Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 229: War Knife Loudspeaker

"Hurry back to the camp and order a few more, or if it is destroyed, there will be no burial place." Jia Jia shouted. Several people looked back, and clicked on the one she took out of the fire. The torch is also small, and half of it has been burnt when held at the moment, and there is only one main trunk, which barely maintains a small light. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"Quickly, go back to the camp, a little bit to clear the way" Ke Ke commanded everyone, lined up in a row, and walked towards the campfire, illuminating the light in front of them by a little bit.

"Hey, how do I feel that the fire in our camp is almost gone" Dian was at the forefront, suddenly yelled.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, that is, the huge pile of huge bonfires burned very vigorously, but now only a washbasin-sized flame is left. When they come closer, they can see clearly. It turns out that when they left, those Countless spider crabs actually spit the silk on the ground. Those silks fell into the sand and glued into a sand ball, and then the spider crabs pushed the sand **** onto the bonfire. One or two were not obvious, but dozens of them. Thousands of these sand **** are like moving sand covers, gradually putting out the fire

Several people speeded up their pace and ran towards the bonfire. Before they reached the end, the last gleam of fire disappeared. At the same time, the last torch in Dian's hand struggled weakly twice. It was blown out due to the strong wind when it ran. NS

On the dark sandy beach all around, a rustling horrible sound came around again

"I'm going to drop it, it's really dead this time." Hao Zhi was still immersed in the horrible memories of being almost eaten by spider crabs. Since then, he has suffered from insect phobia. When the torch was extinguished, he hugged him. Stopped Jia Jia's arm.

"Why are you, I'm going to call someone?" Jia Jia threw him aside with disdain, "Find out that you are a boy."

"I beg you, Sister Jiajia, if you can call the police here at this time, it would be fine." Hao Zhi whirled around in a crying voice, and it was dark all around, the moon was big, and the sky was full of stars. Everything has only one outline, you can see it. , But I can’t really see it, I can only see that countless black shadows on the ground have spread over

"Why are you still running?" Ke Ke yelled, waking up everyone who was still stunned. Jia Jia moved the fastest, reaching for Lele and ran up the rocky **** above the beach, where it was half a person high. Everyone followed, and Ke Ke had the slowest hands and feet. When she was the last one to be pulled up by Hao Zhi, the spider crab under her feet had already climbed up. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

In fact, it is not so much climbing up, as it is because there are too many spider crabs. The result of all the spider crabs flocking here is to quickly fill the gap between the beach and the rock platform. The spider crab quickly followed, a densely paved road, chasing the backs of several people.

The rock platform on this is not very wide. If you run forward, you will find a large open grassland. At the end of the grassland is the dark forest that is like a wall. I ran forward two steps without thinking, and was forced to stand still by the majestic momentum of the black forest. There was a ghost fire floating in the woods, and Hao Zhi was scared to get a layer of goose bumps on his back.

"Go in?" asked little by little.

"What can I do? It’s too late to start a fire." Lele turned around and looked behind him. Although he couldn't see clearly, the color change on the ground clearly showed the distance between the crabs and them, 10 meters, 9 meters. Coming soon

"Let me tell you a joke" Ke Ke suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Ah" Jia Jia's mouth is open so that it can be filled with a pineapple, "Isn't it a joke in itself to tell us a joke at this time, it's a cold joke"

"Quickly tell, I like to listen to jokes, ha, the jokes Keke tells must be super funny, she wants us to be happier before we die, so that we don't die too painful," said a series of cannons.

"The story is that there was a scientist who wanted to prove one thing: the spider’s ears are on the legs, so he grabbed a spider, knocked the gong on its side, and the spider ran away. , Ok, grab it again, cut off the legs, knock on the gong again, see, the spider doesn’t run away, it means it can’t hear it. Get up, stick it upright into the gap in the rock under your feet

"Lele, what about yours" Koke knew that Lele was carrying one before she fled, and reached out to her for it. Lele took out the knife bag on her back and drew out the half-meter-long war knife and handed it over. , Ke Ke calculated the position, and pierced the knife fiercely into the crevice of the stone. The two knives looked like a figure eight, with their mouths facing outward toward the direction of the crabs.

"Little bit, come and squat down" Koko called her, Zhang Xiaodian squatted down quickly, but she didn't know what Koko wanted to do, so she didn't run at this time, and she set up two knives to scare the spiders and crabs.

"Come on, hold the handle of the knife in both hands" and did so, "Now, use your voice, shout loudly"

As soon as everyone heard a little voice coming, they all covered their ears quickly, pressed their hands hard, took a deep breath, adjusted the body, and pressed her head to make her face stuck. Between two knives: "Start"

At the end of the day, the edge of the first spider crab has crawled to the tip of the nose, and the fastest two have already touched the blade of the steel knife with their claws.

Zhang Diandian raised his Dantian Qi, and a series of shouts spewed out: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, the sky is bigger and the earth is bigger and bigger, go to death all the time."

The loud sound shook the two steel knives stuck on the ground resonating, UU reading buzzed and trembled, and it was strange to say that it didn’t work at all when I called it for the first time, but this time it did. It was very different. A wave of sound spread over, and all the spider crabs wherever they went overturned immediately. Many spider crabs seemed to be frightened by the sky, and fled in a panic. The crabs were originally orderly. The array immediately became a mess

It’s still weak, Zhang Diandian’s voice is too weak. If she used her best to shout, and the loud sound waves and air waves blasted out, now it’s just louder than ordinary people’s voices, and it’s not past. This kind of majestic shock and destructive power.

If you leave it before the end of the war, even if those guys don’t have ears, their bodies will be shattered immediately. Now, it’s not easy to scare them away.

And the spider crabs who hadn’t climbed to the top of the rock pile seemed to feel that something was wrong. They all turned their heads and ran towards the beach. The big spider crab took the lead to run wildly on the sea, a wave rolled over, and when it retreated, there was only a calm beach. Except for those that died on the spot, the rest disappeared in a minute. trace

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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