Chapter 339 The Aura of Physical Recovery

It was Qin Yuan who suddenly appeared in front of the gate of the villa. After the group of guys retreated, he quietly touched it.

After hearing Ma Shichang's plan to use rocket launchers to wash the ground, he no longer hesitated, he took out two grenades and threw them at their ammunition boxes.

The fire from the grenade quickly detonated the ammunition boxes, and bursts of violent and dull explosions were heard immediately. All the glass in the villa was shattered, and billowing smoke came out from inside.

Qin Yuan waited until the movement inside completely disappeared, then walked out from behind the stone pier, holding his breath and walking towards the villa.

Through the scan of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he quickly found the dying Ma Shichang in the mess.

This guy is also a lucky man. He was the farthest away from the explosion. With the isolation of the sofa and stone pillars, he survived by luck.

Qin Yuan didn't act immediately. He knew that he heard footsteps coming from behind, so he turned his head and said to the hygienist: "Give him a simple bandage, and then press him directly back to the military area. He should know a lot of information compared to him."


The hygienist nodded, took off the medical soldier behind him, and gave Ma Shichang a simple treatment to prevent him from burping on the way.


More than two hours later, Qin Yuan led five special teams and returned to the military area by helicopter. After handing over Ma Shichang to special interrogators, they returned to the training base to continue training.

On the training ground, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others stood on the shooting range without any shade, holding their guns and aiming motionlessly. There were three bricks hanging from the muzzles of everyone's guns.

What made them even more collapsed was that there was still a bullet casing standing on the scope.

They have been standing here under the scorching sun for more than three hours, and they only feel dry and dry, and their legs and arms are more like cement, and they have no sense.

Qin Yuan put his hands behind his back and looked around the crowd. Although he didn't speak, he put a lot of pressure on everyone.

At this moment, Wang Yanbing's expression changed, his arm trembled uncontrollably, and then he watched helplessly as the bullet on the sniper scope drew an arc and hit the concrete floor lightly, making a crisp sound.

After Qin Yuan heard the sound, he turned around instantly, walked to Wang Yanbing with a smile, bent over to pick up the bullet casing on the ground, and placed it on him again with great care.

"Cough, because of Comrade Wang Yanbing's mistake, you have to stand for another ten minutes."

There was a look of grief on everyone's faces, and it seemed that the tortured was powerless to say anything more.

At the beginning, Qin Yuan gave them the task of raising a gun for half an hour. Everyone thought they had heard it wrong. With their strength, let alone standing for half an hour, even if they stood for an hour or two, Light and easy.

However, let alone half an hour, the ostrich made a mistake for the first time when the training was just over ten minutes and accidentally dropped the shell.

Because of this, the ostrich gained a lot of resentment, but then, everyone felt that what is terrifying at this time, just when the training is about to end, there will always be a mistake and accidentally drop the cartridge case.

And every time they make a mistake, their training time will be extended by ten minutes, just like that, they stood motionless here for more than three hours!

No matter how slow the reaction is, people will realize that the bastard, the instructor, must have done something secretly. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that every time it was just about to end, someone made a "can't wait" mistake!

"This instructor is really flabby, and I don't know what he did, but he is so powerful!" Little Bee couldn't help muttering, his body was almost numb, and he insisted on it all with tenacity. When he first came here, he had already sat on the ground and couldn't get up.

The King of Hell on the side was also a little puzzled. Seeing that Qin Yuan was not paying attention, he lowered his voice and said to the ostrich: "Hey, what happened to you before, you won't be able to hold on for half an hour, right?"

The ostrich was the first to make a mistake. Seeing the King of Hell asking this question, he immediately clenched his neck and said, "How do I know, I don't know what's going on in my right hand, and suddenly there is a stinging pain, like being stung by a wasp, and my hand trembles. The shell just fell off."

"Worsp? Are you kidding me, how could there be a wasp here!" Hades looked in disbelief. They had already touched the ground around the training base. If there was a wasp, they would knock it down the next day. After all, honey But a big supplement.

