Chapter 343 Fishing

"What weapons, equipment and assistance are needed, even if you put it forward, the military region will do its best to satisfy you!"

Su Guoqiang said, took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Qin Yuan.

"This is all the information about this incident. According to the information of our brother unit, we have preliminarily determined that the mastermind of this incident is Nuoka, the head of the five evil forces in the forbidden triangle."

"And our insider has already mastered a lot of information there. Nuoka's subordinate Yandopa tried to fly away because he instructed his subordinates to eat a lot of contraband, but he didn't run very far and was caught. Now He was detained on Puza's site."

"Pu Zha's strength is second only to Nuoka in the forbidden triangle. My suggestion is to rescue this Yanduopa first, then open his mouth to find Nuoka's whereabouts, and finally capture or kill Nuoka, of course. , this is just a suggestion, a specific action plan, you can specify it yourself."

Su Guoqiang looked at Qin Yuandao with trust in his eyes.

After reading all the information, Qin Yuan nodded slowly, "Rescue Yanduopa, and then get the news through him, it is indeed the best plan."

"Well, I'll start preparing now. What kind of equipment do you need, Xiao Qin, even if you put it forward, the military region will definitely satisfy you."


More than two hours later, Qin Yuan took the recruit company of sharp knives and the fire phoenix commando team, and took the transport helicopter to the destination soon.

Here, he met Gao Gang and Fang Xinwu, who were in charge of this matter from his brother unit.

Both of them also learned Qin Yuan's identity through the internal intelligence network, so they were very polite. After learning about Qin Yuan's plan, Gao Gang said solemnly: "Comrade Qin Yuan, it is Pu Zha's forces that imprison Yanduopa. Come to think of it, you have already learned about his strength, so you must not be sloppy in the slightest."

"The most important thing is that this operation is in another country, so lethal weapons such as firearms cannot be used, so as not to cause international disputes."

Seeing that Qin Yuan did not have any accidents, Gao Gang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and continued: "Not far ahead is the place where Yanduopa is being held. According to the information from the informant, you have a maximum of fifteen minutes to act. Otherwise, they will be targeted by reinforcements from the other side and local official forces, and it will be difficult to leave."

"Don't worry, we'll leave this to us."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he left here directly with the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando, and ran towards the destination.

"Lao Gang, do you think this guy named Qin Yuan can complete this mission? It's on someone else's territory, and he can't use guns. This Pu Zha is very powerful, so there won't be any surprises, right?" Fang Xinwu Seeing Qin Yuan and the others disappearing, there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

"It should be no problem, don't forget, Comrade Qin Yuan's information cannot be accessed with our authority, it must be a very powerful existence." Gao Gang said.

"Don't forget, just the two special forces teams of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando, the information they recorded on the file is already terrifying, just the first place in the international special forces competition. It is enough to be the strongest special team in the Dragon Kingdom, not to mention Qin Yuan who trained these two teams, the strength is definitely unimaginable!"

Hearing Gao Gang say this, Fang Xinwu's face also showed a message, if even such a team can't complete the task, let them go to the top of the meat buns and beat the dogs.

On the other side, Qin Yuan had already arrived outside Pu Zha's site, scanning the front inch by inch through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, eliminating any possible hidden dangers.

However, due to the distance, the god-level intelligent poisonous bee could not fully explore the site where it was smashed, and he needed to get close to it and identify it carefully.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yuan said solemnly: "Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, Ye Cunxin, the three of you will come in with me, and the others will stand by and be ready to assist in any situation."


The duration of this mission will last at most fifteen minutes, otherwise they are likely to fall into the siege of Pu Zha's men and live in a foreign country. This kind of thing is extremely dangerous, and Qin Yuan cannot be careless.

After arranging the crowd, Qin Yuan took the three of Han Xiang and ran directly to the place where Yanduopa was imprisoned in the intelligence.

There was a bar that looked extremely dilapidated. There were bursts of rock music. The pool was full of people dancing like crazy. Obviously, many of them had taken narcotics.

