Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 282: He Gang's death

?? "I want to send you to a military court! You have no military discipline, blatantly violated the will of the organization, without going through the hearing of the committee, privately made major mistakes that threaten the lives of all mankind, and you will not be shot. Too much!" Xu Zhe roared.

"Isn't I also to save Commander He's life? He..." Lin Tao flushed with anxiety, almost crying, "He... he may not be able to survive the end of the month!"

"Well, maybe it's not that serious!" He Gang's voice suddenly became a little more euphemistic.

"Commander, why do you say that?" A hint of surprise and puzzlement flashed across Xu Zhe's face.

"Maybe the situation is not as serious as you think, Old Xu...As long as the information is not completely scanned, in fact, even if it is one line short, they will not have all the information at all. You must know the genetic similarity between gorillas and humans. There are 99%, and the difference is 1%, which is a world of difference!"


"No, no, since the matter is not serious enough, don't pursue it too much." He Gang patted Xu Zhe on the shoulder, "Even if the scan is finished, you can't solve the problem if you shoot him now."

Perhaps as a person who has come to the end of life, he has realized the preciousness and rareness of life. He Gang made the decision to spare Lin Tao at the last juncture, hoping that he would cherish his hard-earned right to survival.

As a soldier, this is almost the first time in his life and the only time he has failed to demand himself and others in accordance with the highest standards.

"Well, oh... Lao He, Lao He! What's wrong with you?" Xu Zhe was halfway talking, but suddenly he saw the huge beads of sweat rolling down He Gang's face, and Lin Tao quickly got up from the ground. Catch He Gang who is about to fall.

"It is estimated that I ran too fast just now, and it affected..." He Gang clutched his right abdomen, trembling with pain.

"Hurry up, come here, take the commander out, Xiao Zhang, you immediately call the No. 1 Hospital of the Military Region and ask them to prepare for all consultations and enter the first level of combat readiness!" Xu Zhe ordered.

Hao Zhi brushed and opened the curtains, letting the morning sun shine into the head of state's office. He felt a little uncomfortable just after a moment of indulgence and depression. Everyone understood. Before and after the contact, they also understood why Lin Tao. To call himself "the sinner of mankind", the words that the wise Eke said at the beginning, the "civilization code" of the people on earth-the gene map, is what Lin Tao leaked to the aliens!

In the past two decades, everything he has done, even at the expense of himself to modify history, is to redeem his sins and to make up for the mistake he committed at that time...

Three days later, in the military area hospital, He Beibei in front of the hospital bed held his father's hand, kneeled in front of the bed, and whispered to his father: "Dad, dad... Political commissar Xu and Political commissar Lin are coming to see you again!"

He Gang opened half of his eyes with difficulty, and squinted to see two honest men standing in front of him, holding boxes of snacks and a bag of bananas in his hands.

"Commander, are you okay?" Xu Zhe bent over and asked softly.

He Gang's lips moved without making a sound...

"Dad, what are you talking about?" He Beibei put her ear to her father's mouth, listened, nodded, then stood up, took her husband out, and Xu Zhe pulled a chair by the bed and sat down. Try to move forward, get close to He Gang, and listen to him.

"It must... It must be ahead of the Americans and complete the work of extending human life. In the next 50 years, the speed of our country's scientific and technological progress... It depends..." He Gang's voice was very weak and his lips were pale. There was no blood.

Xu Zhe nodded, his expression firm.

And Lin Tao behind him couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes. As a left and right hand who was promoted all the way by He Gang from the deputy battalion level, he was always grateful to He Gang. He regarded He Gang as a Your own teacher, your own elders, and even your own father, otherwise they would not act so impulsively.

Lin Tao turned around and wiped a tear, and at this moment, He Gang motioned Xu Zhe with his eyes to bring his ear closer. He moved his lips and said the last word in life...

Only Xu Zhe heard this sentence!

When Lin Tao turned around, he saw Xu Zhe walking towards the door of the ward. He gently said to He Beibei outside the door: "General He, go..."

