Depressed Fairy

Chapter 516 Suppress the sea of ​​blood, force the sound into silence; see the ancient ruins, take a

Chapter 516 Suppress the sea of ​​blood, force the sound into silence; see the ancient ruins, take a boat to cross the stars

After hearing this, the man in indigo robe said humbly: "Brother, you are ridiculous. After all, I have not yet ascended to immortality. Although I have achieved the True Sword of the Soul, I can only have the power of one blow at most when facing people at the level of true immortals."

"It's actually even more amazing to be able to cross the chasm of the immortal world and compete with the immortal world with a mortal body!" Zang Feng did not hesitate to praise: "With such a foundation, you are here again. In the future, it will be no small matter for you to ascend and ask questions here."

"Are you asking questions in this world..."

The man in indigo robe lowered his eyes slightly when he heard this.

"What's there to hesitate about? If what you said, junior brother, is true, then the outside world is full of dangers if you want to ascend to the Tao." Zang Feng Xiaozhi said with emotion and reason: "Here, not only are our swords The guardians of the same sect of the sect have also avoided many disasters. Moreover, no one with your level of cultivation could arrive before this. According to you, it was the abnormal situation that affected the entire starry sky three years ago. , the connection between our two worlds has been strengthened.”

After saying this, he added: "Of course, we will do our best to help you achieve enlightenment. I also hope that after you achieve enlightenment, junior brother, you will not forget the agreement and can fulfill your promise."

"That's fine," the man in indigo robe heard this, nodded slowly and said, "But I still need to think about it and make preparations."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious." Zang Feng smiled faintly and pointed at the chessboard, "Let's talk first."

After saying that, he seemed to suddenly think of something. He looked at the disciples who were still waiting, waved his hands and said: "Go, send someone to bring Sun Sheng back and ask him clearly. If there are any obstacles along the way, except Sun Sheng In addition, whether you kill them or capture them alive, you can adapt to the situation."


As soon as they left, the man in indigo robe hesitated to speak.

When Zang Feng saw it, he smiled and said, "Junior brother and I are as close as brothers and we are indistinguishable from each other. If you have anything to ask, you can just say it."

"In this case, I would like to ask my senior brother to explain to me what is going on in the Sound Transmission Pavilion?" The man in the indigo robe asked sincerely: "Listening to this name, it does not sound like a demonic sect. Why can he be infected by demons?" And why are the remaining disciples being targeted like this even though they are being suppressed and killed?

Upon hearing this, Zang Feng's smile faded slightly, and he pondered for a moment before nodding and saying: "Junior brother, you are not an outsider. Our Kunyu Sword Sect is from the Yunxiao Peak lineage of the Sword Sect, and Junior Brother Qin is from the Jinxiu Peak lineage of the outside Sword Sect. We are from the same sect and are not subject to restrictions, so we can know the truth. "

"This Chuanyin Pavilion was one of the three sects and seven sects three hundred years ago, ranking in the middle. Its predecessor was the cave of Sanxian of the side sect. The Sanxian was sworn to the other two Sanxian. Oh, there is also a saying that one of them is not A loose immortal, but a true immortal..."

The man in the indigo robe took advantage of the situation and asked, "I've heard a lot about loose immortals these days. Is this loose immortal the one who has a defect in his harmony and cannot entrust his soul to foreign objects?" When he saw Zang Feng nodding, he did not ask further questions. , "Senior brother, please continue."

Zang Feng smiled and continued: "In short, with the Three Immortals sitting on the island, just like the Three Immortals Island, the Sound Transmission Pavilion has also grown rapidly. If everything goes well, it may be passed down to this day. After all, the skills of those Immortals My life span has not yet expired, but it is a pity that I encountered a demonic calamity!"

"...The calamity of the Blood Demon will break out almost every once in a while. Three hundred years ago, you retreated to meditate on the Supreme Mysterious Dharma. The remaining two Patriarchs accepted the agreement of the Three Authentic Sects and went to slay the demon together. Who had ever In the end, the two ancestors died together with the Blood Demon Lord of that generation, and the Great Dao Sound Transmission Technique infected the entire sect. "

In the tea shop, the old man Sun Sheng told the story of the past, but his voice became lower and lower the more he spoke: "The two ancestors had a premonition before taking action, and they knew that it was more likely to be bad than good, but..."

He suddenly gritted his teeth and looked at Bu Yiren and others who were being suppressed aside, with strong hatred bursting out of his old yellow eyes!

This kind of hatred made Buyi Ren and the others startled, and their hearts beat violently. After all, from the moment they came into contact with this little old man, he seemed to be resigned to everything, and seemed to have no other aspirations but to survive!

"...Several major sects at that time, including several other side sects, all stood together and forced the two ancestors! Because of my sect's ancient mystical power, we crossed the boundless sea of ​​blood and attacked the devil at his root! Alas!"

