Chapter 351 Frog Leaping Off-Road

An hour later, everyone was so tired that they almost fainted, their arms seemed to be not theirs, and they didn't feel any sense.

"You have fifteen minutes to eat to replenish your strength." Qin Yuan finished speaking and walked directly into the distance.

"Fuck, we're all so tired, and we only have 20 minutes of rest time to eat. This is too cruel!" Hades couldn't help but said.

"That's right, wasn't it all 20 minutes before? The instructor is really getting more and more harsh." Little Bee also agreed, trying to get up and walk towards the cafeteria several times, but to no avail.

"I have a hunch that next time, we will only have ten minutes to rest." Yuanbao said with a wry smile.

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth!"

After lying on the ground and resting for a few minutes,

The special forces barely got up from the ground, supported each other, and walked towards the cafeteria.

Fortunately, the Chinese medicine provided by Qin Yuan is very magical. When everyone rushed back to the training ground again, they obviously felt that their physical strength had recovered by most.

"This morning, your task is combat training." Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and said slowly.

"Fighting training?" Everyone's faces showed a fiery look. On the battlefield, although most of them are gun battles, there are still many situations where you need to fight with the enemy. At this time, who has the strongest fighting ability? whoever survives.

"Instructor, how should we train?" Leng Feng's expression seemed a little eager. Before he met Qin Yuan, he felt that his fighting ability was already at the top level.

After meeting Qin Yuan, he realized that his combat power could be called a piece of shit.

Qin Yuan pointed to the foul-smelling quagmire behind him, and shouted loudly, "Jump all of them down."

Although everyone didn't know why they had to jump into the quagmire during combat training, they still obeyed the orders very obediently.

"What is the most important thing in fighting?" Qin Yuan paced and looked at the special forces in the quagmire.

"Power!" The ostrich was the first to speak.

"Speed!" Li Erniu said with a smile.

"It should be a skill, right?" Harry frowned.

"Wrong, very wrong!" Qin Yuan stopped and said loudly: "The most important thing in fighting is the ability to fight."

"Only alive has output. If you are punched by the enemy a few times, your body will not be able to bear it, then you are definitely the one who will die!"

Qin Yuan's voice entered everyone's ears, causing them to think involuntarily.

"It seems to be the case. If you can't even withstand the opponent's attack, there is no chance to defeat him at all."

"However, how to train for fighting? Do you find a stick and swing it directly at your body?"

"I have a bad hunch, the instructor let us get into the quagmire, wouldn't he just let us practice right?"

Qin Yuan's voice came immediately.

"Next, each team will work in pairs for fighting training. If I find out who has left, then don't blame me for being rude!"


Everyone responded in unison, and then divided into groups according to their strengths and put on fighting postures.

"Hey, hygienist, you have to be careful, my fists don't have long eyes, so don't cry for a while." The ostrich laughed strangely, as if very excited.

"Hehe, just you? After 10 years of training, it's not my opponent!" Although the hygienist's mouth was very disdainful, his eyes were very solemn. Don't take it lightly.

"Heh, be careful, I'm here!" After the ostrich finished speaking, he raised his fist and smashed it towards the hygienist's abdomen. The latter also rushed towards him without any hesitation.

With two bangs, as soon as their bodies touched, they quickly separated, and they stepped on their hind legs a few steps. Although they were punched by the other party, they didn't feel much pain.

On the quagmire, Qin Yuan looked at this scene and couldn't help but laugh in his heart. These guys were training and eating together and doing tasks. Although they might not be forgiving, they actually kissed like brothers, so they didn't use all their strength subconsciously. .

Qin Yuan looked at the two of them with a stern face and said, "Have you not eaten, your fists are like cotton. If you don't make a full effort, I will end the game in person and give you individual counseling!"

When the ostrich and the hygienist heard the last two people, their bodies couldn't help shivering, and they asked the instructor to take action in person. With their small bodies, they were afraid they would burp if they were punched.

