"Hey, hey, have you heard? President Caesar is going to confront Fujimaru Ritsuka himself."

"In what way?! If it were that person's character, he would probably choose a real-life CS or something like that, right? I read on the school forum, and I remember he said he was going to do it in the first half of the semester. What did he say about it? Earth recipes learned from mainland China.”

"That proposal was rejected by the Disciplinary Committee, right? And since time is so short, there is probably no way to do it."


"Stop guessing."

The pool party at the Amber Pavilion became a scene of guessing until a mysterious man appeared on the L-shaped sofa where VIPs rested.

People looked around and found that the sofa was heavily guarded by the student union. Someone had been lying there for some time.

Everyone suddenly narrowed their eyes, and the atmosphere became increasingly serious.

This kind of arrogant and domineering attitude of sneaking into the enemy camp without anyone noticing is really hard not to think of an act of provocation.

Moreover, this man was tall and tall, wearing sunglasses, iron-gray hair, and gray-blue pupils. His whole temperament seemed to blend with the darkness, like steel, with a heavy aura.

He sank his body completely into the sofa, and his calm look was very, or even very mysterious.

His body was almost the same size as Caesar, and explosive power could be seen in every edge and corner. Everyone frowned, marveled, and wondered.

When did our Kassel College have such a general?

At this moment, the man continued.

"This is a swimming pool, which means the topic should revolve around - what kind of economic project can exist in a swimming pool paradise and be competitive, which can highlight the capability gap between the two leaders."

"This subject has appeared in many light novels."

The man raised a thick finger in a very elegant manner and nodded his head, as if to prompt everyone to think.

He smiled evilly.

"Try and think about it."

No, why are you so condescending? !

Although they wanted to complain like this, everyone in the student union couldn't help but start thinking about the answer to the question.

Can we show off our competitiveness by the pool?

Isn't that just——

"Your next sentence is - isn't that just swimming?"

"Isn't that what swimming is all about?!"

I saw the gray man once again flashing an evil smile as arrogant as a domineering president, shaking his head, speaking with a touch of elegance and a bit of ridicule.

"The answer is volleyball!"

"Perhaps under normal circumstances, competitive events like swimming can be used to distinguish one from another, but let's not talk about the physical differences between men and women. The theme of this banquet is not just about Fujimaru Ritsuka and Kai. Damn it, it’s a competition between S-level people and students.”

"Single swimming events are too difficult to reflect the ability gap between each other, and it is not straightforward enough."

"On the contrary - it can reflect the wrist strength of the contestants in a more intuitive way, the visual impact will be more direct, and it can work as a team."

"I see. It makes sense." After thinking about it, the members of the student union all responded and praised the man's extraordinary wisdom. At the same time, they saw a commotion in the distance, and the president of Cassel College's volleyball club, who also attended today's party, hurriedly brought the volleyball over.

Sure enough, the man's analysis was completely correct.

Under the cautious and respectful eyes of the people around him, he stepped back and rested his head on his hands.

He didn't say a word.

——In fact, there are so many beach volleyball and pool volleyball games in light novels, mainly because when female characters play volleyball, their swaying chest fat can be naturally depicted.

Gee, that’s so vulgar.

Take another look.

At the same time, several student union cadres discovered that there was a group of wandering people gathered here who did not cheer for Caesar, so they walked over, saw the man, and immediately frowned.

"What are you doing Fingel?" Several seniors saw Fingel and a few newcomers to the student union who had just joined Kassel and understood the situation, and said with extremely disgusted faces.

"Don't harm our freshmen, start from our sofa, this place is not for you."

"Hey! You're up now~"

As soon as Fingel heard someone calling out his real name, he immediately stopped showing off and quickly took off his sunglasses and showed a silly smile.

He got up from the sofa, rubbed his butt before leaving, and sighed.

"The sofa in the student union is awesome. I don't even get a chance to sit on it. Hey, don't look at me. I don't have any bad intentions. This sofa is just to keep you warm."

Several cadres looked up at him and wanted to curse, but they still spoke slowly due to their inner elegance: "This is the sofa where only the president of the student union sits."

