Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 306 My name is not Hey, my name is Chu (two in one)

boom! ! ! !

Although it is sudden, have you ever heard of such an urban legend?

In the "Urban Legend" next to the "Japanese and Korean Classics" section of a private forum in Japan, there was a mention of an isolated island whose science and technology far exceeded the average level of human beings.

The name of that isolated island is——

【Academy City】

Covering an area of ​​about one-third of Tokyo, this "school city" contains dozens of universities and hundreds of elementary, junior high and high schools, with a total of more than a thousand large and small "research institutions." The population is nearly 2.3 million, and 80% of the residents are students.

"Academy City" has the most cutting-edge technology in the world, which is 20 to 30 years ahead of the outside world. It is a leader in the scientific world. It was built by President Aleister Crowley for more than fifty years.

In this academy, all students must conduct research on the development of superpowers.

Superpowers are divided into different levels from lv1 to lv5.

Among them, the ones standing at the top are seven lv5s.

Even the weakest level 5 can defeat an entire modern army with one person.

For example, the third person in lv5.

Academy City's strongest "Electric Shock User", codenamed "Railgun". A second-year student at Tokiwadai Middle School, an aristocratic girls' school, the girl is known as "Tokiwadai's ace" and "the most powerful and invincible Dengeki Princess".

Just testing the strength of your superpowers requires spending a pool to buffer the attacks.

Toss a coin and use the principle of electromagnetic induction to shoot the game coin at an initial speed three times the speed of sound. Its power is enough to make the entire swimming pool fly up. At the same time, people within a few kilometers can feel an obvious strong earthquake.

So, after all this talk, what’s the point?

The answer is that at this moment, everyone who has read this urban legend and this light novel is shocked and even frightened by the scenery in front of them.


boom! ! !

From the center of the commotion came the sound of splashing water. The transparent wall broke through the surface like a mountain, like a ferocious beast tearing apart the earth where people live from the mantle. It roared and roared, and its scarlet eyes tore through the haze. Desert yellow.

Just like a solid piece of iron, tons of iron fell from a high altitude. The erupting waves are no longer a question of spectacularness, but just the impact on the body will cause severe pain and a sense of power to be swept away.

The onlookers were splashed and slid to the ground, their eyes were red from the water, their ears were in pain from the explosion, and their bodies were trembling from the slap of the water waves.

What unfolded in front of me was a stunning scene that looked like a cartoon.

The girl jumped up high, with a man and a ball flying in the air. The extended posture was like a fully stretched bowstring. When her arms were swung down, the part below the elbow could not be caught with the naked eye. Only the eyes caught a red glow. The air shrank and collapsed, and then a strong spike was seen hitting the opposite court.

Then the sound that followed exploded, overturning the waves.

Yes, this is playing volleyball.

On one side is the S-class legion headed by S-class Fujimaru Ritsuka, and on the other side is Caesar alone.


Why one person?

Of course it is——

"Stretcher, stretcher!!" In the middle of the swimming pool, Caesar wiped the water droplets from his face and shouted to the crowd. Although his tone was still calm, it was already tainted with a hint of uncertainty.

Because, beside him, two A-level hybrids from the student union had already begun to "floating corpses".

The two of them faced the bottom of the swimming pool, their broad backs exposed on the water, and their golden or black hair swaying on the water, like water plants that had been pulled out from the roots.

Caesar put one hand around one person's waist and lifted the two of them up to avoid suffocation caused by direct coma.

In the bombardment just now, the two A-level hybrids were knocked unconscious by the aftermath - of course they were not that fragile.

Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka's volleyball smash is like a railgun, the A-level hybrid is not made of acrylic and is not that fragile.

The point is still that the previous fierce battle consumed too much energy.

This was a fierce battle from the beginning.

The time should start from fifteen minutes ago————


In the first round, the right to serve started from Caesar's side.

The exciting drum beats played intensively in his ears. Caesar looked ahead, his head turning at high speed.

