Chapter 326 Encountering the Wolves

"Hehe, ostrich, you went for a long time and came back with a small earthworm? That's not enough to plug between your teeth!" The hygienist mocked in a useful tone.

"Earthworms? Your earthworms can grow so big!" The ostrich sat on the muddy ground, took out the saber he was carrying, and quickly peeled off the skin of the snake in his hand, revealing a white, tender and fresh snake Meat.

After dividing the snake meat into several pieces with a knife, the ostrich smiled and handed it to Geng Jihui and the others: "Captain, Xiao Zhuang, and the dead hygienist, you should also eat some, otherwise you will definitely not be able to withstand the high-intensity training."

"Forget it, I'm not hungry yet, you can eat it." Geng Jihui waved his hands with a smile, the hygienist and Lao Pao reached out to take it, and directly put the raw snake meat stained with blood in his mouth and chewed it.

The ostrich was about to throw away the snake skin when suddenly it seemed to think of something, stuffed it into his pocket, and then rested on the wet tree trunk.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan coughed lightly and said loudly, "Everyone has it, continue training!"


In an instant, even though the special forces were still exhausted, they immediately got up and walked towards the cliff.

"Everyone must be careful. It's still raining now, and the rock surface is very slippery. If you can't hold it firmly, it's easy to fall off." Long Xiaoyun shouted loudly, his face very dignified.

"Don't worry, Captain, I'll take the lead first, you all follow where I came down, there will be no danger!" Leng Feng crossed Long Xiaoyun to the front of the cliff, grabbed the rock with both hands and touched it carefully.

Long Xiaoyun didn't stop him either, because Leng Feng's personal strength was the strongest in the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and he often took the lead in previous operations.

Soon, everyone crawled down along the stone wall, but because it was too slippery, their speed was not fast.

Qin Yuan stood on the top and shouted in a deep voice: "What are you doing? All speed up. If there is a team member who needs rescue, your current speed can only kill him!"

Lei Zhan and the others gritted their teeth and quickened their movements, enduring the exhaustion of their bodies and the cold wind around them.

Half an hour later, all the special forces climbed to the ground, only to feel their whole body trembling, lying directly on the ground panting heavily.

The physical strength consumed by rock climbing is not comparable to that of armed cross-country and other training subjects. It requires the coordination of whole body strength and a high degree of tension, otherwise it will not be able to support the completion of the task at all.

"Damn it, it's so cold, who do you have to eat? I feel like my body can't take it anymore!" Yuan Bao was trembling all over, and his face was very pale.

A lot of sweat after strenuous exercise, coupled with the cold wind blowing, almost no one can resist it, plus they don't have enough energy to eat, it seems even more difficult.

"I said Yuanbao, just at the top of the peak, haven't you eaten a few earthworms and worms? Why are you hungry again?" Hades asked a little puzzled.

"Just that little thing, it's not enough to plug between your teeth!" Yuanbao said with a bitter face.

"Don't talk nonsense. We have a ten-minute break. Let's hurry up and find something to eat now. This is a virgin forest. There should be a lot to eat, but you must be careful. Some things here are very deadly!" Lei Zhanbian While speaking, he propped up his body and walked towards the dense forest not far away.

The members of the Raiden Commando and the rest of the special forces also supported their tired bodies and strode into the jungle.

Not far away, Qin Yuan watched this scene and didn't say anything to stop them. Before tonight, all their training tasks will be carried out here, and finding food during the rest time is part of the training.

"Hey, company commander, let's have something to eat, it's still hot!" Su Xiaoyu took out a few food boxes from the military vehicle, opened the lid, and a strong aroma of meat wafted out.

After smelling this smell, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others began to grumble uncontrollably in their stomachs. Everyone swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and then scolded Qin Yuan a few times in their hearts as they searched for snakes in the dense forest. Worm belly.

About ten minutes later, everyone turned back, and without Qin Yuan's command, they directly grabbed the rock and struggled to climb up the rock wall.

