Depressed Fairy

Chapter 449 Shen Nian wanted to be the Immortal Chaser, but when he heard the voice, he said it was

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these seven days, Chen Yuan has been sitting on the flying boat.

Compared to those immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas who trained several cities and towns to descend, transform, and build their palaces as soon as they arrived in Jianmu, Chen Yuan was much more simple. After single-handedly suppressing the God of Lei Bu that day, he turned around and returned to the flying boat. .

As for this spaceship, it was just a matter of fact. It was just floating in the sky without any mention of finding a place to land.

"There's no way to land!" Gu Ke looked at the situation outside the window, feeling the eyes filled with all kinds of thoughts, and his heart was filled with helplessness. "Once we land, trouble will come from all sides!"

Why did you sign the covenant in the first place?

That was to add a layer of protection to oneself. The essence was not to stir up trouble, but to take advantage of the situation to suppress others and calm the storm before it happened. But why did it become like this?

He rubbed his forehead and recalled that day again, the brutal scene of Chen Yuan holding a jianmu and waving his hands to calm down the humans. But what really shocked him was what Chen Yuan did. Not only did he not leave, but he returned On the flying boat!

Although the flying boat has undergone tremendous changes because of him, the originally damaged formation has not only regained its old outlook, but has also improved, and the afterglow of various heavenly pure energies lingering inside.

As soon as Gu Ke raised his eyes, he could see not far away, sitting in the grass, meditating on the changes in the rise and fall of the vegetation and monsters. For the meritorious immortals who do not intend to practice asceticism, they can obtain it. This kind of understanding of the earth realm is undoubtedly an opportunity.

Not to mention Xing Shui, who was happily building a house not far away - this time the small universe in the flying boat changed drastically and expanded a lot. Many trees suddenly grew up, providing shade and filling the area. area, so Xing Shui received an order to cut down trees, and the wood was used inside the flying boat to build courtyard houses.

The immortal took action, and was satisfied with the mystery. Within a few days, there was an antique courtyard.

"This is just the aftertaste, but the transformation of the formation in the flying boat is so great, it is almost a work of creation. With such talent, it is no wonder that he can achieve such achievements in just two hundred years. He has just become the Lord of the Cave Heaven, and he can achieve this Combat power! But it would be better if there was no Dao Heart Alliance..."

As soon as he thought of this, Gu Ke's headache became more and more severe, and he couldn't help but turn his head and look inside.

There were birds chirping and flowers fragrant, there were strange fragrances gathering and dispersing, and there were even colorful butterflies flying, surrounding a person, who was Chen Yuan.

He closed his eyes and said nothing at the moment, with a smile on his lips, and streams of pure energy swirling around his body.

"Looking at this, it seems that he has learned something from the previous battle and is improving!"

As soon as he thought about it, even though he realized that he was in trouble, Gu Ke couldn't help but admire him.

"Having reached this level of cultivation, he can still make progress every moment, and gain something after a big battle, especially since this battle was fought by someone else, and in a place like this, he can still calm down and calm down. Enlightenment, not afraid of risks, no, because we signed the Dao Heart Alliance! We are born to be his guards. This... this puts us in such a dilemma, we have to give it to him. Protector, maybe after he comes out of seclusion, his combat power will increase greatly, and he will continue to cause trouble. Who can I ask to reason with him? "

The more he thought about it, the more outrageous he felt. As news came one after another, the admiration in his heart completely dissipated, forcing him to wake up the gilded man who was immersed in comprehending nature, and they entered the courtyard in the boat together. .

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yuan sat there, motionless, seemingly unaware of the changes in the outside world.

However, Gu Ke's prediction of him was correct. Chen Yuan was indeed comprehending his experience and constantly improving. At the same time, he also had the idea of ​​​​doing something big after his cultivation level improved!

"Now, there are at least thirty immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas gathered on this building. Most of them are at the peak of merit. It is not easy to defeat these people, let alone expel them all in a short time. After all, these immortals and demons have their own tricks and trump cards, who knows which one still has a token of peace?"

Thoughts were swirling in Chen Yuan's heart. If his thoughts were known to Gu Ke, it would be enough to scare him to the point of leaving his body!

"The battle with Leibu Zhengshen... Although he was beaten and suppressed unilaterally, with the help of the will of heaven, I still allowed me to capture the source of his power. Like the star patrol messenger Zhang Zhineng, their The power is related to certain palaces outside the world and outside the world. They can absorb the power through the broken space! And what is contained in the palace is close to the realm of tranquility. If they can truly borrow the power and integrate it with themselves! , enough to burst out a power close to the level of heavenly law!"

In the battle with Zhang Zhineng, Chen Yuan relied on Gou Chen's power of heaven to win the battle before the opponent broke the space cracks and contacted the Tiangong. Otherwise, the battle would not have been ended so simply.

When fighting against Leibu Masami, he also borrowed the power of heaven, and this time he went to a higher level, and received the blessing of the incomplete destiny, and then resonated with Jianmu.

