of red blood, and finally dug through it. This is a road that connects to a large space inside.

Lu couldn't worry and asked if he was okay? He had personally experienced the horror here.

\"I have nothing to do, the road is open, you will break in at the limit speed in a while, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Wang Xuan responded, but did not let him leave immediately, saying: "You wait a moment, I will see if there is any danger.

It was dark inside, with traces of evil spirits, and some chaotic substances. It was very empty, and it could be seen that it was a ruin.

Wang Xuan looked carefully, there was nothing special nearby, there was a brass mountain in the distance, not high, more than 500 meters, and there was a wreckage hanging on it.

He sucked in the cold air. The wreckage was so badly damaged that there wasn't much left. The vertebrae were relatively complete and the most dazzling, with densely flowing textures of imperial Taoism.

In addition, there is still a leg left, the left shoulder is still there, there is no head, there is a sternum and ribs, and there is a slight texture.

There is not much flesh and blood in the headless wreckage. Most of the parts are white bones. The spine dragon is the most dazzling, which is the birthplace of its basic texture.

"Is this... a top alien, or a true saint? There are more or less runes shining on the bones left behind. It's amazing."

Across many miles, Wang Xuan could feel an extremely terrifying coercion, even more terrifying than the flesh and blood at the entrance.

Staring at that vertebra, he seemed to see a vast sea of ​​stars, boundless stars, too deep, endless texture, mysterious and unpredictable.

He couldn't take his eyes off at that time, and wanted to imprint it all into his heart. Wang Xuan wondered if he had really dug up a place where the true saint was buried?

At that time, what kind of existence could kill such a character and let him die here tragically, just thinking about it makes people shudder.

"Master Lu, are you alright, what's going on inside?" Lu couldn't speak.

"Come in, it is very likely that there is a great fortune, and there are real bones of the wreckage of Yu Dao." Wang Xuan came back to his senses, and before he knew it, a long time had passed.


After Lu couldn't hear it, even though he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked, not only the flesh and blood outside, but there was something even more amazing inside.

"Could it be... a true saint?" His voice trembled. Over the years, he naturally had various doubts and speculations.

"It's not good." Wang Xuan shook his head.

Lu couldn't adjust his state, his own flesh and blood glowed, and then he rushed in along the channel at the fastest speed. On the way, he was suppressed by the glowing flesh and blood, and coughed up three mouthfuls of blood, but finally

Entered safely, no major problems.

"A true holy burial place?

After Lu couldn't see the wreckage hanging on the copper mountain in the distance, he was more shocked than Wang Xuan, and his body trembled.

For a devout seeker and an ascetic who wants to go on the extraordinary road, it is naturally very exciting and exciting to encounter such a sacred skeleton.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan felt that something was wrong. After mentioning the two words "True Sage", there seemed to be something abnormal outside the passage, and his heart sank all of a sudden.

Careless, someone is following? He didn't realize it, he hid it from his perception. "Who is it?" Wang Xuan asked.

"I was a little excited when I heard the word "True Saint". I never wanted to disturb the two of you, sorry." A young blond man walked out of the deep sea and stood outside the entrance.

He was very calm and peaceful, with an apology on his mouth, his golden pupils were very deep, and he showed a faint smile when he carefully looked at the scene in the depths of the space.

"He's Liu Ming!" Lu couldn't recognize his identity at a glance. This is a very famous extraordinary person among the anglers in the different seas, and he is very prestigious among the sky-level masters.

Because he is the fifth-generation descendant of Yiren, and he is relatively close to the old Yiren of his clan, and he has the opportunity to meet him on weekdays.

"You're following us, and you avoided my perception?" Wang Xuan showed a strange expression, and he was still very confident in his sense of self.

"His bloodline is extraordinary, his body is a lightning beast, he possesses extreme speed, and he can follow from a distance without leaving a trace. In addition, he should have a rare treasure bestowed by Leihong, an alien ancestor of the lightning beast family, which can cover the

Air masker. Lu couldn't speak, and knew Liu Ming and the Lightning Orcs behind him better.

Liu Ming smiled and said, "The two of you continue to explore, I have no ill intentions, and I came here just out of curiosity. It shouldn't be a problem to share some scraps behind you, right?"

"No problem, you can come in." Wang Xuan said.

"No, I'll just wait outside." Liu Ming shook his head with a smile, golden runes flowing all over his body, very bright, blocking the exit.

"Let's go out." Wang Xuan was unable to transmit to the road.

