Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 231: very high

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The different sea is very special. It is not an ocean on a planet, but floating in the starry sky.

, the vastness.

The lightning beast has extreme speed, and the gray-haired man transforms into its body, resembling a human-faced lion with bat wings. The animal hair with flowing electric light is very long, crossing the sparkling sea.

When he was on his way, he left a message on the communicator and added that after discovering the holy place of death, he rushed to report it desperately, and wanted to do a filial piety for the ancestors.

As the saying goes, one person can ascend to heaven, and he hopes to "fly up" with his ancestors.

Under the sea, in the mysterious space, on the 500-meter-high brass mountain, the wreckage hangs, and its spine seems to be swimming with tens of thousands of golden scorpions.

Wang Xuan put aside his distracting thoughts and focused on observing those vivid, three-dimensional textures.

At this moment, the spine suddenly became huge in front of his eyes, like a pillar supporting the sky, with one end touching the ground, and the other end running through the ground.

Through the sky and the sea of ​​stars.

In a trance, he saw a creature passing through the old transcendent central world and entering the new transcendent center, existing for more than one era.

It is understandable that most of the top aliens and legendary true saints come from extraterrestrial civilizations, and it is difficult for the civilization of the first generation of the native to give birth to that level of existence.

Wang Xuan has the spiritual eye, which can observe the most subtle fields. All the golden tadpoles and the swimming dragons and snakes have become giants in his eyes.

He was fascinated, devoted himself to it, observed one by one, visualized on the dragon of his own spine, and wanted to materialize it.

In any case, remember it first, if you miss today, you may never have such an opportunity again.

At this time, he has greater confidence, guessing that the other party is still alive, not dead, is it really a different person?

Taking advantage of the special situation now, he seized the time to lick the wool of the top creatures, and when the other party decided to "resurrection", it is estimated that he would slap him with his backhand.

Lu couldn't help but know the details, and his mind was pure

It is just a mental visualization, remembering those textures like the stars in the sky.

His head was as big as a bucket, and his eyes that had undergone a mutation could see those special runes, but he was extremely tired and dizzying.

The main thing is that this unpredictable vertebrae contains too much Daoist information, like a book from the sky, like a sea of ​​stars, overwhelming, and it has to get into his mind.

Although it was very uncomfortable, he was still trying his best to remember it. He knew very well that this was a rare opportunity on the extraordinary road. If he missed it, he would regret it for three lifetimes.

For a moment, Wang Xuan's heart throbbed, as if there was a behemoth. When he opened his eyes in the universe, his eyes were far bigger than a star, and he glanced at him indifferently.

He realized that the wreckage was revived, and a ray of spiritual light might have crossed this space and time just now, causing him an illusion.

If it weren't for his astonishing sense of spirit, exceeding the norm and breaking the limit, it would be difficult to detect the ripples at all, and this creature probably endured and did not attack.

After all, the two little fish were not in his eyes at all, and their real targets were Inhumans.

"What age is the wreckage on Brass Mountain, is it really a true saint? I don't know when the ancestors will come, so don't delay too long!"

Outside the mysterious space, the silver-haired woman opened her mouth and stayed outside, worrying about gains and losses, for fear of accidents on the way, and she was also looking forward to it.

The blond young man Liu Ming looked serious and said, "Yeah, even if it's not a true saint, it's probably not far away, otherwise why is there such a terrifying coercion so long after death."

They did not expect that such an amazing discovery would be made here. Everything is going well at present, and Lu Renjia and Lu cannot be blocked inside, and the news will not leak.

In the inner space, Wang Xuan was very grateful when he heard their words. The two mentioned that the ancestors of the aliens would come, which made the wreckage even more sacred.

Wang Xuan never experienced the feeling of heart palpitations again. The wreckage was quiet and silent, like a dead object. Let his spiritual eyes sweep across the entire spine, it was very peaceful.

"Old Ancestor, come quickly!" Outside, the silver-haired woman couldn't hold her breath, walking around, muttering to herself.

