Eternal Existence

Chapter 1423 Shock

"Okay!" Chen Feng finally spoke, and the Queen Mother stepped forward and quickly sealed the dying Lord in a small barrier.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this is a Lord with the Golden Immortal Law and immortal power in his body, so he can't just waste it.

Then the matter calmed down, but the scene was a little restless. The cultivators present talked a lot, some communicated secretly, and some wanted to leave.

"Master Daomo, does this kind of thing often happen here?" Chen Feng asked lightly, and at this time the Queen Mother and the battle puppet returned to Chen Feng's back.

"Hehe, it happens occasionally. After all, some people rely on some cultivation to be unruly." Master Daomo said a little embarrassedly.

"So that's the case." Chen Feng nodded.

"Haha, don't let what happened just now disturb our interest. We can continue. I think this magic weapon is good. I wonder what this Taoist needs to exchange it." Fenghuo Taoist said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded, stretched out his hand, and the scripture in his hand turned into a stream of light and drilled into the forehead of the god who exchanged with him.

After an incense stick of time, the god woke up, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Haha, thank you, fellow Taoist." The god waved his hand, and two star cores, two medium-grade artifacts and withered grass appeared in front of Chen Feng.

In the eyes of the god, this exchange was too worthwhile, and it didn't matter to Chen Feng, because the cultivation perception of Taiyi Jinxian just taken out was only a small part of the whole article, and it was copied. For Chen Feng, what he got was the most important.

"This, fellow Taoist!" Seeing Chen Feng exchange the scripture, Di Mingzi regretted it a little. If he had known earlier, he would have added something to exchange it.

In addition to Di Mingzi, there were some people who regretted it. Afterwards, the more they thought about it, the more they felt the importance of this scripture. You must know that the cultivation perception of some cultivators is different from the secret technique of cultivation. Once they comprehend it by themselves or get the inheritance, then this perception will disappear.

"Hahaha, everyone, let's go first." The god who exchanged the scripture with Chen Feng laughed, stood up, waved his hand, and a space crack appeared in front of him. Then he took a step forward, and the crack disappeared, and even the space power did not radiate.

"This guy's strength seems to have improved."

"So fast! It must be because of the scripture just now."

"The cultivation perception of Taiyi Jinxian, regret it, any price is worth it."

It is obvious that the god just now had some understanding after getting the scripture, and left first to practice in seclusion. For the god, every step forward requires great perseverance and opportunity.

So, all the gods present set their sights on Chen Feng, but because of the existence of the battle puppet behind Chen Feng, these people all hid the restless factors in their bodies.

"I don't know if this Taoist friend still has the cultivation perception of Senior Taiyi. I can pay a greater price than before." A god thought for a while and said.

"Haha, yes, of course!" Chen Feng waved his hand and another scripture appeared in front of him, and a trace of power fluctuations emanated, and the eyes of the cultivators present lit up again.

"The power of Taiyi!"


Several gods stood up immediately, their eyes showing excitement.


"Little friend!"

"This friend!"

"I changed."

Several gods quickly stepped forward, but they were stopped by the battle puppets before they approached Chen Feng.

"Do you want to rob it?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hehe, of course not, I'm just a little excited." These gods immediately retreated a little embarrassed.

"Before exchanging this scripture, I need to exchange the other scriptures." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay! I want this Black and White Infinite True Method, and I can offer a mid-grade artifact."

"This Giant Spirit Divine Gang Book is not bad."

Sure enough, some gods had to buy the other scriptures in Chen Feng's hands in order to get the cultivation insights of Taiyi Jinxian.

Of course, in this process, some other cultivators also made some transactions with each other. Two of them left, and a few stayed to watch the fun.

This time, Chen Feng took the initiative in the gathering, because what Chen Feng brought out was something that those gods could not refuse.

Soon, this book of Taiyi Jinxian's cultivation insights was bought by a god at a high price. Two pieces of medium-grade artifacts, a fragment of a high-grade artifact, and two cores of gods, this is what Chen Feng got.

"Daoyou, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to do this? The fairy world is the enemy of your Changsheng Heaven." Emperor Mingzi secretly transmitted the voice.

"Hehe, it's just some cultivation insights. It's not that easy for these people to advance to Taiyi Jinxian. Besides, what's the big deal about becoming a Taiyi Jinxian? Do I care?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"But!" Emperor Mingzi wanted to speak.

"I know what you think. I still have Taiyi Jinxian's cultivation insights. I can exchange with you. Star cores, soul stones, and world seeds, what do you think?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"No problem." This time Emperor Mingzi agreed immediately.

All the scriptures that came out were exchanged. Chen Feng got enough things, so he got up and left.

After Chen Feng left, Taoist Mo Zhenren and others started discussing again, speculating on Chen Feng's identity, and of course some people had some ideas in mind.

"Don't blame me for not warning you. Everyone has seen the opponent's strength. If the gods go, they will die." Dao Mo Zhenren said.

"Humph, you still want to do it yourself. I think the cultivation experience of Taiyi Jinxian is enough to attract some gods." A god said and left this space.

Soon, everyone had almost left, leaving only Dao Mo Zhenren and Fenghuo Daojun.

"Old friend, what do you think?" Dao Mo Zhenren asked with a smile.

"Two Taiyi Jinxian-level combat puppets protect me, and I am a half-step Jinxian. Haha, I think of one person." Fenghuo Daojun thought for a while and said.

"You are talking about Changtian." Dao Mo Zhenren asked.

"Then what do you think?" Fenghuo Daojun asked.

