Chapter 334 Continue Training

"Fuck, did you pretend to be an ostrich just now?" Lao Pao's eyes widened, feeling the stabbing pain on his body, and a series of question marks rose in his heart.

This guy was directly kicked down by the instructor just now, and the call was a miserable one. They all felt infiltrated when they heard it, and they jumped down after gritting their teeth.

"Hey, seeing you screaming so loudly, I suddenly feel less pain." Ostrich's face was full of sly smiles.

Lao Pao rolled his eyes, stopped paying attention to the ostrich, and tried to shift his attention to other places, not to think about the tingling sensation of being soaked in the alcohol pool. Pain.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "You have half an hour to eat and rest, and meet at the training ground in half an hour!"


After Qin Yuan's figure disappeared, all the special forces rushed to the shore with their teeth grinning, and the alcohol pool they stepped on was choppy.

"Damn it, you are all so slow, each one is like reincarnation." The ostrich was hit by someone and staggered, almost fell straight.

"Hehe, don't you feel pain in the ostrich, it doesn't matter if you stay a little longer." The hygienist jumped up on Chi Yan with both hands supported, and his face instantly showed a relieved look.

"Fuck you, I'm not a copper skin and an iron bone, how can I not hurt, I just held on to it!" The ostrich scolded and jumped out of the pool.

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly put on clothes and go to the infirmary to bandage. Although the wounds on our bodies have been disinfected, we still need to apply medicine so that we can recover quickly."

As Geng Jihui said, he picked up his clothes and walked forward, and Xiaozhuang and others immediately followed.

Half an hour later, Qin Yuan was standing on the training ground, with Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and other five special teams standing in front of him. After half an hour of adjustment, everyone's condition had recovered.

"Have you seen those logs?" Qin Yuan glanced at the five or six meters long logs on the training ground, which were as thick as two people.

"I see!"

"Then why are you still standing there, in a group of three, carry it to me!"


Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan and the others strode to the front of the huge logs, and then a group of three, carrying it on their shoulders with some difficulty.

"Zhang Shuai, drive ahead to lead the way." Qin Yuan turned his head and said to Zhang Shuai.

"no problem!"

After Zhang Shuai finished speaking, he jumped into a military vehicle at the second level, started it, and drove towards the rugged mountain road ahead at a speed of 60 miles.

"Keep up with the military vehicles in front. If anyone falls behind, they will be punished."


The rugged mountain road was on the way. The special forces were carrying hundreds of kilograms of logs and rushed forward. They didn't have any chance to breathe, so they could only hold on with their teeth.

The ostrich, the hygienist, and Xiaozhuang were carrying the log, and they felt like a hill was pressing on their shoulders.

The strength of the three of them is still good, and they have enough tacit understanding with each other, so they have always been at the forefront of the team.

However, at this moment, He Chenguang and the three of them suddenly moved towards him behind him.

"I'm going, are you all tired? All of you are like cows." The ostrich gritted his teeth, and added a little more strength under his feet, trying to surpass it.

But the sanitation staff and Xiaozhuang behind them have been advancing at a constant speed, wanting to save some physical strength, the ostrich exerted too much force, causing them both to stumble, and the logs on the shoulders of the three of them directly hit the logs of the team in front. Make them almost fall.

"Fuck, what are you doing!" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but scolded, shaking his feet a few times, and then barely managed to maintain his figure.

"Hey, sorry, sorry." The ostrich lowered his head and said embarrassedly, and then he silently exerted his strength, and quickly overtook them.

He Chenguang shook his head helplessly, quickly adjusted the rhythm, and continued to run forward.

About an hour later, everyone was covered in sweat, and their faces were extremely pale. They only felt that their bodies were extremely heavy as if they had been filled with lead.

Just when everyone was about to hold on, the military vehicle in front slowly stopped in front of a river.

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others breathed a sigh of relief and ran a few steps forward before stopping, throwing the heavy log on the ground heavily.

"It's finally over. I'm exhausted every time I train every day. If this goes on like this, my body will probably not be able to handle it."

The old fox sat on the ground regardless of his image, with a wry smile on his face, and his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

"We must persevere. As long as we can hold on, our strength will definitely change." Lei Zhan said solemnly, although he also felt that his body was hollowed out, but he could still hold on through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, if I don't improve my strength, I'm too embarrassed to call myself a special forces soldier. Those new recruits who have just entered the military region for less than a month can easily kill our team. Thinking about it, I feel embarrassed."

King Hades chewed a grass root that he didn't know when to pull it up, and lay on the ground all over, wanting to regain his strength as soon as possible, and then proceed to the next training.

"Ye Wang is right. In the last fighting competition, that guy almost knocked me out with just one punch. Thinking about it, I feel ashamed. We have to become stronger!" any retreat.

Seeing the team's determination to never admit defeat, the old fox gave a wry smile, as if feeling helpless, but his eyes became firm again.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and shouted loudly, "Everyone has it, stand up!"

"Shhhhh!" Everyone was shocked, and climbed up from the ground like a conditioned reflex, and soon stood in a straight line, all staring at Qin Yuan.

"See if there is a river in front of you. Next, your task is to carry a log and run along the river. The time is uncertain. When I feel satisfied, I can stop." Qin Yuan's voice was very dull, but But everyone's heart trembled when they heard it, and their calves were a little weak.

"Fuck, the instructor is too ruthless. This is a fast-flowing river. We're afraid we're going to die of exhaustion here."

"Yes, this kind of river is very slippery. It is easy to slip when carrying such a heavy log. If the log gets wet, it will directly increase the weight by dozens of kilograms. This is a dead person. ."

"The most important thing is that there is no time limit, okay, doesn't that mean we have to keep running or even pass out?"

