Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1143: Weird life form

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Chen Zihan frowned and thought. She knew that what Yake said was true. At the beginning, he also ignored this question, for the intelligent creatures on the surface. Hot magma can easily be converted into energy.

Just sprinkle a little steam on it to push the valve to operate, which is the most superficial usage. But if you think about it, you will know that this kind of usage is unacceptable in the underground, because in the hot underground, it is impossible to have low-temperature liquid water.

Even with very small reserves, it cannot be used as an energy-driven medium. Here, liquid water is probably a hundred times more precious than gold. On the contrary, the creatures here want to convert the hot magma into their use. Instead, you need to find a low-temperature area, create a temperature difference here, in order to more easily guide the energy of the magma.

After realizing this, Chen Zihan also understood that the next war might be inevitable. The low temperature zone near the earth's crust is a battleground for the intelligent creatures here.

Perhaps the energy and equipment they produce can indeed cool down, and the magma here creates more low-temperature areas that can be developed by them.

But this will undoubtedly destroy the foundation they have built up here for so long. This will definitely cause war. It seems that soul power can indeed bring great help to production, but if he runs away like a tide. That is undoubtedly catastrophic for civilization, and there is almost nothing that the more the better. Even if it is money, if it is too much, it will cause disasters such as inflation.

"It seems that I have to go back and make your proposal with them. You must be prepared for war, you need to negotiate with the derivatives, and the breakout plan must be postponed. The more urgent thing we are facing now is the relationship with the underground creatures. decisive battle.

This is related to the future, the stability of our rear area, nuclear fuel will be used up, and the surface is prone to war. Neither place is a stable source of energy.

There are only rivers of magma mined underground. Only then can we relatively stably provide a large amount of geothermal energy for our development. I think the spinners should know the priority of the problem.

But what kind of tactics should we develop against them, and what kind of intelligent creatures of this race look like? And if our presence really brings them more low-temperature substances. To make it easier for them to obtain energy, I think it is actually possible to negotiate. There is probably a difference between their architecture and ours.

We will anchor the building to the ground. But they live in liquid. It should be difficult to do so, even if it is anchored to the earth's crust. You can also try to relocate, after all, the direction of gravity is downward.

I think we need to know what their intelligent creatures look like and try to communicate with them. "Chen Zihan still dislikes war as she did before.

"'s really not that there is no possibility of negotiation, but I am not very optimistic about it. As for their image...well... they look like fish in the sea. Among these underground monsters, they are considered to be of size. Quite small. Generally, the body length is only one to two meters.

The attack power of the body is extremely average, as long as it can withstand their high temperature, a larger creature like ours can easily defeat them. "

Chen Zihan was a little surprised: "You said that they look like fish in the sea? But here is magma, and the basic substances that make up life are different from carbon-based organisms. How can they look the same?" At this moment, she even really I’m a little bit suspicious that this world was created by God.

Jake shrugged: "Isn't this a normal thing? Because our planet has gravity, biological evolution generally separates up and down, and most creatures need to move forward. So biological evolution is easier to evolve symmetrical structures. , And considering that the field of vision generally only appears in one direction, so that the observation organs can be used in the most efficient way, so organisms begin to evolve toward bilateral symmetry.

You see, most living things on our planet are symmetrical. Basically, this is how it evolved. And these guys live in liquid. The speed of natural swimming becomes very important. Nature has told us. The size of fish is quite suitable for swimming.

Then in countless years of natural selection, creatures living in magma. Choosing such a body shape, there is nothing weird about it!

To cite the simplest example, dolphins and sharks, one is a mammal and the other is a fish. They basically belong to the type that cannot be beaten by eight poles, but because they live in a similar marine environment, they have evolved similar bodies. structure.

Although the difference between silicon-based organisms and carbon-based organisms is greater. But as long as the world still talks about physics, it's actually quite normal to evolve to a similar appearance. Didn’t the first underground monster you witnessed look like a whale in the ocean? In general, this situation in biology should be called convergent evolution, but this situation is... to be honest, I don't know what to call it. "Yake shrugged.

Chen Zihan raised his hand like a primary school student and asked, "I have another question. If they are like fish. Then they only have fins and no hands. I am afraid there is no way for such a civilization to use tools. If they cannot use tools, how did they develop? Woolen cloth?

Just like the dolphins on our planet, if they are not cultivated and transformed into human form, there is no way to build a civilization. The reason is that they cannot use tools. In fact, the average intelligence of these guys is probably not lower than ours, or even higher. maybe. "

Yake heard this with a strange expression: "Evolution comes from the same This is an inevitable natural selection, but the development of civilization is purely accidental in evolution.

Do you know the relationship between sea anemones and clown fish? In the natural world, many creatures that can't beat the poles live together. Relying on each other's characteristics. All things are prosperous, and all things are lost.

However, on the surface, there are more symbiosis of animals and plants. But the symbiosis with intelligent creatures here is rather strange. It is a huge octopus.

There is no need for me and you to explain why there are octopus-like creatures here. It is also convergent evolution, and it can also advance in the magma by jetting.

The intelligent creatures here have a symbiotic relationship with the octopus. Both parties can sense each other's brain waves, let's use brain waves to summarize their thinking signals!

The octopus's intelligence is relatively low, so it will obey the orders of the intelligent creatures here. Gradually being trained by them, it became an existence similar to our livestock. Now you understand how they established a civilization. Things like tentacles are in a sense much easier to use than our flexible hands. "

[To be continued]

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