Depressed Fairy

Chapter 517: Clever words confuse right and wrong, and you play with spring and autumn.

Swish, swish, swish——

The sword light was everywhere, and the sword energy was sharp!

In a flash, the whole teahouse was filled with various sword energy, and the many sword energy contained different artistic conceptions and auras, which were unpredictable!

The man with the curly beard and others were horrified after just taking a look at the sword energy, and then they felt the sharp breath and killing artistic conception in it, and they were already ashamed. After all, the top masters in the martial arts world were just sword energy out of the body, and they dominated an era. Where have they seen the sword energy that was flying in the air?

But compared with this, Bu Yiren and others were horrified!

"No! The one who is here is a real immortal! And he may have been in seclusion for hundreds of years and comprehended some kind of mysterious skills. If he angers people, the sect may not be afraid, but none of the disciples present will survive!"

At this moment.


Chen Yuan raised his hand and grabbed it. Everything in the house seemed to freeze. Even the dazzling sword lights stopped in the air. Some of them were about to pierce the bearded man and others.

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and grasped a sword light. Then his eyes shone with brilliance. A set of sword techniques quickly changed in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, he almost mastered it completely.

"The method of controlling the sword with Qi is indeed exquisite, but there is nothing special about it. Could this be the method of Kunyu Sword School? However, let's not talk about the sword-controlling ability first, the ability of detection and calculation is still good..."

With this thought, he raised his hand, stopped Sun Sheng who came over to talk, and walked towards the door.

"Well, since it's exposed, let's change the plan a little bit."

On the other side.

The street outside the entire teahouse has been cleared. People coming and going from the south and the north, or people living nearby, have disappeared. Instead, there are five disciples of Kunyu Sword School.

The leader, neatly dressed and wearing a hairband, was the man who had gone to inform Cang Feng of the situation.

At this moment, he pinched the sword formula with his hands, split the flying sword behind him into thirteen, and shot it into the teahouse, but then his face changed drastically!

The four people behind him screamed, some spurted blood, and then three of them softened and fell to the ground!

Another person barely stood up, but also covered his chest, swayed, half-knelt on the ground, raised his head and said with difficulty: "Uncle Hui! The sword formula was sealed, and we suffered a backlash! You..."


The leading sword sect disciple, Zhou Hui, the true disciple of the inner sect, spurted out a mouthful of blood at this time, the blood light was like a sword, containing a pure sword energy, and it pierced through the ground at once!

Then, Zhou Hui's breath weakened, but he also made the people behind him tremble in their hearts!

"Even Master Hui, who has cultivated to the Yuanshen, has..."


The tightly closed door of the teahouse suddenly opened, and Chen Yuan walked out, followed by Sun Sheng.

Zhou Hui used his profound skills to suppress his injuries, and at the same time, he flicked his finger, and a pill flew out, turning into clear air in the air. He swallowed it in one gulp, calming down most of the backlash of blood.

But his heart did not calm down because of this, but set off a huge wave!

The several sword energy and sword light methods of Kunyu Sword Sect, even if they were broken by others in the past, never had such a backlash, but in today's situation, if someone did not deliberately plot against them, then they had encountered an unimaginable opponent!


"My Kunyu Sword Sect is a branch of the Sword Sect. Now the main line of Yunxiao Peak has been favored by the Heavenly Dao of this world. How dare anyone go against the Sword Sect at this time?"

Thinking of this, he looked up. When he saw Sun Sheng for the first time, his original guess immediately came to his mind. But when he saw Sun Sheng walking beside others like a follower, with a low head and a submissive look, his heart jumped.

Sun Sheng should not have the ability and courage to make trouble. This is what he figured out on the way here. There must be other factors involved and external forces involved!

"Who are you...?"

Take a deep breath, suppress all the abnormalities on his body, Zhou Hui's expression is normal, and he said in a calm tone: "Your Excellency chose this time to make trouble under my mountain gate. Are you trying to provoke the March Sword Alliance?"

The situation just now made him realize how serious it was, so he became cautious and did not act rashly again.

As he said that, he looked at Sun Sheng again and said with a hint of meaning: "Daoyou Sun, you have been sheltered by our sect for many years and have received many favors from the mountain gate, so you can live a long and happy life here. Now you suddenly want to join forces with outsiders and destroy the tacit understanding? You don't care about your own life at all, why?" Sun Sheng laughed when he heard it: "What a happy life! I am so humiliated, but I am like a clown in your eyes! And you have the nerve to say that it is the favor of your mountain gate! If it weren't for my Voice Transmission Pavilion adhering to the principle of common people, Dayi, you, a young man, may not even have been born, or you may be a slave of the devil somewhere!"

