Chapter 341 Obstacle Run

Qin Yuan didn't say much, and directly asked the special forces to run a hundred laps on the playground to warm up.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others have gradually gotten used to this, and they ran wildly on the playground with their heads down, and soon completed the training task.

Everyone obviously felt that their physical fitness had improved a lot with the naked eye compared to when they had just arrived, otherwise they would definitely be too tired to straighten their waists now.

Without giving them time to rest, Qin Yuan went directly to the training ground.

"This morning, your training task is the 400-meter obstacle course!" Qin Yuan shouted from the front.

"Just the 400-meter obstacle course? Isn't this too simple?" Ostrich's eyes widened, as if he had heard it wrong.

The 400-meter obstacle course is a subject that every recruit has to train. These people can become elite special forces, and they are very good at this basic training, and they can even complete it within the specified time with their eyes closed.

"Don't be careless, since it was proposed by the instructor, it's definitely not just the regular 400-meter obstacle course." Geng Jihui said solemnly, his face very solemn.

Sure enough, Qin Yuan glanced at the crowd and said slowly: "The qualifying time for the 400-meter obstacle is two and a half minutes. You can do all of this easily. Today, my request for you is one minute and thirty seconds!"

"What! One minute and thirty seconds, are the instructors not joking! How could it be done!" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, even if the current record of the entire Longguo Military Region is only one minute and fifty-five seconds, the instructor said one minute and thirty seconds, isn't it too harsh." Song Kaifei's face was full of disbelief. .

"We are only special forces, not superhumans. How can we complete the 400-meter obstacle course in such a short time? I guess even the instructor himself can't do it." Harley looked at Qin Yuan with suspicion in his eyes. .

Qin Yuan looked at the skeptical crowd without saying much, and shouted directly behind him, "Zhang Shuai!"


Zhang Shuai stepped forward, quickly put on his equipment, and waited for Qin Yuan's order.

"Open your eyes and take a good look, so as not to be surprised all day, Su Xiaoyu, start the timer!"

"Yes!" Su Xiaoyu took out the timer from his arms, and then directly pressed the start button. Zhang Shuai in front heard the voice, his eyes instantly became extremely condensed, his legs were violently forced, and his entire body rushed like a bolt of lightning. out.

"Fuck, it's so fast, is this still human speed?" Leng Feng's eyes were instantly rounded, looking at the galloping figure on the training ground, he was a little dazed for a while.

"At such a speed, it is really possible to run the 400-meter obstacle in one and a half minutes. That is to say, the instructor didn't lie to us!" Shao team couldn't help but speak, and looked at Zhang Shuai with full eyes. is shock.

"Brothers, I suddenly feel that we are all living on dogs, and even these descendants who have been in the military region for less than half a year can easily crush us. If we can't reach this level later, we will just find a piece of tofu to hit us. You can die." Yi Mi 5 cried and lost his confidence as if he had been beaten.

"No no, you should think so, Zang Chong and their group of recruits who know nothing, have reached such a terrifying level after training in the hands of the instructors. We are all veteran special forces, and our foundation is much better than them. When the training is over, our strength may be stronger than them!" Shi Sanba said excitedly.

"Hey, don't say it, it seems to be true!" Yimi5 reacted instantly, and her face showed confidence again.

On the other side, Long Xiaoyun seemed to have not heard the team members' speech, and stared at Qin Yuan unblinkingly, and couldn't help thinking: "Even Zhang Shuai can finish in one and a half minutes. The 400-meter obstacle, then if the instructor personally shoots, what kind of horror will it reach, will it directly enter a point and refresh the record of the Dragon Kingdom, no, the entire world?"

Everyone's thoughts were flying, Zhang Shuai had reached the point, turned to face the crowd, his face was not blushing or he was out of breath, it seemed that he didn't consume too much physical strength at all.

"Instructor Su Xiaoyu, how many seconds did Zhang Shuai take?" Li Erniu looked at Su Xiaoyu and asked in a plain voice, his face full of admiration.

