Eternal Existence

Chapter 1424: Being Calculated

At this time, Fairy Caiyi became more afraid of Emperor Mingzi and Chen Feng, and some of her little thoughts in her heart disappeared completely.

"Young Master is right!" The smile on Fairy Caiyi's face changed from the previous flattery to a sincere and true one.

Emperor Mingzi smiled, then pointed his finger at Fairy Caiyi's forehead, and Fairy Caiyi closed her eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

Chen Feng looked at it, waved his hand, and the surrounding space fluctuated. A small barrier wrapped Fairy Caiyi up, and the space where Fairy Caiyi was located was completely separated from the surrounding world, and time began to accelerate.

Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi talked outside, and it took an incense stick of time for Fairy Caiyi to wake up. Fairy Caiyi had just practiced for ten years.

"Thank you, gentlemen." Fairy Caiyi bowed down quickly. Emperor Mingzi's power transmission and Chen Feng's time interference raised Fairy Caiyi's realm by several levels. Ten years is equivalent to ten thousand years of hard practice. Moreover, because of Emperor Mingzi, Fairy Caiyi also vaguely touched the threshold of Immortal Golden Immortal. As long as she spends some time to accumulate slowly, she will be able to advance to Immortal Golden Immortal one day.

It can be said that Emperor Mingzi's actions changed Fairy Caiyi's fate.

"Yes, if you don't have the potential to be promoted to Golden Immortal, I won't spend time on you." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded secretly. This Emperor Mingzi was very generous to the people below. Chen Feng didn't believe that Emperor Mingzi simply fell in love with Fairy Caiyi. You know, there are too many female cultivators like Fairy Caiyi who have both appearance and cultivation. When they reach the status of Emperor Mingzi and Chen Feng, grabbing a lot of them is modesty.

"Emperor Mingzi, you still have time to leave now, because trouble has come." Chen Feng waved his hand and the Queen Mother disappeared silently in the space. The two combat puppets took out their spears and prepared for battle. At the same time, Chen Feng's crystal skull clone lurking in Tianshang City also took action and quickly left Tianshang City.

"Changtian, you don't have to say more. If I leave, you can't stop me. If I don't want to leave, can you drive me away?" Emperor Mingzi laughed.

"Okay, I'll make you my friend." Chen Feng nodded.

"Aren't we friends?" Emperor Mingzi asked back.

"It's not that easy to be my friend." Chen Feng said.

"It's also difficult to be my friend."



Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi laughed at the same time.

"You are Changtian, Changtian of the Changsheng Alliance." At this time, the colorful fairy suddenly exclaimed.

"Why, are you surprised?" Chen Feng said, his face was full of light, and he restored his original appearance. His eyes were like stars. Fairy Caiyi almost sucked her soul in with just one look.

When she retracted her gaze, Fairy Caiyi still felt light and her soul was a little scattered.

Emperor Mingzi frowned and sent out an immortal force. Fairy Caiyi recovered and was horrified. She dared not look at Chen Feng again.

"I heard that Master Changtian is a half-step golden immortal, but this." Fairy Caiyi still asked with courage.

"You know the news well. Changtian is indeed a half-step golden immortal, and because of the injury before, I am afraid that he is not even half of his peak period now." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"Your mind skills are well cultivated. I am a little surprised." Chen Feng said with a smile, but he was still a little surprised. Even the gods could not easily see through his cultivation, and this Emperor Mingzi was just an immortal golden immortal.

"Don't dare, I'm nothing in front of Brother Chen." Emperor Mingzi said hurriedly.

And Caiyi Fairy was almost numb with shock. They were all half-step golden immortals, but the gap between the two sides was simply a world of difference. Caiyi Fairy felt that Chen Feng was like an endless sea. The other party could kill her with just a thought or a glance. She had also seen the God King, and it seemed that she didn't have as much pressure as Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled faintly and stopped talking. Instead, he took out the Longevity Bow, slowly pulled it open, and shot an arrow into the void.

Where the long arrow passed, a small hole was pierced through the space, and then the small hole disappeared without a sound.


A cultivator was pierced through the body by the long arrow, and was thrown up and nailed to the ground.

"Interesting!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Phantom Demon Daojun, the other party is an immortal golden immortal!" Caiyi Fairy exclaimed.

"Immortal golden immortal, it's really interesting, brother Chen, why did you show mercy." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"The opponent's body movement is good, and someone secretly weakened the power of my attack." Chen Feng said, pulling the longevity bow again, and performing the pupil technique at the same time.

Soon Chen Feng locked another person.


The long arrow flew out again, and then was knocked away halfway. A God King strode towards Chen Feng with a spear in his hand.

Chen Feng and Di Mingzi looked at each other, and the mockery on their faces disappeared, revealing a thoughtful look.


A knife aura flashed, and the God King was killed on the spot.

But soon, some cultivators appeared in Chen Feng's sight. The number was not too large, all of them were immortal golden immortals and God Kings.

