Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 281: Genetic secrets

?? Lin Tao holding a box in his hand, standing alone in the hall on the third floor of the basement, the busy scientific personnel are still working hard to maintain the operation of the entire Ultrain computer, he understands that no one will bother himself, because He Gang No, he is the supreme leader here.

"You, come here!" He pointed to one of the staff members, "Who is the person in charge here?"

"The head of the report, it's me!" A man with a short head stood up from a pile of instruments and saluted a standard military salute. "I am the general technical staff here."

"Well, tell me, how do I get into the terminal room?" He lifted the box in his hand again, feeling uneasy.

"In the past, only Commander He had the authority. No one else was allowed to enter. Of course, in addition to his fingerprints and voice, there is a set of alternatives to avoid temporarily opening this terminal room when he is personally inconvenient. However, that requires the personal identification codes of more than two military-level leaders..."

"Oh, I see, do you have an identification code?"

"As the general instructor of maintenance technicians, I have a set of my own identification code."

"tell me!"


"This is an order!"

"Yes!" The staff officer stood at attention "pop", then attached to Lin Tao's ear and said a series of English and numbers.

Lin Tao silently memorized it, then turned and walked towards the terminal room, and entered the two sets of personal identification codes of himself and that of the general technical staff in order. The door opened and the lights inside automatically turned on.

He turned around, rapped, and stood in front of Master Guan with a pious expression on his face.

"I didn't do this for myself, Commander He was stubborn, not only hindering all mankind's right to eternal life, even his own life, I...I must fulfill his unfulfilled duties for him!" Muttered, squatted down, and opened the safe in his hand...

What's inside is a stack of documents. It is the human genome atlas that he just copied from an old professor of ergonomics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences two days ago. It is the latest scientific research result.

Afterwards, he took out the voice recorder from his pocket, and at the same time, the cold female voice rang in the terminal room: "Please verify the voice identity!"

He pressed the play button, and what was broadcast there was the last time he came here with He Gang, secretly recorded Peking Opera episodes.

"Identity verification passed..." Not long after, the indicator lights in Master Guan's eyes lit up, the display terminal was activated, and an electronically synthesized male voice echoed in the narrow space, "It's you, what do you come to find me? Something?"

"I have carefully considered your proposal on the development of human bioengineering, and feel that what you said is right. As long as humans cannot break through this limitation, they will never be able to make great progress. Nowadays, capitalism is rampant and the country’s poor and the people are weak. We are urgent. Need to develop and grow, prosper the country and strengthen the army...

Therefore, I decided to ask you to help us, to help us complete the next road to go, the army needs, the people need! Commander He needs it more! Every one of our people in China needs it, and even the entire mankind will thank you for it! "

"Please show the information on the input terminal..." The male voice did not contain any emotional elements, and was terribly calm.

"That's it, is that?" Lin Tao raised the printed materials in his hand. Suddenly, from Master Guan's eyes, a red laser beam shot out, forming a bright red spot on the paper. It was scanning the materials... …

One page was completed, Lin Tao turned the second page and continued scanning...

Xu Zhe drove a military Land Rover, blaring sirens all the way through every red light encountered. He Gang stared straight ahead in the co-pilot's position, his face blank. Before the guard fence could be fully lifted, it was broken by Land Rover galloping over and slumped to the side. The guard recognized that it was the commander's car and did not dare to speak.

Xu Zhe stopped the car, jumped out of the cockpit, and quickly ran to the other side of the car, trying to pick He Gang down.

"When is it all? Leave me alone, you go first! By the way, take a few people, and you must stop him anyway," He Gang ordered, then paused and added, "When necessary... ...You can shoot!"

"Yes!" Xu Zhe turned and rushed into the huge stone porch of the underground palace, nodding his hands to greet the two soldiers standing guard, "Come with me!"

The three people quickly ran towards the hidden elevator behind the tomb. After verifying their identity information, the disguised mirror suddenly flashed in half, revealing the elevator inside, and the two little guards were dumbfounded.