From Wang Xuan's hearing, the woman seemed to be saying: Patriarch, come and die quickly, and ascend to heaven!

The blond young man Liu Ming also nodded and said, "The ancestor has been looking for him for many years, and now he finally has his eyes on him. He should be able to go further, just today."

Wang Xuan felt that he was saying: Patriarch, the sacrifice is today! 1

However, Wang Xuan didn't have time to be distracted and stopped paying attention to the two of them. Judging from the words of the two, different people want to be different

Came from the deep sea, not so fast.

He was in a hurry to pick up the wool, and it was rare to encounter such a strange scene. A top-level creature pretended to be dead and let him take advantage of it. It is worth cherishing the good times.

It has to be said that the spiritual eye is very anti-sky, with a vortex-like texture flowing, and the vast star-like tadpole text and dragon and snake texture are almost captured, and they are projected into the mind.

As the end draws to a close, Wang Xuan's visualization has also undergone new changes. A splendid starry sky is manifested on his spine, and then dragons and snakes rise and swim there.

This subtle change seems to surprise the wreckage on the Brass Mountain. There are things that ordinary people cannot capture.

The spiritual light flashed again.

Wang Xuan was very devoted, and finally at the final stage, he captured the information of the Royal Dao of the entire spine and imprinted it in his heart.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and the wool was finished!

In an instant, a splendid rune rose from his spine, extending all the way up, towards the head, and gathered towards the parietal bone.

He was stunned, visualized on his back, and visualized the sacred pattern, how did he "go up"?

This is not an accident. He clearly sensed that after the dazzling patterns on the spine appeared, they really "climbed" up to the head, like a real dragon flying into the sky.

Looking inside, you can see that the core Daoist imprint in the parietal bone that is exclusive to him is absorbing the "information" of the entire spine dragon, swallowing and digesting it.

He was immediately pleasantly surprised, no longer rejected, and liked the feeling of being on top. This was analyzing and using it for his own use, rather than simply copying it.

There is a dragon on his spine. When the lines disappear, they will reappear, and the brilliant runes will not die. This process forms a very virtuous cycle and interaction.

However, at the moment, Wang Xuan has no intention of delaying here. After picking up the wool, it is time to run away. After a while, he will sit and watch the battle that has disturbed Xinghai.

Lu Wu was still working hard, and it seemed that the observation had not yet been completed, his eyes were swollen and bleeding.

"Stop first." Wang Xuan stopped him, and he could pass him on after going out. If there was no way, there would be no such great fortune today.

"What's wrong?" Lu couldn't come back to his senses.

Wang Xuan said: "We have to go, if we are blocked here by the alien ancestors of the lightning orcs, we will definitely be silenced, and we have to break out to report the news, and we have to

Please come here, call the shots for us, and participate in the commanding texture on the wreckage. "

It was true that he wanted to leave, and Yu Yu said later that he was going to invite a foreigner. That was for the wreckage. To stabilize this mysterious existence first, he was telling him to help him find another prey.

"If we can break out successfully, we will be able to come back in a day or two." Wang Xuan said for a period of time, giving the mysterious existence time to prepare and psychological expectations.

He and Lu couldn't take advantage of the two people at the exit while they were talking, and when they were worried about gain or loss, they suddenly jumped up and rushed outwards at high speed.

All the way through the space crack channel.

The blond young man Liuming reacted quickly, picking up his hand was a ball of lightning that slammed into the piece of flesh and blood, but this time Wang Xuan had also acted ahead of time, and the magic technique bloomed, welcoming the lightning.

There was a fierce collision in this place, and it was inevitable that extraordinary energy would rush towards the mass of flesh and blood, causing a terrifying shortness of breath there.

However, this is a little more gentle than expected, and it does not restrain people into a desperate situation.

Wang Xuan guessed that the wreckage deliberately let them go out to ask for help, and then recruited another stranger.

After thinking about it, he finally held back, and in the end, he did not use the killing formation map. He fully activated his own texture of imperialization to fight against the crisis.