After looking at each other, the ostrich shouted loudly and rushed towards the hygienist. The raised right fist seemed to be swept away by astonishing energy, with a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

Thinking of what Qin Yuan said about the combat training, the hygienist did not dodge, and clenched his fists to meet him.

The fists of the two quickly landed on each other, making a dull sound, as if their bodies were hit by a train, they flew out and smashed heavily into the quagmire.

"Cough cough."

The ostrich clutched his chest, coughed and stood up, only to feel a piercing pain coming out. When he looked up at the hygienist, he saw that his face was also full of pain, and the ostrich suddenly felt much better.

Taking a deep breath and calming the pain, the two charged towards each other again.

Qin Yuan looked at the various special forces soldiers who were training hard in the quagmire, nodded with satisfaction, then moved a chair and scanned the performances in the quagmire very leisurely.

"Tsk tsk tsk, each of these strikes is so ruthless, I don't know what kind of enemy they think they are." Zang Chong looked at the special forces in the quagmire who made no sloppy shots, his face was a little strange.

"Don't say it, these people are indeed people who have experienced special selection, and their shots are not ambiguous at all. When a fist hits the body, it's like nothing." Zhang Shuai couldn't help but said.

"Company commander, when will you give us this kind of training?" Su Xiaoyu looked at the scene where all the fists in the quagmire were fleshy, and his expression seemed a little moved.

"Hehe, you don't need to ask the company commander about this. If you feel itchy, you can come to me at any time. I will give you a break for free regardless of payment." Zang Chong said, pinching his fist.

"Fuck you, with your physique, who would dare to practice with you, I still want to see the sun tomorrow!" Su Xiaoyu rolled his eyes.

"Hey, coward!" Zang Chong sneered, as if his hands were really itchy and he was agitating him.

However, Su Xiaoyu turned his head and turned his back to him, with a posture of not talking to me.

Two hours later, the speed of Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others' shots dropped significantly, and their faces were a little painful, obviously very uncomfortable.

However, their appearance is just a little messy, and they can't see anything. After all, they are just training each other, and they don't say hello to their faces.

However, if they opened their clothes, it was obvious that they could see the bruises.

As it approached noon, everyone's body was throbbing with pain, and without being greeted by others, they already felt a burst of stinging pain hitting their nerves.

Looking at the time, Qin Yuan patted his back and said loudly: "This morning's training is over, all captains, remember to go to the room next to my dormitory to get a few packs of plasters and apply them to your body after eating, so as not to delay the afternoon training. "


Everyone weakly responded, then supported each other and climbed up the quagmire with great difficulty. After a morning of continuous fighting training, their physical strength was almost exhausted.

After lunch, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others each took a pack of ointment with a strange smell, and distributed it to all the team members to wipe each other's wounds.

"Fuck, hygienist, can you be gentle?" The ostrich said angrily. After taking off his shirt, his body was covered in bruises, and there was hardly a good spot on it.

"Hehe, I can't bear the pain, you might as well be a bitch!" The hygienist laughed and continued to apply the plaster seriously regardless of the other party's struggles.

Just as the ostrich was about to continue speaking, he suddenly felt a chill, and most of the stinging pain on his body immediately dissipated.

"These things that the instructor gave are really powerful. Just wipe it casually, and it won't be so painful."

"Hey, by the way, hygienist, isn't your family a family of traditional Chinese medicine? Haven't heard of this kind of thing?"

"No." The hygienist replied honestly, and he had long been suspicious. He had mastered all the ancient books in the family, and he had never heard of such a magical thing, whether it was those Chinese medicines or hands The plaster in the room refreshed his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine over and over again.

"It seems that you are still not good at learning, and you are far from being an instructor!" Ostrich finally found a place where he could mock the hygienist.

The latter was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot, but the strength in his hand increased a little, causing a few wolf howls.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, on the training ground, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces with a satisfied smile on his face.

Although the plaster he prepared is very effective, it also requires the user's physical fitness to be excellent, otherwise the effect will not be too great.