In the terminal room, there was not much information left in Lin Tao's hand. He raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, turning to the last page. At this moment, the door was knocked open with a bang, and Xu Zhe appeared panting. At the door, he went up and kicked off the information in Lin Tao's hand. The printing paper flew up like snow flakes and scattered all over the floor.

"Scanning interrupted, please try again!" The electronic sounder played.

"You? What are you doing?" Lin Tao demanded, clutching his kicked hand.

"Guard! Cuff this person to me!" Xu Zhe roared.

"Why? What do you want to do?" Lin Tao raised his voice, "Isn't I doing this for your good?"

"Put P!" Xu Zhe went up and grabbed Lin Tao by the collar, dragged him out of the terminal room, and then ordered the two guards behind him, "Pick up the paper on the ground and keep it as evidence!"

"Yes!" Although the two little guards didn't know what happened, they still knew who had the higher official title.

Outside the door, Lin Tao relied on being younger, and threw away Xu Zhe and grabbed his hand: "Xu Zhe! Haven't you figured it out? Only in this way can you save Lao He! Do you want to watch him die? ?"

"You!" Xu Zhe was so angry that he couldn't speak. "Can you think about things for a while?"

"I don't care about anything else! I only know that this will keep him alive!"

"Who doesn't want to live on a good day? Do you think Lao He doesn't know the benefits of living? Doesn't he want to watch his daughter get happiness? Doesn't he want to hug his grandson with his own hands? You? I think there is something that will make a person give up such an opportunity?" Xu Zhe shouted angrily.

"What? What is more important than his life?" Lin Tao was speechless for a moment, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Of course it is the life of all mankind!" Xu Zhe's voice fell helplessly, "You fellow, you are too impulsive to do things!"

"Put P, ​​aren't we doing this so that humans can live longer?" Lin Tao stubbornly defended.

"Childish!" A voice sounded behind the two of them. Although not very loud, it was full of solemn power, and the hands of the two torn and beating instantly stopped.

"Alien civilization has indeed given us a lot of help in the past period of time, but have you ever thought that our human beings have the last secret for them-this is the gene carried in our body! They! Knowing our genetic makeup is equivalent to mastering all our weaknesses...

If you meet a tiger in a wasteland, you know that you should attack its belly, which is the softest place.

If you encounter a snake, you know that you should fight Qicun, because that is its culprit.

But what if in the vast universe, you encounter a creature that is completely unfamiliar to you, or even beyond your imagination? "

"You mean, this is why the alien civilization keeps asking us to surrender our genetic map?" Lin Tao's voice trembled because of fear, and he began to realize what he had done!

"Yes! Physical constants are universal knowledge in the universe, but there are countless possibilities for biological forms. It is this genetic uniqueness that allows our identity to be kept secret, and it is also our final card!

Although we rely on alien civilizations, we don't fully trust them. If we tell them our genetic map, we will teach them the most direct way to kill themselves! "

He Gang's voice pierced Lin Tao's chest like a knife, and he sat on the ground in despair.

Xu Zhe pointed to Lin Tao disappointedly and said: "I thought you were not such a stupid When I first came here, Master Guan had repeatedly mentioned asking for our genetic map, but Mr. He sternly refused. Don't you feel that something is wrong?

Moreover, the fact that the Americans have the original data of the many notes indicates that they have naturally already mastered the technology of the alien civilization, otherwise they will not develop so quickly to the present.

However, in spite of this, General Gantt still wants the bioengineering part of the many notes we have. Why don't they ask their Master Guan directly?

Because they also understand this truth, even the truth that Gantt's big bosses understand, you didn't even want to understand it? "

"How much data has been scanned?" He Gang asked.


"How much is it?" Xu Zhe also asked anxiously.

Lin Tao's voice was as small as a mosquito and replied, "Only the last few lines...have not been scanned yet!"

"You club!" Xu Zhe flew up and kicked Lin Tao to the ground...

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