Qin Yuan, Zang Chong, and Su Xiaoyu sat under the tree to avoid the rain, nibbling on the food in their hands, watching the figures of the special forces climbing the rock with relish.

Two hours later, it was already twelve o'clock noon, Qin Yuan looked at the sweaty and tired special forces soldiers who had just climbed down from the rock wall, and said loudly, "This morning's training is over, I'll give you two. In ten minutes, find food and water by yourself, and gather here in twenty minutes!"


Lei Zhan and others said loudly, and then spread out in small groups to find food, because this is a primeval forest, there are all kinds of poisonous snakes and beasts, and now their physical strength is almost exhausted, they may encounter accidents when they act alone.

"Captain, let's go to the left, I remember there is a river there, maybe there are fish and shrimp in it." Li Erniu said to Chen Shanming with some excitement.

"We don't have so much time, so let's move around nearby, so as to avoid any accidents, we can also complete the assembly within the specified time, otherwise Instructor Qin will definitely punish us!"

Gong Jian was panting heavily and said solemnly, his body was not as young as He Chenguang and others, and after a good morning of intense training, he felt a little overwhelmed.

"The instructor is right, we have to be safe and restore our physical strength as quickly as possible. Who knows what difficult training tasks the instructor will give us next." Chen Shanming looked at the crowd and said solemnly.

He Chenguang and Li Erniu didn't insist, they helped each other to touch the jungle.

"As expected of a senior special forces soldier, after a continuous morning of high-intensity training, all of them managed to survive. If we were the past, we would have made his mother the opposite!" Su Xiaoyu looked at the backs of Lei Zhan and the others. Some admiration opened his mouth.

"You're the only one who rebelled? The company commander can suppress you with just one finger!" Zang Chong sneered, and looked at Su Xiaoyu with disgust.

"What Xiaoyu said has some truth. Only the special forces can persist in this kind of training. They have already experienced extremely strict selection, and it can be said that they are the most powerful people in the entire military region." Fang Tian With some emotion, he said.

"I can't imagine how terrifying their strength will be after the training is completed!" Zhang Shuai's face showed some anticipation.

"Don't worry, after their training is over, I will give you a chance to fight." Qin Yuan glanced at Zangchong and the four with an intriguing smile on his face.

" commander, if the challenge fails, is there any punishment?" Su Xiaoyu glanced at Qin Yuan a little nervously.

"What do you say?"

"...Uh", Su Xiaoyu turned his head aside with a smirk as if he was stuck.

Soon, twenty minutes passed, and the five special teams returned here one after another.

"All of them, stand at attention!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone raised their chests subconsciously and looked at Qin Yuan with piercing eyes, with a very solemn expression on their faces.

"Very good, do you see the primitive jungle behind you? Next, your task is to travel 30 kilometers. I must remind you that this jungle is full of poisonous snakes and worms, each of which may be taken away in an instant. your life."

"You need to move forward as a team, so that you can take care of each other. When you encounter an unsolvable danger, don't be brave. I'm right behind you."

"Did you hear it clearly!"

"Listen clearly!"

"Very well, now to act, give you two hours, only one person does not complete the task, everyone will be punished!"


Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others took their team members and walked towards the depths of the primitive jungle.

"Company commander, is this really all right? Usually no one comes to this virgin jungle. Not only are there highly poisonous snakes and worms, but also beasts are likely to be hidden in it. There are no bullets." Su Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, they're not that weak. Even with bare hands, they can easily deal with most of the beasts. Besides, aren't we always behind? It's full of real bullets. Even a few brown bears can handle it. Turn it over!" Zang Chong said, raising the assault rifle in his hand.

Qin Yuan glanced at the four of them and said with a smile: "Let's follow up quickly. If there is an accident in the middle, don't take action yet and wait for my order!"

"Okay, face!"

In the primitive jungle, the Lone Wolf B group walked through the rough road, struggling to clear the thorns in front, and observed the surroundings with high concentration, as if a beast would rush out from the secret at any time.

