Chapter 352: Hidden Confrontation

"Assemble all!" Qin Yuan yelled at all the special forces who were lying or lying down.

Swish, almost like a conditioned reflex, Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others quickly got up from the ground and formed a neat queue.

"I can see that there is no dense forest behind you. The area is about 100 square kilometers. In the next two hours, your task is to enter it from five directions, and then lurking and confronting it."

"Except for the last winning team, everyone will be punished. If no team wins within a fixed time, then everyone will be punished!"

"Yes!" Everyone's eyes couldn't help showing a strong war. They are all top special teams in the military region. After training together for so long, they finally ushered in their first confrontation. It is just to verify which team is the most powerful. of.


As soon as Qin Yuan's cry fell, Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others led their team members and ran towards the dense forest in different directions.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Su Xiaoyu asked with some doubts: "Company commander, is this guy's mission a little too long? There are less than 50 of them when they are full. Isn't it too long?"

"Don't worry, they won't finish the two hours in such a comfortable way." Qin Yuan raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, then looked at a few people and said, "You guys are waiting here, I'll go inside and take a look. "

"Yes!" Zang Chong and Zhang Shuai nodded.

In the dense forest, Geng Jihui led the members of Lone Wolf Group B and ran forward, hunched over, trying not to make any noise.

"Hygienist, don't hold back when you meet someone later. This team will count you as the best dish." The ostrich looked at the hygienist with disgust on his face.

"Hehe, you're still worried about yourself." The sanitation officer rolled his eyes, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Captain, do we have to find a handy weapon, such as sticks and vines, to increase the odds of winning." Xiao Zhuang suggested in a low voice.

"This can be done. Anyway, the instructor didn't say that weapons cannot be used." Lao Pao echoed.

"Okay, when training, you should use the mode that best suits the battlefield. If you don't have firearms, you can use any weapon you have at hand to kill the enemy, but training is training after all. Just find some sticks, don't use them. Stones are prone to accidents."


Xiaozhuang, Lao Pao and the others folded the branches and vines and held them in their hands, and continued to carefully touch the front.

More than half an hour later, in an extremely dense jungle, Hades watched Lei Zhan with his ears lying on the ground and listened carefully. After waiting for a long time, he couldn't help but speak.

"Captain, what are we doing here? Shouldn't it be time to find other teams and eliminate them?"

Before Lei Zhan opened his mouth, Harley looked at him with a foolish look: "Are you so stupid, there is still an hour and a half left, when the rest of the team is fighting to the death, let's go out, and then easily Kill them, won't the victory belong to us?"

"That's right!" Yan Wang patted his head, his face full of surprise, "After there is one team left, we only need to shout here, and they will definitely come over, after all, as long as it is over, the winner has not yet been decided. , everyone should be punished.”

"However, what if other teams think the same way?" Little Bee couldn't help but said.


At this moment, Lei Zhan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly made an alert gesture, everyone immediately closed their mouths, and the momentum on their bodies instantly became condensed, no longer casual.

"At eight o'clock, about two hundred meters away, there are a few footsteps coming here, getting ready for battle." Lei Zhan conveyed the message with battle gestures.

Hades, Little Bee and the others nodded silently and clenched the wooden sticks in their hands.

"No, Captain, are we swaying too much? What if we fall into the ambush of other teams?" Gu Shun, the sniper of the Jiaolong Special Team, walked at the back of the team, his face full of worry.

"What are you afraid of? We've all been training in the hands of Instructor Qin Yuan for so long. Even if we encounter the ambush of the other special forces, we can just fight them directly. We're no worse than the others." The machine gunner said in a rough voice, he said. I have always hated the way of fighting in hiding, and I like to go straight.

"Everyone, be careful, this place is extremely suitable for hiding, maybe someone is watching us secretly." Yang Rui said solemnly, his footsteps subconsciously slowed down a bit.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that he will hit the ball, I'll hit one if I come, and two and I'll hit a pair!" Demoman Xu Hong stretched out his hand and made a virtual grip, his face full of confidence.

"Haha, pretend to be tricked by lightning!" Tong Li pointed her **** at him.