"Don't act rashly, you two." Liu Ming stopped them, and a ball of lightning appeared in his right hand. It was extremely dazzling, and it contained terrifying extraordinary energy. He gestured and was ready at any time.

Boom to the piece of flesh and blood in the space channel.

This is a blatant threat!

At this time, a silver-haired woman also came out and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you two, don't mess around, we really have no ill intentions, everyone can understand the commanding texture contained in the wreck together."

In addition, there was a grey-haired man standing behind the two of them, without saying a word.

"Go, invite the ancestor and tell him that the True Saint Dojo may be found here." Liu Ming secretly transmitted his voice and asked the gray-haired man to invite the foreign ancestor of the Lightning Orcs.

After Wang Xuan's skull was transformed into Taoism, a texture unique to him was born. He intercepted the sound transmission at such a close distance, and his face changed slightly.

"The aliens of this race are nearby?" He asked the way unable to.

"It is reported that in the depths of the different seas, he has been looking for the relics of the true saints." Lu couldn't speak, and he knew more about the foreigners who haunted in the sea.

The old alien from the Lightning Orcs is very strong and has a speed that exceeds the limit. The two top aliens from the Sea Clan joined forces to hunt him, but he was escaping and could not catch up.

"Does he have any prohibited items on him?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Yes!" Lu couldn't tell with certainty that Lei Hong, an alien from the Lightning Orcs, had a treasure made in the Thunder Road Domain.

Wang Xuan's face changed, if he was blocked by this kind of alien who came with a big killer, it would be really dangerous, he opened his mouth and said: "\"Let's break out and kill Liuming and the others!

Lu couldn't sigh secretly, Banshi really had amazing self-confidence, he was just a fairy, and he wanted to kill a person who was famous among the heavenly masters? It's too fierce!

With a bang, Liu Ming took the lead in attacking, and suddenly threw the ball-shaped lightning that contained terrifying and extraordinary power in his hand, and slammed it on the flesh and blood of the Imperial Dao in the passage.

Wang Xuan was indifferent and not afraid. He was going to use the killing formation to block it, but he couldn't rush out with Lu.

However, in the next moment, in the deepest part of his heart, he felt a flash of light, and felt that something was wrong. When the flesh and blood at the exit was attacked, the wreckage hanging on the copper mountain in the depths of the space seemed to be wrong.

Almost moved.

In an instant, he was horrified!

He kept himself calm, without any mood swings, and without showing any abnormality.

At the same time, he did not use the killing formation map, etc., and he couldn't go back quickly while pulling the road. He didn't force his way out, but hid in this space.

"That's right for the two of you, just stay inside and understand the creation of the high-level, the opportunity is rare." Liu Ming said with a smile.

"Lu Renjia, I heard that you are more powerful than the ultimate true immortal, and you are very talented. I will see what you can realize in a while." The silver-haired woman smiled.

Wang Xuan ignored the two who blocked the exit. He was silent, extremely quiet, but his heart was icy cold. There was a big problem in this mysterious space.

The wreckage seems to be alive!

Could it be that the true saint is not dead yet and is about to be revived?

Or, this is actually a game, the sea clan deliberately arranged it in order to catch aliens?

No matter how you look at it, this place is not normal.

"What to do, do you want to force it out?" Lu couldn't frown.

"Don't think about anything else, first comprehend the imperial texture on the wreckage." Wang Xuan said, this is indeed his sincere words,

Take the time to watch.

Could it be that the true saint is not dead yet and is about to be revived?

Or, this is actually a game, the sea clan deliberately arranged it in order to catch aliens?

No matter how you look at it, this place is not normal.

"What to do, do you want to force it out?" Lu couldn't frown.

"Don't think about other things, first comprehend the texture of the Imperial Dao on the wreckage." Wang Xuan said, this is indeed his sincere words, take the time to observe.

If the target of the wreckage is an alien, it is estimated that the two of them will not be ignored now. Take this opportunity to memorize the bright texture on the spine, eat it and wipe it off and run away immediately.

Of course If the other party is going to attack now and move the two of them, then they can only pass the barrier ahead of time.

In the mysterious space, it is extremely quiet. Both of them have special eyes with intertwined textures, and they are watching the secrets of the imperial transformation on the wreckage with all their hearts.

For a while, there was no movement here, and the bones did not respond.

In the alien sea, the gray-haired man flew very fast, looking for the alien ancestor of the lightning orcs.

On the way, he tried to contact with the transcendent communicator to see if the alien Lei Hong was in an area where he could receive the signal.

"Old Ancestor, if you receive a message, please return quickly, the coordinates... Discover the true holy ruins!"

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