Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 118: Transfer Students

On the sixteenth day of the first month, the weather is fine and breezy, and it is suitable to travel.

Time is like flowing water, the festive atmosphere is not over yet, and the new semester begins in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he walked into the classroom, Tang Tianyou felt a weird atmosphere. Generally speaking, just after the new year came, the topics among the students were discussing how many red envelopes they received, what gifts they bought, and where to play during the Spring Festival. topic of.

However, within just a few minutes after Tang Tianyou dropped his schoolbag, removed the chair, and took out three textbooks from the schoolbag, he heard three "transfer students" and four "beauties" in the discussion words of the surrounding boys. ", and the word "children's big breasts" appears most frequently, which has accumulated ten times, which is dozens of percentage points higher than the appearance of the word "beauty" on average.

"Are you really transferring students? Don't lie to us!"

"Really, today I went to the Academic Affairs Office to pay the tuition, but I saw that the class advisor was there, so I eavesdropped it curiously. I didn't expect to discover this amazing secret, so I came back as soon as possible to report the news. I tell you."

"Is it really a beautiful woman? Maybe it's Sister Feng or something."

"Cut, don't you believe my eyes? Do you know Maria Ozawa? Doesn't Aoi? Compared with her, it is the difference between Dong Shi and Xi Shi, the kind that is absolutely beautiful, especially the breasts. It's even more incredible, hehe..."

"Unexpectedly, in the second semester of high school, I will meet a beautiful transfer student. Is this an arrangement from heaven? Is my spring finally coming?"

"Go to hell, just like you, it’s good not to scare people away. If you want to have a romantic affair, you have to choose a handsome guy like me first. As for you? Background material."


A group of boys next to him all compared their middle fingers to him.

Transfer Students?

Doubts arose in Tang Tianyou's mind. It's the next semester of high school. It's almost the college entrance examination. It's really rare that there are transfer students who want to come in.

However, he quickly threw this doubt to Java, because the class bell rang right at this time. The head teacher Wu Zhong walked into the classroom on time, sternly, scanned the whole class, and then spread his hands flat. , The classroom that was still clamoring suddenly quieted down.

Wu Zhong cleared his throat, his rigid face barely forced a smile, and said: "Today I am very happy to introduce you to a new classmate in our class."

All of a sudden, the boys in the class held their breath and looked out the door with all their attention.

"This classmate transferred to our school because of the transfer of work at home. She is not very familiar with the surrounding environment. So I hope everyone treats new classmates enthusiastically and don't make her feel embarrassed, especially some normal ones. Active male classmate, do you know?"

After that, Wu Zhong directed his stern gaze to the male students who were usually more ‘lively and active’, especially the fat guys, and received the most attention.

The fat man's face was sad, he wanted to cry without tears, because Mao specifically targeted me, am I just a bit lustful? Besides, isn’t the "East wicked and West inferior" in the class also very famous?

In any case, the image of the fat man is not very glorious in front of Wu Zhong, that's right.

At the same time, all the male classmates whom Wu Zhong took care of all bowed their heads, very guilty, pretending to be very pure.

Seeing this situation, Wu Zhong nodded in satisfaction, turned his head, and shouted to the outside of the classroom: "Classmate, you can come in first."

At the entrance of the classroom, a girl wearing a white dress, long hair shawl, carrying a beige bag, and a cute-faced girl walked in.

When she walked to the podium, Wu Zhong, who was originally paralyzed, showed a amiable smile, and said cordially, "You can introduce yourself first."

There is actually a reason why Wu Zhong is so kind. Among the many liberal arts classes in high school, the sixth class is the most inconspicuous. Although it is not the worst, it is not very good. When the teacher in the top few ranks, he doesn't consciously feel that he seems to be short.

When everyone talked about his students, Wu Zhong felt a pain when watching them look proud, because there were only a few students in his class that he could know about, and the rest were all mediocre.

There is actually a transfer student coming here. She didn't choose any class, so she chose the class he led. What does this mean? It means that his teaching level is recognized by everyone, and even transfer students know his name.

At that time, Wu Zhong saw the look of other class teachers who looked like a concubine, and he was very comfortable. He was venting with tens of thousands of pores all over his body. He was happier than winning five million grand prizes. His grandma's, let you turtles. My grandson often got awkward in front of me, but now he's finally deflated.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Wu Zhong is so amiable now.


When the transfer student walked in, Tang Tianyou looked up curiously, his body suddenly shocked, his eyes filled with incredible expressions, this, this is not...a little nurse? How could she appear here?

Sure enough, the transfer student bowed lovely to the bottom of the podium and said sweetly: "Hello everyone, I am Song Keqing, I hope I can become good friends with you in the next time."

The whole class was boiling at the same time, and the boys roared one after another There were only a dozen boys, but they broke out with a volume that hundreds of people could hardly match, almost making Tang Tianyou wonder if he was there. At the Bernabeu football stadium, there were heart-piercing shouts all around.

The girls are aggrieved--

"Huh, why are boys so lusty?"

"Yes, but is it just a transfer student? What's so great."

"It's horrible, there are so many girls in the class, why are you so enthusiastic about her?"

"Isn't it just that the **** are a little bigger? This girl is not bad either."


There was a lot of disturbance under the podium. Seeing this situation, Wu Zhong frowned, coughed heavily, and said sternly: "Everyone, be quiet, it's class time!"

Following Wu Zhong's stern gaze, the classmates calmed down suddenly and quickly returned to sitting upright, pretending to be a good student, which shows that Old Man Wu's prestige is still very good.

After the classroom calmed down, Wu Zhong asked Song Keqing, "Song Keqing, where do you want to sit?"

Song Keqing looked forward to her beautiful eyes, pretending to think a little, like a green jade finger, pointed at an empty seat side by side Tang Tianyou, sweetly said: "Mr. Wu, I want to sit there.".

After seeing the direction Song Keqing was pointing, Tang Tianyou's heart slammed, and a bad premonition rose up. Shouldn't this little Nizi come to trouble? Old man Wu, don't listen to her, move her farther away quickly.

However, Wu Zhong did not hear what he said. He pondered for a while and nodded: "Well, classmate Tang Tianyou's academic performance is very good. Sitting next to him, I believe you can learn a lot. Wait a minute. Just move things and sit there."

"Thank you, teacher." Song Keqing replied sweetly, but there was an indescribable smile in her beautiful eyes.

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