At this moment, several figures suddenly jumped out of the surrounding jungle, rushing towards them at a very fast speed, and almost immediately they came close, and several wooden sticks slammed into their heads.

"Be careful!"

Although Yang Rui was already mentally prepared, he was still surprised by the speed of the other party. He could only barely lift the wooden stick in his hand and block it in front of him.

With a bang, Yang Rui only felt his arms go numb, and the wooden stick in his hand almost fell to the ground, but at this moment, he could see who the person in front of him was.

"Thunder War."

Yang Rui's face was full of solemnity, Lei Zhan was a senior special operations captain, and he was extremely rich in both strength and experience, and he was definitely a tough opponent.

"Captain Yang, stay safe!" Lei Zhan had a smile on his face, but the movements of his hands did not stagnate in the slightest, as the tide continued to fall towards Yang Rui.

Bang bang bang, the two fought dozens of times in an instant. Although it seemed that the two sides were evenly matched, Yang Rui clearly realized that his strength was still somewhat inferior to the other party's.

Between the fights, Yang Rui quickly looked around, his face became more difficult to look at, the medical soldier Lu Chen had fallen to the ground at some point, his face was full of pain, he wanted to struggle to get up several times, But all ended in failure.

Daniel blocked Xu Hong and Gu Shun with his own strength. Although he was beaten back and forth, he could hold on for a long time with his teeth.

Not far away, Yan Wang and Harley, who cooperated tacitly, attacked the observer Li Dong again and again. The latter obviously couldn't bear the siege of the two fierce generals, and soon showed a posture of about to lose.

Yang Rui gritted his teeth, with a helpless look on his face. Although the Jiaolong Special Team had an advantage in numbers, there was a gap in strength between them. Now that a member was eliminated at the beginning, and the opponent used the simplest technique to target it, it was almost possible Predictably, failure is a matter of time.

"Everyone hold on, even if you can't defeat the Thunder Commando, you have to take a big bite out of them!" Yang Rui avoided Lei Zhan's punch and shouted loudly behind him.

At this moment, Lei Zhan seemed to have noticed something, and his face suddenly changed a little. He did not continue to pursue Yang Rui, but stood there and turned his head to look around.

"Captain Lei, what are you doing, my Jiaolong special team is indeed not as good as your Thunder Commando team, but you don't need to pour water like this." There was a trace of despised anger on Yang Rui's face.

As if Lei Zhan didn't hear him at all, his eyes became extremely solemn as he looked around, and he said loudly, "Stop it all, the situation is not right, we may be surrounded by something!"

"What?" The people of the Thunder Commando and the Jiaolong Special Team immediately separated, their faces all turned ugly, and they all looked around.

Yang Rui watched for a while, but he didn't notice anything unusual, so he couldn't help but say, "Captain Lei, do you feel wrong, there is nothing else here besides us?"

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of dark green lights suddenly appeared in the surrounding jungle, and a stench of stench came over them, as if they were in a dark beast's lair.

"This... this is a pack of wolves!" Yang Rui finally saw what was around him, and his face changed drastically.

This group of wolves is just a rough estimate, there are as many as sixty or seventy, and they do not have any firearms in their hands at this time, only a wooden stick that is not too strong, it is extremely difficult to stop the slaughter of the wild wolves. .


Lei Zhan raised his arm and shouted, Hades, Harley and others gathered around him, posing in a fighting posture.

"Captain Lei, we can't fight these wild wolves recklessly. We don't have any firearms in our hands, and we are easily in danger. The best way is to call the instructors for help."

Lei Zhan smiled bitterly, "We don't have any communication equipment on us, and we are too far away from the instructors. Even if we call for help, we can't pass it on."

"At our speed, it is impossible to outrun the vigorous wild wolves. That is to say, if we want to survive, we can only fight with these wild wolves." Lei Zhan said, his eyes bursting with murderous intent.

"Captain, I think what Captain Lei Zhan said is right. Besides, it's not like we haven't faced wolves before. As long as we kill these beasts, there will be no danger." Tong Li said to Yang Rui, her face full of fighting intent .

"Okay, let's fight with them!" Yang Rui gritted his teeth and assumed a fighting posture, his breathing became extremely heavy.