Su Xiaoyu didn't say much, and put the timer directly in front of everyone. Chen Shanming, who was the closest, was the first to see the time on it. His eyes widened and he couldn't help exclaiming: "One minute twenty Eight seconds!"

When Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others heard it, they also showed shocking expressions on their faces. Although they already had the answer in their hearts, when they really found out, they still felt a little unbelievable.

"This really broke the record of the military region, and it was still crushed strongly. I remember that the record of the military region was only kept for one minute and fifty-five seconds. The difference between the two is 27 seconds. If this is on the battlefield, I don't know how many shots can be fired!"

"The most important thing is, you can see that Zhang Shuai's face is not blushing or panting now. Obviously, he has not used all his strength. If he is serious, he might be able to run directly into one minute and twenty seconds!"

"Tsk tsk, I used to think that only Instructor Qin Yuan was the only pervert. Now it seems that one of the sharp knife recruits he brought out is counted as one, and they are all perverts!"

"You said, if Instructor Qin Yuan did it in person, would he directly get the grades within one minute."

As soon as these words came out, all the voices disappeared. Even if they thought about it for a while, they knew that this was true, and Qin Yuan could really be perverted to that extent.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice, "It's past eight in the morning. You have more than four hours to practice the 400-meter obstacle. As long as one person fails to complete it within the specified time, everyone Not allowed to eat."


Lei Zhan and others shouted that although they did not have much confidence, they would go all out to complete the task.

Under the leadership of their respective captains, the five special teams quickly completed a 400-meter obstacle course, but even the best result still took one minute and forty-eight seconds to complete, which was far from the standard set by Qin Yuan. There are quite a few distances.

Soon, the time came to twelve o'clock noon. Qin Yuan sat under a big tree to enjoy the shade, and looked at the special forces who were completely soaked in sweat, but there was no expression on their faces.

For four full hours of training, everyone did not have any rest, and all persisted with tenacity, which was no less than an extreme cross-country challenge.

Nodding for the untraceable, Qin Yuan silently released the aura of physical strength recovery. The faint yellow light that only he could see instantly enveloped everyone, quickly recovering physical strength for everyone.

"Hey? Hygienist, do you feel that your body is not so tired anymore?" The ostrich turned to look at the hygienist beside him, and asked curiously.

The hygienist did not speak immediately, but took advantage of the gap between training and turned to look at Qin Yuan, as if he already knew the answer.

The ostrich also followed his line of sight, and immediately reacted, with a smile on his face involuntarily.

"Hey, I knew the instructor wouldn't be so cruel, maybe he'd already made a plan."

"Hurry up and train, Ostrich, you have the worst grades in the entire team and talk the most all day. Do you want everyone to be dragged back by you!" Geng Jihui couldn't help but reprimanded.

The ostrich shrank its neck, stopped talking, and ran forward.

About an hour later, with the help of the physical recovery halo, everyone's 400-meter obstacle run results were within one and a half minutes, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

After Qin Yuan got up, there was a sneer on his face: "It took you more than five hours to run a 400-meter obstacle course, and it took you only one and a half minutes to enter the result, and you are still happy!"

As soon as these words came out, the excitement on the faces of Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others suddenly solidified, and they lowered their heads in shame. After such a long time, it was barely able to achieve it. From this perspective, the gap between the two sides is enough to fill the next aircraft carrier.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, Qin Yuan said solemnly, "Give you ten minutes to eat, and then come back here to gather!"

"Yes!" The special forces no longer hesitated and strode towards the cafeteria.

Ten minutes later, when Qin Yuan was about to continue training them, a voice suddenly came from the communicator on his body. After pressing the answer button, Su Guoqiang's voice came out immediately.

"Xiao Qin, where are you now?"

Hearing Su Guoqiang's obviously tired voice, Qin Yuan froze for a moment, and then immediately said, "Sir, I'm at the training base now, do you have any new tasks?"

"Yes, come to the military district office as soon as possible now."


