Chapter 327 Black Cat

As special forces, when performing tasks in the virgin forest, they are likely to encounter such emergencies, which they need to solve by themselves.

Therefore, Qin Yuan just watched from a distance when he encountered the wolves this time, without any intention of interfering.

However, in the event of an accident, he would use the god-level intelligent poisonous bee to subdue the wolves in an instant to avoid anything irreversible.

In the jungle, the five special teams gathered together spontaneously, and the expressions on their faces were very solemn.

"Be careful later, these wild wolves have green eyes, obviously they have been hungry for a long time, very aggressive!" Lei Zhan shouted in a deep voice, holding the saber tightly in his right hand.

"Hey, don't worry, Captain, it's just a few little wolves, and it's not like I haven't met them before!" Hades licked the corner of his mouth, looking a little excited.

At this moment, a low roar of a wild wolf suddenly came from the dense forest in the distance.

As if it was a signal, there was a rustling sound all around, and wild wolves rushed towards this side, with their sharp teeth exposed, flashing with an astonishing cold light.

"Be careful, these beasts are about to rush up!" Yang Rui roared with a solemn face.

As soon as the voice fell, shadows crossed the dense bushes, rushing towards this side like a ghost, and a pungent stench instantly enveloped everyone.

In an instant, the wild wolves had already rushed forward, and Lei Zhan took a step forward, deftly avoiding a large mouth, and then stabbed his right hand downward fiercely.

With a piercing sound of metal rubbing against bones, the blades of the saber all sank into the wolf's waist, and a strong **** smell surged out.

Before the wild wolf could react, Lei Zhan's arms slammed around his slender neck, and then he exerted force, and the sound of bones breaking came violently.

"This Lei Zhan is very good. The shot is clean and neat. First, it avoids the fangs and hits the soft abdomen of the wolf, making it incapacitated, and then kills it with one blow!" Zhang Shuai nodded as if watching a TV drama.

"It's so-so, if it were me, I would definitely wipe the neck of the wild wolf with a saber immediately, because there are too many wolves around, and every minute and second cannot be wasted." Zang Chong said solemnly, living in In the mountains in the north, he has ample experience in how to face these things.

In the dense forest, Long Xiaoyun threw out the rifle in his hand and smashed it directly on the head of a rushing wild wolf, smashing it to the ground, sobbing and unable to get up.

Without any hesitation, Long Xiaoyun raised the assault rifle and smashed it on the wild wolf's head again. With a loud noise, several fine cracks appeared on the wild wolf's head.

Leng Feng, who was beside him, was a little stunned to see this scene, as if he had re-acquainted with the captain.

As the saying goes, the head of the wolf is the hardest part, but it was directly smashed by Long Xiaoyun's two gun butts. It is conceivable that her seemingly weak body contains such explosive power .

In the other direction, Lone Wolf Group B and others, under the leadership of Geng Jihui, dealt with the wild wolves that came head to head.

"Hygienist, be careful!"

Out of the corner of the ostrich's eyes, he saw a wild wolf open its **** mouth and bite at the hygienist's neck.

In an instant, the saber struck the wolf's head like lightning, and most of the blade body sank directly into it.

The hygienist only reacted at this time, and hurriedly kicked the wild wolf's twitching body out.

Under the fighting of the five special teams, the ground was soon covered with the corpses of wild wolves. The red blood soaked the ground completely, and the pungent blood rushed to the face, making people feel sick.

At this moment, the wolf roar in the distance came again, and the voice seemed a bit sharp.

The wild wolves that were constantly rushing all around seemed to receive some kind of signal. They stopped and ran into the dense forest in all directions, disappearing in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, these beasts can't afford to play, so let's go?" Hades stared at the dense forest, as if he hadn't killed himself yet, and his body was covered with the blood of wild wolves.

"Let's get out of here as soon as possible, the smell of blood here is too heavy, it is likely to attract the rest of the beasts!" Yang Rui said to Lei Zhanji in a deep voice.

"Captain Yang is right, don't stay here." Chen Shanming nodded, then led the red blood cell commandos and rushed forward.