Because, he was afraid that after exposing the prohibited items, it would provoke the fear and focus of this mysterious creature, so he should be dealt with first, and then deal with the aliens of the lightning orcs.

In the end, he was covered in blood, and there were many blood holes in his body. He resisted it hard, and he couldn't kill him with the seriously injured Lu.

"They escaped alive, this Lu Renjia is a bit special, he not only embarked on the road of imperialization at the level of true immortals, but also the runes are extremely powerful, unprecedented, extremely unique and interesting

Fear! "The silver-haired woman was startled and chased after him.

Liu Ming's blond hair fluttered and he cut through the sea. He was also chasing at a high speed, trying to kill the two of them, worried about revealing the secrets of this place.

Wang Xuan did not stop, although he wished to kill the man and the woman immediately, but he was afraid that the ancestor of the tribe would arrive with a treasure.

He doesn't want to be stunned by muddy waters, so he should leave the real big stage to the mysterious wreckage and the inhuman ancestor of the lightning orcs.

Controlled by this man and a woman, and repeatedly targeting him and Lu Wu, although he was already on Wang Xuan's must-kill list, he was not in a hurry.

"Stop!" Liu Ming stopped abruptly. He is a well-known figure among the heavenly creatures. His own strength is strong enough, and his instincts are extremely sharp.

He felt that if he chased further, something might happen.

"Is there a powerful creature peeping nearby?" he executed

The strength is very strong, and when I have the idea, I really stop chasing, stop the silver-haired woman, and be on guard together.

"A true immortal, even if he is beyond the norm and has never been defeated, he should not be able to live when we meet." The silver-haired woman was a little dissatisfied, but she stopped.

Wang Xuan regretted that if the two of them followed him all the way, they would have to find a quiet place to get rid of them.

"Don't worry, let's see them do their filial piety first and send their ancestors on the road. If they survive, I will wait for you outside.

"Wang Xuan left.

With a flash of water, Wang Xuan and Lu were unable to rush out. They quickly moved away from this sea area, did not enter the distance, and only stopped in a very distant area.

"Don't leave, let's find a place to watch the battle!" This time, Wang Xuan used the killing formation map, but he didn't let it flow with chaotic energy and coercion. .

The two were healed and recovered.

Soon after, Wang Xuan's back lit up, a big dragon resurrected, rose into the sky, and "headed up" again, he felt that the spine bones were activated, sacred, and shared with the parietal bones.

Sing, resonate.

The core imprint in the skull was made by the dragon's "ascension", and it became more and more complex, mysterious, sacred, and powerful, making him feel that Taoism was improving.

"If I find a quiet place to retreat, I may have to break through it again." He said to himself, if there is no chance like today, to get such a complete and amazing spine Yudao pattern, it is impossible to do this.

so fast.

"What you observed is not complete, right? I'll pass it on to you." Wang Xuanyi pointed out, endless stripes, various sacred symbols, and quickly flowed towards Lu Wu's eyebrows.

He is paying back, and at the same time, he is fulfilling his duty as a half teacher, preaching and dispelling doubts.

Two quarters of an hour later, there was a flash of lightning in the depths of the different seas that traversed the night sky, blurring the starlight in the sky, and the coming people seemed to be traveling through time and space.

With a bang the waves were raging, and an incomparable figure exuding thunder runes suddenly appeared here and dived towards the bottom of the sea.

"Old Ancestor, you are finally here." Liu Ming looked very excited. He did not take credit, and went directly to the sea to pay homage to the aliens.

"Good boy, it's rare for you to have this kind of filial piety. I took it and I can't treat you badly today." Lei Hong had short blond hair, standing like a steel needle, covered with lightning symbols, he laughed, very happy .

"It should be, I wish the ancestors a higher level of Taoism." Liu Ming said.

"I went to pull up the copper mountain and took the wreckage of Yu Dao Hua. You stay away from here, so as not to be injured." Lei Hong finished speaking, carrying Lei Dao Treasure Making, and he came to the outside of the mysterious space in one step.

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