Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2076: The end of the concert

   May 10, Saturday, afternoon, Kurokawa Hospital, Mizuno Reina ward.

   In order to deal with Eiyu Hondō, Mizumi has to come back and lie down on the hospital bed, and will stay until tomorrow night.

   However, after listening to Eiyou Hontang studying for her seriously, Shui Wurenai felt very happy, not tossing back and forth at all, and was unhappy because of the delay in recovery training.

  Being able to get along with Eiyu Hondō like this, Mizumi thought it was worth paying the price.

   Yamazaki looked at Mizuno Reina's face. From the look of her face, Mizuno Reina was already energetic, and he wanted to come back to the training and it was effective.

   But, I pretend to sleep in front of Eiyu Hondō, I don’t know how long I can hide it.

   Speaking of it, Yamazaki arranged for the main hall Eiyu to come, but he did not expect such troublesome things to happen.

   It’s just that without the main school Eiyu studying, Mizuno Reina might not wake up.

   But when I wake up, I have to toss back and forth because of Eiyu Hondō.

   The cause and effect of this, if you think about it, it is really amazing and interesting. ...

   Sunday, May 11.

   The police held a large press conference to explain to the public the whole story of the Domoto Concert Hall explosion.

   As for the issue of the large number of explosives used in the Domoto Concert Hall, the police also asked everyone not to worry, as there is no more explosive material exposed.

  The reason is that if prisoners and craftsmen can get more explosives, they will not want to use flour to implement uncontrolled dust explosions. ...

   On the other side, Shinagawa’s one-household, organizational base.

   Belmode, Vodka, Cohen, and Chianti looked at the gin together, and tried to prevent themselves from laughing.

  Although the gin is still the white face lacking sunlight, how I look at it, the face is black now.

   The real situation should be that Gin got the wrong blueprint and misunderstood the structure of the building.

   Those hollows have increased the earthquake resistance of the building to a certain extent, so that the underground explosion did not immediately collapse the top, and there was no immediate scene of the sky and the earth.

   Although the underground explosion still destroyed the door and caused the explosion of those explosives in the wall, there was a time lag. At that time, the ground of the performance venue had fallen to the point that everyone inside escaped.

   Speaking seriously, it was indeed not the fault of Gin that made this oolong, but it was indeed planned by him.

   is really a good person who is anxious and just, who is happy to help others, and saves people in crisis but keeps no name. ...

   May 12, Monday, morning, Didan High School.

   Before the class, Yuanzi stood in front of the podium and announced to the classmates and teachers about going to the concert on the weekend.

   The classmates are very happy, but some people booed, "There will be no more bombs?"

   "Don't go if you don't want to go." Yuanzi strongly refused, and then posted the track list next to the blackboard so that everyone could watch for themselves. ...

   On the other side, Conan also notified his classmates, and Qingzi also explained the situation to their classmates.

After   , I have to go to the principal.

   That concert venue has more than 2,000 seats, which can accommodate people from three schools. Instead of leaving the seats empty, it is better to bring them all.

In addition to all the teachers and students of the three schools, the participants identified by   Ran and Yuanzi included Dr. Akasa, Hattori, Waha, Mori, Fei Eri, and Shiratori Sharo and other concubine law firms.

   In addition, I also asked the U.S. police officer to invite police officers such as the Megumi Police Department, Shiratori Police Department, Takagi Police Officer, and Sato Police Officer, as well as other police officers and firefighters who participated in the rescue that day.

   The remaining seats are allocated to the symphony orchestra members, and they are given to their relatives and friends. ...

   May 13, Tuesday, morning, good mood, Miko Miyamoto's office.

Kohime sent the information and presented the top copy to Miko Miyamoto, "This is the quarterly report of American Indy Mac. He can be said to be the ninth largest mortgage bank. Meisato, I ask you, what do you think Is this company still saved?"

Miko Miyamoto looked at it, "If you can raise money, there is still a rescue. The problem is that everyone is investing cautiously now. It is difficult for him to collect enough money. With continued losses in the future, he may have to raise two billion US dollars. enough."

   "Understand." Yan Ji nodded.

"In addition, I think this guy's rating is too high," Miko Miyamoto said. "The ratings of S&P and Moody's have been abolished. They are no longer credible. Use our own assessment and let Meisa agree with Evaluate the degree of mortgage involvement and make a rating."

   "Okay." Ji Ji asked, "But if the ratings of these international institutions are not fair, will the trouble be greater?"

   Miko Miyamoto said: "Yes, most people cannot access investment targets and can only rely on international ratings. When there is a problem with the rating, it will magnify investment errors many times."

   Yan Ji asked: "Do you want to wake up?"

   Miko Miyamoto said: "We have. Although we are not perfect, we are not lacking. The main problem is that we can't win the trust of others without proof. People are more willing to trust those rating agencies."

"However, once there is a problem, those guys will definitely say that he is just giving an opinion, it is not necessary for you, to push everything cleanly, only the immediate rating fee does not harm personnel in the future." Ji Ji smiled, "we It’s not good to watch people jumping into the fire pit like this."

   "You are kind." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "But if you think about another question, what about those who have jumped into the pit? The consequence of breaking the lie may be that they will never escape."

   "Uh," Yan Ji pondered, and smiled bitterly, "This is indeed a problem."

   "Look, now that the market is not good, entering the long-term Treasury bond market is the right way," Miko Miyamoto said. "Those who will enter the securities market are those who are more speculative, don't worry."

   "Understood," Wan Ji asked for instructions, "Then I will go out first."

   "Go ahead." Miko Miyamoto nodded. ...

   May 16, Friday, evening.

   Hattori and Kazuo came back from Osaka ahead of time and moved into a Mori house. The promise was tomorrow.

