Bibi Bird came to Viridian Forest and fully turned on the killing mode.

Looking around, there are no enemies around it.

A violent storm came down, and Kazuki's green caterpillars fell to the ground, all in a coma.

This caused Bibi Bird's initially cheerful desire to fight to be exhausted over time.

Pokémon such as Unicorn Bug or Green Caterpillar will evolve into Bad Butterfly and Giant Needle Bee.

Xiaofeng has not considered subduing it yet.

Breeding pressure is not the most important thing.

After all, the system's current supply resources are given to Xiaofeng on a per-capita basis.

Therefore, Xiaofeng can now build a team of his own at will.

As for the choice of insect Pokémon.

Xiaofeng still had some ideas in his mind.

Just analyze it from the perspective of Kanto.

Relatively speaking, he was more optimistic about the flying mantis and the late-entering moth.

Strength is another matter.

The critical evolutionary cycle is relatively long.

This allows Xiaofeng to experience the joy of growing up with them

"Bibi Bird~~Forget it...Just rest!"

"Mountain rat! Use high-speed rotation to attack trees...The Pokémon that fell under the tree are left to you!"

"Evolve the hot monkey!"

Seeing the fiery monkey standing next to him gearing up,

Xiaofeng decided to let the opponent enter the mega evolution state for the battle.

This would allow it to exercise its control over the power of mega evolution in actual combat.

At the same time, it would also be able to greatly improve its abilities in the game. After the mega evolution, the commotion here naturally attracted the attention of the other two Pokémon.

They had already fainted due to the Poké Ball power last time. It's the first time they see it, and they will naturally become curious.

In fact, the memory of mega evolution is hidden in the genes of every Pokémon. Otherwise, they would not be very familiar with this power.

Mega Stone has an urgent idea.

Now with the help of humans, it is commendable that they can regain this new power.


, after completing the evolution, the fiery throat jumped into a tall and towering giant. In front of the tree, it quickly raised its fist, rounded it and hit it straight on the tree trunk.

With a strong trembling sound, the large number of Pokémon on the tree trunk shook violently.

Scattered flowers rolled down from the tree.

This was a situation where the Fiery Monkey controlled its strength extremely delicately.

If the other Fiery Monkeys had broken the tree directly, there would be more than a dozen Pokémon falling to the ground. The golden-yellow iron-shelled pupa is a necessary process for the unicorn beetle to evolve into a giant needle bee.

Before it completes its evolution, it will feed on the branches and leaves on the tree trunk and compete with the iron-shelled pupa that the green caterpillar has evolved.


Xiaofeng, who didn't pay much attention at first, suddenly heard a familiar sound.

The dozen or so iron-shelled pupae that fell from the tree seemed to be irritated.

Their bodies were instantly wrapped in white light.

The hard shells cracked directly..

Something emerged from the golden insect chrysalis.

When the white light dissipated, a dozen menacing giant needle bees were already in array, raising their sharp stingers and looking at Xiao

Feng. The noise of bees rang in Xiaofeng's ears.

Looking at the group of opponents he created, the corners of Fiery Monkey's mouth raised slightly, and he shot out in a lunge.

They wanted to avoid the sharp attack, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of the fire.

With a flash of light, the fire monkey kicked directly on the body of a large needle bee that couldn't dodge.

The powerful shock wave caused the sting bees to be knocked away and hit several other companions behind them.

In an instant, the swarm of bees was directly embedded in the soil.

The poisonous stingers were quickly projected from another direction.

Refers to the Fiery Monkey.

However , when facing the opponent's attack, the Fiery Monkey turned around and punched out, smashing the poisonous needles into pieces.

With his free hand, he directly condensed a zhenqi bomb into his chest and threw it towards the giant needle bees on the other side.


There was a violent explosion.

All the dozen or so giant needle bees in front of me fell to the ground.

On the other hand, the fiery monkey didn't even breathe faster.......

Under this battle rhythm, the group of people steadily advanced into the interior of Viridian Forest.

Worried about getting lost.

Xiaofeng did not choose a trail or take a shortcut or any other unreliable things.

Just keep going along the main road.

As we go deeper into the forest.

He did see many insect-catching teenagers who dressed themselves up to match the color of the surrounding grass.

After seeing Xiaofeng, these children, who were only five or six years old, were very excited to start a so-called battle between trainers with him.

The result, of course, was that Xiaofeng defeated all the children in the area with a record of 23:0.

Of course...

Xiaofeng did not just have technical exchanges with these teenagers.

Through the battle, he gained some understanding of the distribution of Pokémon in the areas surrounding Viridian Forest.

At the same time, a child also told Xiaofeng a so-called secret.

And after hearing this secret.

Xiaofeng gave up the original path and went directly into the side road.

After walking for about two hours according to the map, we finally arrived at our destination.

"Is this the place?"

The place Xiaofeng was dealing with at this time was shown on the map as the Wasteland Ruins.

It can be analyzed from the unique arrangement of rocks and the special shape covered by climbing vegetation.

There should have been some kind of ruins in this area before..

There used to be a human community living in the Viridian Forest.

This had to make Xiaofeng think of someone with the power of Viridian City, the Gym Leader....

Times have changed.

The ruins have long since been re-covered by trees and vegetation.

The reason why Xiaofeng appears here is because of a child's joke.

He said that just in the past few days, he was doing field work.

I accidentally walked into this area.

Then a terrifying giant needle wasp nearly two meters tall was spotted in the air.

To ordinary people, these words might just sound like a child's fantasy, but Xiaofeng was very concerned about it.

Although the child may not be that mature in terms of behavior.

But sometimes, what a child says is the truth that can really be used as evidence.

Maybe in most people’s world view.

The two-meter-tall giant needle wasp does not exist.

But Xiaofeng knew very well that if it was an overlord Pokémon.

That's a different matter.

You must know that in the past life, there were so many overlord Pokémon in that corner of the Alola Islands.

In a place rich in natural resources like the Viridian Forest.

How is it possible that there isn’t even one Overlord Pokémon?

It is precisely because of this...

With this thought.

Xiaofeng comes here to find out the truth.

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