Chapter 343 Nuoka's Revenge

Soon, Qin Yuan brought the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando to the place of the transaction.

"Instructor, this place looks desolate. Nuoka chose to trade here. Did he set up an ambush in advance, and then kill us? I remember that it was played like this in TV dramas."

Tian Guo lowered her voice and said, her eyes swept around constantly, with a gleam of excitement on her face.

"What black eats black, don't say pistachio if you can't speak, sister is white, where is black." Tang Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said speechlessly.

"As the leader of the evil forces in the Forbidden Triangle, Nuoka must have a lot of subordinates following him when he appears, so be careful not to get hurt." Qin Yuan turned his head to look at the crowd and said in a low voice.

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

Qin Yuan nodded, then closed his eyes slightly, released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and centered on the place where everyone was ambushed, searching for any suspicious place in a carpet-like manner.

About two minutes later, Qin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes with a sneer on his face.

"Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, Hao Lian Yaoyao, see the abandoned buildings about a thousand meters away at six o'clock?" Qin Yuan asked everyone in the Sharp Sword Recruit Company.

Everyone looked over there, "I saw the company commander, do you have any mission?" Hao Lian Yaoyao said excitedly.

"There is where Nuoka's subordinates are hiding. There are about forty people in it. They should be carrying weapons. You can touch them carefully. As long as there are gunshots here, kill them directly."


The faces of the sharp knife recruit company were full of excitement, and then they put on all the weapons and equipment and silently approached there.

Regardless of their military quality and experience, these guys in the forbidden triangle can't compete. If they know the specific location in advance, they can easily touch it and take it away directly.

"Instructor, what about us?" Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still, and couldn't help but ask, with a blush of excitement on his face.

"Stay in place, wait for Gao Gang's signal, and then rush directly over to capture Nuoka alive and let him pay the price for those innocent crew members." Qin Yuan said solemnly.


Tan Xiaolin and others also thought of those innocent crew members, with anger in their eyes, wishing to rush over now.

On the other side, Gao Gang and others had already arrived at the place of the transaction. At this time, there was no one else here except them. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the talent from Nuoka arrived late.

Qin Yuan, who had been observing this scene through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, looked a little ugly, but soon returned to normal, and thought about a new plan in his heart.

It was not Nuoka who appeared at the abandoned building trading site, but Natu, Nuoka's son. It seemed that this guy was still very vigilant and would not show up easily.

However, Qin Yuan was not too worried, as long as he could capture Tutu alive, it would not be difficult to find Nuoka.

Perhaps for others, it must be impossible to open the mouth of Natu, who is already a desperado, but for Qin and Anu, this is nothing at all. Almost no one can read the mind at the perfect level. Hidden secrets.

This time the transaction is the separation of money and goods. Qin Yuan is responsible for the goods. The team on the other side with the funds will try the normal transaction first, because there is a signal tracker hidden in it. As long as you follow them, you will definitely be able to find the core area of ​​​​the Nuoka force, and then remove it in one fell swoop.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Nuoka got a set of advanced detection equipment somewhere, and directly found the tracker hidden inside.

Without any foreshadowing, the two sides exchanged fire directly, and then immediately notified the direction of the goods transaction.

Natu and Gao Gang received the news almost at the same time, and they started immediately without any hesitation.

"Go on, try to capture Tutu alive and clean up the subordinates he brought." Qin Yuan snorted lowly, and charged straight ahead with a weapon like lightning.

Tan Xiaolin and the other girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando, who were beside her, did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards Nuoka's men in a surrounding formation.

Intense gunshots and shouts resounded all around in an instant. Natu and his men originally wanted to kill Gao Gang and the others recklessly, but after seeing Qin Yuan, the Fire Phoenix Commando and others, there was a hint of hesitation on their faces. Then he turned his head and ran behind him.