The more he spoke, the more angry he became. In the end, hatred emerged in his eyes, and a mysterious sound lingered on his body: "It is obvious that you have received great favors from my sect, but you have turned around and repaid my kindness with hatred, cut off my inheritance, destroyed my mountain gate, imprisoned my disciples, trapped me in the city, set up defenses everywhere, and calculated every day, and you are still so righteous! Bah! You are really shameless!"

The many voices turned into a sound that spread far away and echoed throughout the city!

Zhou Hui's face changed drastically and he said angrily: "Sun Sheng! How dare you confuse right and wrong! Talking about taboos! The fact that Chuanyin Pavilion is possessed by demons is recognized by all sects. In order to prevent the spread of demonic thoughts, they have to deliberately downplay it. See On top of the past friendship, I gave you a chance to live forever, but you dare to retaliate with hatred! You just don’t know how to live or die!"

Zhou Hui, who was deeply aware of the secrets, said that without being cautious and holding back, she subconsciously sacrificed a magic weapon on her body!

After all, these words cannot be expressed in the world!


The sword ruler flew into the sky, carrying the momentum of the waves and falling straight towards Sun Province. Among them, a three-peaked sword mountain appeared, suppressing the luck and earth's veins, just to stop his random words in time!

"No way! Uncle Master!"

But at this time, a panicked female voice came from the tea shop. After Chen Yuan went out, Bu Yiren, who was no longer suppressed, stood up and looked outside. When she saw this scene, her face changed color with horror!

Chen Yuan smiled. "It's really interesting."

He said: "According to the information I know so far, there have been two demonic catastrophes in the past three hundred years. One was by sacrificing the Sound Transmission Pavilion, and the other was by forcing the Bibo Mansion. These two sects have sacrificed their lives. Many, even one was ruined and another declined because of it, but the benefits, reputation, harvest, and even the inherited skills of Chuanyin Pavilion all fell into the hands of the Sanzheng Sect."

Chen Yuan raised his head and raised his hand.

"Up to now, people have forgotten that there is a sect like Chuanyin Pavilion, and they don't remember how much sacrifice the Dragon Lord of Bibo Mansion has made. They only know that three sects and four sects stepped forward when the evil calamity came. It seems that , you know how to control public opinion. According to my experience and the operating methods of a certain country, after a while, those who personally suppress the sea of ​​​​blood will become the leaders and elders of the three authentic sects, right? , portraying Chuanyin Pavilion and Bibo Mansion as compromisers, or even accomplices of the devil, while you are the liberators and resisters? "


There was a soft sound, and the white jade sword ruler, which had the potential to collapse a mountain and was blessed by the control of the soul, was caught by two fingers.

"Thirty-six prohibitions, the method of using swords to spread mountains and rivers is quite exquisite."

Chen Yuan just glanced at it and saw the reality of this magic weapon. After praising it, he pressed his two fingers slightly...


Zhou Hui trembled all over, her entire aura instantly dropped, and even her back became stooped, as if she had suddenly aged more than ten years.

"A magic weapon of destiny?" Seeing the changes in the other party, Chen Yuan shook his head and threw the fragments in his hand aside, "Since it is a magic weapon of destiny, you should be more careful when using it. Either fight more times to find out the opponent's reality, or... Don't hide it unless you use it to fight or escape in a critical moment. It's really a bad habit for you to use your trump card when you make a move. "

"you you……"

Zhou Hui, whose lips were pale, looked at Chen Yuan tremblingly and asked with difficulty: "Who are you?"

"This...this is..."

Buyi Ren stumbled out, and before he could reach him, he said hurriedly: "The Patriarch of Chuanyin Pavilion!"

"So it turns out that the two founders of the Sound Transmission Pavilion returned together with the devil. Then there is another person, the third founder of the Sound Transmission Pavilion? What kind of person is he?"

On Kunyu Mountain, the two people beside the chessboard were still talking. After hearing the introduction, the man in indigo robe became curious and asked.

In a short period of time, Zang Feng explained clearly the cause and effect. He was one of the people who experienced it, but he was just a young true disciple at that time. He was taken there by the elders of the sect to gain knowledge and expand his mind, so whether it was The details, as well as the overall situation, are all clear.

According to him, this matter has become a secret. Several major sects jointly swore a Taoist oath under the witness of Heavenly Dao, and the truth cannot be spread easily.

At this time, after hearing the indigo-robed man's inquiry, Zang Feng did not go around in circles to hide his secrets: "That Patriarch is privately called the Shadow Patriarch by the disciples of Chuanyin Pavilion. Even those who have seen him do not There are many, but I heard that that one is the strongest among the three Immortals of Chuanyin. The remaining two are loose immortals, but only the third ancestor is a true immortal! He also has a violent personality and is very cruel to his enemies. Anyone who has a grudge against him will take revenge in a few days!"

