Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 998: 2nd Tier 5 Territory

After hearing Du You's words, the two sisters finally felt relieved. No way, the two of them were really shocked by Du You's physical strength.

   After taking a good rest during this period, Du You did more work at night than before, and each time took longer. The two sisters have the ability to communicate with each other. They were already in a weak position, and now they are even more unable to do so. TV update is the fastest/ /

   It seems that you have to help the owner find a woman to share the burden earlier, it will be dead if it goes on.

  Think about it, instead of dying on the battlefield, he died on the bed. This method of death is too shameful.

   While thinking wildly, the two sisters were absorbed into the passage opened by Du You. Looking at this familiar space channel, the three of them still had lingering fears. It was really too much of the shadow left by the last incident.

   Fortunately, there is no problem with this channel. You know, they have been reported in the news before.

   Yes, just two days ago, a newspaper reported this incident. The Dark Dragon Valley is quite famous because it is a rare fragmented world. As a result, a fragment collapsed directly, and the force generated was very strong.

   This force has spread to several fragmented worlds nearby, and the impact is not small. The newspaper also stated that an unlucky team was on the shattered shard. As a result, there is no news so far, I am afraid that the group is destroyed.

  Du You and the others only then realized that there was another team in that fragmented world. It's just that they haven't encountered such a small world, and they don't know if those people are hiding well or they just entered later. All in all, Du You can only say sorry, this person he has never seen before, is considered to have suffered his own innocent disaster.

   The three people were vomited out of the space channel, and the place where they appeared was the secret room of the city of mountains. As soon as he walked out of the secret room, Du You saw Salia and Luo Jia, both of them looking at him excitedly.

   "Lord, you are here, our territory has reached the fifth-tier standard."

   Saria's voice was extremely excited, and her territory reached Tier 5, which meant that Saria could finally take revenge. The vast sea kingdom has always been there, and now it can finally be solved once and for all.

   Luo Jia is even more excited. The reason why Luo Jia is excited is because of the advancement of the territory, which allows the influence of the territory to expand, and then a kingdom can be established. As the elder of the kingdom, his status will be greatly improved.

   Now, the glory of my family can finally be carried forward in my own hands. Moreover, with the ability of his own lord, it is not impossible to become an empire in the future. Once the territory reaches Tier 6, it is not as simple as a Tier 6 combat power, but a steady stream of Tier 6 arms, more and more of the kind.

   Now that the two people said they were not excited, it was false, even Du You himself was very excited.

   The two sisters who finally came back to their senses, while happy, looked at Salia's flushing face, their eyes gradually became ambiguous and scrutinized. This woman is very good, loyal and capable, and she seems to be of good physical quality.

   Although she is a spellcaster, women in this world are physically fine. It's a pity Aisha is too young, otherwise you can try it too. The two people looked at each other and knew what their ideals were.

  Du You didn't notice the strange eyes of the two sisters, and walked out directly into the lobby of the Lord's Mansion.

   "Okay, I'm going to start the advancement. According to the situation of the last advancement, it should take more than a day. Everyone adjusts their mentality and prepares to expand the battle. We will strive to take the Hanhai Kingdom in one effort."

   Salia has been waiting for this day for a long time, and now it has finally arrived. Although several years have passed in this world, it is less than ten years, which is not a long time for cultivators. But Saria seems to have been waiting for a lifetime, every time she thinks of her home being burned in the fire, Saria feels like a knife.

   Not only Salia was excited at this time, but the other maids and assistants who followed Salia were also in the same mood.

   There is also my homeland, now I can finally go back. Some of their relatives are still alive and not dead, but their lives are very difficult. The mobile terminal will remember "→m.\\B\\iq\\u\\g\\o\\m" in one second to provide you with wonderful \\fiction reading.

   It is a pity that they have a hostile relationship with the Hanhai Kingdom, and it is impossible to bring their relatives back. Even they dare not expose their relationship with each other. Because once exposed, relatives will face the danger of death.

   Every time they think of this, they feel like a knife.

   Now, watching the burning Kyanite coins and the shining lord’s mansion, everyone feels that all of this is about to come to an end. The reason why the Hanhai Kingdom has been fierce these years is because there is a fifth-tier existence.

   The burst of light continued for a whole day, and everyone’s mood slowly calmed down throughout the day. But although the mood has calmed down, the expectation in my heart has not disappeared, but has become stronger and stronger.

   One day later, the Lord's Mansion took the lead in changing its appearance, becoming larger and more luxurious. The subsequent changes are the Flame Tower and the Skill Hall. These are all advanced directly with the advancement of the territory and no additional advancement is required.

   Especially the high flame tower, the fire cloud in the sky is more dense and wider. The tower was even taller, and even the flame giants around the tower began to enlarge their bodies with a roar.

   It didn't take long for these flame giants to rise to the fifth level little by little. At that time, just the power used for defense will be enough to make anyone feel scared and depressed.

   But at this time, Du You secretly calculated in his heart, I am afraid it will take about a month. Although these flame giants have improved their own strength because of the high flame tower, this kind of improvement is not instantaneous after all.

   These flame giants seem to be practicing, but the training time has been greatly shortened. While roaring, the flame giant kept absorbing the surrounding fire elements, making his body bigger and bigger.

   Such a big movement, people inside and outside the territory are not blind, they can see it. It's just that they don't even know what happened for the time being. In this case, there is no need to explain to anyone.

   "Let's start building." Du You took out the blueprints of the Sky Splitting Wizard Tower and the blueprints of the Flame Castle to Saria. Salia ran out, and the workers and materials that had been prepared were already in place.

   "I'm really excited. By the way, the battle on the border has already begun."

   "Lord Enlightenment, I have ordered to go down, the full-scale attack has been launched. At most three days, we will be able to completely take down the seaside."

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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