"Hey, there's no way, if you want to increase your strength, you have to endure these hardships, otherwise why are you better than others."

Qin Yuan listened to everyone's discussion, and snorted coldly: "Do you think this kind of physical training is hard and tiring, and it has no effect?"

"Hmph, let me tell you, physical fitness is the foundation of everyone. Without enough physical fitness support, even if you master more special warfare skills, there is no room for you to use them."

"That's right, stop talking nonsense, and act quickly, or the instructor will punish us later!"

The faces of the special forces were startled, and they did not dare to hesitate any longer. They carried the log with difficulty and ran forward along the rushing river.

Looking at all the special forces soldiers carrying logs and running wildly in the river, Qin Yuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Training special forces is much easier.

If a group of rookies who have just entered the military area, let them carry out this kind of high-intensity training, they have already started to fight, and he has to spend some energy to suppress them.

In the river, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu were carrying a log and running wildly with their heads buried in the turbulent river water. full physical strength.

At this moment, He Chenguang, who was at the forefront, stumbled under his feet, and his face changed greatly. When he was about to fall down, Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu, who were behind him, stopped quickly and tried their best to stabilize the log on their bodies. This is extremely reluctant to stabilize again.

"Damn it, it's so dangerous. It's nothing if we fall into the river. If this ancestor on our shoulders gets wet, we're really dead today." Wang Yanbing's face was full of joy.

"Chenguang, are you alright?" Li Erniu asked somewhat but some.

"It's okay, I don't know what I stepped on, my foot slipped and I almost fell down." He Chenguang showed a wry smile on his face.

"What are you three doing, run for me quickly, do you think the log on your body is not heavy enough?" Su Xiaoyu stood on the military vehicle and shouted while watching He Chenguang.

The three He Chenguang didn't dare to say anything more. After adjusting their pace, they rushed forward.

After stagnating for a while, they were already a long way behind the other teams.

Although Qin Yuan didn't set the speed, everyone ran wildly with all their strength, daring not to be lazy.

After more than an hour, everyone's faces were extremely ugly, their clothes were all wet with sweat and river water, there was no blood on their faces, their physical strength was almost exhausted, and they were completely supported by gritted teeth.

After scanning everyone's physical status through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, Qin Yuan said loudly to everyone: "Finally run another five kilometers, and you can rest for 20 minutes after the run."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up instantly, as if a force was re-injected into the body, and the footsteps became lighter.

"Brothers, work harder and run another five kilometers at the end, we can rest, work harder!" Geng Jihui said loudly, and his feet sped up a lot.

The other special teams did the same, striding forward.

The human body is like this. Even if the physical strength is close to exhaustion, when there is a clear goal, a force will burst out from the body to support the progress.

Ten minutes later, everyone ran to their destination, and when they came to the shore, they threw the log on their bodies to the ground with the last ounce of strength, and then went limp, not wanting to move even a single finger.

"Damn it, I'm so tired. Thinking about it now, compared to the previous special warfare training, it was simply a child playing a house." Harley was gasping for breath, his face was extremely pale, and there was no trace of blood. .

"Who said no, I feel that even if I ask the first soldier of the military region to come over, I will definitely be exhausted and collapse. This is simply not something that people can bear." Daniel's eyes seemed a little dull, he never thought about it, he It would be so miserable for training missions.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yuan glanced at the time and said loudly, "Everyone has it, stand up!"

Lei Zhan and others hurriedly got up from the ground, their calves were still trembling, and they couldn't stop crying in their hearts, and they didn't know how the instructor would train them.

"It's four o'clock in the afternoon. It's about 60 kilometers away from the training base. I'll give you three hours. If you don't get back to the base within the specified time, you don't have to eat dinner."


Everyone shouted in unison, although they were still very tired, they would still carry out the task Qin Yuan gave them as a conditioned reflex.

When Lei Zhan and the others were about to make a move, the ostrich spread its feet violently, strode towards the training base, and ran more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the ostrich felt that something was wrong. He turned his head and looked behind him in confusion. His face instantly became sluggish.

"Are you stupid, Ostrich? You don't have to carry all the logs anymore. Do you want us two to carry them back?" Xiao Zhuang couldn't help scolding.

"Haha, the ostrich's brain capacity is not enough, it's normal to be stupid." The hygienist laughed and mocked.

"Bum, am I not tired and confused, what about you two?" The ostrich retorted with a stalk on his neck. He was really tired and confused, and he forgot about the log.

"You don't even think about it, three hours and 60 kilometers, how could the instructor be so kind and let us finish it without any load."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and act, the other teams have already started, we can't hold back, otherwise if we make everyone unable to eat dinner, it will really be a public anger." Xiaozhuang finished, Bend directly and lift the first half of the log on your shoulders.

The ostrich and the hygienist looked at the team that had run far ahead, and no longer hesitated, they leaned over to carry the log and strode forward.

Qin Yuan glanced at Zang Chong and Zhang Shuai behind him, and said with a smile, "Let's go back quickly. The canteen prepared roasted whole lamb today, and it should be ready by now."

"Really!" Su Xiaoyu's eyes widened, a drop of crystal saliva leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't wait to say, "Savage, handsome, Fang Tian, ​​hurry up, hurry up, hurry back, roast whole lamb is waiting for us!"

"But, company commander, don't we need to watch, their physical strength has been exhausted too much, the road will pass through the forest, but there are many beasts in it, in case..." Fang Tian hesitated.

"Don't worry about this, they are special forces, not three-year-olds. If they can't solve even a little emergency, they don't have to stay here, or they won't be able to survive on the battlefield at all." Qin Yuan's tone said calmly.

"Yeah, when they were on missions in the field, we might not have even touched a gun."

(End of this chapter)

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