As he spoke, he sighed with emotion: "If the third ancestor of the sound transmission had not been in seclusion to study the mysterious method, if he had come forward, the situation might have been completely different, and it might have ruined the overall situation of the various families uniting to fight against the devil. Destroyed!"

The man in indigo robe frowned and said: "Since you are a true immortal, even if you are in seclusion for enlightenment, how can you not be so hard to follow your heart when it's time to come out? And according to my senior brother, few of the disciples of the Sound Transmission Pavilion have even seen him. The one from the third ancestor.”

"I heard that I have acquired a supreme mysterious method, but no one can tell me exactly what it is. After all, even counting the time when the inheritance of Chuanyin Pavilion was cut off, it was almost three hundred years ago." Zang Feng said with emotion, Then he suddenly lowered his voice: "However, there is also a theory that the ancestor died or disappeared shortly after the establishment of the sound transmission. However, in order to shock others and maintain the status of the sect, the remaining two ancestors of the sound transmission Keeping it secret can explain why few disciples of the Chuanyin Pavilion have seen that person, and it can also explain why he has disappeared even though the sect is in disarray. "

He went through the whole process of various major sects trying to determine whether the third ancestor existed, and spent nearly fifty years repeatedly testing. From the small things at the beginning to the unscrupulous end, the third ancestor never appeared.

"So in the end, many people felt that the legend of the third ancestor was just a bluff from beginning to end. It was originally used to maintain the power of the sect, and later it was used to intimidate others before the two ancestors of the sound transmission left. The rhetoric is just to make each family respect their master and swear an oath, but..."

As he spoke, Zang Feng shook his head and changed the topic: "Junior brother, you are a sensible person. There is no need for me to explain the truth behind this."

The man in indigo robe nodded and said smoothly: "In order to eliminate demons, this Sound Transmission Pavilion took advantage of its own inheritance and died together with the demons. It is a good story for a while. I think the three immortals who came to this sect at the beginning would be reincarnated. Blessed."

"That's exactly what it means!"

Zang Feng laughed when he heard this, but then he heard a roar from the back mountain!


It was accompanied by violent vibrations!

A strong sense of uneasiness appeared in Zang Feng's heart, accompanied by a dark warning sign!

Shocked, he looked towards the place where the roaring sound came from. What he saw was a broken mountain that looked like a broken sword, and his color suddenly changed!

"What happened? Why are there changes in the forbidden area?"

In shock and anger, he counted with his fingers, and then blood spurted out from his mouth, his face turned pale, and his eyes looked horrified!

The man in the indigo robe next to him frowned, leaned over and asked, "Senior brother, what happened? You just said it was a forbidden area. Could it be that something happened? And, are you... being plotted from afar?"

"No, it's a backlash." Zang Feng didn't seem to want to hide it, but immediately changed the subject: "Junior brother, this matter involves the secrets of the sect. At the moment... it's hard to say it clearly, but I have to deal with it first. "

"Senior brother, there is no need to say anything. I understand. Let's go, senior brother." The man in indigo robe narrowed his eyes, and then looked at Zang Feng's retreating back, thinking to himself.

"Forbidden area..."

On the other side, Zang Feng, who was walking quickly, looked grim. He recalled the strange movement at the foot of the mountain just now and suspected that there was a connection between the two.

A disciple was approaching with a sword in front of him. When he saw him, he lowered his sword light and reported: "Master, someone seems to have broken into the forbidden area under Broken Sword Peak. Several disciples guarding the gate have not responded!"

Sure enough!

Zang Feng took a deep breath and thought like lightning.

"First there was movement in Sun Sheng's place, and then there was movement in this forbidden area. Could it be that someone contacted Sun Sheng to destroy the purity of our Kunyu Sword Sect? Who has such courage and is not afraid of Yunxiao Sword Sect's accusation? Maybe? Is there something to rely on?”

Thinking in his mind, he immediately raised his hand to find a few disciples and gave instructions: "First find out what is going on with Zhou Hui and others, and also send a message to Yunxiao! Tell them that there is an invasion in the forbidden area, and ask them to send people to support! "

A voice came from the side, but it was a man with disheveled hair. He said with a worried look: "Brother, do you want to see if the situation can be controlled first? Otherwise, you will rashly summon us, in case..."

Zang Feng interrupted him and said: "If something goes wrong in the ancient ruins under the Forbidden City, we will not be able to bear the responsibility! For this kind of thing, we would rather make mistakes than neglect!"


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