Anyone who has watched some men's volleyball games knows that serving in men's and women's volleyball is two completely different concepts. In most cases, the server's spike will directly lead to scoring. No matter how good a libero is, it will be difficult for the 138m/ s's serve impact.

And this is just the limit of ordinary people.

And the limit of hybrids?

Greek milk (don’t know).

Anyway, Caesar knew that no champion of any sporting event, including a Grand Slam, would be able to catch his own serve——

In the eyes of countless people, the man started serving.

Throw the ball.

Take a few steps forward.

Water splashes!

The huge figure stagnated in mid-air, and its excellent core strength allowed it to stay in the air and reach an inhuman state.

His arms were stretched as straight as a sharp sword that pronounced a sentence of criminal law, and under this ball——

Death, death, death.

boom! ! ——

As expected, his first ball was in excellent condition. Even though the swimming pool would limit a person's strength, Caesar still successfully demonstrated explosive power beyond conventional sports competitions. The volleyball was squeezed and twisted into flakes the moment his palm touched it, and then It suddenly shattered the atmosphere and shot out.

The surrounding spectators had no time to react, because it was a serve that Caesar himself was satisfied with.

Targeted by: Lu Mingfei.

The ball drew a trail like a meteor in the air, approaching at high speed like an eagle preying on its prey.

The air flow was moving, and the opponent's eyes seemed to react a little. Lu Mingfei tried to catch the ball, pressing his body down and trying to move laterally. But his hands were not in time, and his posture was not professional. He could only watch the ball go in and score.

The surrounding audience cheered, and the atmosphere gradually became heated.

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't seem affected at all, and just comforted Lu Mingfei a few words.

The handsome boy named Chu Zihang looked at the speed of the ball, and his indifferent eyes seemed to flash with some surprise. When the opponent looked over, Caesar was not willing to be outdone and showed a provocation without malice.

The other party didn't say anything, picked up the ball and threw it to Caesar.

Caesar caught the ball and did not serve directly. Instead, he waved to the surrounding spectators, which triggered waves of cheers.

This is a very natural behavior. There is nothing inappropriate in responding to subordinates who have expectations for you.

And when Caesar looked across again, there was no excess malice either.

Victory is a matter of course and requires no extra boasting - his eyes seemed to reveal this meaning.

And Chu Zihang's eyes also had words written on them.

He said--



The man took a closer look at Chu Zihang. The impression he had originally left on the Night Watch Forum became clearer, and the bad premonition became more obvious.

This guy Chu Zihang is probably something he can’t understand.

Caesar shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and prepared for the next serve.

In the second round of serving, Caesar once again hit a perfect serve, but this time he aimed at Chu Zihang, who had just looked at each other.

1. Save the big dishes for last.

Second, after Caesar Gattuso knows who is the target that can be defeated, he will no longer pursue him. This is his aesthetics.


He saw that Chu Zihang was unhappy.

That is a feeling that has no reason. Perhaps this is the so-called conflict of nature?

But this time, what surprised Caesar was that Chu Zihang caught it.

No, it's more accurate to say that it touched the ball, and the posture looked decent.

The moment the ball reached the opposite court, Chu Zihang had already grasped his position and was ready to go.

But there was only one appearance. As Caesar Gattuso, who had played in the school volleyball club for a few days, he knew that although the opponent subconsciously tried to relieve his force, neither the timing nor the posture was the best.

The ball rotated and compressed at high speed at the forearm, and then bounced off as expected, and Caesar scored another point.


Caesar suddenly stopped, as if he realized something was wrong.


Caesar suddenly looked at Chu Zihang strangely and took the volleyball he threw casually.

"Neither you nor Lu Mingfei have ever played volleyball?"

Yes, it's not hard to see.

Caesar Gattuso never thought about this possibility. When the time came, he originally planned to release water in the early stage to let the opponent adapt, and at the same time weaken the strength of his teammates to achieve a balance.

But because Fujimaru Ritsuka agreed naturally, and the two people she brought seemed quite confident, Caesar didn't think much about it and just acquiesced that they didn't think they would lose.

but now.

