Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 120: 1 to go to school

The next morning, the weather was fine with some breeze, and the weather was a bit cold during the Spring Festival. Many people put on a few more clothes to keep out the cold.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Tang Tianyou had just returned from morning exercises, had a hearty breakfast, packed up the books on the table, and then held a schoolbag in one hand, ready to go to class.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the door, he saw a cute girl wearing a dark blue winter school uniform and carrying a cute panda schoolbag, standing at the door smiling.

"Song Keqing? Why are you here?" Tang Tianyou asked in surprise.

Song Keqing tilted her head slightly, blinked her eyes cutely, and said in confusion, "Didn't we tell you last night? We will go to school tomorrow. Why are you still surprised?"

last night? Tang Tianyou recalled.

I remember that when I took her home from school yesterday, he did say things like going to school together tomorrow morning, but at the time he thought it was a joke, so he didn't care.


Tang Tianyou just wanted to explain something, but Song Keqing didn't wait for him to finish speaking. He suddenly approached, hugged his arm, his face flushed, and said excitedly: "Let's go, let's go, stop talking. La, let's go to school together."

"Huh? Don't you need to ride a bicycle? The school is far away."

"No, I like walking, just as exercise."

"All right."

Tang Tianyou felt helpless, but Song Keqing hugged her shoulders and let her drag forward.


After half an hour, Tang Tianyou and Song Keqing both walked into the classroom.

However, when Tang Tianyou stepped into the classroom, he felt a strange atmosphere. He seemed to feel everyone in the class looked at him with strange eyes, as if he were some rare prehistoric animal.

With a puzzled expression, put down his schoolbag, Tang Tianyou sat in his seat, and the classmates turned their heads and whispered.

But how sensitive is Tang Tianyou's hearing now?

Since discovering that he has the ability to control the sound, he can hear even ants singing within a radius of 100 meters.

"Hey, did you hear that? When school was over yesterday, the transfer student and Tang Tianyou were cuddling at the school gate."

"No, didn't the transfer student only come yesterday? How could he hook up with Tang Tianyou so soon?"

"Who knows? Maybe the two of them knew each other before. Maybe they were childhood sweethearts."

"Wow! Is it a fateful encounter? My former lover or something, suddenly appeared in the same class."

"But what about the squad leader? Aren't the two of them dating?"

"Yes, that's awful. Under the same roof, there are girls like that, and they are all the kind of people who are very popular with boys. Shouldn't they fight?"...

Hearing gossip like this, Tang Tianyou's face turned dark, and his heart slammed. These words wouldn't reach her ears, right?

Looking up at Li Shiyin, he seemed to see Tang Tianyou's gaze. Li Shiyin snorted and turned his head over. Tang Tianyou smiled bitterly, and he was really angry. Would you like to explain it to her next time?


Immediately after the first class in the morning, Tang Tianyou forcibly pulled the angry Li Shiyin into the corridor.

"What? You just pulled someone out, don't you know that they are reviewing their homework seriously?" Li Shiyin pursed her mouth and looked at Tang Tianyou with dissatisfaction. She is very angry now. Don't think that this will make me forgive you. , A tsundere girl thought angrily.

Tang Tianyou looked at her eyes and explained: "Shiyin, I have nothing to do with her, don't listen to what others say, Song Keqing and I just happened to know each other."

"Huh, who wants to listen to these boring things, people don't want to know." Li Shiyin's eyes whitened at Tang Tianyou, and she didn't seem to care at all. If she just looked at it carefully, she could find that her ears seemed to have been erected. NS.

"Okay, okay. I forced you to listen." Tang Tianyou raised his hands helplessly, indicating that it was all his own fault.

After listening, Li Shiyin turned his head proudly.

Upon seeing this, Tang Tianyou felt the opportunity was indispensable, and quickly explained the process of getting to know Song Keqing and proved that he was innocent. What happened at noon yesterday was all nonsense.

"So, she is the little nurse you met in the hospital? Have you met before?" Li Shiyin showed a charming charm on the dark blue school uniform, which was set on the bumpy body.

"Yes!" Tang Tianyou nodded heavily, his tone decisively.

When Li Shiyin heard it, her expression seemed a little loose. Did she feel wronged by Tang Tianyou?

Seeing this situation, Tang Tianyou was overjoyed, ready to work harder, and Li Shiyin could be completely dealt with.

However, God seemed to hate Tang Tianyou's appearance.

At this moment Song Keqing ran over, Tang Tianyou heard her happy voice from a distance: "God, do you want pineapple bread? I bought an extra one, very It's delicious."

Worse, Tang Tianyou felt bad for a while.

Suddenly a heartbreaking pain came from under his ribs. Tang Tianyou grinned with pain. Li Shiyin withdrew his evil hands and wandered around casually, pretending to be innocent.

When Song Keqing was about to approach, she kicked Tang Tianyou fiercely again, pulled his collar, and said fiercely: "Tomorrow at the same time and place, you will be dead if you don't show up!"

After speaking, she gave a cold snort and left.

Song Keqing came to Tang Tianyou's side, looked at Li Shiyin who was leaving in doubt, and said, "God, what's the matter? The squad leader seemed very upset."

"Nothing, every woman has so many days a month." Tang Tianyou smiled bitterly, rubbing the red and swollen tender meat that she had pinched just now.

"Really? I understand." Song Keqing suddenly realized, and then she smiled sweetly and said, "God, would you like to try pineapple bread, it's delicious."

"That, okay." Seeing Song Keqing's longing eyes, Tang Tianyou couldn't bear to refuse, so he took the bread she handed over and took a bite.

Seeing the scene where Song Keqing and Tang Tianyou were eating bread together, Li Shiyin angrily poked the table with a pen, one hole at a time, as if the table in front of him was Tang Tianyou, and he wouldn't give up unless he half-dead poked him.

The big pervert Tang Tianyou will seduce girls and want me to forgive you. In the next life, Li Shiyin is secretly sulking, thinking one after another tricky Tang Tianyou bad ideas in his head.

Tang Tianyou, who was eating happily, was shocked all over, huh? Strange, why do I suddenly feel an unknown danger approaching?

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