Chapter 338 Strategic Sniper

"Grass, brothers, fight with them!" After knowing that there was no chance to escape, everyone's faces were full of crazy expressions, and they took out their weapons and ran out of the house.

However, in the face of absolute strength, these people were cleaned up without causing any splashes.

Not only Qin Yuan, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others, but also real sharpshooters. Those people were shot to death before they could react.

Although the gunshots of the action here came out, the people in Majiazhai did not dare to leave the stockade to check easily. After all, now is the critical time. There are more than a dozen bosses in the stockade. The most important thing for them is to ensure those Boss safety.

In addition, when Qin Yuan acts, he will block the signal there and cut off the transmission of all messages, so there is no doubt about it.

However, there was still someone in the stockade who knew that that person was the undercover agent sent by Su Guoqiang to sneak into Majiazhai. Qin Yuan didn't know this person, but he knew that the person's code name was Thorns.

At this time, after learning that the operation had begun, he immediately proposed to go to the back mountain to relax, and Ma Qitong, the eldest lady of the Ma family beside him, did not have any doubts, and followed him to the back mountain.

After the two left, Ma Yunfei, the third young master of the Ma family, sent to monitor him and immediately told him the news.

"Third Young Master, Eldest Miss, they went to the back mountain."

After Ma Yunfei heard the news, he immediately frowned. Ever since this guy entered Majiazhai, he has always felt that something was wrong, and even tried to test it. However, due to the obstruction and complaints of his sister, he did not get any exact information, only Can secretly guard against him.

After seeing the two of them heading towards the back mountain now, Ma Yunfei thought of the constant gunshots ringing in the distance, and he no longer hesitated, and immediately followed up with a pair of people in a car.

A few minutes later, the soldiers in ambush in the back mountain immediately found their figures.

"Report, thorns have appeared."

Qin Yuan had already rushed back here with the Lone Wolf Group B. Hearing the news from the headset, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know this undercover agent called Thorns, but he was also a soldier in the Longguo Military Region, and he didn't want the other party to have any accidents after making such a contribution.

Soon, they came to the ambush location set in advance, and they saw a car coming quickly. Through the glass of the car, Qin Yuan could clearly see the figures inside, it was Thorns and Ma Qitong.

But soon, he saw two cars following on the mountain road in the back. Qin Yuan, who already knew the plot, understood that it was Ma Yunfei in the car behind.

"Everyone pay attention, wait until the thorns stop, and immediately shoot and kill those militants." Qin Yuan lowered his voice and said to the lone wolf group B ambushing around.


Geng Jihui and the others clenched the weapons in their hands, and their eyes were extremely indifferent. They had performed many missions, and they had no psychological burden to shoot these deadly militants.

Soon, the car at the front of the mountain road slowly stopped, Qin Yuan watched the thorns trick Ma Qitong's pistol over, and immediately said without any hesitation, "Do it!"

"do not move!"

The figures of Geng Jihui and others rushed out of the cover like lightning, and pointed the gun at Ma Qitong and the two cars behind.

Ma Qitong looked at these people who suddenly appeared, and then reacted instantly. When she was about to resist, the thorns next to her immediately pressed her against the car window.

" lied to me." Ma Qitong's face was full of grief, and her voice was a little hoarse. Only then did she realize that she had been deceived all the time. That **** used her feelings for him to sneak into Majiazhai. , the purpose is obviously to deal with father and brother.

On the other side, Qin Yuan took the Lone Wolf Group B, and without hesitation, shot the two cars behind with a gun.

The enemy militants in the car were shot and killed by a rain of bullets before they could react, leaving only a sluggish Ma Yunfei, who seemed unable to believe the scene in front of him.

He really didn't expect that so many special forces soldiers would come in at the back of his home, and he would kill the men he brought so easily.

"Bastard, I knew it was you!"

Ma Yunfei stared at Ma Yunfei with split eyes, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

"Even if you touch this place and kill me, you will definitely not be able to take down Majiazhai."

