Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 119: go home

After school at noon, Tang Tianyou was about to push his Phoenix bicycle home.

Just as he pushed the bicycle out of the school gate, Song Keqing carried a lovely beige bag in front of him, staring at Tang Tianyou.

The warm sun shines through the sparse leaves on this girl, her pink and delicate face glows with a healthy glow, her skin is as shiny as snow, with a slight blush, her long eyelashes tremble slightly, and her dark eyes sparkle. A strange luster.

"Little, little... nurse?!" Tang Tianyou felt a little knotted in his mind when he suddenly saw the girl wrapped in the light, and he was a little stammered.

Song Keqing didn't speak, he stood in front of the car, just staring.

Tang Tianyou began to feel a little uncomfortable. To tell the truth, if a beautiful woman stares at you silently, she doesn't know what she is thinking about, and it's just as uncomfortable as anyone else.

In order not to show weakness in front of the beautiful women, Tang Tianyou also looked back at the past as his part.

One minute later, Tang Tianyou's eyes began to fade.

Three minutes later, Tang Tianyou looked around, pretending to know nothing.

Five minutes later, Tang Tianyou was stared at by the scorching gaze, and he couldn't help it anymore. He raised his hand and surrendered, saying, "Well, you won. You will kill or kill me. Say something. Are you okay, I will never frown an eyebrow."

After listening, Song Keqing walked over, supporting the handlebars with both hands, her beautiful eyes fixed on Tang Tianyou’s eyes, pouting her small mouth, and said angrily: "Why don’t you treat others all morning? Ignore it? I didn't even say a word."

Why don't you talk to you? Isn't this obvious? After class, more than a dozen satyrs in the class rushed to your place. If I dared to be more intimate with you, wouldn't I be despised by the eyes of these wolf friends? Tang Tianyou kept slandering.

However, he didn’t dare to tell the truth. In order to reduce the trouble, Tang Tianyou still seriously explained to her: “That’s because too many people around you talk to you, and I can’t speak, so I plan to find another one. Time to talk to you, but I haven’t had time to talk to you."

"Really?" Song Keqing looked at Tang Tianyou suspiciously.

"Really, it's more real than a pearl!" Tang Tianyou is now lying and not writing drafts, the thickness of his face has risen to another height, and there is no sign of blushing at all.

If someone from the Celestial Party sees this kind of violent behavior, the face is not red, and the heart is not beating, they will definitely give a thumbs up and praise our generation role model.

"Okay, I believe you." After that, Song Keqing jumped over and hugged Tang Tianyou's arms, his bulging chest pressed tightly against him, and his face was flushed.

The most terrible thing is that her plump body is still restless, and the indescribable softness and the looming scent of her body make Tang Tianyou feel a little fluttering all over her body.

One of these bold behaviors is a superb stunner with a snow-skinned complexion, a bulging front and a curved face, and a pure appearance, and it is still at the gate of the school after school, which will naturally arouse the boredom of the crowd... um... onlookers.

"Oh my God, it's God Bless Senior. I really like the songs he sings. He looks very hearty and gentle. It's worthy of being the light of the No. 1 Middle School."

"What a beautiful picture~! But then again, who is the woman next to Godyou-senpai?"

"It seems to be a transfer student, but it's so disgusting, I actually hugged me with my Tianyou senior."

"I hate it, it's my senior~~!"

"What's yours, it's mine!"

"its mine!"……

The above is the conversation of the girls.

However, the conversation of the boys is not

"What a cute girl, there is such a beautiful girl in school, why haven't I seen it?"

"I heard that this is a beautiful girl who has just transferred to school. Today is the first day of class."

"Huh?! It's not right, who is the wretched man next to the beauty? I dare to hold my goddess."

"That wretched man is in the sixth literary class, and it is said that he is still interacting with school flowers."

"Huh? I actually dare to step on two boats, I'm too envious, uh, no, it's too shameless!"

"This kind of scum should be pulled out to play JJ a hundred times."

"Yes, you are right.", "Xiongtai is absolutely right."...

Seeing that he was surrounded by more and more crowds of onlookers, Tang Tianyou had a cold sweat on his forehead, grabbed Song Keqing, pushed his bicycle, and quickly left the scene of the crime.

But what Tang Tianyou didn't know was that Li Shiyin happened to be standing by the classroom window, glanced at the two people who caused the riot below, then turned around expressionlessly and sat back in his seat, closing his dark and bright eyes, and gently rubbing. Temples.


He ran for hundreds of meters all the Even the shadow of the school gate could not be seen. Tang Tianyou stopped slowly, turned his head to look at Song Keqing who was panting, and said: "What's the matter? Are you too tired?"

It seems that he has rarely experienced such intense exercise. Song Keqing took a good rest for a while before he eased from his rapid breathing. His flushed face showed a trace of stubbornness, and said: "It's okay, I just haven't ran so fast in a long time. Breathing is a bit short, I just have to rest for a while."

Upon seeing this, Tang Tianyou said a little apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was too reckless. By the way, are you still living in that building? Do you want me to take you back?"

"Yeah." Song Keqing smiled sweetly and said: "I don't live there anymore, it's too far from the school, and it's also very remote and not very safe, so I moved to the XX community a few days ago. live."

After listening, Tang Tianyou showed a surprised look and said, "Huh?! Strange, my family seems to live in that community too, so we might be neighbors, so we just happened to drop by and go home together."

"Really? Great, we really have fate." After all, Song Keqing's body slightly leans towards Tang Tianyou, hands together, a playful look.

"Well, you get in the car first, and I will drive you back."

"Yeah, okay." Song Keqing blinked slyly and turned to one side, then dexterously jumped onto the back frame, hugged Tang Tianyou's waist with his hands, and his soft body was tightly attached to his back.

"Hurry up, we have to go."

"Tingling bell~~" There was a clear ringing of bicycle bells, and the bicycles were walking on the spacious avenue, and the buildings on the roadside flashed in front of them one by one.

Facing the breeze, Song Keqing slightly leaned his head on Tang Tianyou's back, his pink face was flushed, his nose was sniffing the smell around him, listening to the indescribable heartbeat.

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