Face the situation at hand.

The three Pokémon following Xiaofeng were also a little wary.

After they arrived in this area, they always felt that there was a vague force, as if suppressing their strength.

The feeling is like breathing the muggy air on a rainy day.

Due to the heavy rain yesterday.

The smell in the forest today has a fresher feeling.

This also made the Pokémon who have always been familiar with this feeling.

Now in this weird place, he looks a little restless.

Observe your surroundings carefully.

Do not know why...

There is surprisingly no Pokémon activity around here.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

In such a large area, Xiaofeng didn't believe that no Pokémon would live in this place.

If this really happens.

There is only one possibility...

There are some anomalies in this area

"Bibi Bird flew up and looked down at this area!"

"If any abnormal target is found,"

"Just send me a message."

Searching aimlessly, the progress is still too slow.

At this time, the role of the flying troops is reflected.

After hearing Xiaofeng's request, Bibi Bird nodded.

It flapped its wings and flew high into the sky.

Its keen eyes quickly looking for targets on the ground


It only took 30 seconds for the Bibi bird in the air to discover some abnormalities in the surrounding environment.

"Well done! let's go!"

"Get up to speed! There might be something big later...."

"Hot Monkey adjusts his status!"

"Stay in full swing to face possible opponents!"

After bypassing several rows of tall trees, the breeze passed over a low-lying basin.

After sweeping away the thorns on both sides, we continued to move forward.

The environment in front of us suddenly became clear.

There was not a single tall tree around. We were completely overwhelmed. covered with low grass...

At the same time, many rows of various tree and fruit vegetation are growing in an orderly manner.

Facing this situation...

The two Pokémon next to Bibi and Xiaofeng picked the berries from the tree with excitement on their faces.

Then stuff it into your mouth

"Bibi Bird, is this the abnormal situation you are talking about?!"


The helpless Xiaofeng looked confused at this time.

But he couldn't blame Bibi Bird.

After all, Bibi Bird didn't understand what he was thinking.

For it, the giant needle bee was the same, so it didn't care. I ordered it.

Seeing these guys eating so happily,

Xiaofeng also picked a blue orange fruit and took a bite.

It had a sweet taste that reminded him of the taste of blueberries....

This world is really rich in natural resources.

Not only are there fruits and vegetables that Xiaofeng had eaten in real life in his previous life.

There are also endless tree fruits that suit the taste of Pokémon.

Of course, most tree fruits are not suitable for human consumption.


The target was not found, but Xiaofeng was not discouraged. Anyway, it was just an idea of adventure.

Now it would be nice to add a backpack.

Thinking this way, Xiaofeng became more and more skillful in picking fruits from the trees.

However, just when he was extremely comfortable putting some fruits from the tree into his backpack.

The Bibi bird suddenly began to call urgently.

Xiaofeng subconsciously looked at Bibi Bird.

I found that the other party was nodding desperately at this time....

This prompted Xiaofeng to turn his head and look behind him.


Just when Xiaofeng realized something had happened.

It's already too late.

In the process of turning around.

A black figure has completely overwhelmed Xiaofeng's sight.

This caused his original turning back to stop halfway.

Cold sweat broke out instantly.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

Xiaofeng could feel the enormity of the creature behind him.

Heavy breathing accompanied the sounds of thunderstorms.

Apparently the real owner has appeared

"Roar~" At this critical moment, the pangolin rat and the fiery monkey started to take action immediately because they were closer to Xiaofeng.

The pangolin rat quickly shrank its body into a ball.

Then the fiery monkey took advantage of the situation and launched the pangolin rat.

Go out.

As Xiaofeng watched with surprise, the mountain rat whizzed past his ears.

With a strong hurricane, Xiaofeng rolled forward without any hesitation.

After getting off the position , he hurriedly looked for cover and then slowly looked at the true form of the creature behind him.


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded.

Xiaofeng was immediately dumbfounded.

This was a giant needle bee with a height of two meters.

Its appearance was more terrifying than the ordinary giant needle bee.

The patterns on its body were different. Instead of straight lines, they were outlined with lightning-like wrinkles. At the same time , the spikes on both hands were covered with spikes, and the two spears seemed to be nearly one meter in length.


The vermilion eyes reveal unparalleled murderous intent.

At the same time

, it can be clearly seen that there is a blood-red energy under its body that is always emitting to the surroundings. Aura.

This is a mark unique to Overlord Pokémon.

This level of suppression makes many ordinary Pokémon feel a suffocating pressure.

He can easily command his kind.

He is the undoubted overlord of a single race.

This is why Xiaofeng's Pokémon felt uncomfortable as soon as he walked in.

PS: Sure enough, this kind of slow update is not suitable.

The author, my update volume will change starting from today.

In order to strive for faster release, the update volume will increase.

It may be that the update rules set by me are relatively strict.

Anyway, this data can only be described as extremely bleak.

The author of this book strives to update it until the end of the Quartz Conference.

If the results are not good, it will have to be cut.

I hope you can understand the author more.

Thank you again to the readers who like this book.

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