"I think it is Changtian, so in addition to the combat puppet, the other god is the transformation of the Zerg Queen. I am just curious about who that Di Mingzi is. He doesn't look like someone from our fairy world?" Dao Mo Zhenren said.

"He should be from somewhere else, but what are your plans now?" This is what Fenghuo Daojun wanted to ask.

"I don't have any plans. Knowing that the other party is Changtian, what can we do? This is not something we can deal with. But you are a member of the Immortal Court. Don't you plan to take action when you see the opponent?" Taoist Mo asked back.

"You also said that the other party is not something we can deal with. Wouldn't it be suicide if we go there?"

"Haha, I think someone will definitely go there to die."

Chen Feng and Di Mingzi each gained something, especially that although Chen Feng took out some things, what he got was what he needed.

The core of the star core and the core of the god can be directly refined and absorbed by himself, and the middle-grade artifact can also be used by himself to refine into the longevity weapon, and Chen Feng can also give it to his subordinates.

As for the fragment of the top-grade artifact, Chen Feng will find time to study it carefully.

This time Chen Feng left Tianshang City directly, and Di Mingzi followed him. After leaving Tianshang City, Chen Feng waved his hand and took out another scripture from Nanhu and threw it to Di Mingzi.

"Another one!" Di Mingzi's eyes flashed with sparks.

"This one is more comprehensive than the previous ones I took out. You made a profit." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist." Emperor Mingzi said hurriedly, and took out the star core, world seed and soul stone at the same time.

Needless to say, Chen Feng can directly swallow and absorb the star core, and the other two things are more interesting. Speaking of which, Chen Feng was also a little surprised that Emperor Mingzi was willing to take out these three things in exchange.

From another perspective, if Chen Feng was asked to exchange these three things for the cultivation insights of Taiyi Jinxian, I am afraid Chen Feng would not agree.

The function of the soul stone is to open up a second sea of ​​consciousness under the existing situation, which is somewhat different from the opening up of the sea of ​​consciousness in the secret realm period. It can be said that if Chen Feng can use this soul stone perfectly, then the soul power will be greatly improved, whether it is attack or defense, there will be abnormal changes, and theoretically, the soul power can be doubled.

Moreover, if the cultivator places his soul on the soul stone, he can have a second life. After falling, he can be resurrected with the soul stone, and at the same time he can quickly restore his original realm.

However, there are very few soul stones, and even fewer with good quality. Even Chen Feng has never encountered a soul stone after plundering so many resources. This is the first one he got.

And the world seed is more valuable than the soul stone. Putting this seed in the body to cultivate can open up a new inner world, either independent or integrated into other worlds. With this seed, more than half of the time and energy can be saved in the process of opening up the inner world.

Chen Feng was also surprised that Emperor Mingzi had so many good things, and even more surprised that the other party was willing to take them out.

"You are willing to give it up." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are willing to give it up too. This is the cultivation perception of Taiyi Jinxian, a priceless treasure, not something that can be exchanged for some external things." Emperor Mingzi also said.

"Haha, anyway, I have a lot of it in the mountains, so I don't mind taking some out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What, you have a lot on you." Emperor Mingzi was shocked.

"Yes, if you want to exchange, I have no problem at all, but the premise is that you still have good things of this level." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his finger, and the world seed actually drilled into his finger, and then in a mysterious place in his body, a seed slowly circled, but a space began to be born inside the seed, and the speed was very fast, and it soon reached the scale of a small secret realm.

Then rolling energy emanated from all parts of Chen Feng's body and melted into the seed, so the space inside expanded faster.

A stream of life energy was poured into it, and life began to be born in this space. Chen Feng's mind moved, and some spiritual herbs and trees were transplanted into it, making this space expand and full of vitality.

However, in just a few breaths, the prototype of the world inside the body has been formed, which is comparable to Chen Feng's years of hard work.

"Haha, I need to exchange, but I don't have so many good things on me." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile. In fact, what Emperor Mingzi said was the truth. The cultivation insights of Taiyi Jinxian are something that can be obtained or not. If you encounter it, you have to find a way to get it. It's not like other divine objects. Although they are rare, you can get them with your status.

Hearing that Chen Feng still has the cultivation insights of Taiyi Jinxian, Emperor Mingzi's first thought was to exchange, but after some thought, he found that he couldn't take out something that would make Chen Feng excited.

"By the way, fellow Taoist, according to my guess, your previous actions may cause some trouble." Emperor Mingzi suddenly said.

"Since you know all this, why don't you leave?" Chen Feng asked back.

"Are we friends? If we leave because of a small matter, wouldn't it be ridiculed if it gets out? Don't you think so, little beauty?" Emperor Mingzi said as he hugged the colorful fairy and kissed her.

At this time, the colorful fairy had not yet recovered from her previous experience. What she had experienced before was simply something she had never thought of or encountered in her life. So many divine objects and artifacts were legendary things. They could be exchanged if they were said to be exchanged, and the gods could be killed if they were said to be killed.

I am only a half-step golden fairy, and there are immortal golden immortals, god kings, and god monarchs above me, and the young man in front of me even took out several books of Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation insights.

What is the existence of Taiyi Jinxian? Caiyi Fairy is still a little vague. It can be said that although Caiyi Fairy also lives in the fairy world, it is the first time she has heard of the title of Taiyi Jinxian. Even the level of God King was only known by chance some time ago.

In Caiyi Fairy's view, the most important thing for her is to advance to Jinxian. Only when she reaches the immortal realm can she understand the world behind.

The realm of God King and God King is too far away, let alone the Taiyi Jinxian that she has never heard of.

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