Going forward, the battle with the female demon Shui Lu, who has a token of peace, also requires a sudden burst of the power of heaven's law to win in one battle!

Thinking of this, he compared the aura of the demon master that he had sensed from afar, and felt the true combat power level of the law of heaven.

"The Heavenly Dao Dharmakaya, which condenses the Earthly Path of Heaven, has not yet reached the level of tranquility. If divided by combat power, it is roughly equivalent to the middle or late stage of Dongxu. When it is possible to use part of the power of the Heavenly Dao, it will face those who are not in a state of their own and need help. When external forces are used to attack an enemy close to the level of the Qingjing Immortal, they can have a huge advantage, but if they really face the Qingjing Immortal, they may not be able to win, but whether they can remain undefeated or escape when they are at a disadvantage..."

Thinking about it, Chen Yuan silently shook his head in his heart.

"There is too little data and intelligence. I have neither fought against Qingjing Immortal, nor have I actually seen Qingjing Immortal display her true skills. There is no way to measure it yet, but one thing is certain, that is, with the power of the current heavenly law, It’s not difficult to suppress this fairy-demonic convention, but it’s impossible to forcefully expel everyone.”

Expelling many immortals and demons, and making Chen's world pure, this was naturally not an idea that Chen Yuan had on a whim. It had both the involvement of past causes and effects, and the need to practice Xuan Gong.

The karma-killing method practiced by Chen Yuan is extremely mysterious and extraordinary. When many immortals and demons were trapped at the peak of their merits, it actually allowed Chen Yuan to step half-step into the void. After analyzing it afterwards, he felt that in addition to his disqualification and special destiny, It may also be because this technique was first practiced in the spiritual world.

The spirit fairy world is special. The method of the circle created a strange cave immortal. Although this fairy is opportunistic and can only stay in the nest and cannot even escape from the spirit fairy world, the realm is real and real. From a certain perspective In other words, breaking certain boundaries and bottlenecks, Chen Yuan also cut off King Chen's destiny in the spirit fairy world and laid the foundation for attacking Dongxu. This may be the key to his ability to set foot in Dongxu.

Because of this, when a group of immortals and demons came due to some opportunity and gathered in Gouchen, Shenwu and other realms, eyeing the Dongxu realm, Chen Yuan, in addition to maintaining his attention, did not completely give up the practice of karma-killing.

"The so-called opportunity, in addition to fighting for it, must also be prepared. Otherwise, if the opportunity comes, without a suitable carrier of the technique, no matter how great the value is, there will be no way to release it! If I can cut off a destiny here, or Can I make the half-step cave go one step further and become... uh, two-thirds of the cave? At the same time, I can also use this to gather the heavenly path and condense the second heavenly path. When the two heavenly paths merge, my battle will begin! The power should be the same as in the realm of tranquility, maybe it can be faced head-on..."

To complete these ideas, the first step is to follow the will of heaven, that is, to expel the immortals and demons, and to make the heavenly path manifest. At that time, whether it is to cut off the fate or condense the second heavenly law, it will be a matter of course.

"Although we are powerless now, we are not helpless. We can only suppress it by relying on the laws of heaven in the mortal realm. But if we can rely on the power of heaven in Gouchen at all times and no longer be limited to one corner, then as long as we are in the world This world will be almost invincible. Not to mention thirty immortals and demons, even thirty more will be able to drive away!"

No matter how weak the Heavenly Dao is, it still has authority. As long as it can be used, it can, to a certain extent, ignore the level of combat power and realm cultivation...

With this thought, Chen Yuan's thoughts gradually settled.

Everything will eventually fall to the way of heaven, and Gouchen Tiandao has a special belonging to him. As long as it has not been refined by others, it will always be related to him.

"The opportunity lies in activating the building and connecting the earth veins. This building contains the favor of the will of heaven, and is also connected to the earth's veins all over the world. I use this as a guide, which is enough to sort out the incomplete fate. , gradually become complete, and as long as it is completely formed, it will be able to connect with the will of Heaven. When the time comes, it will be linked to Heaven's blessing and the law of Heaven will be expelled, and the general trend will be established! "

As he thought about it, his belief became more pure and concentrated. With each breath, the pure and turbid air circulated, and his thoughts were like wind, invisible and qualityless, connected with the buildings and trees, and connected with the heaven and the earth...

In the outside world, there are also a few people who are vaguely aware of it, but they are just calculating, but there is no harvest. In addition, there are turbulent undercurrents inside and outside Jianmu. All forces have their own intentions, so no one goes into it.

In this situation, three more days passed.

Jianmu's situation, which was originally suppressed due to Chen Yuan's forceful actions, finally began to explode with the arrival of more than a dozen new immortals and demons after he retreated for ten days and never showed up again. momentum.

Under the pressure of Chen Yuan's invisible sword, many letters were first sent to the outside world through various channels, and then the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who were originally working independently began to connect in series and form groups. First they visited each other, and soon they became We formed small groups one after another, communicating spiritually and verbally, without covering up or making any publicity.