   Hattori wanted to give Conan a surprise, by the way, chatting with Conan at night. ...

   The next day, May 17, Saturday.

In the morning, the three sisters Yamazaki, Meidaizi, Tharhan, Hondō Eisuke, Sonoko, Dr. Akasa, Haibara, Motota, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko came to the Maori detective office one after another to meet with Maori, Conan, and Ran. , He Ye and Hattori meet up and go shopping together in Mi Flower Square.

   By the way, I met with Takei Naoko, and Lan stopped by to drag Concubine Hideri out, so that she could meet Maori early.

   If there were no orchids, Fei Yingli would probably not come out until noon. ...

   Due to sufficient time, I chose to enjoy a buffet on the top of the commercial building for lunch.

After   , everyone went underground and took the tram of the Mihua Underground Loop Line to the 22nd stop of Otowa Plaza Station in Bunkyo District. The concert hall is the group building above the station building.

   Everyone ran into classmates at the station, as well as in the car, and met many people along the way, and the number of people with them grew. ...

  Otowa Plaza mainly has a hotel about 158 ​​meters high, a comprehensive commercial building about 188 meters high, two apartment buildings about 75 meters high, and three apartment buildings about 33 meters high for the elderly.

   and group buildings such as game city, comprehensive concert hall, community clinic, community activity center, there are six six-story ordinary apartment buildings around.

The plaza uses solar energy system, equipped with electric vehicle charging equipment, and power failure protection device. It can maintain normal power consumption in the whole community for up to two hours at night, and can maintain emergency power for twelve hours. It is used for elevators, fire sprinklers, street lights, etc. .

  The elderly apartment is directly in charge of the community clinic, from cleaning the family hygiene to providing family medical services for the elderly, including meals to the hotel for the next day according to the elderly’s recipes, taking the elderly downstairs to participate in community activities, and going to the hotel’s swimming pool to exercise.

   Most of the nursing staff are provided by Wuju Financial Corporation. Except for the high-yield debts owed to Wuju Financial, most of them are foreigners.

   These people are all day employees outsourced to the Good Mood Foundation, but the Good Mood Foundation provides them with three meals and arranges them to live in nearby ordinary apartment buildings so that they can work with peace of mind.

  Help them establish an employee account, and they can use points and discounts for consumption, establish mutual medical insurance and high-interest savings insurance to ensure that their annual salary will not be much different from that of regular employees. ...

   Otowa Comprehensive Concert Hall has a large-scale symphony performance venue with more than 2,000 seats, a medium-sized performance venue with more than 1,000 seats, and two small performance venues with less than 500 seats.

   Mei Daizi borrowed a large-scale venue this time, and there was a full seat for those calling for friends.

   The host is Kosuke Haga, as well as Qiu Ting Reiko and Kawabe Zouzi. The three of them said some kind words, and they went straight to the topic.

   The first song is "Strange Grace", a widely sung religious hymn. Its original hymn was published in 1779 and written by the English poet and Anglican priest John Newton (1725-1807).

  John Newton was originally an atheist. He experienced many twists and turns in his life. He was drafted into the Royal Navy and later participated in the Atlantic slave trade.

   In 1748, I encountered a storm at sea and begged for God’s mercy in despair, and finally escaped after miraculously drifting for two weeks.

   About 7 years later, he finished sailing, studied Christian theology, and became a pastor in 1764.

   John Newton sang this poem on New Year's sermon in 1773. The content was to criticize and deny his sinful life in the past, pray for forgiveness from God, and finally get rid of sin and obtain salvation.

   In 1835, the composer William Walker used "New-Britain" as its composition, which has become the original version that has been passed down to this day.

   "Strange Grace" became a famous anti-slavery song, a symbol of the Christian movement, and a symbol of the United States itself.

  During the American Civil War, "Strange Grace" became a mourning song for soldiers on both sides, and this habit has continued to this day.

   It is a song that inspires hope after the tragedy. It is a spiritual song for African Americans and can even be called the spiritual national anthem of the United States.

This song can be sung by young and old Republicans and Democrats, Southern Baptists and Roman Catholics, African Americans and Native Americans, senior military officers and anti-capitalist activists .

   can be sung by anyone, singing will infect everyone, let people feel each other and understand each other, three minutes of singing can attract everyone.

   "Strange Grace" is one of the most famous English songs, and the most beloved hymn of Americans. It is the standard song of the church, and many versions have been derived.

   Among them, Ms. Judith-Marjorie-Collins (Judith-Marjorie-Collins) added a bagpipe solo to the album "Strange Grace" published in 1970.

   And Qiu Ting Reiko's "Strange Grace", joined the flute solo, played by Yuhe Kosuke.

   Needless to say, Qiu Ting Reiko used this to mourn her fiancé Soma Guang, and also mourned the book and craftsman by the way.

   When the singing started, people stopped, until the singing ended, people woke up, after the loss of three minutes, people lost three minutes.

   Lan suddenly remembered that when she was in junior high school, she had an awkward relationship with Shinichi. On the way home that day, she met Qiu Ting Li Zi on the riverside. Only after listening to Qiu Ting's song did she reconcile with Shinichi.

   And Conan thought of an idea and made a decision. ...

  The concert ended successfully, and the audience went their separate ways after the show.

   Yamazaki, Meidaizi, Tarhan, and Eiyu Hondō hurried back to Miyamoto's house to eat dinner and go to work.

Mori, Eri, Orchi, Sonoko, Hattori, Waha, Naoko Takei, Kuaito, Aoko, Detective Hakuba, Redko Koizumi, Officer Yumi, Officer Sato, Officer Takagi, Police Department Shiratori, Reiko Akita, Kosuke Haga, A lot of people including Dr. A Li and the Youth Detective Group went to the buffet and entertained guests in the garden. ...

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