Speaking later, he sighed and said in a bleak tone: "The two ancestors had no choice but to come forward in the end, but they did not expect that they would die because of it! However, before they fell, the ancestors still forced the three major sects to I have made a Taoist oath with the other families. In the future, my Chuanyin Pavilion lineage must be supported by each family. As long as there is still a disciple, the family must not abandon it!"

"So that's it. Suppressing the demonic calamity is a great merit. Heaven and earth prove it. They use the overwhelming force to coerce my Sound Transmission Pavilion. I am also restricted by this. I can only make an oath under the overwhelming force, but..."

Chen Yuan had almost had a frightening glance at most of these contents in the past, and could guess a lot by connecting them back and forth, but the part about the final oath had not been touched upon.

"Tao Xin Oath. No wonder the mountain sect and inheritance of Chuanyin Pavilion must be exterminated. After all, according to the original oath, all sects have become nannies and bodyguards of Chuanyin Pavilion. If there is still one person left in the mountain sect, they have to take care of it. How can they take care of it? Tolerate?"

Listening to Chen Yuan's words, Sun Sheng finally couldn't help but shed tears, and said in a hoarse voice full of hatred: "Yes, they have made a vow to the Dao Heart, which cannot be violated, but it can make the goal of the vow disappear! In addition, the Blood Demon True Lord at that time was also a master of magic. After the death of the two ancestors, due to the involvement of cause and effect and the involvement of the skills, many disciples were successively possessed by demons and could not control themselves! In view of this, and the immortals of several major sects used various means, they finally forced the mountain gate to fall apart, and the disciples They scattered, and those fellow disciples who were implicated and possessed by demons died tragically one after another. The rest died young and could not live forever! "

Speaking of this, he laughed at himself: "I was valued by the two ancestors in the past, and the other seven people, including uncles, brothers, and nephews, were mentioned separately by the ancestors when they swore an oath. So even if they were forced to leave the sect, they still had to take care of them. It's just a daydream to ask them to take out the treasures of heaven and earth to help me practice. Wanting to live forever,"

As he spoke, he clenched his fists!

"I want to live on, although I am afraid of death, but I also want to leave this body behind! One of the reasons is to keep my name as the Voice Transmitter! After all, after my Voice Transmitter Pavilion was scattered, many of the inherited secrets were divided up by several major sects! Even the records of my reputation were hidden by them under the pretext of exterminating all demons. If I die, then my Voice Transmitter... my Voice Transmitter lineage will really be completely gone! There will not even be anyone who remembers it!"

Not only did they force people to die, but they also wanted to wipe out the whole family, and after that, they took advantage of the situation and added insult to injury. Such behavior is really shameless!

Although Chen Yuan was just acting on the cause and effect of the past, he couldn't help but sigh. Moreover, with the characteristics of this world, he grafted the Transmission Pavilion as a root to unfold the past, and he must bear the cause and effect. So he sighed and comforted: "You don't have to worry about this. At least within a hundred years, they will still remember it." He pointed at Bu Yiren and others, implying: "Sometimes, the enemy knows how innocent and miserable you are better than you do." Hearing that the dark history of the sect was mentioned again, Bu Yiren and others immediately became restless, especially when they noticed the old man's hateful eyes that seemed to be choosing people to devour, they couldn't sit still. It's not that they felt guilty, but since they knew the identity of the black-clothed Taoist in front of them, how could they remain calm? They were afraid that this person would be in a bad mood and raise his hand to kill them! In comparison, the man with a curly beard and other people in the rivers and lakes who wanted to take advantage of the opening of the sword sect to join the immortal fate were even more pale and their lips trembled. God has mercy on them, they are just mortals with a little foundation in martial arts, how can they hear such secrets that involve the face of the immortals? In the past, all the great sects of the immortals were completely exterminated and annihilated. Aren't they, the ants, wiped out in the blink of an eye?

But in front of the old ancestor in black, they didn't even have the courage to move, so how could they beg for mercy and escape?

Can they escape?

Unfortunately, at this time, Sun Sheng took a deep breath and said, "The other thought that has kept me alive until now is you, the ancestor!"

His emotions gradually became excited, and he looked at Chen Yuan with more and more excitement: "Before the two ancestors left, they said that as long as you were still there, the other sects would eventually be afraid to act rashly, but even the two of them were not sure whether you could comprehend the supreme law that leads to transcendence! After the two ancestors died, you have been nowhere to be found, and even the other sects have tried several times, but you didn't respond. I think you have comprehended the critical moment and have no time to care about other things, so they became more and more unscrupulous, and finally it was out of control..."

It's not that they have no time to care about other things, it's that they don't care about me at all!