At the end, with the old man on crutches as the center, most of the immortals and demons gathered together in one place.

On the tenth day, even Xuan Jingjing received an invitation, inviting him to go to the place where immortals and demons discuss the Tao and discuss important matters together.

"Sure enough, as I expected, since a public enemy appeared, the Fairy and Demon Conference came to fruition under this unexpected situation!" Looking at the invitation in his hand, Xuan Jingjing smiled faintly.

Elder Lu was worried and said, "You want to go, young master? But I heard that the reputation of Zixiao Palace has been bad recently, and Gu Ke and others have not received the invitation."

"This invitation is written about Wuxiang Jie Zi, not Zixiao Palace." Xuan Jingjing's expression was as usual, and he immediately set up the escape light and headed to the Jianmu Atrium.

As soon as you enter here, you can see that the high hall is brightly lit, and there are sounds of singing and dancing coming from inside.

"It's wonderful. Heaven spent all its efforts to build a palace on the canopy of the tree to gather the immortals and demons, but unexpectedly, the final meeting of immortals and demons happened here unintentionally. Every peck and every drink has its destiny."

Thinking like this, Xuan Jingjing stepped forward and entered the main hall. The inside was filled with immortal energy. It was not a main hall, but a mountain forest. It was someone who used great supernatural powers to open up space and shape the continuous mountains. Flowing water, immortal nectar.

Immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, in groups of three or five, are all in one place, enjoying themselves in the mountains and rivers.

It's just such a wonderful thing, but these people from outside the world are all frowning and bitter and resentful.

Xuan Jing walked into a few places and heard what everyone said——

"This Lord of the World of Earthly Destiny is really restless. Instead of enjoying himself in his cave, he instead comes to Gouchen to show his power and do good. What's the point of this?"

"What a crime! He's obviously a Realm Lord, but he's still here to join in the fun, and he has no chance to be in the cave. What's he doing here? He's really causing trouble for nothing."

"He is the master of the world. He should be close to Dongxu, but he comes here to stir up trouble and bully the small! This time we are gathered together, and there are great sages leading the way. We should demand justice from him and force him to leave the cave. List!"

"I heard that several envoys from the Heavenly Court have gone to rescue Lord Lei today. When the God of Thunder returns to his throne, Heavenly Court's strong reinforcements will come. With the blessing of several Heavenly Palaces, we will have a look at the Chenyuan Realm Master. How arrogant! Are you still arrogant?”

"I heard that Zixiao Palace called me here to help with the boxing. I don't know what Zixiao Palace has in mind."

"Zixiao Palace is still very powerful. If a Realm Lord says they want to recruit, they will recruit..."

After seeing Xuan Jingjing, many people changed the subject of their conversation and became angry. However, they did not mention him by name, but their words and eyes were full of rejection and hatred.

Xuan Jingjing, on the other hand, seemed to be content with it, and kept calm, just moving forward. He was aware that a general trend was forming, and he was already confident in his heart.

"No matter how high his supernatural power is, the Chen family is not peaceful after all. How can he alone suppress the wrath of the crowd and the immortals? Among them, I have the opportunity."

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a sudden noise at the entrance of the main hall, followed by the sound of a Buddha's name.

"Even Master Chen and others are involved. Now we are in some trouble."

Looking at the information he just got, Gu Ke's eyelids jumped, and he felt that one was as big as two.

Beside him, the gilded man also smiled bitterly and whispered: "After all, he used such shocking methods to suppress the god of thunder, and in addition, he is indeed the lord of the world, it is inevitable that people will feel that It’s a bit of a way to pressure people.”

"You can't say that!" Xing Shui, who happened to come from the other side, pushed open the door. When he heard this, he couldn't help but muttered: "These people are really fickle. I still remember them back then." He said that he was a 'new cave master'." As she spoke, she shook her head slightly and imitated someone and said, "For example, what the master of the great cultivation sect said: 'The realm of cultivation is still at the peak of merit, and it is not easy to consolidate in the cave. Coming here to mix things up, you really don’t know what is right or what is wrong.”

After saying that, Xing Shui shook his head.

When he heard about Coca and Gilded Suan, the bitter smile on his face became even thicker.

Finally, he said in a dignified manner: "These are actually nothing. Changes in the minds of cultivators are often based on their own interests. The key is that many people now feel that our Zixiao Palace invites people here to deliberately suppress them. You are angry with my family for this, now it is time to list us as enemies, alas, in this case..."

"Don't worry."

At this moment, Chen Yuan's voice came from outside.

The expressions of Gu Ke and others suddenly changed.

The gilded man smiled bitterly again, then stood up and pushed the door open. When he saw Chen Yuan standing at the door, his eyes suddenly froze.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, what are you..."

In his eyes and perception, Chen Yuan had no aura at all, just like a mortal!

Chen Yuan did not explain, but just said: "A few people just said that most of the immortals and demons in this book gathered together but did not invite us? Very good, very good."


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