"This is much more difficult than armed off-roading. I've only walked so far, and I feel a little tired." Qiang Xiaowei said with a wry smile, with obvious sweat on his face.

"Remember to save a little physical strength. I don't know what accidents will happen on the way. Although the instructors and the others are following, this is our training mission. If the instructors take action, it means our failure." Geng Jihui walked at the forefront of the team, Slashing the obstacles on the road with the saber in his hand.

"Hey, I'm so hungry, I don't even have the strength to walk!" The ostrich touched his shriveled belly, and the expression on his face was very sluggish.

Suddenly, the ostrich's eyes lit up, as if it had found something, and walked towards a big tree anxiously.


The ostrich swallowed a large mouthful of saliva and shouted to the crowd: "Come here, I found something to eat!"

Geng Jihui and the others had a hint of doubt on their faces, and they all leaned forward. After taking a look, their eyes looked a little weird.

"I said ostrich, are you hungry? Is this thing edible? Do you think your life is not moist enough?" The hygienist looked at him with disgust.

"This... these are all fresh mushrooms, why can't they be eaten?" said the ostrich frowning.

"Cough, white pole, red umbrella, lie down on the board after eating, ostrich, if you want to die, eat it yourself, don't implicate us!" After saying that, Lao Pao turned his head and continued to walk forward, as if he didn't want to. Deal with him again.

"Let's hurry, the instructor only gave us two hours, we can't delay it any longer. When we come back, let's collect the ostrich's body!" Xiao Zhuang sternly walked towards Lao Pao.

Geng Jihui and the health staff followed immediately.

"Hey, wait for me!" The ostrich gave up these tempting mushrooms, and reluctantly caught up with the crowd.

After more than half an hour, everyone had already walked half of the distance, and everyone had extremely tired expressions on their faces, consuming a lot of physical strength.

At this moment, He Chenguang, who was walking at the forefront of the red blood cell team, suddenly stopped, with a very solemn expression on his face.

"Be careful, something is wrong!"

"What's wrong with Chenguang?" Li Erniu looked at He Chenguang in a fighting posture with some doubts.

Wang Yanbing was also wrong, and immediately looked around, his face instantly looked a little ugly.

In his sight, a pair of green eyes appeared in the bushes in the distance, and the air seemed to be filled with a stench.

"Everyone, be careful, there are wolves!" Wang Yanbing pulled out the saber from his waist, and the expression on his face was very solemn.

"What?" Li Erniu was taken aback, and subconsciously followed Wang Yanbing's line of sight, his pupils instantly enlarged.

"Prepare to fight!" Chen Shanming shouted loudly, and the other special teams not far away also quickly noticed something was wrong and assumed fighting postures one after another.

At the rear, Su Xiaoyu suddenly raised the assault rifle in his hand, and was about to go forward to shoot the wolves, when Qin Yuan grabbed it with one hand.

"What are you going to do?"

" company commander, there are wolves appearing, don't we have to get rid of them quickly? These are all wolves, they will tear them apart!"

"Why are you in such a hurry, since the company commander didn't move, it means they are fine!" Zhang Shuai said indifferently, as if the pack of wild wolves were just puppies.

"That's right, isn't it just dozens of wild wolves? I've met wolves in the mountains before, and I haven't killed more than a dozen of them with my fists!" Zang Chong snorted.

Su Xiaoyu looked at the two of them with a dull expression, and involuntarily put down the assault rifle in his hand.

Qin Yuan has been staring blankly at the front. Through the monitoring of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he has already discovered this group of wild wolves, but he has no intention of shooting.

Although there are more than 50 wild wolves, they are still within the range that the five special teams can bear. After all, wild wolves are not tigers, and neither speed nor strength can compete with an elite special forces.

Even Su Xiaoyu, who looks a little panicked now, has enough real strength to easily deal with five wild wolves, but he has never faced a beast before, so he feels a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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