"Huh?" Fingel opened his mouth and exclaimed. "That's just to keep Brother Caesar warm! I've always been a fan of Brother Caesar!"


"Why are you joining in the fun? Renfujimaru Ritsuka is S-level and can use some intimate nicknames with the president. You..." the leader pushed up his glasses and said doubtfully. "Sorry, who are you?"

"You PUA me?!"

"Do you still need PUA?"


Fingel was unable to refute. As a senior who had repeated the grade for seven years, what he received in school was not respect, but pure contempt. If this were India, there would be no way for Fingel to obtain any title, not even a non-Aryan. None of the Sudras he belongs to can do it.

Because he has a status that is inferior to that of a slave, that is, a donkey, or even a domestic animal below a donkey.

Fortunately, Kassel is special. Although it is the United States, American-style campus violence is not popular, otherwise Fingel's college life would not be easy.

Just when Fingel was secretly feeling sad, someone asked again.

"By the way, your roommate is also S-level, right? Why don't you go cheer for your roommate?" The cadres laughed happily. "Titsuka Fujimaru, who is the most popular in the S-class, is a girl. She is definitely not as good as Caesar in this regard. If she is beaten and loses her little pearl, you may have a chance to go up and comfort her."


Fingel said nothing.

Fingel, who usually wouldn't stop talking just two bad words, was a little hesitant at this time. He looked at the cadre who was talking to him with a very strange look, and then looked at the competition center in the distance where the competition was about to start, minding his own business. muttered.

"come on?"

"Which side?"

Bang bang bang.

The balls themselves were carried in huge iron ore carts, not because there was anything special about them but because there needed to be enough of them.

This was requested by Caesar because he had played this sport before. As a server, he accidentally damaged a lot of school property.

That's right, even just looking at that body, you can understand that Caesar Gattuso himself is undoubtedly a powerful type, using force to overcome skill.

Just like the imperial posture he believed in, he used his upright strength and wisdom to overwhelm all opponents to obtain the fruits of victory by completely crushing them.

Now, men are also on the road to success.

"The competition requirements are 15 points in one set, a total of three sets. The side that wins two wins wins. The right to serve takes turns. If one side scores on serve, they will get the right to serve again."

"It's no problem."

Weighing the volleyball, and naturally bathing in the gazes of the people around him, Caesar looked directly at the three people in front of him.

"No problem~"

Ritsuka gave a thumbs up.

"I used to be in the volleyball club, and I'm good at this."

The three of them are Chu Zihang who is calm and composed, Lu Mingfei who is swallowing saliva like crazy and extremely nervous, and Fujimaru Ritsuka who is also smiling leisurely.

On his side, he and two other cadres of the student union are all of excellent A-level pedigrees and have excellent physical fitness.

Three against three.

There is no feeling of losing.

On the contrary, Caesar was a little worried that Fujimaru Ritsuka, as a woman, even a mixed race, would be disadvantaged in a sport that requires a lot of "strength" like volleyball?


The possibility that you will lose.

Of course there is, but——

I won't let him happen.

I am the king of Kassel College, the pillar of strength, the born emperor who does not know what defeat is, and the student council president who is friendly to the people!

There is no reason to reject this victory!

Half of Caesar's body was already submerged in the swimming pool. Even so, his huge chest muscles and eight-pack abdominal muscles were still exposed on the water, glowing with the golden sheen of his muscles. His eyes were burning, and the 632.8nm helium-neon laser was ready, ready to emit powerful rays that would burn and damage human retinas.

Looking at his opponent across from him, Caesar looked forward to it with great anticipation.

But what the boy didn't know was that that crisp answer would bring him a...

An extremely exaggerated nightmare.


Across the field, Chu Zihang, who was forcibly pulled over, suddenly frowned.

He turned his head slightly, looked at Caesar, and then followed his gaze back to Fujimaru Ritsuka.


Does it feel so familiar?

ps: Fujimaru Ritsuka was actually a member of the volleyball club before going to Chaldea. This is very little information left by ordinary people Fujimaru Ritsuka (although I have forgotten where I saw this information)

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