Depressed Fairy

Chapter 450 It was as if all the heroes were gathered together, and unexpectedly one person came on

"There's something wrong with the atmosphere."

A man and a woman flapped their pure white wings. With a slight vibration of their wings, they passed through the layers of restrictions and entered the palace lightly. What was revealed behind the two of them was that they were wielding two winged magic weapons!

Slowly folding the wings behind them, they walked into the hall and saw a few people sitting at the top——

The old man with a cane sat in the main seat. On his left was Master Chen, and on his right was a scholar in Tsing Yi.

Listening to the people in the hall talking about the person named "Lord of Chen Yuan Realm", the man who folded his wings narrowed his eyes.

In just a few breaths, he figured out the whole story, and at the same time he saw the silent Xuan Jingjing in the crowd.

"It seems that during this dispute over Dongxu, an uninvited guest came in? The Lord of the Chenyuan Realm? Isn't that the person Aunt Huang asked me to pay attention to and make friends with? He is not staying in the Chenyuan Realm, why did he come here? This But something is wrong. I made an agreement with Aunt Huang when I came here. If I see this person, I will make friends with him and even help him when he is in trouble! "

Thinking in his heart, there was nothing strange about this man's face, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Forget it! The Ninth Living Buddha Chen Xuzhi, Three Lives Confucian Scholars Don't Support Scholars, and Patriarch Qing Yu, these three are invincible in the realm of merit. All the characters are here! If they organized these immortals and demons to gather together this time, it was just to embarrass the Lord of the Earthly Fate Realm. I just followed the agreement and fought with them openly, showing all the hard work of three hundred years of seclusion. ! It's a pity that Mo Douchen didn't come, otherwise he would be famous and avenged at the same time!"

While the man was thinking, several people in the crowd noticed him.

"Is someone from Kunlun Mountain here? It seems to be the prince of the Bird Department. This person was born with a different species. He was born with Xuan Dan. He was accompanied by divine light when he was born. It has always been difficult for aliens to cultivate, especially the descendants of divine beasts, who are even more restricted, but this It takes five hundred years for a person to become a spiritual soul, and a thousand years old can lead him to the path of a bird. According to legend, after he reached the peak of merit, he fought with Mo Douchen from the Great Heart Demon Realm, and could not come out. Unexpectedly, he also became an ascetic of merit. , come and seize the hole opportunity.”

Xuan Jingjing looked at the visitor calmly, thinking in his mind: "According to the latest information, the Kunlun Phoenix Immortal has the highest regard for the Chen family. The Bird Prince and the Phoenix Immortal are blood relatives, and may become the Chen family's help. However, , these two will not change the general trend at all. After all, the people in this palace are all dissatisfied with the Chen family, and the people who are coming next will not tolerate a foreign robbery cave master, hindering their pursuit here. The way to promotion!”

As soon as he thought about this, he looked around and saw that no matter the immortals or demons in the palace, as long as they talked about the Chen family, they were all jealous and disgusted. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself: "In order to obtain the cave, I was trapped in the realm of merit hundreds of years ago. Many people who have lived for thousands of years regard this opportunity as a blessing and a hope to get rid of the bottleneck. Blocking others' path is a mortal enemy! Chen is used to being arrogant, and he doesn't know why he would do this. A foolish move, but this is my chance..."

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. He looked towards the corner of the hall and saw Young Master Night Demon sitting with Lady Dou, and his heart moved.

"This person is also a variable, but Luo Hu's death has a close relationship with the Chen family, and they may be able to win over..."

Then, Xuan Jingjing's eyes moved again, and what he saw this time were several figures in wide robes and large sleeves, all wrapped in Xuan Qi.

"The Xuan Qi Sect can also be turned into a foreign aid. After all, the fall of the evil spirit was also written by Chen!"

At this time, the old man on crutches sitting at the top saw Feng Ming and immediately raised his hand to greet him: "My nephew is here, come here quickly." Then he introduced him to several people around him.

However, Master Chen Xuzhi and the scholar in Tsing Yi obviously knew about this person. At this time, they all looked surprised when they saw Feng Ming's calm demeanor and restrained spirit.

The scholar even praised him: "I haven't seen you for a long time, but Fengjun has already entered the country. It seems that he has found a new way and found a unique method. It is really admirable."

Feng Ming smiled when he heard this: "It's ridiculous not to support my brother. I just used my racial talent to achieve nirvana a few times and achieve many fruits of merit. Compared with others, I am still far behind. Of course No praise.”

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar all around.

"This man actually found a way to make his merits stronger!?"

"I remembered the name Fengming. I had the impression that it was once famous hundreds of years ago. He was a member of the Kunlun Mountains. He was also very popular at that time, but later disappeared. I didn't expect to study the coincidence of merits. The method!”