The ostrich pouted and stopped paying attention to him. Anyway, he had already answered it. Whether he believed it or not was his own business.

Soon, four hours passed. Qin Yuan, through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, clearly knew that the special forces had reached the limit, and immediately shouted: "The training is over, I will give you ten minutes of rest."

With a hula, Qin Yuan just finished speaking. Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others couldn't hold on any longer.

"I've only given ten minutes to rest, the instructor is so inhumane!"

"Just be content, let the instructor hear it, be careful not to rest, and start the next round of training directly."

"If this is the case, it is impossible for anyone to persevere. We are all mortals, not superhumans!"

Listening to the extremely low voices of discussion, Qin Yuan showed a smile on his face, and meditated in his heart: Turn on the halo of physical recovery.

The next second, a circle of yellow halo that only Qin Yuan could see enveloped everyone in it.

This stamina recovery halo was a reward given by the system after Qin Yuan cleared Majiazhai. At present, it is only proficient, but it is enough, and it can continue to be upgraded in the future.

Two minutes later, the ostrich widened his eyes and said incredulously: "What's the matter, why do I feel that my physical strength has recovered so quickly today, I have even recovered at least half!"

"I also feel it. I have almost exhausted all my physical strength just now. Now I just sat on the ground for a while, and my body has gathered a lot of physical strength again." Qiangzi's face was also full of doubts.

"Could it be that the spiritual energy has recovered? Our physique has changed subtly?" Lao Pao exuded thoughts.

"Hahaha, Lao Pao, have you read too many fantasy novels and your spiritual energy is still recovering? Why don't you say that we are all Super Saiyans!" The hygienist couldn't help laughing.

"Then tell me, what's going on? It's impossible for such a strange thing to happen for nothing, right?" Lao Pao stared at the sanitation staff in dissatisfaction, thinking that he had trampled on his dignity.

The hygienist opened his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something, he turned his head sharply to look in Qin Yuan's direction, but saw that there was no expression on the other's face, as if he hadn't heard their conversation.

On the other side, Long Xiaoyun's beautiful eyes stared at Qin Yuan without blinking, and she also clearly felt that her physical strength was recovering rapidly.

This kind of miraculous thing happened only after she met Qin Yuan, and when she thought of those miraculous Chinese medicines, she had already decided in her heart that these were made by Qin Yuan.

Others quickly noticed the abnormality, and got up from the ground in excitement, their eyes full of excitement, only to feel that the four previous exhaustions disappeared completely.

Qin Yuan looked at the group of guys, chuckled in his heart, and then said, "It's only been six minutes, are you already resting?"


Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others stood in a neat queue, staring straight ahead, as if they couldn't wait to continue their training.

"Okay, everyone has it, give you a minute to do two hundred push-ups, start now!"


Everyone's eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

"Teacher... Instructor, are you sure you said one minute, not seven minutes?" Ostrich couldn't help but said.

"Why, are you all deaf? One minute, two hundred push-ups, am I not clear enough?" Qin Yuan's voice seemed very cold.

"However, this is impossible. How can a normal person do two hundred push-ups in such a short period of time!" The hygienist also widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Can't it be done??" Qin Yuan raised an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, turned his head and shouted, "Zang Chong, get out of the queue!"


Zang Chong strode forward and stood in front of the special forces.

"Show this group of rubbish, so that you don't make a fuss all day!"

"Yes!" Zang Chong grinned.

"Zhang Shuai, time!"

Hearing the command of the company commander, Zhang Shuai didn't hesitate. He took out his pocket watch and pressed the timer button. Zang Chong, who was in front of him, immediately leaned down and did push-ups quickly.

The special forces who watched this scene showed extremely astonished expressions on their faces. They watched Zang Chong with their own eyes, doing push-ups at an unimaginable speed. The most important thing was that his posture was abnormally standard, which was almost as good as what was written in the textbook. The above is also standardized.