Chen Yuan sighed in his heart. His magical power could reverse the past, but it could not affect the general situation. It was similar to making up a story that had little impact on everyone and only left a little reputation. It was impossible to really interfere with the past of a group of immortals!

Fortunately, Sun Sheng had no intention of getting entangled in this matter. He changed his voice and said, "However, now that you have come out of retreat, you must have cultivated the supreme method! It's time to avenge the sound transmission! Why not start from this Kunyu Sword Sect! Among those who forced the two ancestors, there were also Kunyu ancestors!"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes. He was just taking advantage of the opportunity to complete a few causes and effects at most, and to help the remaining sound transmission disciples, but he did not intend to do anything extra to disguise his identity.


At this time, Bu Yiren, who had been listening for a long time, trembled and spoke. She was afraid of Chen Yuan and decided not to say more, but now that she saw the possibility of endangering herself, she finally couldn't hold back.

"Oh?" Chen Yuan looked at her, "What do you have to say? But what Sun Sheng said is wrong?"

Bu Yiren shuddered, and did not dare to answer directly. She said cautiously: "Predecessor... Immortal, you are also worried, right? That's why you blocked this place and hesitated. After all, my sect also has a foundation, and the sword alliance it belongs to is prosperous. All the cultivators in the world want to follow the will of heaven, how can they..."

"Hesitation?" Chen Yuan listened, shook his head and laughed, "I'm not hesitating, but waiting."

"Waiting?" Bu Yiren became more and more uneasy, "Waiting for what?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly flickered with stars, and then smiled: "This is not something you should ask more. However, that side is almost in place."

In the starry sky, among the twinkling stars, a huge sky boat slowly moved forward.

On the sky boat, there are jade buildings and many figures passing through it. In addition to many Taoist warriors and immortal puppets, there are also the green bamboo spirits, male and female demons, etc. who followed Chen Yuan in the past.

After a while, several more people appeared. Feng Ming, Mo Douchen and others were among them. However, recently, under the orders of all parties, relying on the connection with Chen Yuan, they used secret methods to cross the galaxy and bring many enlightened people to the world. The money was sent to Chen Yuan.

In addition, there are several new faces, most of them are monsters. However, in the past three years, Chen Yuan's White Lotus incarnation traveled through the sea of ​​​​stars in a sky boat to collect the heavenly resources. In order to obtain the resources peacefully and without disputes , a person who agrees to follow in exchange for supplies.

At this moment, they noticed the trembling changes in Tianzhou, which was slowly stopping from galloping, so they came out to investigate the situation.

When I came out and looked from afar, I saw that thousands of miles away, in the distant starry sky, seven colors of light were intertwined like aurora and rays. The entire area was larger than the large cave sky combined with several cave sky stars!

At the intersection of many radiances, there was a trembling and terrifying aura that was slowly spreading, causing everyone on the ship to be suppressed and breathless for a moment, and they couldn't help but be shocked!

It should be noted that this sky boat is almost a treasure. It can sail the sea of ​​stars. It has the ability to defend against external forces and withstand pressure. In the past three years, it has even hit the sun and traveled to the cold realm. The people on the boat were protected by a large formation. But it is still as warm as spring and unaffected. This is the first time that a person is on a ship but is frightened by the oppression thousands of miles away.

Even Feng Ming couldn't help but ask: "Where is this place? Why does it feel scarier than the Great Sun Star Sea I went to before!"

Mo Douchen glanced at him and said mockingly: "You are of Fire Phoenix bloodline, but you actually think that the Great Sun Star Sea is scary?"


Feng Ming was about to retort, but he saw a sudden explosion sound in the center of the layers of light, and then huge ripples centered on the explosion point, quickly radiating in all directions, like huge waves on the calm sea. !


Several small stars along the way exploded the moment the ripples swept across them, making everyone on the sky boat tremble with fear!

But right now.

The white lotus incarnation of Chen Yuan, dressed in white, flew up from the sky boat. With a wave of his hand, a ninth-grade white lotus flew up and covered the sky boat. The swaying sky boat immediately stabilized!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ripples arrived, creating layers of lightning around Tianzhou, but they were unable to break through the protection.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yuan's white lotus incarnation squinted his eyes and looked attentively. The stars in his eyes were flowing, and he could see a body as huge as a cave looming in the place where the aurora met.

The body was covered with tiny runes and was dim.

In addition, there is also a breath of nothingness spreading among them.

"Nothing, there must be other visitors, but since they are here, we have to find out..."

Chen Yuan's heart moved, and then he made a seal with his hand and drove the sky boat towards the intersection.


Immediately afterwards, his eyes gleamed slightly.

"Oh? The reaction is so fast?"

In the world of jade monuments, in the tea shop.

Chen Yuan suddenly turned his head and looked at the door and window.


The next moment, the window and door shattered, and sword light shot out like a sword!


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