This simple sentence was like a bolt from the blue. He Beibei fell to the ground in an instant, and then rushed into the ward, leaning on He Gang's body, shaking and shouting desperately. Her husband tried his best to support her with his hands behind him. To prevent her from falling...

By the window, Lin Tao couldn't move another step, but his knees fell on the spot, and he also knelt down in the ward!

Walking out of the gate of the hospital, it was the evening when the setting sun was about to set. The golden sun was shining on the square in front of the hospital. There were shops on the roadside with various gifts and flowers for visiting patients. Several children practiced on the square. Skating, there are two old people squatting on the bus stop board to play chess. No one knows that another life in this world has entered the long river of history and has become a symbol in history, a memory, and a life for them. People who have struggled for a better life, have given their lives.

Xu Zhe and Lin Tao walked towards the military area building together, both of them felt like a heavy iron mass was pressed in their hearts, and neither of them spoke.

When he walked to the gate of the military area compound, Xu Zhe took the initiative to stop: "I'm going to arrange the affairs of the general and prepare what should be prepared. You can find a correspondent and distribute the news to various functional offices to notify me of condolences. The time and place of the meeting, and related precautions..."

Lin Tao stared into Xu Zhe’s eyes and did not speak for a long time. According to his understanding of Xu Zhe in the past few years, this person has always been very scheming. Compared with He Gang’s wit, he can almost be called cunning. Xu Zhecong He doesn’t express his emotions and attitudes easily. What you see from his face is always a sophisticated and calm and calm, but when he talks to you about something, he always thinks about it in his heart. Another thing.

In the end, Lin Tao gave a "um", and then quickly walked towards his office. Xu Zhe looked at his hastily back and snorted lightly in his nose. A black car that followed far behind drove over, and the glass was lowered. , Xu Zhe confessed to the people inside: "Be prepared for everything and be ready to act at any time! This person is not easy to deal with..."

Lin Tao returned to his office, carefully looked outside the door, and then silently closed the door. He looked outside the door for a while, feeling that no one was watching him, so he hurried out and drove out of the military compound...

Xu Zhe, on the other hand, stood in He Gang’s office for a long time, recalling the life of this old chief, the life of a bumpy and determined soldier...

After working together for so many years, Xu Zhe has always regarded He Gang as his own role model, secretly learning from him, his way of thinking, and even the tone of his speech. Xu Zhe hopes that one day he can be like him. The world is the goal of life, to achieve a career.

In particular, having the splendor in the chest and holding the grace and demeanor of the world in his hands are the goals I have pursued throughout my life.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and the guard came in with red eyes. It seems that he also knew the news of He Gang's death, so his voice was a little hoarse. Perhaps he had just hid in the toilet and cried. The tears of soldiers are never shown. .

"Report!" the guard shouted hoarsely.

"Say," Xu Zhe held his hands behind his back, did not turn his head, still looking up at a calligraphy work on the wall. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"The Ultrain computer has been overhauled, and the faults in the third functional area have been eliminated, and... the access control system for entering the Ultrain ventricle has been modified, and all the permissions related to the deputy political commissar Lin have been deleted."

"Well, very good!" Xu Zhe nodded, "Has Commander-in-Chief He's obituary been issued? The farewell ceremony for the remains will be held in the morning the day after tomorrow. The relevant personnel of all units and fraternal units must be notified that all relevant personnel must participate. Also, let the secretarial office The person in charge of, writes the eulogy more carefully, and pay attention to it...

Also, hurry up and report the ********, please the central government to approve and instruct He Lao’s funeral specifications and standards, and ask the person in charge of the Propaganda Section to contact CCTV to report the news of the general’s death. If necessary, You must prepare the obituary documents in the news network, and don’t give it to those reporters to write them. You can’t write them with a hammer, and you will be in a hurry if you make temporary corrections..."

"Yes!...Yes!" The guard lowered his head and recorded every detail of Xu Zhe's arrangement in a notebook, then clamped it to his side, saluted another military salute, and went out.

On the other hand, Lin Tao is already driving a car on the outer ring road out of the market. He wants to prove one thing, and behind him, the mysterious black car is still closely following...<;"> ;

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