For these people, being able to live is the most important thing, and the rest can be put aside first. Only when there is really no way to escape, will the fierceness break out completely, and it will take a few backs to die.

However, what they encountered was Qin Yuan, which meant that it was impossible for them to escape.

The fire phoenix girls each found an excellent shooting angle, and then directly harvested them from a distance. Soon, the men brought by Natu fell in a pool of blood.

Natu, who was hiding in the corner, looked at this scene in shock. He was a little sluggish for a while. He couldn't think of who he met directly and who could solve all his subordinates so quickly.

Before he could react, a black shadow appeared in front of him in an instant, which seemed to contain endless cold air, causing him to shiver involuntarily.

At this time, Natu seemed to know that he might really not be able to escape. His heart sank, and all the ferocity erupted. Just as he was about to raise his gun desperately, the figure suddenly disappeared strangely.

The next moment, Natu felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and his consciousness instantly fell into darkness.

Qin Yuan glanced at Natu on the ground like a dead pig, with no expression on his face, he bent over and carried him and walked outside.

At this time, Gao Gang was almost dumbfounded. Although he already knew that Qin Yuan and others were very powerful, he still did not expect that they could be so powerful.

These people are not cats and dogs. They can survive in the forbidden triangle. The strength of these people is extremely terrifying. They all climbed out of the corpse. They are not inferior to ordinary special forces. , whether it is experience or strength, it can be called the top, because the weak have long become a stepping stone.

However, this group of people, in Qin Yuan's hands, had almost no ability to resist. As soon as they fought, the entire army was wiped out, and there was not even any injury.

Looking at Gao Gang with a shocked expression, Qin Yuan didn't explain anything. He raised his head and looked to the right. Soon, Hua Shanke, Han Xiang and other sharp-edged recruits appeared in his sight.

The dozens of subordinates who were arranged by Natu in advance have all been cleaned up. Hua Shanke and the others hesitated to ambush ahead of time and caught those people by surprise, so they did not suffer any injuries.

"Comrade Qin Yuan, let's leave quickly. There is a shootout here, which will soon attract the attention of the local official forces. We have a special identity and cannot negotiate too much with them."

Gao Gang looked around and said with some worry.

"Okay," Qin Yuan also knew that the time was running out. After cleaning up the traces that might be unfavorable to them, he drove away.

About seven or eight minutes later, a car came quickly. It was the local official force. They carefully searched the abandoned building with their weapons, but they couldn't find any valuable information.

Through the dead corpses on the ground, they determined that these people were all subordinates of Nuoka, so they guessed that it might be black and black, so there was not much in-depth investigation, and the news was released directly.

It is precisely because of this reason that Nuoka, who was waiting for the news in the old nest, soon learned that all his men had been killed, and his son's life and death were uncertain, and he might also suffer an accident. .

All this made him very angry. If only his subordinates and his son died, it would be fine, but this incident severely damaged his reputation. Not only some of his subordinates, but also the strength of other parties would also speculate. Is the wax card of the first force already dead?

"Come on, check it out for me, it's those **** who dare to attack me!"

After Nuoka waved back a few of his subordinates, he tried his best to calm himself down and began to think about it from head to toe.

Obviously, the so-called 20 million big business was just a bait. If it was him who came forward, he might have encountered an accident now.

Suddenly, Nuoka suddenly thought of something, what he did recently was to hijack the Dragon Kingdom crew members.

This incident caused a great sensation in the dragon country. He thought that he might be revenge by the dragon country, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, as long as you come to the forbidden triangle, you have to lie down honestly!" Nuoka's face was full of vicious expressions, he had to react to this, otherwise his subordinates would raise unnecessary doubts about him.

Thinking of this, Nuoka went directly outside and found two children who seemed to be no more than ten years old.

These children have grown up here since they were young, and they have been brainwashed long ago. Coupled with the use of contraband, they have long become crazy and do not have the slightest sense of death.

The purpose of Nuoka to train these children is to be cannon fodder.

