Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 230: Little bit hurt

"Wow, I killed them all with such a powerful shot, haha, this princess is still strong enough, come again, I won't be afraid of any more, I'll scold you to death" Little bit of hands pinched his waist and straightened up proudly.

"Weird, didn’t you just try it once on the beach? Those crabs don’t have ears at all, so you can’t hear a little sound." Jia Jia walked up from behind curiously, squatted down strangely, and poked a finger on the ground. The corpse of the dead spider crab, "Why are you scared to death this time?"

"I just thought of the way when I just climbed this rock platform. Do you remember the joke I told you just now?" Ke Ke nodded, seemingly satisfied with the result of her guess. "Spiders are similar to crabs. They don’t have ears, so sonic attacks have no effect on them.”

"It doesn't work, isn't it also shocked to death?" Pointing at the large corpse little by little, he said.

"I mean, airborne sounds don’t work for them. The scientists in the story just want to prove that spiders’ ears are on their legs. In fact, crabs and spiders do use their legs to feel sounds. They have There are so many legs. Each leg is like a receiver. When it touches the ground, it feels the vibration from below the ground and can distinguish a lot of surrounding information. I just inserted these two knives into the crevices of the stone to collect a little bit. The sound waves of her, so as to transmit her sound waves to the ground through the metal that is best at transmitting vibrations."

Everyone was fascinated by Ke Ke's wit, and they surrounded her with random praise. In such a nervous escape, they could still spare time to consider the surrounding situation and make the right decision. I am afraid that only Wang Yanke Can do it

"Ah, I understand that this way they can transmit sound waves to their unique ears. They can't hear them but they can feel them. As long as the huge vibration passes, they will die." Lele nodded admiringly. The admiring expression, "That means you can still think of ideas while escaping, if we just plunged into the woods."

"And those two knives are placed in a figure eight facing outwards, like a rolled up book, forming a sound wave amplifier, right" Hao Zhi slapped his head and exclaimed, "Smart."

"Yeah, or else, I asked Diandian to hold the handle with both hands, and her own bone transmission can also transmit this powerful vibration to the steel blade, and then double it into the ground, but fortunately the frequency of the sound wave is strong enough. , If the voice of ordinary people like us, it would not have any feeling even if they called death. The transmission of vibration is negligible."

"Then it would be nice if I did this directly on the beach," Jia Jia said regretfully, "you don't have to run like a fire in your butt. "ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"It definitely doesn't work on the beach. The softness and gaps between the sands can't transmit sound waves at all. Fortunately, we ran up here. The fine structure of these rocks is also a key element that can deter spiders and crabs with sound waves." Ke Ke explained patiently.

"Anyway, what should I do now that the food is still in the camp?" Little dot quickly found her most concerned problem.

"There is no way, there are that kind of crabs everywhere on the beach. There is only one dead end when we go back. Let's hold on here. I think the sky is about to dawn. Only when it's dawn, it is possible to go back and get our spare food and leftovers. The three war knives underneath" Ke Ke raised her head and looked at the starry sky, the sky turned navy blue, slightly whitish, and the Venus star had begun to appear faintly.

"You just said that the silk of these spider crabs is a good rope, can you sell it for money?" Jia Jia squatted down and picked up a dead spider crab, unexpectedly pulling out a slime from its big claws. It was thick and thick. Long, it immediately becomes silk when it encounters air.

"Maybe, after all, it's something I haven't seen before, and things are rare and expensive," Lu Xun said," Ke Ke said with a smile.

Jia Jia, a little bit, twisted the pulled silk thread like a woolen thread into a ball. It took five or six meters to pull out. It was very light and thin. Like silk, she was treated as a treasure, and she was put in her trouser pocket. inside.

"I feel so sleepy" Little yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"You, foodies and slackers, the emergency situation just passed, you can still feel sleepy" Hao Zhi pointed at the dots, but suddenly his eyes widened, "Ah, what is that?"

The voice of "what" suddenly fainted. Several people gathered around and took a look, and found that under the collar of the neck, there was a very small spider crab. The size of a slap.

"Ah, I remember. Just before I squatted down and shouted at the crabs, I saw something ejected from the ground. I didn't see it very clearly. I thought I was dazzled. "Little Crab" Jia Jia yelled.

"You were bitten by it." Lele took off the little crab that was still biting on the neck. It had been shaken to death a long time ago, with a little bit of skin sandwiched between its huge claws.

"Strange, I don't even feel any pain when bitten by it"

"It must be that the situation just now is too urgent, you are not paying attention at all, and" Ke Ke frowned worriedly, "If you don't even feel the pain when it bites you, it means that there is something in its body. Anesthetic substances, just like you can't notice when a mosquito bites you, it anesthetizes your local skin before you start to **** blood"

"Anaesthesia" several people shouted in unison.

"No wonder I feel so sleepy." A little bit of eyelids can hardly be opened, and the wound on the bitten neck was slightly red, and then quickly swollen.

"God, we forgot. In addition to being able to spin silk, spiders are poisonous." Ke Ke checked his injuries, "Diandian must have been poisoned by spider crabs."

"What's in me" was halfway through the words, and she crooked and fell into Jia Jia's arms. Jia Jia held her up and shook her desperately, "A little bit, you wake up, you are not sleeping now. Are you okay then"

Wang Yanke squatted down and felt a little pulse: "Don't shake it, she can't wake up, there should be no life-threatening. Spider venom is mostly not for lethality, but to paralyze the opponent, so as to **** the body fluids of the prey, I The poison in Diandian is similar. She will only fall into a coma and fall asleep. After a period of time, as long as the heart does not fail, she will slowly wake up."

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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