Ten minutes later, everyone stopped panting and sat down on the ground to rest.

"There should be no problem here. If anyone is injured, bandage it as soon as possible, otherwise the wound may become infected." Long Xiaoyun glanced at everyone and said.

"This is no problem, we have medical kits in our backpacks, which can clean up the wounds." Lei Zhan gasped, obviously not too tired.

In the distance, Qin Yuan walked up slowly, holding a large exaggerated wolf head in his hand and threw it directly on the ground.

"Fuck, such a big wolf head! Where did you get it, instructor?" Ostrich's eyes widened, looking a little sluggish.

"This should be the wolf king of the pack of wolves just now, right?" the hygienist asked uncertainly.

"Yes, this is the alpha wolf. If you encounter an attack from a wolf pack in the wild in the future, try to kill the alpha wolf first. Otherwise, even if you repel them a wave of attacks, you will stick to you all the time until you relax. , launch a deadly attack."

Qin Yuan's voice carried a warning.

The expressions of Lei Zhan and the others changed. They didn't seem to have expected such a thing. They nodded solemnly, obviously they had already remembered it in their hearts.

A few minutes later, the special forces recovered some physical strength and continued to run towards the mission location.

More than an hour later, by the rushing river, Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and the others emerged from the dense forest exhausted, with a look of relief on their faces, and lay down directly regardless of the muddy ground.

Along the way, they almost exerted their strength to suckle, and did not dare to carry anything. After fighting with the wild wolves, they not only consumed a lot of physical strength, but also delayed for a long time.

However, the training tasks given by Qin Yuan still have to be completed meticulously, because on the real battlefield, the superiors give orders to reach the designated location, and various accidents may occur on the road, but the tasks must be completed.

After resting by the river for a while, Qin Yuan glanced at his watch and said loudly, "Everyone has it, gather!"

When the special forces heard the order, they hurriedly dragged their still tired bodies and struggled to get up from the ground.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon now, and it's about seventy kilometers away from the training base. I'll give you four hours. Get back to the base before seven o'clock, or don't eat!"

After saying this, Qin Yuan turned around and left, and the four Zang Chong immediately followed.

After Qin Yuan's figure completely disappeared, the ostrich said with a bitter face: "The instructor will give us four hours, how can this be done!"

"Yeah, if it's an armed off-road, four hours is more than enough, but there are 30 kilometers of virgin forest along the way!" Qiang Xiaowei felt the exhaustion of his body, and his face also had a wry smile.

"Don't complain, since the instructor has assigned us this task, it means that he believes we can complete it, and we can't let him down!"

Geng Jihui pondered for a moment, then continued: "Let's rest in place for ten minutes, and then start to act!"


The other special teams also made the same plan. After a short rest, they dragged their bodies and ran towards the training base with gritted teeth.


Qin Yuan and Zang Chong quickly came to the place where the military vehicle was parked, and started the vehicle directly towards the base.

"Company commander, is it really okay to leave them here, what if there is an accident in the middle?" Su Xiaoyu hesitated.

"They are all special forces, not children. When performing tasks, they can only rely on themselves. All difficulties must be solved by themselves. Even if there is an accident, we can no longer protect them!"

Qin Yuan started the military vehicle while talking. If he brought a group of recruits, he would not leave like this, but Lei Zhan and the others are veteran special forces who have experienced countless missions. If they can't conquer even a primitive jungle, then these trainings It doesn't make any sense.

Su Xiaoyu's faces were stunned, they stopped asking, and headed towards the base.

Halfway through the journey, the special communicator on Qin Yuan's body suddenly made a sound.

After pressing the connect button, Su Guoqiang's voice came out immediately.

"Xiao Qin, do you have time now?"

"Sir, is there another mission?" Qin Yuan's eyes lit up and asked in a low voice.

"Haha, come to the military area office now, and you will know when the time comes!" Su Guoqiang exclaimed cheerfully, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Qin Yuan nodded, hung up the communicator, and told Zhang Shuai and the four to drive directly to the military area office.

After more than half an hour, Qin Yuan arrived at the destination, but saw several familiar figures outside the building.

"Hello company commander!"

