Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 997: Double happiness

Originally, Du You had been purchasing the fifth-tier drawings, but the resources he could produce were not enough, so at the fifth-tier level, Du You had not acquired any drawings.

   But what I didn't expect is that in the past few days, luck really came, and I actually typed out a Tier 5 blueprint by myself.

  The reason is not that he fought, but his territory in the giant world. Because the world of giants has been controlled, there is a very small chance that soldiers in their own territory will be able to explode when attacking the enemy.

   Some time ago, Du You didn't know what was going on. A group of flame giants suddenly attacked his territory. Among the flame giants, there are two hidden Tier 5 flame giants, which have not been cleaned up after such a long hunt.

   But now they took the initiative to stand up, and as a result, they were crushed to death by the finger of their guardian giant. That's how luck came. The guardian giant killed a lot of enemies, but this was the first time there was a harvest. As soon as the gains appeared, he directly gave himself a blueprint, and it still reached the fifth-order arms blueprint.

   Even because I don’t know what has changed, this drawing is not based on giants, but on humans.

   Flame Castle Blueprint (Level 5): You can build a flame castle in your territory.

   The introduction is very simple, but this is a Tier 5 unit building, which is the same as my own Ice City, and the suffix of the drawing is actually a castle. This shows that this building is not small, so the unit is probably very strong.

   Of course, these are all Du You's own guesses, but what is actually going on will not be known until after it is built. This thing is the same as opening a treasure chest, in many cases luck is the most important thing.

   If it really had a suffix such as a castle, it would be great, and it was impossible for the Academy to give itself the blueprint of the Ice City.

   Getting a Tier 5 unit building can be considered a very big concern for myself.

   "How about it, things are good, what rewards do you want to give me. This time I took the guardian giant to attack these attackers." Li Mengyao put on a charming look in front of Du You.

   Du You's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Du You quickly picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, which suppressed this feeling. "Hehe, you are the top of our territory, just say what you want."

   Du You was a little depressed. Since he had a blood lineage, he seemed to be more and more unable to control his desires and hopes. Du You himself couldn't help it. He just remembered now that the dragons seemed to have this kind of personality. But he didn't have much room to choose. Except for the Shadow Dragon, Du You didn't know what bloodline he should choose.

   I hope this blood line will not affect me too much. Perhaps, he should find a spiritual skill to improve his spiritual power. He doesn't want to become a humanoid self-propelled artillery in the future.

   Contrary to Du You, after Li Mengyao noticed Du You's eyes, a flash of joy flashed in her heart.

   "This wood finally feels for me." Li Mengyao was secretly delighted.

   Although Du You's performance was very eye-catching, Li Mengyao knew that she did have some interest in Du You. Not entirely because of the needs of the family, Du You's own conditions, many women are also difficult to resist.

   Maybe others don't know, but as an insider of the company, Li Mengyao knows Du You's situation better.

   has reached level 36, this level is not weak, and many skills have broken through the first threshold. With the speed of Du You earning crystal coins, if this continues, there is no problem at all to reach Tier 5 before graduation.

   Not to mention, Du You still has a blood line, although Li Mengyao doesn't know what blood line it is. However, Li Mengyao could feel that Du You's breath was definitely stronger than that by using some special secret methods passed down by the family.

   A strong pedigree can instantly increase the strength of professionals several times. Think of Du You's basic strength before, and on this basis, now Li Mengyao can't imagine Du You's strength.

   At least in the academy, none of these students are Du You's opponents, even if they graduated for many years, there are few such characters. Thinking of this, Li Mengyao felt that she was even more excited.

   Just when the atmosphere between the two people became more and more ambiguous, Du You suddenly felt that his panel had a prompt.

   Du You's expression changed and he opened the panel. Li Mengyao was a little disappointed. He knew that Du You had something to do. If it weren't for this **** thing, maybe I could push the relationship between the two people a step further.

   Really, such a good opportunity is usually hard to find. There are not many opportunities to avoid Xi Qianxue and contact Du You alone. With Xi Qianxue by his side, the atmosphere would never reach this level.

   There is no way, it is because Du You is too passive. This kind of person is very reassuring after chasing, but before it is successful, it is extremely difficult, like a stinky stone.

   At this time, Du You didn't have the mind to pay attention to Li Mengyao, because there was another good news.

   It’s Salia who just contacted across the world to contact me directly. Because of his territory, he finally reached the advanced standard, and his experience value was completely satisfied. After a difficult battle with the Hanhai Kingdom, now his territory can finally be advanced to Tier 5. Thinking of this, Du You himself was also very excited.

   Playing chess pieces on the Yalan Continent, now it's finally time to harvest. From then on, on the Yalan Continent, even the Shenyan Empire would never dare to do anything about himself easily.

   Du You raised his head and said: "I have important things, so I won't waste your time. By the way, what else do you have now." Du You can't speak in a roundabout way, which Li Mengyao has long known.

   But when Du You said so, Li Mengyao was still a little angry.

   stomped lightly: "Since you still have things to do, then go and work." After that, Li Mengyao turned and left.

   "What's the matter, did I offend her?" Du You saw Li Mengyao suddenly change his face, his tone became very blunt, and he was really puzzled. But forget it, the advanced territory is more important.

   During this time, there are a lot of Azurite Coins earned through the Central City. These Azurite Coins can not be used to advance and upgrade new territories. Thinking of this, Du You quickly dragged out the two sisters who were studying the materials.

   "Master, are you not enough? We are really tired today." The two sisters shouted quickly.

   Du You said angrily: "It's not this thing. Let's go to the city of mountains now. The city of mountains can be advanced."

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