Soon, one minute passed, Zang Chong got up from the ground very skillfully, and said loudly: "Report, two hundred push-ups have been done!"

At this time, Zang Chong just breathed a little faster, as if he did not 200, but 20 just now.

At this moment, everyone kept their mouths shut. They watched Zang Chong complete 200 push-ups with their own eyes, and suddenly a feeling arose in their hearts, as if they had lived on a dog.

But soon, their hearts became more bitter, because a certain dog called the Black Emperor seemed to be even more powerful!

"Do you still have any questions?" Qin Yuan's cold eyes swept over inch by inch, and everyone only felt a chill all over their bodies, and quickly said in unison:

"there is none left!"

"Then what are you doing! Zhang Shuai, start the timer!"


After Zhang Shuai finished speaking, he directly pressed the timer in his hand. Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly lay on the ground and did push-ups!

Soon, one minute passed. Qin Yuan's special forces were full of ridicule: "Just like you, you are still special forces. I don't know if the original selection was deliberately released."

Everyone bowed their heads in shame. In the training just now, most of them only did more than 60, and very few of them completed 70, but there is still a big gap from the standard set by Qin Yuan. .

Qin Yuan walked slowly to Long Xiaoyun and looked down at her condescendingly, "Captain Long, you only did sixty-one just now, and you are the worst of all."

Long Xiaoyun raised his head and said in a firm voice, "Jiaogua, please give me some time, I will definitely not hold back!"

"I hope you do what you say." Qin Yuan didn't say much, just turned around and left, "Continue training!"

Two hours later, the sky had completely plunged into darkness, and everyone couldn't hold on any longer. They kept lying on the ground, listening to Zhang Shuai's command, and did not dare to slack off doing extreme training.

At this time, the ground was completely wet with sweat, and everyone's arms couldn't help shaking, as if they would collapse on the ground at any time, but they all held on, as if they had a breath in their hearts.

After Qin Yuan checked everyone's physical condition, he stopped today's training. This time, he did not apply the aura of physical recovery, but let them lie on the ground and slowly recover.

After all, when performing tasks in the future, it is impossible for him to act like a nanny and give them a halo. On the battlefield, many times, they can only rely on themselves.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan took them outside the training base, pointed to a stone not far away and said, "Look if that stone is not there, use it to fill your backpacks."

Lei Zhan and others followed Qin Yuan's line of sight, and their faces suddenly showed a touch of bitterness. They finally knew why when they assembled, the instructor asked them to pick the largest backpack on the road.

"What are you still doing!" Qin Yuan stared.


The crowd did not dare to hesitate any longer, and they all trotted towards the other side.

"Hygienist, did you notice that our training is getting heavier and heavier. We used to carry 40 to 50 kilograms of weight before. Since the last time we exceeded 100 kilograms, the instructor's requirements have become more and more demanding!"

"Hehe, 100 kilograms, isn't it 80 kilograms?" The hygienist glanced at the ostrich with a smile.

The ostrich was immediately provoked, and UU Reading cursed angrily: "Isn't it because I was punished by the instructor last time, as for reminding me all the time!"

The hygienist ignored him and loaded stones into his backpack on his own.

The ostrich snorted coldly, turned his back to the hygienist, expressed his stubbornness, and quickly loaded up the stone.

Soon, everyone was ready, got up and stood in a queue again to look at Qin Yuan.

"Do you still remember the hill to the east? Your mission today is to reach the top of the mountain within six hours and then return."


Even Long Xiaoyun, who has always obeyed orders, couldn't help frowning and said: "Instructor, it's about 60 kilometers away from the mountain, and it's 120 kilometers every time. How can the time it takes to climb and descend the mountain can be done in six hours?"

Leng Feng also immediately helped: "Yes, instructor, not to mention that the weight on our body has reached more than 90 kilograms, and the running speed will be greatly restricted. This training task is simply impossible to complete."

(End of this chapter)

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