"If Fujimaru Ritsuka is the only one who has played volleyball, are you sure you want to continue playing?"

Throwing the ball, the volleyball jumped up and down in the air. It looked small and cute in Caesar's big and generous palm, but no one dared to look down on him.

The beating volleyball was like a pharaoh's ring. The emperor gently rubbed its smooth surface with his fingertips. It was not a sign of doing nothing, but a signal that he was about to punish his rebellious ministers.

However, Chu Zihang's expression did not change much when he was glanced at by such a domineering gaze.

He nodded.

"I do not mind."

"You can also hit me the next time you hit the ball."


Caesar stopped tossing the ball.


After looking at Chu Zihang for a few seconds to make sure he wasn't telling a Chinese joke, Caesar's eyes changed a little.

The man's hand pinched the volleyball until it was deformed, and there was a strange color on his handsome face.

He clearly made the suggestion with the idea of ​​making the game fairer. If the other party gave a signal of surrender and weakness at this time, even if he looked down on him in his heart, Caesar would find a way to end the situation smoothly.

But what Caesar didn't expect was that instead of showing weakness, Chu Zihang was provoking.

No, forget about provocation, the most important thing is——that face.

That expressionless face is really annoying to look at every time.

Sure enough, the previous instinctive idea was not wrong.

This guy and I are not compatible.

After sighing with relief, Caesar did not respond to Chu Zihang's "provocation", but quickly adjusted his mentality and prepared for the next serve.

This time, same angle, same perfect touch.

boom! ! !

The volleyball suddenly shot out again and Chu Zihang squatted down to prepare.

He did not answer Caesar's question directly, but it was true that he had never practiced volleyball. The boy only liked playing basketball because that was the entertainment his father told him.

Moreover, one person can shoot and dunk in basketball, and one person can do volleyball.

Hey, hey, that picture is too aloof, right?

However, it doesn’t matter even if you haven’t practiced.

Teacher Jormungandr once said that all "things" have their own weaknesses.

As long as you find the direction of force, everything will become monotonous.

Chu Zihang is good at listening to lectures.

Although he just caught a ball, Chu Zihang has basically mastered Caesar's strength and the best way to unload volleyball.

This time, it should be——

Just when Chu Zihang was about to catch the ball, his excellent dynamic vision and intuition suddenly made him aware of something abnormal.

This ball was not aimed at me, but at Fujimaru Ritsuka!

After Caesar Gattuso knows who is the target that can be defeated, he will no longer pursue him. This is his aesthetics.

Caesar was hinting to Chu Zihang that he was not worthy, and at the same time, he used a spin ball that Chu Zihang failed to see through at the beginning, leaving Chu Zihang with no energy left to refute.

Caesar was satisfied with his response.

Not only is it a perfect fight, but the force of the spin will be relatively smaller, and it can also ensure that no one will say that he is bullying Fujimaru Ritsuka because he is a girl.




It was so light that it was mind-numbing. Just when Caesar was thinking about how to defeat Chu Zihang with the next ball, his excellent hearing suddenly made him alert.

Was the ball caught?

His sharp gaze flickered like a hawk, scanning towards the figure who lowered his body to catch the ball.

The orange hair was tied into a single ponytail and swayed in the air as it moved. Fujimaru Tachika clearly received a monster serve with a ball speed of far exceeding 150m/s, but his expression did not change.

Easily, somewhat scary.

But before Caesar had time to think about the meaning, his sight had caught the jumping figure.

That was Chu Zihang. There was almost no hesitation in the boy's movements. He seemed not to think that the volleyball shot by Caesar would score, and he fully believed that Fujimaru Ritsuka could react on his behalf.

He jumped early, and the volleyball also stayed in the right position at the right time.

Perfect fit.

boom! ! !

A spike that was almost comparable to that of Caesar Gattuso broke out. In the astonished sight of everyone in the student union, the ball turned into a blur, tore through the obstruction of the atmosphere with a cunning and fierce gesture, and ran directly towards the enemy's position - —

Caesar subconsciously squatted down a little, because he instinctively thought that Chu Zihang would choose to retaliate against his "provocation" from the last ball.

