Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2075: Organizing the concert

   May 10, Saturday, morning, Maori Detective Agency.

   Mori talked to Yamazaki and Hondō Eisuke. Conan and Ran listened to the incident in the Domoto Concert Hall.

   The whole incident has to be talked about many years ago. It can be the trouble caused by the evil fate caused by Domoto Yiqi and Pu and Tsang when they were young.

   At that time, a woman named Soma Yuka was dating both of them at the same time.

   Then Domoto waved and noticed this with Fu and Takumi, and decided to leave Soma Yuka.

   Domoto was frustrated and met his current wife. The two were in agreement and soon got married.

   And soon after, Soma Yuka found out that she was pregnant. This was based on Soma Hikaru's production records.

  According to the dying words of Pu and Takumi, Soma Yuka thought it was the child of Domoto's wave.

   At that time, Domoto had already gained a reputation in the music industry and was embarking on the path of becoming a musician.

   Soma Yuka didn't want to ruin Domoto's career, so he took care of everything alone.

   Soma Yuka gave birth to a boy, named him Soma Hikaru, and raised him alone.

   Because Domoto didn't know about this at all, he never wanted to go to see Soma Yuka.

   And Soma Yuka has been tight-lipped to the outside world, and has never mentioned to anyone who Soma Hikaru's father is, including Soma Hikaru.

   Therefore, even Soma Yuka's workers have no idea who Soma Hikaru's father is, nor have they seen anyone visit Soma Yuka.

   This point was confirmed by asking those workers during the investigation.

   In this way, Soma Hikaru grew up slowly, and Domoto became a famous pianist in one stroke. The Domoto Music School he founded also gained some fame.

   Soma Guang has liked music since he was a child, and later decided to take the music school, and Soma Yuka suggested that he go to Domoto Conservatory.

   This is the testimony of Qiu Ting Reiko. It was Soma Mitsu who told Qiu Ting Reiko.

   Soma Guang originally wanted to enter a more prestigious university. It was Soma Yuka's suggestion that sent him to Domoto Conservatory of Music.

   These remarks, Qiu Ting Reiko once said to Fu and Takumi, after Soma Mitsu's death.

  According to Qiu Ting Reiko, the expression on his face seemed much sadder when he talked to the craftsman about Sang Ma Guang.

   But Qiu Ting Reiko didn't care at the time, let alone think about the relationship between Pu and Takumi and Soma Hikaru.

   Now it is inferred that at that time, Puhe Takumi knew that Soma Hikaru was his son.

  Pu Kazuo will choose to destroy Domoto Conservatory of Music. This is probably the source of its motivation.

   If there was no Domoto Conservatory of Music, Soma Hikaru would go to another famous music university. If Soma Hikaru went to school in other places, he would probably not die.

According to Pu and Takumi, he once met Soma Yuka, but Soma Yuka didn’t say anything, so he didn’t expect that Soma Ko would be his son. Later, he just thought that Soma might be Domoto. The son of a wave.

   However, Soma Yuka later died accidentally, and Soma Hikaru's life experience is no longer known.

   Until Soma Hikaru participated in the alumni meeting and fell into a drunk cliff, Puhe Tsou, as the representative of Domoto Conservatory of Music, came forward to handle Soma Hikari's funeral.

   At that time, Pu and Takumi discovered through Soma Hikari's blood type that Soma Hikari was not the son of Domoto Ichichi, but rather like his son.

   Pu and the carpenter went to do a genetic test, and it turned out that Soma Guang was really his son.

   Pu and Tsang did not match up successfully when they were young, and then gradually faded away, so that they have no wives and children.

  According to psychologists’ analysis, Puhe Tsang has been serving Domoto, so he believes that Domoto’s achievements are part of him.

Puhe Tsang regards Domoto’s flick as his honor, and Domoto’s achievements as his achievements, and the Domoto Conservatory founded by Domoto as his academy, and Domoto’s family as his. his family.

   But, deep down, Puhejiang still hopes to have a family.

Therefore, when Pu and Takumi discovered that the dead Soma Hikari was his son, he slowly attributed all his faults to Domoto Conservatory of Music after his heartache, and to Domoto. Yourself.

   is the one he tuned for Domoto, and it has been a full 35 years. It is his step by step that he has helped Domoto move towards glory and the peak of life.

   This mistake can be said to have run through the 35 years of Yoyo, and run through the past life of Fu and Takumi and Domoto.

   Therefore, Puhe Tsang decided to destroy everything in order to avenge his son, or to bury him.

It happened that Domoto wanted to build a Domoto Concert Hall. It used musicians from Domoto Conservatory of Music to form a symphony orchestra and hold a high-level concert, so that the world would know that Domoto Conservatory of Music can cultivate a full range of Music talent, and it is of high standard.

   So when the building was capped, Puhe Tsang tricked the construction team into making changes to the building and secretly sealed the explosives inside the building and sealed it on top of the Domoto Concert Hall.

   According to the residues, these explosives are from the explosion of mountains and mines. Where they came from is not known for the time being. Since Puhe and the craftsman are dead, I believe it is difficult to find out.

   Then, Pu and Carpenter waited until the Domoto Concert Hall was completely renovated, and waited until the beginning of Domoto's concert before they started working.

  Pu Kazuo's plan is to kill four people, Takehiko Liancheng, Yosuke Mizuguchi, Osamu Shida, and Hisae Sone first.