"So that's it. This person is from the Phoenix clan. His innate magical powers are like Nirvana and rebirth, which are similar to the nine worlds of reincarnation and the wisdom of three lives. Isn't it perfect for increasing merit!?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Feng Ming felt proud, but he immediately suppressed his distracting thoughts, because he knew very well that no matter how much others praised him, he would still have to see the truth in his hands, not to mention that he still had a big enemy to defeat...

"What a blast."

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the palace, which made everyone in the palace confused.

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and their thoughts were changing. Then they all looked outside the palace. What came into their eyes immediately was a stout man with long black hair flying in the wind. He was shirtless and wearing loose trousers. , the surface of the body is lined with black brilliance one after another. At first glance, it looks like black water is flowing on the body.

Even if all the immortals and demons are blessed with merit, even if they have not condensed the seeds of the cave, they have been practicing magic for countless years, but the moment they caught a glimpse of this person, they were still in a trance, and something strange seemed to be growing in their hearts!

However, they soon realized that something was wrong!

"Inner demon!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked and angry, and they all cut their swords with wisdom, and then looked at the intruder angrily.

"There is no need to be so anxious. If I had the intention to stimulate the demonic thoughts in your hearts, how could I let you escape so easily?" The naked man laughed, "It's just that I have recently achieved great success in cultivating the endless mind magic. Da Jin, I can’t hold it back anymore, I’m leaking something!”

"Endless Heart Magic Aspect?"

"Could this person be from the Great New Demon Realm..."

"Mo Douchen!"

Feng Ming turned around, green flames dancing around his body, and glared at the intruder!

"It turns out to be Feng Ming!" The naked man saw him, but shook his head, "Although you have made some progress, your foundation is still unstable. You were no match for me back then, and you are even less so now! I am here today, except for We have to fight for the opportunity of Dongxu, challenge powerful enemies, and hone our inner demons!"

As he said that, he cast his gaze towards the end of the hall and glanced over Chen Xuzhi and others. His fighting spirit was boiling and he was eager to try!

"What an arrogant demon!" Feng Ming was furious, the flames on his body danced, and the shadow of the fire phoenix appeared!

Mo Douchen retracted his gaze and sneered, his eyes instantly darkened, and there were many demonic shadows around him, spreading in all directions!


In the middle of the two of them, the void generates electricity!

The terrifying coercion came, and the surrounding immortals and demons avoided it, all of them frowning.


"Don't forget the business of gathering here today! How can we mess up the situation before we have discussed a countermeasure?"

But one person stood out from the crowd. He was a god wearing half golden armor. A divine mark flashed on his forehead, exuding a powerful aura. In an instant, he calmed the scene. Even Feng Ming and Mo Douchen, who were at war with each other, dimmed a lot. , the vision created by the confrontation between the two was engulfed by a flame that appeared out of thin air!

Just now, this god was sitting in a corner of the hall, silent and silent, and no one noticed him. Then he stood up, but the gods suddenly became aware of it.

"Kitchen Fire God Lord!"

For a moment, everyone looked sideways and were surprised.

"This person is ranked among the Thirty-six Mysterious Books! It is said that the remaining caves of the past are sealed in the body, and he has the power of near tranquility!" Xuan Jing's eyes also lit up: "I didn't expect that Heavenly Court would even send him! It seems that the suppression of the Lei Department has angered the Heavenly Court, and there will be good drama in the future. "

The Kitchen Fire Lord showed his magical power and solemnly said: "Heavenly Court feels that you are eager to seek the Tao, so it organized this grand event to discuss the Tao and wanted to help you. Unexpectedly, someone interfered with it, messed up the order, messed up the order, and was shaken. This is why you are gathering together today! After all, we must gather all our strength to drive away the culprit, and let’s talk about other things!

As he spoke, he looked at Feng Ming and the two of them and said, "If we talk about grievances and grudges, among all of you here today, there are fifty or six out of ten who have grudges, but they are all at peace with each other. It means they know the importance of it. The two of you are today. Leader, can this place be brought into chaos? If so, wouldn’t it be possible to let the culprit of the chaos go free?”

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded, why are they gathered here? Shouldn't we get rid of the biggest threat first before we can fight with each other?

Just then.

"Who is the culprit of this mess in your mouth?"

Suddenly, laughter came from outside, and then someone said: "This is strange. Since you came here for the opportunity of Dongxu, why don't you go to Dongxu and instead come to hook up with Chen? Now that you've come to hook up with Chen, why don't you just go to Dongxu?" Instead of trying to climb to the top and compete for opportunities, they are like ordinary people, gathering people to plot and say things that are not in line with their character. "

As Chen Yuan spoke, he stepped on Qingyun and floated down outside the palace. He looked up at the many astonished eyes and said with a smile: "They have become immortals and devils, and they still want me to teach you these principles!"


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