Chapter 335 Punishment

Su Xiaoyu continued: "Besides, they are not without weapons. Even if they encounter a sudden situation, they can handle it well."

Fang Tian didn't say anything more, just started the car and drove towards the training base.

When the car was driving beside the special forces who were rushing, Su Xiaoyu, who was sitting in the passenger cab, rolled his eyes, bowed his body and stuck his head out, hehe smiled and said, "Forgot to tell you, today's dinner is roasted. Quanyang, hehe!"

"Fuck, roast whole lamb, brothers, how long has it been since we had a big meal!" Wang Yanbing's eyes widened, suddenly feeling full of strength, he strode forward with a log on his back.

"Yanbing, slow down, slow down!" Li Erniu couldn't help saying.

Su Xiaoyu looked at the special forces as if they had been injected with stimulants, and shrank his head back with a cheap laugh. The car made a burst of roars, and soon disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Xiaoyu, you're too bad, isn't that greedy for them?" Zang Chong grinned.

"I'm obviously motivated by good intentions. I didn't see everyone running so fast. Maybe all of them will complete the task before seven o'clock!" Su Xiaoyu looked smug.

"Drive well, you are about to drive into a ditch!" Qin Yuan couldn't help scolding.

Three hours later, Qin Yuan held a big mouthful of fragrant mutton in his hand and chewed it in big mouthfuls.

At this moment, a blurry figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and before he came to the front, bursts of rapid panting came over.

Lei Zhan and other special forces used all their strength to run towards the training ground. When they ran past Qin Yuan, the alluring scents were like tentacles, and they got into everyone's nostrils one after another.


I don't know whose stomach came out with protests first.

It seems to be a signal, the next second, the sound of the babble will be one after another, and one will be louder than the other, just like being in a pond in the summer rainy season.

In the team of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, Long Xiaoyun listened to the screams from his stomach, his eyes showed a touch of shame, he turned his head and stared at a guy who was holding mutton and gnawed his mouth with oil.

"Captain, hold on for a while, it will come to the end." Leng Feng said to Long Xiaoyun gaspingly in another team.

The latter just nodded lightly, the brilliance in his eyes disappeared cleanly, as if it had never appeared again.

Soon, everyone returned to the training base and laboriously removed the logs from their shoulders.

The three-person team of sanitation staff was in front, and when they were about to return to the room where the logs were stored, the ostrich in the middle panted: "Don't go, just throw it here, anyway, the instructor will definitely continue to use these things to train us. ."

After speaking, without waiting for the hygienist and Xiao Zhuang to agree, the ostrich immediately stopped and threw the log on the ground.

The huge weight of the log instantly gathered on the two of them, and the two, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, could no longer hold on any longer, and could only take advantage of the situation and threw the log on the ground.

"Ostrich, what are you doing? After the training equipment is used up, you must return to your position. This is also a rule. Have you forgotten?" Xiaozhuang looked at the people around who were pushing the logs into the equipment room, and his face was a little puzzled. .

"Xiao Zhuang, we are all so tired. Don't worry about these details. The instructor only said that we need to get back to the training base before seven o'clock, but he didn't say that we must put the logs away."

The ostrich's face was full of indifference, "Hurry up and go to the cafeteria, I can't stand it because I'm hungry."

After speaking, he was about to run towards the cafeteria, when a loud roar suddenly came from behind: "Stop!"

Ostrich's face froze, listening to the extremely familiar voice, he turned his head nervously and smiled at Qin Yuandui: "Instructor, is there anything else?"

Qin Yuan walked slowly, glanced at the log on the ground, and the three people in front of him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The hygienist made a thud in his heart, as if he had anticipated something, and glanced at the ostrich fiercely, wishing to give him a punch.

Sure enough, Qin Yuan's cold but unquestionable voice entered the ears of the three: "You three, carry your own logs and run around the playground ten laps."

"Ah? Why, Instructor, we have just completed the task, and if we run another ten laps, wouldn't it kill us?" Ostrich's eyes widened, as if he didn't understand, he subconsciously retorted.