With a light cough, Qin Yuan said, "Seeing if there are any stones behind you, everyone should pack 50 kilograms!"

"What? Did I hear it wrong? It's only 50 kilograms?" Wang Yanbing couldn't help digging out his ears, as if he had heard it wrong.

"Yanbing, what the instructor just said was fifty kilograms." Li Erniu said with a smile.

"However, isn't the training in front of us all seventy or eighty kilograms? What happened to the instructor today, why only 50 kilograms?"

"I'll go, Yanbing, are you abused and addicted? You're not happy if you can carry a little less, otherwise you will pack 80 kilograms by yourself? We will definitely not stop you." He Chenguang said with big strides Go to the pile of stones.

"Isn't this just a little strange, I guess the instructor is going to play some tricks again, and it will definitely not let us finish the training easily." Wang Yanbing followed with a wry smile.

Soon, everyone packed 50 kilograms of stones and stood neatly beside Qin Yuan.

"Sixty kilometers of heavy-duty off-road, three hours time limit, leap forward, start now!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.

"What... what? Leaping forward, what the **** is this?" The ostrich widened his eyes, his face full of doubts.

"Literally." Qin Yuan's tone was very indifferent, "If you don't finish it within three hours, you won't have to eat for two days today and tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuan did it directly on the military vehicle and drove forward.

"Frog jumping 50kg off-road, thanks to the instructor's idea, this is killing us!" Yan Wang looked at Qin Yuan's back, his face was full of resentment.

"Even running, it's difficult to complete 60 kilometers in three hours, and now you have to jump and run, how can you do it?" Little Bee looked bitter.

"Since the instructor has assigned the task, we have to complete it even if we break our legs, so don't talk nonsense!" Lei Zhan said, fixing the backpack on his body, then squatting down directly, using the most standard frog leaping posture, Jump forward.

Geng Jihui, Yang Rui and the others looked at each other, and without any hesitation, started rushing forward.

"Company commander, isn't this task a bit too difficult? Leaping is not as good as running, and the physical consumption is almost doubled, and it may even destroy the legs!" Su Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the limits of these guys are beyond your imagination." Qin Yuan's tone was very determined, looking at the jumping figures behind him, he seemed very satisfied. It won't take long for these guys to win. At the level of a sharp knife recruit company, he can be considered to have completed Su Guoqiang's task.

More than two hours later, on the rugged mountain road, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others jumped forward with extreme difficulty.

Everyone felt that their legs were almost unconscious, and most of their physical strength was consumed. The clothes on their bodies had already been completely soaked in sweat, as if they had just been fished out of the lake.

"No way, I can't hold on anymore, how long is it until the finish line?" Song Kaifei's voice seemed a little weak, his face was extremely pale, there was no blood at all, and he jumped forward almost numbly and subconsciously.

"Hold on a little longer, the finish line will be reached soon." Chen Shanming gasped heavily. Although he couldn't hold on any longer, he still tried his best to cheer for the team members.

"I'd rather run 100 kilometers than jumping around. It's just too torturous." Wang Yanbing's voice seemed a little broken, and he felt that his legs had almost lost consciousness.

On the military vehicle in front, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces who were persevering with tenacity, and nodded inexplicably.

"There are still the last five kilometers. After that, I can let you rest for twenty minutes."

"Five kilometers, and the last five kilometers. Let's work harder, and it will be over soon." Lei Zhan's voice was a little hoarse.

Half an hour later, everyone finally came to the end, resisting the exhaustion of their bodies, and helped the trunk to get up and walked up. Only at this time did they feel that the thighs belonged to them.

Qin Yuan silently turned on the aura of physical strength recovery, and then continued to train. With only 20 minutes of rest time, the special forces were unable to recover their almost exhausted physical strength.

Soon, twenty minutes passed, Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others felt that their physical strength had recovered by most, and their legs seemed to be treated as well, and they were no longer numb and twitching.

(End of this chapter)

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