"After the sound of gunfire here, Majiazhai will definitely react and enter a state of full martial law. It's absolutely impossible for you to get in!"

After Ma Yunfei finished speaking, he suddenly took out a pistol from his sleeve. Just as he was about to shoot the thorns desperately, Qin Yuan, who had already understood this, suddenly pulled the trigger and a bullet hit Ma Yunfei accurately on his right shoulder. .

Ma Yunfei let out a scream, and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground uncontrollably. The hygienist and the ostrich stepped forward and subdued him directly.

In Majiazhai, after hearing the gunshots, Ma Shichang's face immediately became a little ugly. This time, the gunshots were different from the previous ones. Obviously, they came from the back mountain. That is to say, someone had already touched the village.

Not caring about anything else, Ma Shichang called to his subordinates and roared in a deep voice: "Everyone is on alert immediately, take out all our weapons and equipment, and prepare to fight. No matter who wants to break into this place, we will not give in an inch!"


Majiazhai's subordinates acted immediately, and everyone's faces were extremely angry, as if they were beaten here, it was their great shame.

Suddenly, Ma Shichang seemed to think of something. He pulled one of his subordinates and asked, "Where are Xiaotong and Yunfei? Please inform them immediately. If the situation is not right, let them leave through the secret passage."

"This..." The man's face showed a touch of bitterness, and he lowered his head and whispered: "Young master and young lady went to the back mountain just now."

"What!" Ma Shichang's face changed suddenly, his eyes were full of grief, and then he roared like a wild beast in a desperate situation: "No matter who it is, I will fight them to the end today!"


The people from Majiazhai quickly took out all the weapons and placed them on the defense line in piles, as if they were fighting to the end.

Although they don't have heavy weapons like tanks and cannons, there are still quite a few rockets and grenade grenade launchers, which are even enough to support them in a small-scale battle, which is what Majiazhai has accumulated over the years.

On the other side, Qin Yuan stood on the top of the tree, observing Majiazhai's every move with his proficient eyesight, and he still paid some attention to it.

When he arrived here before, he ordered Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and other four special teams to continue to clean up the surrounding stockades. Now they have all been cleared, they are gathering here, and they will launch an attack together at that time.

That is to say, now Qin Yuan has only one lone wolf group B. If Ma Shichang tried his best to give up Majiazhai and focus on breaking through, it would still be difficult for them to stop them.

However, Ma Shichang obviously did not have the courage to give up the family business he had accumulated over the years. In addition, he thought that his son and daughter had been killed by Long Guo, and he wanted revenge, so he had no plans to evacuate.

This also gave Qin Yuan a chance to completely destroy Majiazhai.

Soon, the Thunder Commando, Wolf Squadron and other special teams all gathered here, waiting for Qin Yuan's order.

"Instructor, when will we start?" Lei Zhan squatted beside Qin Yuan and asked in a low voice.

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, looked around, then nodded and said, "Bring your sniper rifles, stationed at five firepower points, and then shoot together to kill every enemy you see."

"At the same time, remember to move forward and shrink the enemy's position step by step!"


After Geng Jihui and the others got their respective areas without any hesitation, they quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

Soon, everyone arrived at the designated location, then raised their sniper rifles and pulled the trigger one after another, like a death **** who harvested life.



With the dull sound of gunshots, the enemy militants in Majiazhai fell one by one, and everyone's faces showed expressions of horror.

"Be careful of the sniper, this is the opponent's strategic sniper!"

"Hurry up and hide, don't show your face!"

Frightened screams sounded. Although all of these people were desperadoes, they still felt fear from the bottom of their hearts in the face of this kind of sniper who could silently harvest their lives.

However, no matter how they hide, the bullets are like having eyes, and they can always hit their heads accurately.

Finally, someone noticed something was wrong, and screamed loudly: "There are many snipers on the other side, and they are not in the same position!"

In a concrete-filled dark fort, Ma Shichang roared loudly: "Just hold on for me, as long as it lasts for two days, our reinforcements will come, and then we can kill all these **** special forces!"