If it were normal, the ostrich would naturally not dare to refute Qin Yuan, but now he has just run 60 kilometers within the specified time and completed Qin Yuan's task. Run to the dining hall to enjoy the food.

Hearing the ostrich's rhetorical question, the hygienist and Xiaozhuang subconsciously closed their eyes, groaning in their hearts, and could not wait to take a step back to express that they did not know him.

"Oh, yes, you did complete the task, but you forgot one point. After the training task is over, you must put the training equipment back in place. This is the rule. If you fail to do this, you will naturally be punished." Qin Yuan said in a very calm tone.

The expression on the ostrich's face was stagnant, and he subconsciously looked down at the log on the ground, and whispered with a smile: "Instructor, I was wrong, really wrong, you forgive me this time, next time will definitely Nothing like this will happen, I promise!"

"Hmph, slick tongue, add ten more laps!" Qin Yuan snorted coldly, seemingly unmoved.

"Ah?" Ostrich was dumbfounded for a moment, as if he couldn't think of when the instructor became so inhumane.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't you want to add ten more laps!" Xiaozhuang couldn't help scolding, with his temper, he wanted to tear the mouth of an ostrich.

Whatever the instructor wants you to do, just do what you want, why is there so much nonsense.

The ostrich instantly closed its mouth, leaned over and held the log against the back with the two of them, and then ran towards the playground with a whimper.

Not far away, Geng Jihui watched this scene, his expression changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth and said to the team behind him: "Brothers, let's not eat, Lone Wolf Group B is a whole, we can't watch the sanitation staff and they get punished, we But they were eating and drinking beside them.”

"No problem, isn't it just carrying a log and running 20 laps on the playground, we have run over 60 kilometers, is it still short of this?" Lao Pao said with his chest out, as if he didn't care at all.

"Agree!" Qiang Xiaowei also nodded and said, the three of them no longer hesitated, directly picked up the log they just put down, and strode towards the playground.

"Brothers, we can't pull it down. Why can they run 20 more laps? Whoever looks down on them, hurry up." Lei Zhan looked at the people of the Thunder Commando and said loudly, and after that, he directly carried the heavy weight. Yuanmu, Yan Wang and the others behind him did not hesitate at all, they picked up the log and chased in the direction of Geng Jihui and others.

"A lunatic, they're all lunatics, aren't they tired?" Gong Jian shook his head, then raised his head and said loudly, "Red blood cell team, can you still do it!"

"It works!"

"Good job, I didn't read you wrong!" A smile appeared on Gong Jian's face, and then he leaned over to raise the log on the ground, He Chenguang, and Wang Yanbing immediately followed.

Soon, the Wolf Warrior Squadron and the Jiaolong Special Team also carried the logs and strode towards the playground. When Long Xiaoyun passed by Qin Yuan, he stared at him strangely for a moment, as if he had noticed something. .

"Company commander, this group of guys is still very united, everyone is so tired, yet they can still run another 20 laps with gritted teeth!" Su Xiaoyu smacked his tongue, and for the first time in his heart, he admired this group. special forces.

You must know that they only carried logs and ran back from a distance of 60 kilometers. Not everyone can support their tired bodies and put down the fragrant roasted whole lamb in the cafeteria to suffer a punishment that was not originally theirs.

Qin Yuan smiled and nodded, but did not speak, but he was also very satisfied.

Originally, through the scan of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he knew that although these people were very tired, they had not reached the limit, so he picked stones among the eggs and punished the sanitation staff for running another ten laps, draining their physical strength.

As for the others, Qin Yuan was not prepared to target them. He just wanted to see how much they could do when his teammates were punished, whether they would go to the cafeteria to enjoy the food regardless of whether they would be punished along with them.

Now that he has the answer, he is very satisfied, and he loves this group of people more and more. Only such people can be considered flesh and blood.

After more than half an hour, everyone finally completed twenty laps of punishment.

"Captain, brothers, I'm sorry, I'm the one who caused you all." The ostrich's voice was full of apology and felt very guilty. The three of them left early, and they didn't know what happened later. They thought it was the instructor because of him. Everyone was punished.