"Hello, instructor!"

Han Xiang, Hao Lian Yaoyao and other Sharp Sword Recruits and the girls from the Fire Phoenix Commando team seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, and they greeted Qin Yuan with a smile on their faces.

After seeing this, Qin Yuan had already guessed why Chief Su let him come, and nodded towards the crowd: "Did you also come here with Chief Su's notice?"

"Yes, the commander said he would give us an award for the last gas bomb mission." Tan Xiaolin explained with a smile.

Just as Qin Yuan was about to speak, several figures suddenly walked out of the building behind him, and a hearty voice came over, "Xiao Qin, you are late, we old guys have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Su Guoqiang came first, followed by Ye Jianting, Chen Xingjun and several officers.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, I took those special teams to practice outside today, and I rushed over immediately when I heard from you."

"Haha, it's okay, those guys didn't cause you trouble, right? If anyone keeps commanding, they will teach you a lesson directly. If there is any problem, I will take care of you!"

"Don't worry, sir, they are all honest, and they have completed all the tasks well. They will be able to complete the training in a short amount of time, and their strength will definitely be greatly improved!" Qin Yuan said solemnly, he naturally knew Su Guoqiang He was very concerned about this matter, otherwise he would not be against the public opinion, and the five top special forces in the general area would be handed over to him for training.

"That's good, Xiao Qin, you've worked hard. If you have any requirements, feel free to ask. Don't be polite. As long as I can do it, I will definitely not shirk." Su Guoqiang patted Qin Yuan's shoulder in fear, his eyes full of admiration.

Qin Yuan smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely not be polite to you!"

"Haha, okay, that's right, by the way, this time I'm calling you here mainly for awarding awards. The military region has held a meeting and finally decided to award you first-class merit. Second class, you come with me!"

Su Guoqiang embraced Qin Yuan's shoulders and greeted the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando team as they were about to walk in the direction of the auditorium, when a figure suddenly appeared in the front office, obviously very anxious.

The man quickly came to Su Guoqiang's side and whispered something in his ear. Qin Yuan did not use peak-level hearing to eavesdrop, because it might involve military secrets.

After listening to Su Guoqiang, his face instantly became a little dignified, and he was about to turn around and walk towards the office when he suddenly thought of something, and quickly said: "Xiao Qin, come with me, Lao Ye, please entertain the Sharp Sword Recruit Company and Instructor Tan! "

"Okay!" Ye Jianting nodded and walked in the direction of Han Xiang, Tan Xiaolin and others.

Qin Yuan followed behind Su Guoqiang, and soon came to his office. At this time, there were several civilian officials standing inside, holding piles of documents in their hands, looking a little anxious.

"Sir, you are finally here. President Wen of the brother unit, through reliable information, has learned that the black cat of the K2 organization is preparing to attack a pharmaceutical company in the city."

"That company made medicines, but they developed a new type of medicine that could deal with a certain disease."

"But this drug is extremely unstable and can be transformed into a very lethal biochemical gas through a certain way."

"As soon as President Wen gets the information, he immediately informs the military region, I hope we can provide the help of the special forces!" The leading civilian said solemnly. UU reading

"Here is K2, the black cat and all the information about that pharmaceutical company." As they said, several people put the piles of information in their hands on the table.

Hearing this, Qin Yuan's eyes seemed a little weird. According to the TV series of the previous life, this so-called black cat, the leader of K2, was the biological father of Ye Cunxin of the Fire Phoenix Commando.

And that pharmaceutical company was also founded by Ye Cunxin's mother, and all the funds established by this company were secretly supported by the black cat.

However, at a critical moment, Ye Cunxin's mother did not hand over the dangerous new drug, and finally died at the hands of the black cat, and Lei Zhan was also in this battle, and died with the black cat, which can be described as a tragic ending.

But now, since Qin Yuan knew about this, naturally he would not let these things happen.

Su Guoqiang took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand, and read the documents carefully, frowning deeper as he looked.

After a long while, Su Guoqiang let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes fell sharply on Qin Yuan, "Xiao Qin, this time, I may have to trouble you."

(End of this chapter)

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