"You two, go and blow up the Dragon Country Office!"

"Okay, boss!"

The two children agreed without any hesitation, got the explosives from the warehouse, and took a narcotic drug each to take it. This is their reward for this mission.

Next, the two children came to the Longguo office as if nothing had happened, and walked directly inside.

The appearance of the two children did not arouse the vigilance of the staff here. After all, they looked too harmless to humans and animals, carrying a schoolbag on their backs, just like the common elementary school students.

One of the staff found them, and when they were about to open their mouths to stop them, the child suddenly spread his feet and ran towards the inside.

The staff immediately noticed something was wrong, and when they were about to pounce to stop them, one of the children suddenly pulled out a weapon and shot away without hesitation.

The harsh sound of gunfire came out instantly, and someone outside the building heard the movement inside and directly pressed the remote control button of the explosive pack in the backpack.

With a bang, the office building was instantly submerged in flames.

In the base, Nuoka had a cruel smile on his face when he heard the report from his subordinates.

"Hehe, the choppers of the Dragon Country, this is just a small interest, and there will be more fun things in the future."


On the other side, Qin Yuan's face showed an unconcealed anger when he heard the news. He knew that this was Nuoka's provocation and declaration of war on him.

"Instructor, this Nuoka deserves to be slashed with a thousand knives, let's hurry up and destroy his nest!" Shen Lanni clenched her fists, her face was full of anger, and she wanted to punch Nuoka to death now.

"Yeah, these guys are just lunatics, wantonly killing innocent people, we should send them directly to hell!" Ye Cunxin couldn't help but scolded.

"Company commander, let's go on a mission. Even if we let us go directly to the base camp of Nuoka, the brothers will not frown!" Hao Lian Yaoyao looked at Qin Yuan and said solemnly, he felt that he could no longer suppress his heart. 's anger.

"And us!" Tan Xiaolin stepped forward, her face full of determination.

Qin Yuan glanced at them, then got up and walked towards the interrogation room, "Don't worry, Nuoka will definitely regret provoking our Dragon Kingdom."

When he came to the interrogation room, Natu hadn't woken up yet. His knife was very wielding. If it were an ordinary person, he might have fainted immediately.

If it was another interrogation, Qin Yuan might directly use the perfect-level mind-reading technique, because this method is the easiest.

But now facing Nuoka's son Natu, Qin Yuan naturally wouldn't let him go in so comfortably.

Shaking his head, Qin Yuan motioned for the comrades who were guarding here to leave, then picked up a bucket of cold water and threw it directly at Natu's head.


Take a sudden scream, and suddenly woke up from the coma, as if his consciousness was still stuck in the scene of being knocked unconscious in the abandoned building, and subconsciously wanted to touch the pistol on his waist.

"You... Who are you, I warn you to let me go quickly, my father is Nuoka, he will definitely save me!"

Naka saw Qin Yuan with a gloomy instinctively shrank his neck, and then moved his father's name out. He believed that as long as anyone who came here would not know the forbidden triangle The biggest boss, Waxy Card.

Qin Yuan stretched out his palm with an expression on his face, and there were several silver needles with the length of nails sandwiched between his fingers. This was something he had prepared in advance for the interrogation.

"What are you doing, don't come over, don't come over, ah!!"

Natu watched Qin Yuan walk towards him with a look of horror, and then very lightly stabbed the silver needle between his fingers into his body. The next moment, an indescribable pain came from every corner of the body. He twitched uncontrollably.

"Stop, what do you want to know, I must tell you, ah!! Stop it!!"

Qin Yuan looked at Natu, whose snot and tears flowed uncontrollably from his mouth and let out a shrill scream. He had no expression on his face, and just looked at him so quietly.

Mastering world-class Chinese medicine, he wanted to use silver needles to stimulate the acupoints, so that the sudden pain would be excruciatingly painful.

(End of this chapter)

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