"Bah, this kind of place can open a shop. If it was in the Dragon Country, I would have smashed them to pieces. Ye Cun spat lightly, his face full of disgust."

"It's not your turn to take action. Our Long Kingdom has zero tolerance for this kind of thing, and they have no chance to do so." Qin Yuan smiled faintly, and led the three of them through the crowd, and soon came to a place private room.

Showing a color to the three of them, Hua Shanke, Ye Cunxin immediately understood, and stood around to be vigilant, not to let others enter.

Qin Yuan immediately pushed open the door of the private room, and there was a drunken reprimand from inside. He ignored it. Qin Yuan entered the private room and closed the door, and then there was a muffled sound inside, and it was the sound of the table and bench hitting the ground again and again.

If it was in another place, it would naturally be easily noticed by others, but it was too noisy here, so it was not because of any attention.

Half a minute later, Qin Yuan walked out of the private room, tidied up his neckline a little, and a bunch of keys appeared in his hand.


Qin Yuan whispered and walked directly to the hidden stairs, and finally saw the impersonal Yandopa who was hanging from the beam and almost beaten.

"Fuck, these guys are too ruthless, company commander, this Yandopa has already been beaten like this, even if we save him back, I guess it's time to die after a few words." Hua Shan The guest asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, save him first!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he ran directly in the direction of Yandopa, Han Xiang, Ye Cunxin, and Hua Shanke immediately followed.

The appearance of the four quickly attracted the attention of the two guarding Yandopa, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Who are you!"

Seeing that the two were about to raise their weapons, Qin Yuan violently took out two stones prepared in advance from his cuffs and threw them out.

With the bonus thrown by the god-level hidden weapon, the two stones hit the heads of the two like bullets. The two did not even scream, and their bodies slammed heavily on the ground.

"Han Xiang!"

"Understood!" Hearing the words on his face, Han Xiang took a few steps forward and put down the Yandopa hanging from the beam.

During this period, Yandopa didn't make any sound, and he didn't know whether he passed out in a coma or didn't have the strength to speak.

After seeing Han Xiang carrying Yandopa on his back, Qin Yuan immediately ran out of the door.

Along the way, Qin Yuan met many people, but through the surveillance of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he took a step ahead and solved these people directly without attracting any attention.

However, when everyone was about to leave here, the door of a dark room behind them suddenly opened, and a man with a machete walked out.

The man looked at the backs of the crowd a little sluggishly, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly shouted: "Enemy attack, come quickly!"

In an instant, the surroundings seemed to come alive, and bursts of shouts came from all directions. Obviously, Pu Zha's men were rushing towards this side quickly.

A wry smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face. He really didn't realize that there was a dark room there. He immediately threw the machete he picked up without any hesitation, and hit the unlucky guy with precision.

"Be careful, follow me, don't get hurt!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he directly punched the wooden house next to him, and then pulled out a wooden stick the thickness of his thigh.

Hua Shanke and Ye Cunxin also found their own weapons, followed behind Qin Yuan, guarding Han Xiang, who was carrying Yanduopa, in the middle, and quickly ran out the door.

Standing at the forefront, Qin Yuan soon met more than a dozen people holding machetes or axes. When these people saw them, they all rushed over frantically, raising their weapons to chop at them.

However, before they could get close, Qin Yuan waved the wooden stick in his hand, smashed it directly on them and blasted it out.

"You can't run away, hurry up to me, hack them to death, Boss Pu Zha will definitely reward us!" A small-headed guy shouted.

Qin Yuan sneered, bent down and picked up a machete, then threw it out without looking at it.

The man's face changed drastically, and when he was about to dodge to avoid, a knife light appeared in front of him, and in the next second, there was a pain in his head, and his consciousness instantly plunged into darkness.

"Wow, the instructor is so good at playing the flying knife, you must teach me when you have time!" Ye Cun's eyes were full of stars, and then he kicked a guy who rushed up and flew out.