"It's not your fault, the instructor must see that we still have physical strength, so he deliberately found fault and wanted to drain us completely. Even if you didn't make a mistake, he would pick on other people's faults." Geng Jihui said with a wry smile.

"It's okay, brother ostrich, we are all willing, don't blame you!" Li Erniu said with a smile.

Ostrich also stopped trying to correct his nickname, his face still full of apology.

"Hehe, it looks like you guys still have the strength to start chatting here." Qin Yuan didn't know when he appeared, and his voice seemed a little weird.

"Ah, instructor, I was wrong, really wrong, shut up now!" Ostrich was so frightened that he felt a chill in his heart when he heard Qin Yuan's voice.

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes at him, then looked at the crowd, and said with a smile: "It's almost eight o'clock now, and the canteen comrades have already packed up and gone back, which means that you may not be able to eat the meals they made tonight. already."

As soon as these words came out, a wry smile appeared on the faces of everyone. Although they had expected this, when they actually heard it, they were still a little unacceptable.

"It's been a long night, how do you get through it with an empty stomach!" Lao Pao lay on the ground with big characters, looking at the sky with some dazed eyes, wishing that the stars in the sky would turn into popcorn and fall into his mouth one by one.

"My roast whole lamb, hey, I haven't had a big meal for a long time, and my stomach is going to rebel!" Harley was lying on his stomach a little dejected, only to feel that there was darkness in front of him, and there was no light.

"Let's quickly recover some physical strength, and then go outside to find some mice, snakes and insects to eat. Otherwise, even if we can survive tonight, we won't be able to survive the high-intensity training tomorrow." Xiaozhuang suggested.

"Horse, although I have eaten those things many times, my stomach still twitches every time I think of it. When will this hard life end?" The little bee rested her head on the log, and the expression on her face saw It was very uncomfortable.

Seeing everyone complaining one by one, Qin Yuan chuckled lightly, turned and left, but his voice clearly entered everyone's ears: "When I came just now, it seemed that I saw a barbecue grill in the open space in front of the dormitory building. And a few fat sheep, I don't know who left it there, you have time to help find the owner."

It wasn't until Qin Yuan's figure disappeared that everyone reacted with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"Fuck, the instructor is mighty, the instructor is domineering, hahaha!"

"Instructor, I love you, just like a man loves beautiful women!"

"Brothers, what are you still doing, hurry up!"

"Let me come later, but I have a third-level barbecue certification, and I promise to give you a buttery yellow roast."

"What kind of **** is the third-level barbecue certification, I have been in the night market, and I am good at barbecue!"

Everyone couldn't wait to get up from the ground, as if they had forgotten their physical fatigue, gritted their teeth and ran towards the dormitory building, their eyes glowing green one by one.

"Fuck, why are you going? Putting the logs back, hurry up, do you still want to be punished by the instructor again?"

All the special forces stopped in their tracks, and then, ignoring the three-seven-two-one, they roared and ran towards the equipment room holding the log.

"Tsk tsk, Instructor, you are too cruel. Look at these guys starving, they are all like reincarnations of starving ghosts." Su Xiaoyu hid in the corner and peeked at this scene with a funny expression on his face. Expression, if it wasn't for the fact that the phone was no longer here, he would have wanted to record this scene.

Qin Yuan picked up a piece of hot roast lamb from the plate beside and chewed it in his mouth, his voice was a little vague: "Where is this, in the future these guys will still be there. It's been a rough day."

That night, all the special forces soldiers Meimei had a full meal, covered their stomachs and entered the dormitory. After taking a cold shower, they lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

Even Long Xiaoyun ate several large pieces of roast mutton, then went back to the dormitory alone. After taking a bath, he lay on the bed, thinking of something, the corners of his mouth curled into a soft arc, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. .

Early the next morning, everyone was woken up by the assembly whistle. After hurriedly sorting out the housework, they headed downstairs to meet.

Looking at the high-spirited special forces, Qin Yuan could clearly feel that these guys no longer had the slightest resistance to such extremely harsh training.

"Everyone has it. Bring your equipment and run a hundred laps around the playground to warm up."


A loud voice resounded over the entire training base.

(End of this chapter)

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