"Xu Hong, Gu Shun, you two take good care of Lu Chen, Captain Lei, we will be responsible for one side."

"Yes!" Xu Hong and Gu Shun nodded and came to Lu Chen's side. The latter struggled to get up, raised the wooden stick in his hand, and didn't flinch.

"it is good!"

Lei Zhan said in a deep voice, and led the Thunder Commando team and Jiaolongte team to form a circle, waiting for the wolves to pounce.

On a big tree more than 200 meters away, Qin Yuan stood on the thick trunk, silently observing the confrontation between humans and wolves ahead.

This group of wolves is precisely what he controlled and arranged in advance through his peak-level animal control skills. When performing tasks in the wild, it is easy to encounter similar scenes. He also took great pains to let the special forces adapt in advance. There is no way. Qin Yuan is such a responsible instructor.

As for the other three teams, attacks like giant pythons, crocodiles, and brown bears are also indispensable. However, under Qin Yuan's control, there will naturally be no casualties.

In the distance, in the eyes of all the special forces, a huge wolf with a silvery glow on its fur let out a roar. The wolves around seemed to have received an order, and they opened their **** mouths and moved towards Lei Zhan and Chen. Shan Ming and others rushed in the direction.

"Prepare to fight!"

Lei Zhan drank in a deep voice, his eyes on the silver head wolf. The wolf is a kind of gregarious creature with distinct levels. All actions are ordered by the head wolf. As long as the wolf can be killed, the group of wolves will naturally will spread out.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan raised his arm and smashed it **** the head of a gray wolf that had already rushed up.

With a loud bang, the gray wolf whimpered and fell to the ground, his limbs twitching constantly, and blood oozes from his mouth.

Looking down at the wooden stick in his hand, Lei Zhan couldn't help scolding, the heads of these beasts are too hard, and there are several cracks on the wooden stick, obviously it will not take long.

"You guys hold on, I'll get rid of that alpha wolf!"

After speaking, Lei Zhan ignored the reaction of the players behind him, his feet slammed hard, and stepped directly on the gray wolf who was pounced on it, and then used his strength to jump out a few meters again, striding towards the direction of the silver giant wolf.

The silver giant wolf's cold eyes kept looking at Lei Zhan's rushing figure, and then he let out a roar, his limbs forced, and rushed forward like a bolt of lightning.

Lei Zhan's face changed greatly, he only felt a shadow appeared in front of him, a stench came to his face, his sharp teeth flashed coldly, and he bit his neck fiercely.

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan directly raised the stick in his hand and stabbed it into the wolf's mouth fiercely.

With a squeak, the wooden stick stabbed into the giant wolf's mouth fiercely, and Lei Zhan's arm was also scratched with several bloodstains by his sharp teeth, and the strong **** smell came out instantly.

Stimulated by the smell of blood, the giant wolf raised its front limbs and grabbed Lei Zhan. With its sharp claws, if it was caught directly, the latter would be torn off a large piece of ~Lei Zhan's face showed something crazy, he used all the strength of his body without dodging or dodging, and stabbed the wooden stick into the giant wolf's mouth fiercely.

With a puff, the sharp wooden stick stabbed into the throat of the giant wolf fiercely, tearing open the throat and stomach, and the rich blood spurted out, directly smearing Lei Zhan's face.

The giant wolf was severely injured by this, and its body fell down weakly. Although its sharp claws pierced into Lei Zhan's body, it could no longer cause any damage.

"Phew!" Lei Zhan let out a heavy sigh, calming his throbbing heart.

Turning his head and looking behind him, in a short period of time, there were more than a dozen wolf corpses lying on the ground, and the members of the Zhanlang Squadron and the Jiaolong Special Squad in front of them also had bloodstains on their bodies, which were obviously caught by wolf claws. from.

The whimpering sound of the silver giant wolf before its death was clearly transmitted to the ears of the gray wolf.

The wolves suddenly seemed a little headless, and their offensive became slow. After dropping a few wolf corpses again, they couldn't hold on any longer, and they fled towards the dense forest with their tails tucked.

(End of this chapter)

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