For this mission, Ye Cun didn't have too many worries in her heart, because she trusted Qin Yuan from the bottom of her heart. As long as there was an instructor, all the difficulties would simply be unbearable.

Soon, the long and narrow passage was full of people who were constantly moaning, but there were still a steady stream of people rushing outside, as if to leave them all there.

Qin Yuan frowned, five minutes have passed now, if they are dragged by these people again, they may really fall into a dangerous situation, after all, this is not the Dragon Country.

He let out a sigh of relief, Qin Yuan was about to use a god-level intelligent poisonous bee, and when he cut out a road, there were bursts of exclamations in front of him.

The crowds that were rushing in incessantly seemed to be blocked, and their faces were full of fear.

A smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and he turned to Ye Cunxin and said, "Go!"

After leaving the passage, a few people came out and saw a large figure lying on the ground at a glance. These people were obviously Pu Zha's subordinates.

At this moment, a round face approached Qin Yuan, hehe smiled and said, "Company commander, are you all right, has that Yandopa been rescued?"

"Little Fatty, are you stupid, the company commander makes a move, is there still time to miss it?" Hua Shanke patted Little Fatty on the shoulder, with a touch of excitement on his face.

In the situation just now, although they would not be in any danger, they would definitely be dragged by Pu Zha's men, and then surrounded by a large army. At that time, even if they had guns in their hands, it would be very difficult to kill them.

Qin Yuan looked at the sharp knife recruit company and the Fire Phoenix Commando who came to support him, and said with a smile, "Don't stay here, retreat quickly."


Everyone threw off their tails, returned to the secret camp, and handed Yandopa to the doctor who was already on call.

To their surprise, the doctor only gave him some glucose, Yandopa opened his eyes and looked around in a panic.

After Qin Yuan got the news, he went directly to the ward. When Yanduopa saw his figure, his whole body shivered violently, as if he was frightened.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Yuan became clear. When he rescued Yanduopa, he felt a little strange, because although Yanduopa's injuries were serious, it had not reached the level of coma. Didn't care too much.

Now it seems that this guy has been pretending to be in a coma, so he has been watching them take action against those Park Zha's subordinates, maybe he has been frightened now.

With a light cough, Qin Yuan secretly activated the perfect mind-reading technique, and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me everything you know about Nuoka!"

"Okay, I said!"

Yanduopa swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and soon sold the glutinous card without even his bottoms.

Gao Gang, who was on the side, watched this scene loudly, as if he did not expect the interrogation to go so smoothly.

Soon, Qin Yuan learned all about Nuoka, and then developed an opportunity to pretend to be a businessman and get in touch with Nuoka through business.

As the largest contraband force in the Forbidden Triangle, Nuoka must have a lot of goods on hand. The amount of business Qin Yuan proposed must also be large. Dao can alarm Nuoka himself and let him come forward to deal with it in person.

For this kind of thing, Qin Yuan originally planned to come forward by himself, but when he thought about the transaction his body would be carefully checked, which was not conducive to carrying weapons, so he handed over the task to Gao Gang and Fang Xinwu.

As for the funds needed for the mission, it was naturally provided by the military region. Anyway, it would be fully recovered at that time, so he asked Su Guoqiang for 10 million US dollars directly, thinking that this amount would be enough to catch waxy cards.

A few hours later, Qin Yuan prepared all the equipment, found Gao Gang and asked, "How is the transaction going?"

"Don't worry, we've already cast the bait out. With such a large amount of money, Nuoka will definitely not give up. It's only a matter of time before we bite the hook."

"Okay, remember to be careful when you go down. I will hide in the dark. As long as I can see Waxka appearing, I will immediately take action to capture it. All you need to do is to ensure your own safety, and you don't have to participate in the battle."

"Understood!" Gao Gang said solemnly, after the previous incident with Yanduopa, he had already fully believed in Qin Yuan's strength.

Without any accident, Nuoka, which had not opened for a long time, directly agreed to the transaction, and then set the location in an extremely hidden abandoned building.

(End of this chapter)

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