Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1142: Underground biosphere

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The discovery of the giant monster underground quickly spread. After all, there were many witnesses, and there were only so many people infected. The news spread very quickly.

Yake also heard the news, and his brows rose sharply. He did see something about underground creatures in the Tulip's record, and the records all show that the situation is not optimistic. The overall strength of the underground creatures is absolutely not. Low.

He no longer needs to be specifically responsible for docking derivatives and infected individuals. He still has an idle job in the game team. With his current data intensity, he basically belongs to the open existence in the game world, so he plays the game. It's similar to abusive food, and it's quite casual.

However, Chen Zihan still came to see him often, and she came again today and brought the details of the magma creatures.

"This is a video taken at that time. It is not very clear. After all, the firefight was fierce at that time. The underground magma may damage the protective clothing of our soldiers." Chen Zihan explained.

"Finally encountered them, Yake sighed. I advise your combat department to prepare for the worst. The overall strength of the underground biosphere may not be much worse than that of the empire.

Although their individual intelligence is not high, individuals with high intelligence do not form a high level of civilization, but they occupy the geographical advantage, just the environment in which they live. The high temperature of the asthenosphere is fatal to us.

In other words, all the substances they breathe out can disappear. The breath of dragons generally harms us. Of course, the low temperature on the surface can also cause frostbite to them, but as the party that needs geothermal energy, we will undoubtedly have to do it next. Conduct away battles, and even dispatch high-temperature resistant machinery to enter the magma to guard our equipment.

To them, this kind of behavior is extremely evil. To make an analogy, a group of races with a normal body temperature below minus 80 degrees suddenly came on our planet. They need the heat from our planet, so To drastically cool our planet.

Where they have been. It will become a land of bitter cold like the Arctic, and the crops we depend on for our livelihoods will have no harvest under the extreme cold brought by them. And such people also hope to continue to expand. Turn more places into frozen ground where no grass grows.

There is no doubt that this kind of contradiction cannot be resolved through negotiation, and it threatens the fundamental survival of the other party. After the enemy's intelligent race discovers this problem, they will almost certainly start an endless war with us. "

Chen Zihan frowned: "The Intelligence Department has analyzed the situation this time. But they are not as pessimistic as you. The heat in the center of the earth is quite huge. The thickness of the asthenosphere is not thinner than the crust. They have a way of retreat. Moreover, the deeper underground should also have a higher temperature.

I can't think of any reason why they have to fight us hard. Since war will bring huge losses, I have enough huge strategic space. Why not step back a bit? "

Yake shook his head: "The premise of your consideration is that there is a high probability that there are no intelligent creatures in this magma. From the perspective of wild animals, this choice is correct. But I can tell you clearly that there are intelligent races underground. There are quite a few of them, and they already have a decent level of civilization.

A whole with civilization will not be as short-sighted as individual creatures, they will see our threats. Similarly, they will build their own buildings and create wealth around these buildings.

It is as if you are forcing a prosperous city. Like all the residents leaving their hometowns, many people know that they might die if they resist. They were not happy to be driven out of the city they had built by themselves. "

"Then all their cities are distributed on the surface of the asthenosphere? It should be evenly distributed among the entire boundary layer? In this case, they will not leave their homes to open up wasteland, but are forced to move to other cities. Could it be that such fierce resistance will also occur?"

Yake sighed: "You still treat them as wild animals. Even wild animals will not be randomly and evenly distributed in a natural area. They will also choose areas that are more suitable for their survival.

This is true for animals, not to mention intelligent creatures? Their survival is as complicated as ours. We need water, food, flat land for reclamation, dangerous terrain for defense, unobstructed roads for traffic, and the establishment of a city requires many considerations.

Although the things they need are not the same as ours, they are not much less. They need ocean currents for rapid migration, just as we need rivers. They need food to supplement their energy needs, and they also need some of the rarer mineral elements in magma, just like we need to eat salt.

And one of these factors happened to cause them to build their cities close to the surface of the asthenosphere. That is the source of food.

You have to understand that in the underground world, there is no sunlight, so they cannot synthesize their body's components and energy required for energy metabolism through photosynthesis and other methods.

It doesn't make sense to plant here, and they don't have a clear division of plants and animals, because here is the only way to get energy. It is through the heat here.

But you should understand that the second law of thermodynamics, heat will not spontaneously transfer from a low-temperature object to a high-temperature object. Similarly, it is impossible to absorb heat from a single heat source and completely convert it into work, which is the second type of perpetual motion machine. Does not exist.

With this theory as the premise you can understand that even if the magma here is hot, there is no temperature difference. It is also difficult for the creatures here to convert the energy contained in magma into the energy needed for their movement.

Therefore, we can easily infer that in the asthenosphere, there must be areas with large temperature differences that will give birth to relatively prosperous biological groups.

no doubt. This area with a large temperature difference refers to the surface of the asthenosphere.

The low temperature here is fatal to many underground creatures, but it also has a fatal attraction. Because only in this vicinity can they maintain a relatively low body temperature. And absorb the energy of high-temperature magma to keep one's physiological activities going on normally.

And those important elements and complex compounds that make up living organisms will undoubtedly settle here as more and more organisms settle here and be enriched here, and these are the food needed by intelligent organisms here. Even if they eat, it does not make much sense to obtain energy, but they need those complex compounds, and it is really relying on such characteristics that they have born their own agriculture. "

[To be continued]

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