Soma Hikaru fell off the cliff after drinking, and the reason why he drank so much was because of the alumni associations. Among them, the people who made Soma Hikari drank a lot of alcohol were Takehiko Liancheng, Yosuke Mizuguchi, Osuke Shida, This group of Hisae Sone.

   Soma Kuang is a flute player, and the flute has three parts, so Pu He Tsang deliberately chose three events to kill the four of them.

   Liancheng Yuehiko and Mizuguchi Yosuke happened to practice the piano together, and they became the first set of goals for Puhe Artisan.

  It just so happens that the Kawabe playing the Stradivari violin has to listen to Liancheng Yuehiko and Mizuguchi Yosuke.

  Pu Kazuko chose to do it while Kawagoko was on the scene, and through Kawagoko to create an illusion that the prisoner's goal was to be able to perform on stage, in order to allow people from Domoto Conservatory to be on stage, which confused the police's sight.

   In order to strengthen this concept, Pu He Carpenter then set his goal on Qiu Ting Reiko.

   At the same time, I also want Qiu Ting Reiko to withdraw due to injury.

   The medicine failed once, and the muck truck was used for the second time, which completely diverted the police's attention, causing the police to ignore Shida Osa and Sone behind the two people, Takehiko Liancheng and Yosuke Mizuguchi.

   In order to let the police have no time to react, Pu and the craftsman continued to commit crimes and left flute components on the scene.

   The police realized that the murderer’s target was actually Takehiko Lenjo, Yosuke Mizuguchi, Osamu Shida, and Hisae Sone. They quickly found the line of Hikaru Soma who was using the flute, and suspected that his fiancée Akita Reiko was the murderer.

  Because Soma Hikaru has a father, but he never showed up. No one knows if he is alive, so he can only investigate slowly.

   On the contrary, it is Qiu Ting Reiko, this Soma Hikaru’s fiancee may become a murderer, not by herself, but by employing a murderer.

The police attached great importance to Qiu Ting’s pity, and the name of protection is actually surveillance. This is exactly what Puhe Tsang wants, because he understands Domoto’s obsession, and fears that Domoto’s efforts to make Domoto’s concert only have Domoto music. The people from the academy attacked Qiu Ting Lizi, preventing her from appearing on stage and even dying.

   As a result, the police and the Maori detective agency guarded Qiu Ting Reiko 24 hours a day.

   Until the eve of Domoto's concert, Qiu Ting Reiko went to the forest bathing as usual. The well-prepared scores and craftsmen attacked Qiu Ting Reiko from a distance, and then left calmly.

   And Qiu Ting Reiko could not be on the stage, so he sat down a bit more firmly, that is, the musicians who participated in the Domoto concert will be from Domoto Conservatory of Music. This is in line with Domoto’s plan, so the police will look at Domoto.

   Either the prisoner flicked Domoto, or the prisoner wanted to blame Domoto with a flick, it was the enemy of Domoto flicked.

  If the prisoner is Domoto with a wave, then he must want to let Domoto's concert go on smoothly and end successfully.

   If the prisoner is the enemy of Domoto's wave, then the target of this person may not only be Domoto's wave of himself, but maybe there is a concert of Domoto.

   Considering that the prisoner used explosives before, it is very likely that the prisoner used explosives at the Tangben concert.

  Pu and the craftsman might have guessed that someone would want to understand this, and even if no one thought he would suggest that the Domoto concert is not safe.

  Pu and Takumi expect that the police will advise Domoto to cancel Domoto’s concert for everyone’s safety. They also anticipate Domoto’s character and will not cancel the concert anyway, because that is his current life pursuit.

   The next thing is logical. First, the police will conduct a large-scale search of the Domoto Concert Hall; then, the news that the prisoner may use explosives at the Domoto concert will spread.

Finally, people who have a wave with Domoto and who are not closely related to Domoto Conservatory of Music will not come to Domoto concert, because for them Domoto concert is just an ordinary concert, risking their lives. It's dangerous to participate, not worth it.

  Pu and the craftsman deliberately used explosives in order to differentiate the people who attended the Domoto concert.

   As a result, he successfully screened out the people, and the people who will eventually appear in Domoto’s concert are those who have a close relationship with Domoto and have a deep relationship with Domoto.

   In order to catch them all at once, and to avoid the police search, Puhe Tsang sealed explosives into the building of Domoto Concert Hall a year ago.

   As for the dust in the underground common ditch, it is inferred that Pu and the craftsman arranged for him to fear that the explosives would be too long and unusable.

  Pu and the craftsman worked hard. It took more than a year, maybe even longer, to set up a world network, wanting to blow up the Domoto Concert Hall and bury all the people attending the Domoto concert.

   As long as these people die, Domoto Conservatory of Music will follow.

   This was a dead end, even Pu and Carpenter committed suicide.

   But people are not as good as the sky. Although the underground dust explosion collapsed the ground of the performance venue of the Domoto Concert Hall, it also impacted a space that could accommodate the crowd inside after the Domoto Concert Hall collapsed.

   When the top of the Domain Concert Hall was smashed down, the large hole on the ground of the performance venue was filled with rocks and slabs, but everyone escaped and hid in the surrounding space.

   Then, a miracle occurred.

   Except for the suicide scorer and craftsman, all the people who attended the Domoto concert are alive.

   Mori took a sip of his beer, "That’s it, Domoto is very unhappy now with a wave of it, and he is labeled a selfish hat, and the future of Domoto Conservatory of Music is also worrying, but that’s the future."

   Everyone nodded, and the work of Domoto's concert is now over. ...

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