Qin Yuan put down the communicator and was about to leave when Lei Zhan shouted loudly, "Report!"


"Is there any new mission? I'm requesting to fight!" Lei Zhan's eyes were full of excitement. The last mission in Majiazhai, they were completely active, and it was the first time they saw that they followed How simple it is for Qin Yuan to perform his tasks.

"Hehe, I can't sit still? During training this morning, why didn't I see you being so good?" Qin Yuan's voice was full of sarcasm, Lei Zhan couldn't help lowering his head after hearing this, his face full embarrassed.

"Zhang Shuai, Zang Chong, the four of you continue to train them as planned. I don't want them to have the strength to speak up here."


After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense. He got into a military vehicle and quickly drove towards the military area office. Through Su Guoqiang's tone, he guessed that this task might not be easy. Compared with the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and even the Fire Phoenix Commando, there is still some gap for the time being.

After entering the military area office, Qin Yuan was about to go directly to Su Guoqiang, but a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him, it was his immediate superior Ye Jianting.

However, because his performance was too outstanding, although Su Guoqiang, the chief of the military region, had not stated it clearly, he had already led him directly, so he did not have much contact with Ye Jianting. After all, his time was filled with training and assignments.

"Hello sir!" Qin Yuan stood up straight and bowed to Ye Jianting.

"Ah, Xiao Qin, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you, how are you doing recently?" Ye Jianting saw Qin Yuan, his face was a little happy, and he hadn't seen this old subordinate for a long time.

"Fortunately, if you have nothing to do, you can train the chickens. It's very comfortable." Qin Yuan told the truth seriously.

"Hahaha, you kid, Lei Zhan Commando, Zhan Wolf Squadron, and Red Blood Cell Special Forces, which are not real elite special teams, but you actually become a rookie in your mouth. I guess they have been trained a lot, haha!" Ye Jianting Couldn't stop laughing.

Qin Yuan smiled and said nothing.

"Oh, by the way, the officer is still waiting for you in the office, hurry up, you must be more careful in this mission." Ye Jianting seemed to know some news, patted Qin Yuan on the shoulder, and left here.

Qin Yuan also turned around and walked towards Su Guoqiang's office.

Soon, he entered the office and saw Su Guoqiang frowning, as if he was troubled by something, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Xiao Qin is here, come here, you are welcome, sit down." Su Guoqiang pointed to the sofa in front of him and motioned Qin Yuan to do it here.

Qin Yuan wasn't too polite either. He sat on the sofa and said directly, "Sir, is there any new task, just leave it to me."

Su Guoqiang showed a touch of admiration on his face, and then said directly: "This time I asked you to come, it is indeed a very difficult thing."

"Just yesterday, a fishing boat in our Dragon country was killed in the open sea, and none of the crew members on it survived. When the relevant department of a certain country was investigating the matter, they found contraband on that boat."

"That's it, they are biting on this, trying to reverse black and white, smearing our Dragon Kingdom's seafarers for doing illegal things, and putting pressure on us."

"If the other party's statement is really Those seafarers will not only be unable to avenge their grievances, but the Dragon Kingdom will also be subject to the other party's responsibilities and claims, which we absolutely cannot agree to."

"So the military region decided to send a team to enter the notorious forbidden triangle. According to the information sent back by our informants, this time we will investigate this matter and give those innocent crew members an innocence."

"Xiao Qin, are you sure you can complete this task?" Su Guoqiang looked at Qin Yuan with some trepidation.

This task is absolutely extremely difficult. If you don't have enough strength, let alone investigating the truth, even surviving in that chaotic land is extremely difficult.

If even Qin Yuan was not sure, Su Guoqiang would not be able to find a second person who could successfully complete this mission.

Under Su Guoqiang's nervous eyes, Qin Yuan nodded heavily: "Don't worry, Chief Su, and make sure to complete the mission successfully!"

"it is good!"

Su Guoqiang's face was full of excitement: "You will be solely responsible for this task, and no one will point fingers at you."

(End of this chapter)

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