However, the moment this action was completed, Caesar already regretted it.

The ball did not fly towards the Italian young master, but flew straight towards the area where his left and right arms were responsible!

Unlike the arrogant Caesar, Chu Zihang did not care about the purity of the winning hand.

As long as he can win, he has always been indifferent.

No, after all

He may not even be aware of Caesar's rich inner activities.

After realizing it, Caesar once again lamented that the compatibility between himself and Chu Zihang was extremely different, but found that it was too late to rescue him, and the opponent's powerful and heavy blow almost caught up with him, and the capable person of the student union must have caught it. Very difficult.

Sure enough, when Caesar shifted his gaze over there, he only saw the other party's face in a daze.

However, there is also a part that surprises Caesar.

For example——


The ball collided with the flesh, and the sound was not violent. The soft flesh acted as a qualified cushion to relieve the force. It was still different from the tinnitus-like explosion during a smash.

So, some broken sounds still sounded.

In Caesar's surprised gaze, his teammate was hit in the face by a ball. In the world that was infinitely slowed down, even Caesar's surprised sound with his mouth wide open became long and weird.

His teammate's face was sunken, and he finally flew half a meter upside down, out of the control of physics, and fell into the shallow water with a splash.

"You!" Caesar was worried and surprised at first, but was replaced by anger the next moment. He hurriedly stepped forward to help his subordinate, and then looked at Chu Zihang fiercely after confirming the situation, with a bit of restlessness on his handsome face. of anger.

"Hey! You did it on purpose, right?"

Indeed, on purpose.

The scope of the swimming pool is certainly not large, but for a mixed race, it is extremely simple to control the landing point of the volleyball. If you want to play seriously, you will naturally choose a gap where you will not hit the enemy players, and hit the ball to water surface.

But Chu Zihang didn't.

The ball went straight for the opponent's face, without any deviation, and without even considering the possibility of the opponent dodging.

For ordinary people, this could be considered murder.

It’s no wonder that Caesar is so angry. Even if he has only had a short relationship with the cadres of the student union and has not recognized each other as his friends or close associates in the true sense, as long as he is in the name of "Caesar plus" With the title "Men of Tusso", Caesar will guarantee the safety of the other party, the honor of the other party, and the future of the other party.

This is also his gentlemanly demeanor and aesthetics.

Therefore, he couldn't bear Chu Zihang's behavior. On the other hand, the cold-haired young man with black hair landed gently and showed no expression to the other party's questioning.

It wasn't until the other party revealed all his doubts that Chu Zihang responded.

"My name is not Hey, my name is Chu Zihang, and"

He nodded.


"You really don't hide it at all!"

Caesar subconsciously complained at first, but then turned to curse angrily the next moment. "You were able to score that point without using this method, right? Are you someone who would take pleasure in such despicable behavior when you bully an opponent who is weaker than you?"

Lu Mingfei blinked and seemed to understand something. He covered his face while watching, while Chu Zihang tilted his head.

"No" Chu Zihang replied immediately. "I'm doing it for his own good."

"Hitting someone in the face with a ball until they're unconscious?! How good is that!" Caesar scolded again impatiently. "Are you a Spartacus?!"

He looked into Chu Zihang's calm eyes and finally became so angry that he could hardly maintain his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Chu Zihang" Caesar helped his companion stand up and glared angrily. "It seems that before I defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka, I have to correct your despicable nature."

Chu Zihang was about to retort, but his mouth had just opened a few centimeters when he suddenly glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was pouting slightly because he couldn't spike the ball, and closed it as if he thought of something.

He blinked, his expression unchanged, and nodded in confirmation.

He said--

"Okay, remember, it's me who's going to be beaten."

Caesar: Damn you! ! ————

ps: Get off work after get off work! ! ! ! ! ! I have to get off work! ! ! ! ! ! ! I have to get off work today, and I feel a little better. I will write a two-in-one in the afternoon.

By the way, it’s the end of the month, please vote.

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