Since he knew that Longguo was going to attack Majiazhai, Ma Shichang contacted many reinforcements, because he had a lot of goods in his hand, and those desperadoes would definitely come.

Although he will also pay a huge price, as long as he can regain his footing, Ma Shichang is confident that he will make up for these losses in a very short time, and even make a big profit.

"Hmph, as long as those guys arrive, you will all be buried with Yunfei and Xiaotong!" Ma Shichang's eyes flashed fiercely.

However, the development of things was obviously beyond Ma Shichang's expectations. He didn't even know what kind of terrifying opponent he was facing.

Under Qin Yuan's arrangement, a full five elite special teams attacked Majiazhai from five angles. Even if those people escaped the frontal muzzle, they completely exposed themselves to another special team. The team's shooting angle.

In an instant, the militants in Majiazhai were all beaten up, and before many people could react, they were shot in the head and their bodies fell in a pool of blood.

"Smoke bomb, quickly use the smoke bomb!"

Someone reacted and shouted loudly.

However, these people didn't have too many smoke bombs in their hands. In the past battles, they all fired with guns, and they didn't play these gimmicks at all.

But at this time, the smoke bombs have become their life-saving straws, and they feel a little regretful in their hearts, complaining why they don't put more in their pockets.

However, even if it was small, some people still carried some. The next moment, more than a dozen smoke bombs were thrown out, and the thick smoke burst out in an instant, blocking most of the sight.

"Retreat, hurry to retreat, the marksmanship of these special forces of the Dragon Country is really good, and if this goes on, we will be wiped out sooner or later!"

These people all knew that they would definitely not be able to hold on to this place, and immediately they no longer hesitated, and threw their feet and ran towards the rear. Ma Shichang was protected by several subordinates, and he also retreated towards the rear in the smoke.

"Don't rush in, drive them all to the villa first, and then find a way to clean them up completely." Qin Yuan's voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the wireless headset.


Lei Zhan and others also have rich combat experience. Naturally, they know that the most important thing at the moment is not to let anyone go. As long as they can drive these people together, it will be much more convenient for them to take action.

Soon, under the deliberate drive of the special forces, the remaining militants in Majiazhai gathered in Ma Shichang's villa.

It was only at this moment that the militants in Majiazhai reacted, and their faces instantly showed extremely frightened expressions.

"Bastard, these guys are on purpose, let's get together, and then find an opportunity to catch us all!"

"What should we do, should we rush out and fight with them, even if we die, we have to pull one back!"

"They are so far away, they have sniper rifles in their hands, and their marksmanship is so accurate. What's the difference between going out now and dying!"

"Then what to do, just wait here to die!!"

"Shut up and listen to what Boss Ma can do!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately stopped talking and looked in the direction of Ma Shichang, with hope in their eyes, looking forward to what tricks the boss who had been bringing them to make a fortune would come up with.

Ma Shichang pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said viciously: "We absolutely can't wait to die here, bring all the rocket launchers, blast those snipers to death for me, and then find a way to break through!"

At this point, he has no hope of protecting but as long as he is still alive, he will definitely be able to make a comeback and look for a chance to take revenge!

"Yes, boss!"

When those men were about to carry the bazooka to wash the floor, the door of the villa was suddenly opened, revealing a handsome young man in a recruit's uniform, looking at them with a smile.

"You're... a trough, lie down!"

A person was about to ask, when he suddenly saw the young man pull out two grenades from his arms like a juggler, then threw them directly at them, and closed the villa door by the way.

Ma Shichang's face changed wildly in an instant. There is no doubt that this young man is the special forces of the Dragon Kingdom, that is, their enemy, but he could never have imagined how this person could touch the villa in such a short time. Could it be that this guy is a superman? .

Thinking like this in his heart, Ma Shichang didn't move slowly, and quickly threw himself behind the sofa. The next moment, two explosions were heard so violently that the ground shook for a while.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a more violent explosion sounded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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