"The other party is not a fool. They have seen our strength before and still did this, using these cultivators as cannon fodder. These old guys are cruel enough." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's cruel enough." Emperor Mingzi waved his hand, and the group of Golden Immortals behind him also set up their formations, and several of them also merged into the space.

"Call these Golden Immortals cannon fodder!" Caiyi Fairy didn't know what to say, but at this time Caiyi Fairy could only stay quietly. She couldn't intervene in this kind of scene, but being able to witness the confrontation between Golden Immortals would also be of great benefit to her own practice.

From time to time, there were flashes of swords in the space. The Immortal Golden Immortals and the God King were simply killed in front of this kind of swords. Soon, Emperor Mingzi's men also took action. In just a few breaths, more than a dozen Golden Immortals fell.

Chen Feng had already put away the Longevity Bow. In this situation, he had no chance to take action at all.

All the Golden Immortals were slaughtered, and the scene suddenly became quiet. The Queen Mother returned directly to Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng's mind moved and he also put away the battle puppet.

Emperor Mingzi's reaction speed was also fast enough. Seeing Chen Feng's action, his face changed. Then a piece of rune flew out of his body, and then it turned into a sky of runes that kept flying around and melting. Some of them drilled into the bodies of his subordinates, and some disappeared directly.

"What's going on?"

Fairy Caiyi was a little puzzled, but with her own cultivation, she couldn't tell what happened.

The subordinates sent by Emperor Mingzi began to return, but the last four waited for a long time and didn't come back, so the two knew something was wrong.

"I was careless." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the other party to have good means and it's quite insidious." Emperor Mingzi also nodded.

"How much force do you think the other party will send this time?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"At least ten gods." Emperor Mingzi thought for a while and said.

"Do you think ten gods can pose a threat to us? Only two combat puppets under my command can deal with the other party." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Could it be that the other party sent out Taiyi Jinxian?" Emperor Mingzi opened his eyes wide.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I feel that things are not that simple. The other party must have some confidence to dare to attack." Chen Feng waved his hand and a combat puppet appeared in front of him. Flames jumped in Chen Feng's eyes, and then flames jumped in the eyes of the combat puppet, and the purple flames emitted circles of light waves.

Emperor Mingzi's face changed, and he pulled the colorful fairy back quickly, but the purple light wave was very fast and soon swept over the two of them. Emperor Mingzi was about to use some means, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with his body. Then he realized that he was overthinking, and he breathed a sigh of relief and stopped.

"These purple lights?" asked the colorful fairy.

"This is the power of Taiyi Jinxian. This guy used the Taiyi law to activate his pupil technique." Emperor Mingzi said.

Although the colorful fairy still didn't understand, she knew better and didn't ask any more questions.

The purple light circle swept around in waves, and soon the surrounding environment changed. Emperor Mingzi and the colorful fairy floated hand in hand in the deep starry sky, and there was no one else around.

Fairy Caiyi was a little panicked, but she calmed down again after feeling the power coming from her palm.

"Only the weak will use conspiracy and trickery!" Emperor Mingzi said as he used the mind-breaking technique. Everything in front of him became a little different. Emperor Mingzi pulled Fairy Caiyi to walk step by step. On the surface, it seemed that the two were walking in the starry sky, but Fairy Caiyi felt that she was stepping on the ground.


Waves of energy swept around, and two runes appeared on Fairy Caiyi's body. They were the runes that Emperor Mingzi had sent out before.

Soon Emperor Mingzi established contact with some of his subordinates. Although it was very weak, it gradually calmed his uneasy heart.

"If it is just this method, the other party is doomed to fail." Emperor Mingzi said lightly.

Chen Feng still stood with the battle puppet, constantly sending out the mind-breaking technique, and the mother queen did not show up, but quickly analyzed the situation outside in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, some sub-worms were created and entered the surroundings to search for intelligence.

"Sir, this should be a special place where someone has used supreme magical powers to create space, illusions, and pure energy. The space is not space, and the barrier is not a barrier. The word illusion is more appropriate." The Queen Mother said.

"I also realized it. I also felt the fluctuation of Taiyi power. It may be created by Taiyi Jinxian. What I am worried about now is whether the other party will directly attack." Chen Feng said.

"Taiyi Jinxian, it's a bit difficult to deal with." The Queen Mother said and finally walked out of the sea of ​​consciousness. The surrounding area had been swept by the art of breaking delusion. With the Queen Mother's spiritual power, there should be no problem.

Finally, the flames in Chen Feng's eyes stopped beating, and the combat puppet returned to a quiet state. Chen Feng was a little weak, but this state only lasted for half a breath before he recovered.

"Interesting, my strength has recovered to 50%." Chen Feng laughed, and his beating heart also sent out five pure chaotic forces in a row, which quickly flowed and merged into all parts of his body. Chen Feng felt that his strength began to rise steadily.

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